Variables: Object of study
“In statistical research, a variable is defined as an attribute of an object of study. Choosing which variables to measure is central to good experimental design.”(Bevans, 2019, p.1).
You need to understand the situation well to find the variables to test out.
Also the hidden variables, and then, when you know the variables, you know what tests to do.
The priority could be finding all variables, so one can puzzle out/ test out, and know for example, how to get faster to a goal, and in better ways.
Also, we can use other variables, tested out, knowing their function, that proven help to make the situation better and add them to the situation, so one solves faster and better, so one keeps solving, and will not give up.
When you know the variables, and know other variables, you can add them together, and test this new situation out, and find out if this will help you even better.
Note. Especially criminals have thought of how you should give up, and how you do not function, and how they can use you, or anything in your life, you will need powerful things to solve and improve constantly.
You can also add things that work against the criminals, so you have a bigger effect, of making you strong and work against criminals. You can also work on staying away from criminals.
You will need to puzzle, to find your personal solutions, and the person's best situation.
- Find variables
- Find relationships between variables
- Find hidden variables
- Test out hypotheses, to see what the variables truly mean
- Puzzle out all scientific laws together, to understand more of our world, and find more ideas to study on, to find out even more
So, find the variables. Find the bigger picture they function in.
Also, the hidden variables affecting other variables, the situation, and the total situation, and processes.
Also, what influences us badly, what influences us in better ways, and naturally. What is not influenced?
What is making us more strong? What would be the best way to do things?
How can we make each variable at it’s best, and how can we make the total situation best?
What does nature do over time with, for example, evolution, that will make the situation better or worse?
Then, in your own life: Find the processes you are in.
How to be stronger during those processes? How to be better?
How to be in balance? Without getting “ small-minded”, or too exhausted, as it is a lot to process life, one can get exhausted by simply thinking it all out.
So, also when one finds the balance in their own life and finds the priorities, without losing the best functioning, which can be simply exhausting to keep up with, without becoming worse than we could be.
Add all variables found to your life story, in your way, the way you want.
Big Humanity
Big history, is about all history from the Big Bang, until human life and modern times. About the universe, the evolution of life, and the development of human life. In this last, I add Big Humanity, to find all scientific laws, and translate them into daily life. How we use them in daily life, and how to make life better by finding them, and using them.
The goal is to find all scientific laws, and puzzle out what life than truly is.
Humans are just humans, not God, so God might want us to do other things, but it is an attempt to find the absolute truth, humans can find, and to create the best life for humans, so we can survive best, and in the best ways.
Variables are very important in all studies.
Read more about Big Humanity:
Bevans, R. (21st of November, 2019) Understanding types of variables. Scribbr. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (9th of January, 2020) Big Humanity, in steps. — All studies have the same core, essentially. 4 steps in the study process: The start, essentials, absolute truth, and the outcome of a puzzle. Medium. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (19th of October, 2020) My academic field Big Humanity: Dividing the curriculum into three parts. Medium. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (26th of September, 2020)Big Humanity- Human development, your own development, and finding your most natural true self and most natural true questions to research, by also researching yourself, besides the scientific laws. Medium. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (23rd of February, 2020) Lesson: What is Science? Medium. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (26th of June, 2020) Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions. Medium. Retrieved from