Ultrasounds can help us find Covid19 easily, also it is cheap, and safe to use.

It is even better to use than X-rays. There are typical things we can find within patients with Covid19.

Jiska Hachmer
Covid-19 collection


Since the beginning of Covid19, we knew it is SARS, we knew we needed a lot of ICU equipment, and protection, like facemasks.

We also found ultrasounds can be very useful to find Covid19. Also, AI can guide the ultrasound and help professionals (Medgadget, 2020).

I think we should have more equipment at home, for ICU and ultrasounds. Online you can find a lot of stores selling ICU at home in India. We might learn from them, how to use ICU at home. Professionals only have to tell the patient on what level the oxygen machine has to be put on, and for how long. In some cases, nurses or doctors, could drive around to all homes and set the machines.

Ultrasounds are also for sale. Ultrasound can also be used by professionals and teleservices. The ultrasound can be attached to the internet and the professional can watch when the patient does the ultrasound, or someone does the ultrasound to them.

We could arrange more care at home, to save hospital beds. We can also teach people to use the ultrasound themselves.

Organoids show that Covid19 damages organs, like the lungs, liver, kidney, and gut. These organoids are also used to test medicine when organs are damaged because of Covid19 (Mallapaty, 2020).

Blood clots are common with Covid19, the heart can stop, and the heart muscles can get damaged (Pezenik, and Dastmalchi, 2020).

Multimodality imaging is needed with Covid19, diagnosis, risk stratification, management, and in different clinical settings. A lot of Covid19 patients will have cardiac problems, this would happen in the second and third stage of Covid19, these are the pulmonary stage and the systemic inflammatory stage (Agricola, 2020).

Important biological markers of Covid19 can be found with ultrasound (TU/E Press team, 2020), this is cheap, found in a few minutes, and is safe to use, also to use it a lot.

Ultrasound is even better to use than X-rays to find Covid19 (Hein, 2020).


  • 3 or more b- lines, per lung zone, would be a positive zone

B-lines are not only common for Covid19, they are also common for example, in viral pneumonia, pulmonary edema, ARDS, Pulmonary contusion, pulmonary fibrosis, post-radiation changes.

  • Subpleural consolidation, the pleural line has a “bite” out of the pleural line.
  • Within the consolidation, in the lungs, for example, above the liver, white bright lines can be visualized, these are air bronchograms.

These symptoms might be related to Covid19, finding these symptoms is part of the “puzzle”.

(Brigham And Women’s Hospital, 2020)

In the references, you see in the articles, the pictures, and movies of what the damages look like.


Mallapaty, S. (22nd of June, 2020) Mini organs reveal how the coronavirus ravages the body. Nature. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01864-x

Pezenik, S., and Dastmalchi, N. (20th of April, 2020) ABCnews. Retrieved from https://abcnews.go.com/Health/covid-19-patients-blood-clots/story?id=70131612

Clevert, D. (2020) White Paper: Lung Ultrasound in Patients with Coronavirus COVID-19 Disease. Siemens Healthineers. Retrieved from https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/ar/ultrasound/lung-ultrasound-covid-19

Agricola, E., et al. (August, 2020) Heart and Lung Multimodality Imaging in COVID-19. Elsevier. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2020.05.017

TU/E Press team (13th of May, 2020) Lung ultrasound provides crucial support for COVID-19 testing within minutes. Cursor. Retrieved from https://www.cursor.tue.nl/en/news/2020/mei/week-2/lung-ultrasound-provides-crucial-support-for-covid-19-testing-within-minutes/

Hein, I. (6th of November, 2020) Lung Ultrasound Beats Chest X-Ray for COVID-19 Diagnosis. Medscape. Retrieved from https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/940563

Brigham And Women’s Hospital (26th of March, 2020) Lung Ultrasound for Pulmonary COVID-19. Youtube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQtzCVMC_Dk

Hachmer, J. (12th of March, 2020) Solve the no beds. Covid19. Sars. Coronavirus. Hospital is too busy, how to treat patients? Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/solve-the-no-beds-covid19-sars-coronavirus-hospitol-is-to-busy-how-to-treat-patients-d6363a97f45c

Medgadgets editors. (12th of February, 2020) First AI-Guided Ultrasound Gets Green Light from FDA. Medgadget. Retrieved from https://www.medgadget.com/2020/02/first-ai-guided-ultrasound-gets-green-light-from-fda.html

