Ombudscyclus: The Dutch anti-gay declaration demanded in a type of Christian schools, the “Anti homo verklaring”…
They must solve this, but is this priority? Why this now, and only? Why not all the issues? These inspections hardly solved anything and are a cause of the crimes in education, as they did not solve pedophiles, sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, forcing to schools, the human trafficking teachers caused the exploitations in and around the schools, kids, and families. People work here that are not well studied on the kid's rights, nor ethics, sciences, academic skills, nor SEL. They seem to have personal preferences for forced schooling, which is child labor. Then, this one situation despite all the bigger problems, especially forced schooling, the criminal ots uhp jeugdwet system hijacking the kids and human trafficking them, plus the Covid19 war, which also came from a history of bad teaching in the Netherlands, as all lack education, and lacks the correct routes in education, freedom. Also, because this is a job to help kids to get their rights, the human rights must be done at first, and all times, including solving it, in each case, also with ombudscycles and tribunals, but also, at first working on all kids are competent, education must be in the extension of their own home, arranged with their parents and by their parents, with no right to take kids away from their homes, as human rights demands, also with the duty to help kids get their rights, and also to help kids to get their own will done, it has to be what the child wants. No forcing, influencing, nor interfering allowed. Thus we have to see the outcome, free kids, no exploiters, no human trafficking, all freely choosing their own ways of learning and at their own pace, with their own preferences, etc. The way human rights truly demand. Including solving with the ombudscycles what went wrong, and with tribunals. And so much more around this job, that truly must be done, at all times, and for every child and family. That is not done, thus there is so much to do at first. Also, when you do that first, there is no such declaration. Thus, ombudscycle on this case.
The issues, of their parties.
Slob works for CU and Engelshoven for D66. CU is a Christian party, with schools fitting their pillarization. D66 thinks freedom starts from education, but in human rights, which is a duty, freedom starts by being equal, competent, and own education preferences, and arrangements. So, their ideas are not allowed, to create forced schooling and to pretend with a myth, and bias that's freedom, that is not freedom, but a brainwash and usage of people, denying true routes and true science on the topic, like human rights, but also science says something else. They are not schooled enough, as we can see their lower level of ideas on how to solve this “problem” they think there is. They show they want to exploit schooling, it is one of their main campaigns, they drive and force in the wrong direction, and are at fault.
Note. they seem dark triads, as education is their goal to exploit people, and with pretending this is freedom, this is how it absolutely starts. It is their belief, a religious type of idea. But, dark triads are already an issue in education, also in power jobs, like gov jobs. So, we must expect them here.
note. So, we need to also, study their behavior and solve these types of usage in governments and schooling, and help kids and families, to get their true correct route and their true human rights, and first as the duty is the first. Solving these myths, biases, and crimes are important too, as the right and best input is very important for the outcome, but this is not allowed to be forced, nor interfered with, nor influenced, the way human rights demands the correct ways we must handle everyone and everything.
Wanting schools to have new people with their religion, it is a personal preference, they use everyone for, to get new followers, as all do not have all options for schooling, they are demanded to go to school. Same as my kids, especially particular regions force kids to Christian schools while that is against their own believes, and not the school law, nor allowed in human rights. The school law had to be addressed already since human rights doesn't allow child labor, and forced schooling is officially forced child labor (Ruggiero, et al., N.D.).
Their personal believes.
We need to study this, as they seem to only target his own preference, the schools he has been to, or he works for, as it is from the same religion as he has. Or works for. It seems a personal benefit.
The usage of the people for that, violating human rights in many ways, and then this “correcting their own group”.
Why put this as number one and the only thing to solve? Why is this more important than all other situations? Why would these things be more important than solving the entire system to get to know the truth? To get to the priorities, thus the system to hear all problems, and the system to solve all problems, is that functioning already? Is all solved?
Is already the schooling system changed, from forced to no force? From using children and child labor to no child labor? Also, to kids competent choosing themselves what they want, including their education, which has to be in the extension of the home, with their parents, also not with peers, but in an adult world, parents engaged with their kids?
Are human rights truly understood and done? Them all?
Then how does this one thing stand in between the rest? Why did this stand out as the most important, but also only important situation?
This needs an ombudscycle, to find all the other problems and fix everything in education, not only this.
We all called them, all of the companies the dutch government has for each issue. No one seemed to know the law, they all end with, we give advice, the way the law is, that is a duty to be done, so you must do that.
When courts interfere the outcome is different, and thus their fault as they let it all go that far, they had to step in, before any court, also they had to tell the courts how the law's function, as they advise us to do this, but it is also the duty to follow their advice, they are the authority.
There can be no other person deciding. So, now all abuse kids and exploit, and people come from all ways, with different advise, also not truly studied it correctly, thus also with opinions, and ideas, of their own.
Criminals created the “ots” “uhp” “jeugdwet” system and hijack the situation and further exploit it. They refuse the advice and true routes and thus also the true laws, and pretend we all must go to their system, which is family court, and human traffics kids, when we do not do what these people want, all based on opinions either. Thus, it is a hijack, as all people were already on the actual route, and these force you to theirs, and steal your kids, along the way, or right away, plus they use the cops and justice, and intimidate with that. Also, the local gov gets involved and many workers, also school workers. It is a war, around kids, and full human trafficking.
In the first place, no kids should be in school buildings, it's proven the least good way to study. Whoever still goes, should be absolutely free. As it is also freedom of right to join, but no force allowed to join. We have no right to force anyone, neither to force kids to go. So, whoever is there in those buildings, but only in free will, thus decided by the kids, and in the way kids want, we still should see lots of variety in any way too. As kids will decide many different things and must get all those things, for themselves, in the way they want.
Second, kids are not allowed to be exposed to these criminals, nor the threat of being taken away from home is allowed.
Third, we must get the only correct route, the faults, the stealing of the kids is the fault from also the education inspections, not handling correctly on time, not stepping in, while that is needed. People followed their advice, should get only their true route and human rights, and end up stolen, and it is kids being stolen. In a laundry, of criminals in their jobs, with a system, to make it sound “sound”, but it is illegal adoption alike, creating fake files, lose real files that actually also count, rewrite files with false ideas, deciding on what to do, while the kids must decide. It is interfering, forcing, influencing, and to use the local care, thus care fraud, and it is in reality not needed care, plus based on opinions.
The homes and Dutch passport is exploited. It created an unstable country, with many criminals getting funds and a system that makes all illegal things legal and with opinions, gossip, nothing truly correct.
Also, they created a secondary world, slaves, human trafficked.
So, when do they finally solve all of it? Human trafficking must be solved first!
If you can solve this, you must solve human trafficking first. Also, the covid19 war and the lies and fake news, that kids would need school buildings, etc. Same as the entire system must be correct at all times, this is not fixed too, yet. They live in an extreme situation, with many human rights violations.
As criminals use them, and this system and they let it out of hand, they are responsible. We need tribunals to free kids from them and their ideas.
The moment that is done, we also hardly have kids living in such a school with such demand.
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