Study to know how to stop wars, terrorism, extremism, fascism, crimes at work, DSM, and low literacy?
Does studying work, to solve problems? We depend on how well we study, so, study matters. It makes the difference in the outcomes of our thought processes.
Study each level of crime to stop the crimes, to know how to stop them. When they are still active as criminals, we have not studied enough yet. We also, have not yet, processed all studied around the world on the topic enough. We need to know how far we are on the topic, need to collect all information, and implement the best methods, to solve. Use all studies that can tell anything on solving crime.
Environmental science also studies study environments and how to study best. Environmental science is coming from a lot of study fields and is designing the best environments using those sciences (e.g., Tenzin, 2017; Ackerman, 2020; Stone, 2002; Moses, 2012).
Educational psychology studies education, and how people process information (APA, 2014). Learning is everywhere, everyone studies, also, naturally. We develop and learn during life.
Developmental psychology studies on data, facts, observation, and experimentation, and is based on verifiable observation and experience, in their studies on human development (Berger, N.D.). So, they use the scientific method as the basic method, to know how humans develop.
Studies on war (Centeno, N.D.), well being (Santos, N.D.), leading people (DeRue, et al, N.D.), ethics (Валерия Николаевна Петрова, N.D.), human rights (Rugierro, et al, N.D.), SEL (Liston, et al, N.D.), academic skills (Pepe, 2012), and all sciences (Nelson, 2016), and some non-academic skills (Palardy, 2019), which will affect our academic performance, we can use to answer any questions on crime.
Answer questions on crime.
Studies on war, “Are we in war?” 1000+ planned deads is planning a war. 1000+ killed, is a war (Centeno, N.D.).
Well being, “What is well-being? “ Being authentic and autonomous is having well-being (Santos, N.D.), when one violates our human rights and does crimes like influencing us, interfering, neglecting, abusing, human trafficking, exploiting us, they are not letting us have well-being (Stickely, et al, 2015). They might pretend what they want is better for us, but that is a criminal talking, not truly scientifically true. When you understand well-being, you understand when one is not getting true well-being. You can see who does that. And you can see what level of crime people experience and thus what level of well-being is taken from them.
Leading People, “How to drop the crime rate at work?” Knowing how to lead people, gives you a lot of insight into what people motivates, and when they are having problems at work, and might use the workplace for their crimes. You also know how to drop the crime rate, with, for example, higher literacy (DeRue, et al, N.D.).
Ethics, understanding ethics, helps you see what is violated at work. Everyone has ethics codes, and ethics is always about the same things, knowing right from wrong. This is not a brainwash, an opinion, it is a basic truth in science when one does ethics (Валерия Николаевна Петрова, N.D.),.
Human rights, when criminals do crimes, these rights are violated. One even loses right away sovereignty by violating human rights (The Levin Institute, N.D., p56). So, a violation leads to action and changing situations, too. Every case has an ombudscycle, everyone can work on the cycle, and the cycle is continuous, it never ends, this is meant to catch criminals, and to stop violations of the human rights, forever (Rugierro, et al, N.D.).
SEL means Social-Emotional Learning. People in their jobs, need to do SEL first themselves, then with the people they teach, then programs they want to teach have better results. It is not meant to have a way to brainwash people, to now have a tool to use people, as it makes it easier to let people do their programs when one did SEL. It is meant for when one works with other people, they can not be selfish, without empathy, emotion management, conflict resolution, responsibility, and perseverance (Extension Center for Youth Development Training and Events, 2016). It is a basic one must understand first before one works with people (Liston, et al, N.D.). When one does not, one can be very criminal, for example, one with a dark triad behavior, neglects emotions, and abuses people mentally, physically, and emotionally. So, you can see on the level of SEL, a lot, also SEL solves a lot of faults and crimes at work. The personal problems are solved, the tasks can be done better.
Sciences, (Nelson, 2016) the scientific method helps us have a professional system, to track down all the things one thought, in the thinking process at work. So, when one studies life sciences, social sciences, any science, one can express by following the scientific method, and others can understand the thinking process, and place all the information easily. The sciences are meant to continue studies, to find the truth, to find absolutes, and we can find where the thought process in the field, or in a person is on a topic. We know what next to study with science and the scientific method. This also, tells us where the criminals are at, in their thinking. Criminals have typical behavior and we can measure their behavior. Any science can contribute, to learning about criminals. Each science will study their own topics. All sciences together we know the most about a situation.
Academic skills, (Pepe, 2012) math, language art, critical thinking, writing and other expressing skills, data analyzing, and other academic skills mean skills that help us perform better academically, help us get higher GPA, better study skills, better thinking skills, and better expressing skills. As all sciences have the share the results duty, these skills are needed. At the same time, they explain where the criminals went wrong, not only plagiarism and not citing correctly is a crime. But we can analyze criminals better too with academic skills, we can be critical and think about their behavior. There are many aspects of the academic skills we use when studying criminals.
Non-academic skills, (Palardy, 2019) these help us to do academically better, but they are not academic skills. There are a lot of skills we can learn that will help us study better. We need more insight on what those skills are, precisely.
We need the sciences, and the skills to communicate the outcomes in the best ways, like SEL and academic skills. We always have to do the human rights and ethics first, before we do anything, this is a duty, and the core of understanding when one is a criminal, and what the freedom of the people should be, at all times. So, we know right away what is wrong and what is right, and solve the wrong, and create the right things to do.
Studying criminals is simply wondering, having questions, and finding the fitting science, and skills to study that particular question. This can come from many sciences and many studies. We search for the strongest evidence, that wins from the weaker evidence. So, in the end, it is about truth-finding, although we mean to continue studies as well. We do not always know the truth, yet. All knowledge happened over-time. Humans are in the middle of a growth process, over time we know more. We do share all we know with each other.
Homo Sapiens have a collective knowledge, which makes them survive. They made the collective knowledge with art, speech, and being able to handle more of the same kind, thus more of their own species (Christian, and Baker, N.D.)
Tenzin, W. (September, 2017) Curriculum Framework of Environmental Science From Class Pre Primary to XII 2013 Researchgate. Retrieved from
Ackerman, C. (1st of September, 2020) What is positive psychology? Postive Psychology. Retrieved from
Stone, N. (25th of May, 2002) Designing effective study environments. Science direct. Retrieved from!
Moses, N. (14th of December, 2012) Environmental psychology: Building with feelingAIA. Retrieved from,%2C%20branding%2C%20and%20interior%20design.&text=Sustainable%20design%20is%20largely%20evidence,are%20based%20on%20scientific%20research.
Hachmer, J. (26th of June, 2020) Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed deciscions. Medium.Retrieved from
APA(2014)Understanding educational psychology. APA. Retrieved from,educational%20success%20for%20all%20students.
Berger, C. (N.D.) Introduction. Worth publishers. Retrieved from
Santos, L. (N.D.) The Science of Well-being. Yale through Coursera. Retrieved from
Ruggiero, R., et al. (N.D.) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. The University of Geneva through Coursera. Retrieved from
Centeno, M. (N.D.) Paradoxes of war. Princeton University through Coursera. Retrieved from
Валерия Николаевна Петрова (N.D.) Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment. Tomsk State University through Coursera. Retrieved from
Liston, D. et al. (N.D.) The Teacher and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Specialization. University of Colorado Boulder through Coursera. Retrieved from
DeRue, S., et al, (N.D.) Leading people and teams specialization. University of Michigan through Coursera. Retrieved from
Palardy, G. (14th of June, 2019) School Peer Non-academic Skills and Academic Performance in High School. Frontiers. Retrieved from
Pepe, K. (2012)A Research ofthe Relationship Between Study Skills of Students and their GPA. Science direct, Volume 47, 2012, Pages 1048–1057. Retrieved from
Nelson, R. (2016) The sciences are different and the differences matter. Science direct, Volume 45, Issue 9, November 2016, Pages 1692–1701. Retrieved from
Stickely, A., et al (3rd of October, 2015) Crime and subjective well-being in the countries of the former Soviet Union. bmc public health Retrieved from
The Levin Institute. (N.D.) Human Rights. The Levin Institute. Retrieved from
Extension Center for Youth Development Training and Events (16th of November, 2016) Social and emotional learning in practice | Social emotional learning toolkit. Youtube. Retrieved from
Christian, D., and Baker, D. (N.D.) Big History: Connecting Knowledge. Macquirie University through Coursera. Retrieved from
Humans develop, so we need to know the truth about how we can know things, but we start life unknowing, we are born totally depending.
We depend on how well the environment understood how we can know the truth. So, humans need to come onto this idea of the scientific method, to find out what is the best method, when that is the best method. The scientific method was made to show the steps one does when they find the truth. It is about the same idea as problem-solving, it only adds the cited sources, and will do a hypothesis when the research thesis will be tested on if the findings are true. So, it is a bit more professional then problem-solving.
Hachmer, J. (26th of June, 2020) Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions. Medium.Retrieved from
΅Scientific method, simply a professional system so anyone can work with the thoughts of others. “ — Jiska Hachmer
The spectrum of problem-solving
Nature, problem-solving, and the scientific method are a spectrum of problem-solving, and thinking.
- Natural wisdom and being the smartest, or smart enough to survive on one side, with the most natural talent and luck, without a professional system.
- Problem-solving in the middle of natural surviving best, and the scientific method.
- The scientific method on the other side, with the professional system to find the truth, which means to find the nature in things, but is citing all sources and has this system with steps, so anyone can reproduce the work and anyone can process the work, in their own thinking. Simply to have it professionally in a system, so anyone can work with the thoughts of others.
“Large fraction of our environmental future depends on our ability to understand and evaluate evidence-based arguments about the environmental consequences of human actions and technologies, and to make informed decisions based on those arguments.” (Doršner, 2020, p.5)
Doršner, K. (2020). Essentials of environmental science (2nd edition). Download the pdf. Available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. (CC BY-NC 3.0).
Hachmer, J. (30th of March, 2020) Basic child development into three stages. Made simple — Even your kids can do it! Medium. Retrieved from,It%20%7C%20by%20Jiska%20Hachmer%20%7C%20Medium
Science method, problem-solving, humans surviving in nature all come down to wonder and questioning what the problem is? What are we experiencing? Is there a problem? What is the problem?
- Then, first, define the problem. You can make this a scientific method, question, that you will research. You can also, without system, logically seek for answers and solutions, as humans, homo sapiens, are wise humans, and share results with each other, have a collective knowledge and learn together, with research, naturally, to solve problems. Homo Sapiens features are art, speech, and handling more of the same kind, thus more from our own species, than animals, and other human types. We teach and learn from, each other. We share our experiences, feelings, ideas, research, stories, answers with everyone, and with art and speech. Homo Sapiens have the human rights, ethics, sciences, and do that with SEL and academic skills, but this means a few things, and knowing right from wrong is a duty, interpreting others correctly is a duty, also never force others, but we have the right to join and share everything. We do that self-aware, with empathy, conflict resolution, emotion management, responsibility, and perseverance. Homo Sapiens studied a lot and can share their findings, and learn from each other, but does also know a lot because of this sharing, with the collective knowledge.
- Secondly, research the solutions, the answers to the questions. And specify the possible solutions. This is being eclectic, finding the best answers to the questions, and the problems. Your research on this, and will discover over time better answers. You will grow into this, getting better in science, researching, learning, and deciding what is best. You will also naturally mature, and have more skills, and more capacity in the brain. You will train your brain more over time. Your IQ, study levels, and types of studies matter. You will process input, in an environment, and with certain processing types, and this will create an output. Your output will be someone else's input. So, you need the best input, you need to be good at choosing the best input, and process this the best, in the best ways, and with the best environment, to have the best outcome you can get. You are authentic, the environment is unique too, to you, you have your personal experience with everyone, and you will meet everything and everyone on a unique moment, so your processing is unique too. You need the best environment to process the best. You also, have your personal maxes, preferences and will, and personal knowledge, you built up personally. So, this is a very personal process even with standard things. You then built up knowledge with standard development, cumulative, and to a bigger complex. A growth mindset will help you the best, instead of a fixed mindset. Also, authoritative raised have no DSM from raising, all other raising styles do cause DSM. So, there is a lot in the environment that causes certain outcomes, and you need the best of that. This will benefit everyone, as the best output, will be someone else's best input. Studying scientifically will create a system in finding the best. Studying naturally like a human, comes down to, how well you can study, naturally, and thus survive. The best survival.
- Thirdly, evaluate, and select solutions. In nature it comes down too, did you find the truth already? In science, you can continue studies, but over time a field can find absolutes, scientific laws, and those are absolutely true. The rest of the findings are theories and not yet the truth, they might be true, but we need more study to know the math formula, to know how the findings are true for everybody, at all times. Human rights demand freedom of any choice, and ethics to know right from wrong. Who is more studied, thinking on higher levels, can decide better, so everyone needs their own choices and academic skills. Your personal development matters in the outcome. Honor code, good examples that never go into crime, higher literacy make the crime rate drop, so input matters, in output.
- Lastly, implement and follow up with a solution. You now do the actual work, after researching. Your personal development will make you smarter, also how well developed your environment is, so over time this will be a better idea of what to implement. Wrong ideas can cause damages, so you will need to know the truth about what you want to implement, and need to know how near you are to absolute truth, the scientific laws. Also, how ethical the idea is, and if it's allowed according to human rights. You implement with SEL and academic skills. No matter studied with the scientific method, the problem-solving steps, or the natural surviving need of humans it matters how well you developed and found the truth, that you will implement and be doing in life. You keep following up with new solutions over time. Life is a process.
You will need to think, you will need to study, you will need to research to know what to do. You can do that with problem-solving techniques, with the scientific method, with your natural method, surviving on earth as a human, but it all comes down to, how smart are you? How much did you learn, well? Did you know right from wrong? Do you know truths? Do you know what is absolutely true? How much of your ideas in your mind are absolutely true? Or how far from the truth is everything in your thoughts? This will affect the outcome, you will live or die.
You will constantly process input and will share the results of that. Scientifically you constantly write out theses, putting all the sources you processed, into the work, this is the most professional way of processing input, the rest is about the same process, but science is professionally, and in the best ways, professionally and naturally to collect all knowledge and to be absolutely sure about the thought process, and thus the outcomes, so you can place all the information best, comparing it to each other, creating hypotheses and testing all information found out, if its absolutely true, or how much it is true, or not.
You can continue studies better with the scientific method as you collect the sources, can go back to the studies, anyone can help in science, science is for everyone, anyone can redo the work done, so we all keep track of the information, you can build onto someones work, and they can build onto your work.
You can study anything, you just need to learn what has priority in life, and to you. Where you can find the will to study. What you personally find important to study. Who is smartest in wondering what to study, finding the best questions to research will know better to solve.
Purpose helps to survive. Also just having a plan can lead to success (DeRue, et al, N.D.)
ASQ (2020) What is problem-solving? ASQ. Retrieved from,solution%3B%20and%20implementing%20a%20solution.
Hachmer, J. (10 of October, 2020) Who pushes into crimes? Medium Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (15th of June, 2020) The secret of surviving: purpose. Why do people have a purpose? Medium. Retrieved from
McCombes, S. (18th of April, 2018) Research questions examples. Scribbr. Retrieved from
Gray, D. (26th of July, 2013) What makes for a good research question? Why do students and novice researchers find it so hard to write them? What are their most common mistakes? Researchgate. Retrieved from
Crime spectrum, how to stop each criminal?
What is the crime spectrum? What does researching the word, and looking up research on the crime spectrum show you?
Write that out, in analyses, summaries, and research theses.
For example, ADHD is not a criminal, it is a naive, and dark triad is in that spectrum of crime most criminal. ODD is in the middle, and will leave around the of 45 years, psychopathy not, that will get worse from 45 years and up, that age is even the moment we finally know one is a dark triad, but at 15 and 18 they were criminal too, only it could have seemed an ADHD, in trouble because of the lack of concentration, and used in crimes by big criminals, or ODD, being against everything. Around 45 years old, you see the criminal getting worse and worse, as the only DSM type (Rostain, N.D.).
Rostain, A. (N.D. “Pay Attention!!” ADHD Through the Lifespan. University of Pennsylvania via Coursera. Classcentral.
Have a study and thinking structure, every time you think.
What should the structure be? How do you know in every sensation that comes through your senses, what you want to keep from that sensation? How do you know what is important for you? How do you know your preferences? How do you know what are the important facts to keep? How do you remember more?
A study on this topic will bring you your personal structure and understanding of how to control input. You can learn how much you control input, already, how much you can control input, now, and overtime as you get older, and more grown, thus more trained on controlling input. You will be more conscious of what you can do, and what you can work on.
You can write your theses, your ideas, your opinions, your experiences. You can also, study on the topic, research and find proof from experiments done, on how much of what you say could be true. You can also, make from all your research theses hypotheses and a fitting experiment, to test this out.
You can think about this and create a different idea on the topic, it simply has to be true, and in the end, the absolute truth. So, what is the math formula you found? How is it true for everyone? How far from the absolute are you already in your thinking on this topic?
How can you find better questions and a better, thinking process?
How can you wonder more, and know more about the topic? How much do you want to know? At what pace do you want to learn? What is your preference? Your own consciousness, and your own work. When you do not want to know, what will this mean for your life? When you can not know all yet, as you are a growing person, what do you want to know first? What do you want to work on, first? Or what do you want to work on now?
What is in the field common? What is in the field new? Or different? What is the history of the field?
Study on your questions and find your conclusion, and work with that. This is your work, what you can think of, and what you will develop. Just find the best questions, that interest you, and you want to work with.
How to continue your study? Think of, what is an absolute you found? What is the math formula? In the end, the strongest evidence, is the winner, of all studies. Not illegal experimentations, crimes, or being mad at work, but true science, going through all steps and finding the truth, an absolute will always win of all, as that is the absolute truth. Everyone experiences the absolute truth, for example, gravity.
Puzzle out, who is where, and what do they do? How did they climb?
Where are the criminals? What jobs do they use? Work on getting to know every detail. You just wonder, question, and research, and share results. This is working on your topic, this is exactly what having a job is. Use, human rights, ethics, sciences, scientific method, higher literacy, honor codes, good examples never going down, with SEL, and academic skills. Finding the core we all need.
Also, when you study the work floor, think of this: There are, only two problems at work, always.
Every problem can be put in one of these categories, always:
- Personal-oriented problems
- Task-oriented problems
So, what is the problem you met? Is the criminal doing task-oriented faults, and find out what crimes they do. Is it DSM, a personal problem, hunger crimes? So, perhaps and task-oriented fault, and personal problems, why they do the crimes (DeRue, et al, N.D.).
DeRue, S., et al, (N.D.) Leading people and teams specialization. The University of Michigan through Coursera. Retrieved from
More references.
Lenkov, S. (November, 2018) The Dark Triad Of Personality In Kindergarten, School And University Teachers. Researchgate. Retrieved from
Jonason, P., et al (February, 2012)The Dark Triad at work: How toxic employees get their way. Researchgate. Retrieved from
Wissing, B, and Reinhard, M. (13th of August, 2019) The Dark Triad and Deception Perceptions. Frontiers. Retrieved from
Baloch, M., et al. (8th of November, 2017) Dark Triad, Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Moderating Effect of Political Skills. Frontiers. Retrieved from v