You can decide your own advice on Covid19 in my office when I am a doctor.
I will create a research study on when do people change their minds? And specifically when do doctors change their advice? We all have advice on our mind when we are ill and doctors will have a point they created advice, or because they now studied it, or already knew all about it, and kept that same advice. You would only change your mind when you can, and that is when you get new information. That is my hypothesis. True or not? That will be answered with this research.
My goal is that every patient gets the truth, their rights, and own advice as far as they can. Well-being is autonomous and authentic living (Santos, N.D.), with your own unique being deciding for you.
Human rights give you all that right. Ethics too. The scientific method too proves what you can or can not decide. A doctor is only advising in their field of study, and what they thought of, else you still die. You only will be helped with what they know. To create bigger chance of survival, the doctor adds in the lives, not controls the entire person. They only add what they know. And only when they know. All the rest of others, and when they know it and have the job to be able to tell you, or you decide. So there is this big space for you, and you better fill it in, with the best knowledge. Knowing where this space is and how big this is, we better study what the gaps are, and what doctors actually know and don't know, and where the patient should or could decide, and add more knowledge themselves.
People must have empathy, dark triads have a lack of empathy, good doctors not.
Would I change advice over the years?
- Adding better knowledge in my studies. Only if I add it. Getting the knowledge it is not a good idea.
All people can take advice, and all they will do over time is be more precise. Changing with better, and if they remember better.
Wrong doctors were wrong all their years? I did not learn better along the way.
Long term study, my own advice.
I add on this, my own advice on COVID19 now, as a BSc health science student now, and already a psychologist to end up after this study, then an MD study, to become an MD/psychologist. And will check over the years, when I added ideas, and if I ever added ideas. Also, I will see how I got this advice now, and how all changed over time.
All patients should think of their own advice too, and try to see if they can address their minds with science and if they one day, study MD studies they should take a look at when they changed their minds. To find out more about the moments we change our mind, and how the studies in MD studies address the mind, and thus where the gaps are for patients to decide. To find the boundaries of who chooses what and when?
And to find a total plan on how we gain knowledge as people, and in their jobs, and at home. So, the next pandemic we have more people working on getting the knowledge in the right place and help people learn about their own decisions, and to get MD better studies during a pandemic when there is a novel virus. And to make a spot for this in lockdown plans, and other plans around viruses that can become a pandemic. So, we can start early on and on time during epidemics, and when new viruses come.
Prevention, more science, and measurement together, and more solving early on.
- Measure all we can. Teach people to read their own pee, poop, body changes, and also redness on the body and possible illness and possible virus, example earache can cause the ear to stand a bit from the head, further than without being ill. Also plaque in mouth and fever. And I also think letting people study early on all body changes, and how to read their bodies, will prevent people with COVID19, or other viruses, especially when asymptotic to walk around without knowing it. And will help stop spreading the diseases.
- Teach all we can. Cleaning the home with disinfection products, and how often. Washing hands 20 seconds, and provide songs to get to that 20-second point. But I would also, teach them how to tell me what they have. All patients I would give the option to study on these preventive ideas. And would teach them to do the scientific method and science at home. And would teach them to bring in all cases their own found science to me and other doctors and how they can talk about that. So, I know what they want, and the other doctors too, and they can prove it. And, I would teach them how to place that information with the scientific method and would teach them all real doctors do the same. They studied sciences, scientific method, and medicine and what is best when. You can study, you are human, like any doctor. So, it has value, but it has a place. So, I would change the doctor's office into a place where they all can add to the database, and can address their minds, and can do together with the latest and best science. The more we know the best answer the patient gets. And it might save someone else's life too. If I could add credits to these studies, I would, so they would gain health and MD degrees. The more people we have the more people can solve. And during pandemics lots of MD die, so there would be more people able to help during a pandemic, and more people would survive, thus there would be more people to keep helping other people, also when lots of MD die. Simply because we then have more MD. Chance someone is leftover with knowledge is bigger, and all are trained to do more themselves, in the best ways. Also, the doctor needs fewer appointments because the patients can think themselves more, it would leave more time for doing serious pandemic work as an MD.
- I would sell O2 machines, and give oxygen early on, from the moment it was clear o2 is needed the most and this is pneumonia that causes exhaustion, and the body needs to stay without stress, calm, resting, and at home, and with oxygen. I would sell drinks with oxygen, and advice on buying plants that create oxygen, add lessons on oxygen. I would do that for all.
- I would create ideas on Co2, sugar use, vinegar, lemon, baking soda use, and all other old and upcoming in news ideas on treatment, and create a scientific-based place, where the patient can decide all we do not know for sure, and let them decide what to do with that knowledge, and create a boundary on those things in the news, and science. Where can I decide? Where they need me? Where do they decide? And find latest studies on breathing process, and would decide here what patient has COPD, and related diseases, or not, and would change for them the Co2 ideas, as only for them it causes death. I would here create early advice on all underlying diseases.
- And would use a database for all patients to add their ideas in, and with found science, and would study can they add their found science to our database, also in this case, on COVID19, and can they share that with others? So others can make up their minds too about their bodies.
- Also, I would teach on children's rights, so they can decide all they can for themselves. And would add science on where the parents decide and where the children decide and what that boundary is with human rights, ethics, sciences. And would teach empathy, so the parents can talk with their kids on wishes. Also, would be realistic some people might die and need to make wishes. That is also a part of the talk with kids.
- I would make sure all have facemasks, o2 machines, blood pressure meters, and spo2 measuring apps, and meters, and as near them as AED machines, and I would have early enough and sell them. I would sell with Medicare, or other health care system and besides that, if allowed, or point out where to buy them if allowed, or would point out they can buy them themselves, and if they can decide themselves. During my studies I will learn about when that moment is and till how far I can sell products and till how far I can tell patients to buy things themselves and advice on that.
- I would have products for all their underlying issues, and products to keep their gut microbiome strong, and products that would give them a strong immune system. And products that help them breathe, and add oxygen, and products that help them be aware of body changes, and possible illness.
- Also, I would prepare all choices. And would be transparent about that. The number of people I can help, and how the patients can still find help in any way when I can not.
I think now early on education, listening with empathy, and let people add their advice, and choose where they can, and preventive medicine, and preventive products I would sell and tell about, and this would save lives. That is my hypothesis on that right now. And wonder when or if that ever would change over time. That depends on what studies I add towards my degrees, and what profession I will get, will I ever decide anything and be working with such pandemic like COVID19 and what would I then decide. I would work with brain scans, and would add my ideas on gut microbiome and viruses, and preventing early on damages, and would study on o2 and the brain, and what the virus damages and if that is the brain and how much. So, I would take a preventive role, and providing help with scans. I would be able to advise on preventive medicine I think, that depends on what that moment the jobs are about. And if I would be allowed to share all lessons, and medicines, and scans, and other products at that time.
Surveys. Asking MD now what they changed in their lifetimes, and careers about all advice they ever gave. And how they gained that advice themselves, was that during studies, or before the studies? Did the study in any way ever make the advice? And did the studies in any way address that advice they once made? Then, and since who, what, where, how, and thus why?
- Did you make your advice before you finished your MD studies?
- In your field did you change an idea, and during what model? What was the moment?
The conclusion will be:
% of changes, what typical changes? And in what field most changes?
The goal of this experiment:
To let everyone be in well-being and find the moments of changing the mind as a doctor. And finding the things all patients can make up themselves.
And understanding doctors only add their knowledge at a point.
Creating plans where the patients decide the most themselves. And can add knowledge to their minds, to decide even more themselves. A doctor is only those moments deciding it knows a better plan, and the patient can not come up with that, and the doctor has to control the medicine given. There are options the patient decides all, also with the medicine, they are allowed to decide, like paracetamol and other save medicine they can decide. Thus to find the boundary of decision making in medicine, and in treatments.
Creating protocols to ask the patient what they want, and to offer what you got. And to show what more to learn there is, and how the patient can study and let you know what they want. And to create in that protocol laws that the doctor must give what the patient wants.
So, at this point all I say in here is not yet such MD advice, see your doctors for your advice. But this is part of the study, and hypothesis, and over time will make clear when people make advices, and how much studies make the advice in the mind of MD, and how patients can help themselves? And how much advice they can make themselves.