Why I think I made the right decision to do an undergraduate in BSc Health Science and at the UoPeople, and not right away into medical school, like pre-meds.

Or another study first, as I could have done the Medical Doctor Program as well, or other studies.

Jiska Hachmer
15 min readAug 31, 2020

I love the USA MD school system.

We can do a lot in our undergraduate degree and can make it a lot our own path. My school has a lot of attention to all sciences, and also art. They spend lots of time on our academic skills, and critical skills, also we discuss a lot, we write a lot of theses, and research theses, per course, per term. And I can take these courses along with me while I travel. So, I can do fitting things in more countries, to get more perspective on how things can be done differently.

I will do the basic biology etc, and choose from courses like environmental science, globalization and greek and roman civilizations and more history-related subjects and art-related subjects, as they want us to be developing broadly.

The main themes are health. And every course it goes back to health science. Maybe a few are a bit more about academic skills, like math and English. But also then we learn to write theses and analyze. So, you do use this in health science.

Also, the level is high so the workload should be 17 hours per course, and sometimes it is, but mostly it is and to interesting, so I want to study every letter of the hundreds of pages we must learn by heart, and I want to process everything I study into “work”, like articles and projects to really work on.

As you are there to become someone and to work with the materials. It is meant for a job eventually.

I also, love to understand health from A-Z, so I feel like learning and the typical medical school things, and the broad idea of health.

I do see why people would do only medicine, it is very interesting to me, so I am happy we end up with at least preventive medicine, and some real medical medicine studies, too.

I could have chosen other studies.

I do am handicapped, my pelvic instability makes me limited, but online I feel normal and I can do so much more at home, without getting physically exhausted and still have time for my exercises and not feel the need to compare me with everyone with no disability, which I would be confronted with all day in class, and that would drain me, the sitting lots and moving lots and then study time, I would sleep so much more hours.

Now, I process the information a lot and all the time. Very fit people will do the same, besides their fitness, but I would lose time to learn being in an environment where everyone is “fit”.

I do see possibilities for work in the end and lots more than in many other studies. The field is interesting to me, and I know so much to do with this.

Even if I just end up a smart MD writing I am happy. So, it also has no “limits”, that will make me unhappy, it will be just a place the way I fit in.

See for example an online MD study, especially because my original plan is to write as MD.

I am very happy, UoPeople has our degree online, it fits me best, and is accredited, and I learned I still could go to the real medical schools. I will see how things go. I also learned in my country I could do a “side study” to step into our MD studies. But I want an USA MD degree, actually. But this study I do now has many options.

I want to work with the fMRI, and MRI as a psychologist, so this Bsc Health Science study fits me better, I can do that work right after my Bsc Health Science. I do not need a medical school MD degree for that, and I want to be an MD/psychologist and work with fMRI, and MRI. So, I could end up with just an undergraduate and work already. I do want a master, I do not see myself yet with a Ph.D. in this field, I think still it is perhaps a bit too high for me to reach, as it perhaps involves lots of physical activities. But I am going for the Master MD, that is my idea now, so I am fine, if I am PhD in the end in this field, I will be happy and surprised. I will see how things go.

During my studies now I am keeping my GPA up, so I do not want to close the door to Medical School, as I do want to be an MD, and I want to see how I could do that. I originally wanted to do that online, with just something available.

Now I am keeping my GPA up, so things change a bit because this high GPA means I am a good fit for it. I also learned along the way I love endocrinology, I do love to work with sonography and other types of scans, and in this field as well, so I will see how it will turn out. I will do lots of other courses too on the side to see what I could do, as it surprises me I am a good fit, and thus I start to think of all the options, I will need some time to explore, and an undergraduate is a good time for that.

Our school arranged many courses for us, that we can pick out for our undergraduate, which are also very good extra curriculum to stand out in medical school.

I can also, do other courses with labs outside the university, which they accept the credits for this degree, etc, to get the prerequisites if I want to do medical schools that ask for these. So, I can make this the way I want, a lot. So, I will see over time how I am going to finish.

I never knew I could keep up sich high GPA, and I now have learned how to keep it up, and just recently, the last term, how to study, I was apparently not yet really studying, before I was just reading things, so I might go up a bit too.

In any way, I will find my place, as I can choose from so many courses that I love, and fit this field. It is a very broad study, which fits me as a person and in the field, it can be handy too, I learned.


I saw her video and realized I made the best choice for me, and I agree with her, we should work on curriculums that will give us a more broad study. The school did give her that option, so she could study another master degree in the middle of her studies, but I see her point, as we at UoPeople have people from around the world, and I actually never think of discriminations, etc because of that, but also we learn very broadly, first, and with extra attention to the academic skills, which she missed.

So, we could find ways to make solutions for everyone that feels the way she feels, and for everyone in general so we can globalize studies and find better ways to study, also in Medical School.

Next term, starts this week, I will be studying globalization.

I am surprised at how the field itself also needs some attention and some changes. As they mix schooling types, with government styles and management styles, and could use their own style.

Where human rights actually rule everything, also ethics, sciences, SEL, and academic skills.

UoPeople is made by the best from the best ranking universities of the world, so I feel they did integrate these topics well, already. But we do learn them, we are students learning.

Globalization is: Humans go around the world and are expanding. Also, the trades of humans are expanding.

Humans live the same lives around the world, using the environment they live in. They expand the trade of the things they can make within that environment.

Globalization makes the products people use, the same, and more varied, as more people can buy from more people, so the markets expand and trade to more people.

We share the same world naturally, and by globalization.

We are the same people, but with globalization, we also trade the same products and have the same lifestyle. Products are made within the environment we live in, so it could have caused different products. We also, made products to stay in touch and to be able to trade all our products and to share the same lifestyle, so we are able to trade and share everything.

The complexity in globalization is the possibility to live isolated from the rest of the world, and thus the creation of different products and lifestyles. Globalization can be complex by having to speak more languages, accepting more cultures and products. We need to learn about the people, so we understand the people, while originally we are the same people.

There are 8 theories of Globalization (pooja, 2017)

Liberalism, political realism, Marxism, constructivism, postmodernism, feminism, Trans-formationalism, and eclecticism.

Well, she says so, but I think there are more styles. We have to work in the field of globalization, I think.

As her styles from, political science, are schooling types, philosophies, and government styles, so globalization? Only the part about globalization is globalization. Politics does change globalization, and will not always let us fully do the globalization we should do, for example when they skip ethics and isolate the people from the world, which is a violation of human rights.

Schooling was originally psychological emotions, feelings, and the Gods, how people are influenced by Gods, and how that makes humans feel.

Schooling became Eclecticism and Pythagorean besides this Milesian schooling. Then from these Pluralists and Sophists developed, but these are not originally schooling types, they are the ways to rule and earn, with authority and being paid as teachers.

A type of schooling is mathematical, or the belief in Gods, or choosing between options, the best option. Styles to learn, styles to research, styles to understand life.

Then how we learn with or without a paid teacher or ruled by authoritarians can be shallow without education, just looking at a blank piece of paper, or forced to learn things we do not need to learn, nor want to learn, so in these “types”, we do not learn per se, and do not have schooling per se, but are in school buildings, and using the concept of learning. But if these people do not understand to choose well, and thus are not eclectic, we have bad education, a bad choice. If we have these people not understanding math, physics, and other sciences, we have very bad education and no understanding of absolutes, scientific laws. If we have no belief in Gods and no understanding of the nature of feelings of human beings, we have no understanding of humans, thus a situation not fitting humans. It is as if we would skip biology, and manically think we are trees, instead of people, and we would not feed the children.

Schooling is the nature of things, we learn about, we think about, we research, and find proof on, so we can continue thinking about it and create new questions and new thoughts, also a place to find absolutes, so we absolutely understand who we are. Plus, the understanding of people, as we are part of the environment, the world, human life, it is about us, we need to understand us.

Schooling is

A systematic process of thinking.

With steps, the scientific method is about the same or the same, and the schooling means the same, as the scientific method means to show the steps of natural learning.

  • wondering
  • questions to research
  • researching
  • making experiments so we can prove what we think will be the truth and the math formula
  • sharing results
  • academic skills, so we can research and share the results

This is a natural process in life, which in schools we can learn with a system, a curriculum to create questions, answer our questions with research, and can share results, and where we learn academic skills. We can do this ourselves and at home, but schools are databases, collections, and people before you have already been through the same thought process, so you would most likely be able to get to the same level, or beyond their level, with the use of their research. This is not for everyone, but for people who can find the right data, the right lessons, the right people in the schools, it must be a fit, and you must be the type, it must be “your time” to be there.

Also, school buildings always have the worst outcome, self-studies, and homeschool the best outcome, which needs parents engaged with the kids, and little instruction to have the best results.

The government can be liberal and see globalization as economics, and money, and market-led.

Their ideas about institutions and systems look like the pluralist's ideas but are not allowed and unethical, institutions we are not allowed to create anymore, we must live individually. And according to human rights as well. We are never owned by countries, we all are equal. We can see the unethical side of pluralists and governments and the dark triad professions that come along with this, and the idea of authority, which is also causing DSM, and not the right parenting style.

We need to solve this type, as it is a criminal type.

There is the not understanding of humans, nature, the sciences, the real schooling, and how to do this best. There is a DSM and crime driven idea, not a normal, correct, ethical, human idea. It assumes money is the norm, but they actually show they are a brainwashed type, forgetting, or never known nature and the real world of humans. Coming from this economical idea they live ill and within crime scenes, with gaps with reality and are like a sect, and drag people into these ideas.

They lack the development, understanding, wisdom, knowledge to be totally mature and independent and hang on an old system, others made, wrongly.

Political realism is about the same, where one is more market-driven, the other is more border driven, and they are lots of time in liberal politics.

The borders are not allowed, we are equal human, the reality is far within this idea, not only because human rights demand we are equal, because we are, scientifically proven we are, and no one is owned by others, and no one is allowed to “keep” people, as slaves, or to just keep them. But also, because we are one family, and it is an illness to think we just take some and make that a group against the rest. It is unethical.


We have human rights, that we must follow, not Marxism. Social majors are the lowest majors and related to low IQ and crimes. It is a dull IQ idea, of humans. They expect everyone as an average, this is discriminating, and denying the right to ranking, and own decisions, etc. And is a violation of human rights, also it is not smart, not true about what humans are. Humans are the same family, but all are unique, and there is evolution. So, we also change into a new being, over time. Humans are deeper than Marxism makes it. There is more to a human than a slavery type of all the same products and things, and the factory feel. It is an immature idea and no solution to the other two.

All simply, need to do human rights, the sciences, learn to have their own thesis, and ideas, about what goes through their senses, and find their own maxes and possibilities and help society and themselves with these talents. We get a place. And together we make the world. The way humans are with the maxes the humans have. All together is the world.

Constructivism is also a learning style.

It is what humans do, but if this should be globalization? I do not think so. We can not say biology is globalization itself. We need Globalization, and thus the understanding of how we spread products, ideas, and how people live the same lifestyles. Yes, we construct but also do many more things, so this is a part of globalization.

Postmodernism is a time in history.

To keep people is very not modern. So, modernism is like the golden ages technique growth and more complex factories, but we now do not need factory life, that would not be modern.

This is not globalization, but a part of globalization and a time in the past, when things were postmodern.

We need the basics of globalization and the real history of globalization and need to shape this field, as it seems to use parts of other fields, and does not place the parts together.

Feminism, the same, that's so discriminative to men to pretend this is a globalization type.

This has a part in globalization, there are discriminations in the past and today we change into an equal world. Human rights already have been through all these sciences, and has from that the articles we all must follow so every human has their place in the world and thus also in globalization.

Globalization is not feminism itself, they are a part of globalization.

Also, these “theories are driven by social ideas, while globalization is not social studies alone, it is more within globalization also a part.

You mean the real definition is, thus… and then all the parts of it. The way we do all fields.


Is a management style, not per se globalization. There are so many styles we could use, but many are not ethical. Ethics is the only style that is successful (DeRue, et al, N.D.), thus ethics will be economically the best, and is already the rule. As everyone has to do ethics, so you could choose to transform people but it has to fit. Are the things we want to transform the people into ethical? So, the style is not globalization itself, it is a technique we could use if fitting.


Could be globalization as we have to choose the best. But humans are within themselves guessing, globalization works when they are aware of it, and they must not be forced. It is as if you want other animal types to be more global. Would they?

We need to be ethical, never violate human rights, do science, SEL, and academic skills.

We need to understand people, and need to understand our motives, and need to be self-aware, with empathy to have bonds around the world, and be the best to others. We need to solve conflicts, we need to take responsibility, and need to understand how we must continue good work.

There is so much we must include globalization, so everyone gets the best, and gets their rights, and live within the best environment so we develop the best, without DSM and without crimes, as bad input will cause crimes and DSM. We do not want that to expand. We want a global world, where the human lives their best lives as humans.

Homo Sapien’s features are what will be the outcome of globalization. We have speech, we can share, more than other species, we handle more of the same species. We have art, so we share more than speech together, we express in different ways. We also use this as global knowledge so our species survives. We need speech to survive, it is one of the reasons we still live as the longest living species ever. We need to speak well, correctly, most ethically, and evidence-based, with SEL and academic skills. It is an essence we need to understand in life, so we can do globalization the best.


Kittelstad, K. (N.D.) Examples of Globalization. Examples. your dictionary. Retrieved from https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-globalization.html

You matter. (20th of May, 2020) Globalization: Definition, Benefits, Effects, Examples — What is Globalization? You matter. Retrieved from https://youmatter.world/en/definition/definitions-globalization-definition-benefits-effects-examples/

Pooja. (2017) 8 Theories of Globalization — Explained! Political science notes. Retrieved from https://www.politicalsciencenotes.com/articles/8-theories-of-globalization-explained/642



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