Ombudscycles and tribunals Rutte, and many more cases, all people have many cases because of him.
So, every person has been through so much because of his faults, we do not have one tribunal, nor just one ombudscycle about him. So, to start the ombudscycles on him, particularly, we need to study deeply on his life, his DSM, his crimes, and how he became the person he is, also what he says with all his behavior. He does so much, so so much is about him in science, so much is fitting the entire situation, especially because he stubbornly stayed in “position” and revealed only more crimes and damages he does to people, which all come from his true DSM. Because he as VVD ended up in Covid19war, 1000+ planned deaths (Centeno, N.D.), thus the entire party is a criminal party and not allowed, nor with sovereignty, because of loss of sovereignty right away when one violates human rights (Suny Levin Institute, 2016).
Rutte is doing wrong and all wrong and that's the tactic, he has no respect for people nor the real laws, he only respects a fake powerful position.
He has DSM and crimes and is against every Dutch, he spread Covid19, with fake news, twists, lies, and exploits everyone. His actions led to also the damage everyone lost their freedom, while it is a duty all are free, right now and at all times. He caused no one is free, as there is now Covid19, because of him.
The more he does wrong, and the more he has planned wrong, he thinks the harder it is to climb back to normal for us, he has plans behind his actions. A normal person would simply follow the SARS protocol right away, he chose to spread Covid19 as if it's the flu. He also, refuses to leave the government, after his planned “mistakes”, so we need to get deep into psychology, also, forensic psychology as we have the biggest criminal of all times in our country in him.
It remains levels of crime, and DSM in the crime spectrum, with many complexes, thus it remains what we solve, this is the job, as this is what it is…
Real workers, real people solve things. Real workers, real people study the things they need to solve. He thinks not of solving as criminals don't want that.
Also, he cannot. He is not someone with knowledge, doing things A-Z correct, being on the right track in life, creating everywhere the correct ways.
All must be first, human rights, which is not his idea, not his idea of control, on himself, businesses, and others, while it is a duty, and comes first before anything. He wants his opinion of what is normal in his belief to him, thus a belief, no truth, no scientific law, nor anything near that. He wants it his way, and make that our way, and put that onto us. But, no, the real way we all must be, doing human rights, which is a duty to all, also a duty to him and to anyone, also as a president or any person in any job. He refuses that.
So, you can read in his behavior he cannot understand human rights as a duty, he feels he is bigger than that, but at all times is smaller than that, and is at all times illegal, thus loses sovereignty at all times and is not allowed to work, as he violates, and must be caught. Also, all allowing him to be this way.
Normal people study at first, what we must do first.
- he comes with an ego.
- he comes with a bad past, without the human rights norm, although in his life the human rights were signed, even the kid's rights were signed, these aren't the norm to him. He didn't study them, nor understand them, nor uses these at first, while it is a duty. He never understands them as a priority, before doing anything, and to have to address everything to human rights. As the only lead in any job is human rights. He didn't see he had to do that job from human rights, first. And so all get their human rights, which would lead to diversity, freedom, no interference, forces, influences, obsessions, nor twists, abuses, slaves, exploitations, human trafficking, crimes, etc a long list of what would never happen when you do the human rights. Again, but these are duty, human rights are duties. Thus he comes with a bad norm, from a bad past, and is now projecting and active as the Dutch biggest criminal we ever had. So, did he have the worst childhood of them all? Why did he end up worst of all people?
- he comes with a bad network, lacking knowledge, lacking correct motives, lacking human rights, ethics, and the right norm. They never address him, especially never before he works and can cause damages, so he clearly needs us, everyone else, but we are new to him. Doesn't he know people truly? How bad are the people around him? Is he detached? And since when?
- he comes with no idea of what normal truly is, he has his opinion but did not study it, he assumes things, but doesn't know the science, he doesn't understand the duties in ethics, sciences, human rights, thus why he cannot guess about that he must know for sure what he does. No one addresses him to have to be correct, all times. He must learn why we don’t let a ruler decide, and why we have the human rights deciding, and for every human, also children, including that all human also children are competent. If he read the norm, he would know we would come and create tribunals to jail him, he would have learned in science how at all times we will win. He takes that as an assumption, did not understand it as a science, so he had bad schooling, lacked information, lacked good examples, lacked honor, lacked higher literacy. He cannot come up with the best thinking on this, he does not lead that best thinking, too.
That he came that way to us, the people means he has a lot of crimes inside of him planned and does crimes, a lot, and on an extreme level. Also, people let him this way and did not lock him up yet, like all other criminals. It also means he does criminal things to people to still stand there, he let the crime scene “win”, he made that bigger and used crimes to “lead”.
Schulz von Thun:
- What does he appeal to us?
- What does he express?
- What does he do in business?
- What does he feel he has with us, what is his relationship with us? (Schulz von Thun, N.D.)
- Thus also, what is his duty in that? In that relationship with us, the people in this country.
- What is he allowed to do, really?
We need to know and what he does, and what he should be doing.
See the adult personality test from the following source (APA, N.D.):
- The negative affect he might hides, or never got to, but has. As a dark triad can be very scared and feeling anxious, etc.
- He is detached. Detached not only from us, the people, he would be doing the human rights leadership for, so this country would have access to all services, so this can be a country that is open for people, as this must be closed when it does not do the human rights. He has fake relationships, he does not seek his true love, his one, or he tries that after his career when he fell hard and learned that's what others expect, or else he dies. Which is not what others want at all, nor expect, it says he thinks that, and his world is like that to his eyes.
- Antagonism very high, he doesn't care, he fakely cares, and his way, to keep some people as slaves, he has no real bond with the people, and he doesn't care they die, he plays with the people, as a morbid, in war, and killed massively many people, and planned. He is the worst dark triad psychopath we ever knew. He might only know this type of being or is created to become such type after extreme abuse in early childhood. He is detached, the way dark triads are, too, and he is not married to God or so, like a nun. It is not a good person. It is a killer, that would lie he is Maria, although he is a man, to get attention and to get his way done, which includes killing massively a lot of people.
- Disinhibition very high, but he does not see it, it seems his blind spot, that blind he is, and goes after his goals. He is a risk-taker, a dark triad, a predator. He cannot understand we all see him, as he gives in to his criminal thoughts and behavior. He cannot see we can compare him with a TV thief, doing all to hide his will and we still see it. The drool on the ground for TV’s while criminals at the same time look so in a way to distract us, they think, a fake face so we won’t notice it, but next moment they forget their look, they are giving in and stealing, we see them in the houses, catch them on cameras, etc. But then with human trafficking, exploitations, creating illegal systems, and wanting them to look legal through criminals judges that laundry, also played and not smart judges, not stopping him as he fools them, also because he plays the abused and with DSM, those fall harder for him. But he is aware he cannot sound like this, so he hides, and thinks we do not see the making while making. But he is also not doing good normal things, so we cannot let him. He also kills thus we have the duty to stop him now. Lives depend on how we can stay healthy and strong mentally and see through him and his actions and wishes, and stop him, correctly, so he can never work, nor ever harm again. So, he is aware he cannot be him, but at the same time is delusional about how we all know what he does. He is thus also detached from us, and himself.
- In this last part of the DSM test, psychoticism, we wonder what he has. He is not per se openly talking to a made-up figure, but is inside of him, he has this picture of how he should lead, it is not the real way one should be. He does do things no one ever should, it is unethical, it is a delusion what he does, and he tries to create an illusion, so he feels to be sort of a magician, but he isn't one, he is a criminal, but this bad behavior can feel magical to him. I wonder if we would push him what he falls into. As none would push, as it is unethical to create DSM in someone, the way he does to others, we do not know what he actually is, inside. We do know enough, he is dangerous and not normal thinking, but also not a genius, not smart, not the best thinker, not good, not ok, also, not the best we had, as if the rest was worse, he is one of the worst, and thus we see his power abuse and unreal ideas of who should lead.
Also, we must be good at this and be precise, the way it is demanded through our ethics codes, we cannot just make it prettier than it seems, we need to be very critical, especially, because he is a big danger to all people, and caused mass killings, and planned it. We cannot be “fair”, to help him to a better DSM, that sounds better. We have to get to the real. We can also, not be in his style of working and fraud, and be criminal with it. We need the absolute truth, and the true DSM so we can solve this. Thus, also, not to pretend he is a criminal when he is not, but to truly see him, and he is a criminal, as he killed, and openly planned the mass killings, even as a leader, not just a mass killer coming from a no job, he abused us all, and abused our trust in the Dutch system.
So, we could still create this imaginary Rutte, as if he is so sweet, as he smiles fakely, and as if he is so good with people, while he is distorted and creating chaos to kill people, and already has done that, with many twists, and even with the fake smile, which makes healthy people sick in the stomach, that dark triad a killer he is, with a smile even. You know the imaginary Rutte isn't real. We do need to know why he can't be perfect, though, and always tries to look good, but doesn't and tries so hard to make us believe things that are not real. We need to learn how he developed in all his days in his life, how he created such a killer inside himself.
So, we could also create an even worse Rutte, war with nuclear, etc, instead of Covid19, but we also cannot pretend he does not have those connections. We do not know the worst. That is reality. He does show to use what comes around, and Covid19 came around and he showed he does the worst we ever saw.
So, again to the DSM… the list of questions and interpretation, where we need to be aware true killers fool even psychologists and psychiatrists.
- Negative affect, he is not just depressed, if he is, which he could, as he fake smiles, even without knowing he could be that, he could also be schizophrenic hearing voices, and he could be a lot of DSM types.
He is at least not just doing his art to survive life, he chose to work with people and to be against the people, by killing them.
- Detachment, he is not just hurt and then lives alone. Nor, he is just living with the Gods and his belief, no he bothers everyone with his criminal behavior and obsessive attention-seeking, not his heroic saving people, etc. He is not a hero type. Nor just attention- seeking for work as an artist or so. Lucky a talent all want to see, he is not. There is no natural bond with him, where he will do the best things, thoughtfully, wisely, as a bigger mind, with talent in solving the worst cases, before we notice them. Homo Sapiens are attracted to such wise men, and he is not. He asks for attention, with crimes.
- Antagonism, he is not just keeping this in his own world, all alone, detached, he truly kills, and most we ever saw someone do.
- Disinhibition, he is reckless, and not just killing himself, he wants to live, and kills others, recklessly.
- Psychoticism, this part we do not know for sure. But he is not just a fool thinking he can save the people, while he can’t. He is killing the people.
Also, psychology is a theory,
with many people like a type. Where he has complexes. But we mean with these theories to find the true damages. There are psychiatrists using scans to see and show the true damage, they also solve DSM. We do need to solve it. Thus we need that more than theories, in the end. He might come back a totally different person, still, he cannot work in his position from the first moment he violated human rights, that is the true law.
Pretending to isolate us, is a delusion as human rights always count, he has no right to isolate each person from human rights, especially by causing the virus outside, so we all are deprived of freedom, now, and only because of him.
No matter where one lives, human rights is a duty to all humans, where humans have tribunals without judges, so we continue our lives with human rights. So, we also see he believed in the system, the way criminals do, not the way human rights demand him, nor how other people thus see things. Criminals always make systems, but he still has the true world at all times that does not allow him to work with us in this way, nor in any way, since his violations.
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