Who should be your diner guest?
A first question in the 36 questions to fall in love.
A diner guest who it has to be?
My one, the people God has meant, the people that sense the same, that is also family and this thing we all instinctively know.
People can know where they are from. I come from the world, but there is something we share. And it came out to be lots of family and DNA which I attract, which is a science. Note. We do all share Homo Sapiens DNA, so many can be my friends. And lots don't know the DNA, or only until 5th cousins. But I sense a lot further than that, and share so much more DNA, from hundreds and thousands of years ago, I now know, is where I do “sense me” and share with.
So, why I attract them? Why I love them? We understand each other, and it is a big family around the world. It is like all homo sapiens love each other somehow, or lots do. And then that, plus is doing the same things and has the same interests, and a same way of being, and are human this way.
I think it is, sharing the same genes, where we all do music, sports, science, write, dance, are sweet, love our homes, and people. And can be in this love at home with our family, our kids, and friends.
We can skip being with people, when around us are criminals, we skip them. We can isolate without a problem, and do not feel isolated. Are always with the world, and people at heart, and are easily online or connected in other ways. We can pray for the world and people and believe we can sense that. And all like that.
Who is my type? What is the group of people I want?
Musicians, scientists, people from the world, family, friendly, meant to be, a feeling we share, DNA share, and anyone in the world not criminal, friendly, and shares something with me.
What are the things to share with me?
Personal things, music, love, a feeling, more than religion, a style, or things we buy, but there is this style to it. Mostly lots of science, art, music, dancing, sharing time, the way our family did, actually. Most are family, and they do things my grandparents would do, and their parents and grandparents. It is a way we are.
The core is homo sapiens features, and things humans do, not alcoholism, drugs, crimes, bad things which are inhuman. No, sophisticated things, personal things, an authentic being, and being authentic, a person is what we all share, we all are someone.
It is like being English, knowing you are, never knew your DNA before and turning out English. And knowing you are European, Asian, African, Oceania, and American. You sense it. It is not the bad things some could do, because they live there and are unhappy or never had a good path. It is Viking, but not the stealer. It is Friesian, but not bad teachers(things that happened there when I lived there with my kids, so not my family way to be bad teachers in schools, and all were my friends, but the bad teachers, as that is not what we were taught in schools, and they abused power and abused kids, it was totally not what I expected, as none would ever do that). It is authentic. In a way family is authentic, and you get your authentic own space. Not the part when one would be criminal, and be family, we would skip those. We would create a world where crime does not develop. There is a style to be good, and we promote that. Work for that. Fight for that.
For me, I want not just families as friends because I have kids, not just school because I am a certain age. And leave them when school ends. No, also not just a job for money. Nothing hollow. I do love families and kids. But just not that only fitting to the stage I am in. It easily happens as we all share moments with the kids, but I always stay a friend, not just a moment.
I want a person, and science showed mainly they are my DNA. Which a human fastly is, especially because we have so much from the world. We all are one kind of humans, and my family is from this world, and I have DNA from anywhere, especially a little more back then 5th cousins.
It is being southern in DNA a bit time ago and knowing all these things. Recognizing people as family, and they all see me like family too. Which makes me warm inside.
I lived with the Friesians and learned the same.
I lived in my birth town, away from the Friesians, but Friesians were always my friends. They were good people though.
(Also, the other typical family thing would happen, rarely, the colder part happened too, the few not really those good family members, with their issues, not so much my friends. It is not about you are my family thus ya good. But mainly they are. )
It is more the cousins and sharing the same love for something are best friends.
And I was finding out when moving there, all are my family, and most are my friends. But I have that with a lot around the world, lots are my family.
It is speaking the language while never lived there.
Like reading Italian on holiday, but never had a lesson. This deep sense. A love for the people. It is praying for India, and all countries around my whole life, and finding out I share genes.
It is a feeling.
We already share.
Those I like as my diner guests. That is indeed a lot of people.