Writing out, all into a thesis, and research thesis…
One lesson I learned, is writing out. We never were raised American wealthy ways in schools. If I speak about what I 've been through in my country, and then worse, the abuse my children went through in my country in schools, all are shocked.
More shocking is how dutch skip academic skills, and that creates crime. How they think, is having an opinion is just for and against only. They don’t grow, they give the lowest education, and name it higher than the value, but tell the world they are equal as doctors, it isn’t. And all this is a reason for the crime they do to all kids, also mine.
When I went to school, teachers were better than many parents at things, and it was explained why we were in the schools. There was no fake world, nor lying, to keep kids in the buildings, like now, where homeschool is proven best, and all innovation had to be done for already 20 years, to create homeschools, and online schools. We had schools because no parent, or not many of them, could afford to buy all the books themselves and then teach us ourselves. There was no internet for school, and to put the school on there.
We notice in the country, by the frauds, chaos, abuse by people that work, we are abused the most outdoors, not in the home. And live a strange life, where just a few live in Holland, but feel the need to exploit the entire country, and fraud in schools, in papers, which they hardly know how to make anyways, thus all papers are a kind of plagiarism and fraud, and we are taught to be this way, I learned for the first time in my 37 years the core of schooling, by the great American Schools. Americans have this since first grade, or younger, and I had to learn now, after a lot of American studies, because all expected me to have had this before like they always had before.
Kids should grow up observing, wondering. That we had too, but not in the entire country, and freely. Bu observing today is controlled and taken away from the kids. Today, kids are frauded and must say things, and can not be kids, because of the bad government and their horrific schools, and are failing to do what we all explained them, that had to happen to solve this huge criminal problem, and according to studies. They refuse the real world, the duty to acknowledge the crimes done, and the duty of academic skills and schooling has to be done by parents. We live a cruel world, this cruel our teacher was murdered, her husband as well, and locals just buried her, when her husband was missing, and just assumed he d be the killer, and when he was strangely found 2 weeks later, in the strangest ways, they just closed the book.
Our country is not a normal country anymore, simply full of crimes, and a simple solution skipped, but also our rights are taken, and we all completely abused. Even lots of trafficking, the kids away from all their parents, it is a huge crime. With the constant threat that we aren’t allowed to speak, as if they know they are wrong, and the world knows it, and if we speak a little more, they will be jailed for the rest of their lives, which should. They had duty to solve and skipped it.
From the first days in the force, as it is only a force, not even normal school, people have copyright issues and teach us to just copy and paste. There is no real learning.
While, I studied learning so much, and the rest of the world had studied it already too! But all studies coming from the Netherlands is like discovering a wheel as if it doesn't exist yet, then along the way, you learn all people already use wheels in many ways. Then you feel like you wasted so much thinking and time for something so easy to learn around the world and online. Why the dutch tried extremely hard to tell us all, that we can not be on high levels? It is a huge crime to keep wondering about. And always like the wondering kids in Holland, not allowed to really wonder, so explained with lies and distracted from the truth, or bullied away from it. Did you know many in our government aren’t even parents, and very old? They seem to miss the feeling.
Constantly I discovered things, that were already discovered. Like my step-dad(the journalist, I had a few step-dads)once said, all thoughts are thought before, not a thought is new. Well from our world, it is true, dutch arent developed in thinking, being, and education. They are kept so small, they are neglected, and abused, and end up in a crime scene, and with DSM. Nothing is about the best studies, nor really doing human rights. They are signed, they refer to it, they say they do them, but they don’t, they never even studied what is signed, they don’t do them right, they don’ t use them constantly, else all parents had their kids home, and we were protected and all referred to the articles why.
Holland is more like low grades elementary thoughts, thus low literate, thus linked to the crime. Which America hardly has, or perhaps never has. Then, as if you would take education away in the USA, all would go insane, logically, well, that we live. That chaos, that crime expected, when people pretend to know, but not know any. And dutch abuse us with that, it is very abusive to live this neglected and not getting the signed rights, just their opinions, while they skip the laws, and so their opinions are done, it is only why they do it. Which they never even really studied for, and just want to skip the duties in science. The chaos that comes from that, is an extreme abuse. Perhaps only thing alike, hurricane aftermath, and when a president forgets to arrange help.
I learned life and education is simply the same core: Observing, wondering, questioning, thesis (learn to write an opinion), research thesis, hypothesis, and make and do experiments, and share results, publish…
There is not much more, but then a must be authoritative, where people encourage each other to this… with sophistication, and academic skills, and critical thinking discovering life, and what all around us is…
I noted already, been my whole life to the empty force. An empty school system, I needed, like all kids, way more input, and have been extremely neglected, minus a few good people trying hard, but themselves also not educated this way as it should have.
How could they create bachelor education, if they didn’t hold any degree? They should have been to the USA, or another country where they should have gotten one, first. Then they could have made degrees for us, if with the appropriate level of degrees themselves.
I learn, one course, about thesis writing, and academic skills, and learn to write a research thesis, and I know what I always missed. This fast, deep learning. And learn how easy life is now.
Academic skills and homo sapiens features are the same as the life and education core: Education is academic skills and homo sapiens life we live. So, the course could be named academic skills, or homo sapiens development, life skills, learning to speak and write on higher levels, get sophisticated, or education, and with the meaning academic skills.
Input-processing-output. Input comes in the memory, through the senses and the working memory per sensation, and will be going to the episodic memory, where the mind decides if it needs, likes, prefers this information, and then if it does it will be processed in the factual and procedural memory. (Seamon, N.D.)
The thesis. After wondering what has been observed, you can have an opinion. Actually, the mind had input and is triggered to have output, and thus it speaks, and writes, and expresses, what has been processed inside, after the sensations.
The research thesis. You think of all your observations, and experiences, and opinions made, and add research to it, you learn some more, process some more, and can now write research papers about it. From observations to thesis, to research thesis, to journals, and books. You can grow here, and become very professional at this point.
The hypothesis. Now you have experienced things, have opinions and learned things, and thus set your opinions straight, to more sophisticated ideas, by research, you know the truth about life. And can experiment, with the truth you have found, is it really true? Therefore, you make an experiment with all these findings, and state what will happen, when you do the experiment. You can expect something at this point, and that will be tested.
Then you test. And publish the results.
When you read this, you automatically learn normal life, studied, is like creating opinions, after experiences, and processing with the proof from others, to conclude truth, which you will test out to be true. That is simply, normal life, but then always believing and not ending processing. Just simply, not being stopped by bullies in an empty building, that keeps you trapped.
The study should always be this learning, no matter where you are, we had that. But is best off at home. The results are best there. And that is logical, you live a real-life, and will test out, and testing will safest if you have processed the proof of others.
My kids and all the other kids in this country have been not getting this living, they got abuse. Therefore, will be not as good at academic skills, yet. It is not given yet. And will feel like me, the moment they do receive it. I finally, got them after 37 years. And what then happens is, clear how simple life is…
I lived the same life as I lived, but now I can not just have an opinion. I have not only the experiments, I could do. I have the simplicity of it. Like, harder words, are easy after a while, and after growing up, when they fit life. Like, this level up, if it was there before, I was more grown before. Like, this dimension of grown people. And now I have it, it all is so simple, like a grown child looking back.
What happens is all the past is now smaller. And I can think back with opinions, as in a memory, where I did not yet, added research and citing constantly to the story. And endless talking would never solve the things, it would only abuse the mind because it wasn’t taught thinking. It was kept in a cycle, where people earn on the things said. Nothing solved only more problems, and the new problems, caused by the others not grown, damages, done to me, and my kids, and all the new problems, not solved, because this country doesn’t solve a thing.
Solving is. What you observe you process with research and create the statement for, test and prove you are right, when wrong you research more, and test again and till you are right and true, and totally, you endlessly learn more. That is growing up.
Now my diary is very the same, but short. And my memory bigger with new thoughts and bigger thoughts, of more researched ideas, so filled with truth, and that makes life so easy. Every thought you think, with truth, and the peace knowing it is really true. Not assumed, and stopped too soon in thinking it is true real truth.
Truth is just truth, done. I continue growing, and knowing every child deserves this.
What also happens, is I can now write it all out. What went inside my mind, is now not only the memory trapped that I could explain, also the research, and endless research, till I had the truth, and thus it comes now out as the truth and is done. It is now outside and done. Nothing trapped inside, waiting till it would be grown enough to go out.
I can understand how trapped every child is until the child gets the processing, and ability to speak. Speech is within the working memory, and needs in and output means all that got in as input, is processed and needs to be taken out, as output, to develop speech. A child, learns to speak, by letting sensations go in the mind, and being processed in the mind, and then come out of the mind. It takes as long until the child finds all truth. Thoughts are childish in the beginning, just a child learning about what it has seen and experienced, and it will try all kinds of ideas about that. Then, the child grows, by processing more sophisticated ideas, and can speak better about all it ever lived and thought before.
That process goes faster, if we adjust with a thesis, research thesis, and creating a hypothesis, and in this order, so the child can grow into learning to think, and finding the truth, and will start to express, write, speak, on this grown level, where all past is done. It is all out, and nothing trapped. Then you know it is done. And the child will continue with new things, on higher levels. And will keep growing, till death. And then a child will be. On his day of death, you 'll see the end of that process, there the end level is sure. But it had no use to keep him small. Rather old and grown, than old, and never known, and trapped with all stories inside, as if the child never has lived. Then you can get as old, as the oldest human, but never lived.
I am happy now I can be. Sorry for the years lost, in this country. Sorry for the lives taken, the damage done to my kids.
I hope they are home soon, all is so easy to solve, simply this process.
In honor of every child, and you, please learn this easy thing, experience it, and grow.
Seamon, J. (N.D.) Understanding Memory: Explaining the Psychology of Memory through Movies. Wesleyan University on Coursera Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/learn/memory-and-movies