When you deal with Holland, think of this human trafficking they do, daily, in their country. And help them solve. All these judges and people working along must be punished hard. Help your citizens that live in the Netherlands, as Dutch will abuse and fraud them, and will traffick them.

#stopabuse #stopexploitation #stophumantrafficking #stopfraud 18 years in jail, per child they stole, that is what they should get, right now. Including the Dutch judges.

Jiska Hachmer
15 min readNov 24, 2019

Our dutch system is this way…

The system is made to punish them. But they want to use it for people who did nothing wrong. While this system is only made against themselves.

They stole kids so they are trafficking, and exploiting, that is 18 years per child they trafficked. They steal daily, with fraud, and the help of frauding judges.

So you could catch them for fraud, false papers, lies, intimidation, taking the right to freedom, accusing of things that are not punishable, but they even frauded with different judges then were these accusations have to be checked, they also skipped all police, and worked against parents that were reporting abuse of others, and even accused these parents to block them and prevent them from reporting, also they changed the work field, they created an abusive field for kids to live in, and frauded in science, and created an overall false idea to live in.

Plus, pushed many times kids to abusers and exploiters. They work for criminals only. Cops hardly take reports and don’t solve anything anymore, so they created social loafing, task problems, mental problems, personal problems, and total exploitation. For their own benefit, with political ideas and benefit, for money, like kleptomania, but dark triad behavior, and discrimination. Also, because they just don’t want to do the normal routes by the normal laws, the dutch laws, and are in the middle of crime scenes. Where they use one way, abuse one law article, with one type of judge, that is never allowed to any of these cases. But they use a wrong interpretation of that one law as if they found a way, and then put anyone to that one judge with that one law. As if this is then lawful.

They are manic too, so break it down with them, and see them fall, cause in reality this is not a legal way.

Not to forget, our kids grow up in the crime scene, because of them. There is crime from the moment they are born, only. Carefraud, school grades fraud and school level fraud. Abuse and exploitation in care and schooling, and denying all children’s rights, with fraud and propaganda that this way is the way to give them all their rights. They must silently go through this exploitation and will be punished when asked for any law which gives them rights. Even if the entire dutch system says they are right, they are suddenly taken to this one type of judge, not about these cases, but the child protection invades, against human rights and the laws, and pretends it is necessary and then lies a talk, and the judge signs. To avoid the real laws, that will, of course, give the right, and no judge will be involved, because the workers about these, in reality, are authorities about this. But, child protection makes it a case, with the use of dutch money. And to simply put their own ideas, political ideas, and discriminations on them. So, their duty is to know all kid's laws, but no lawyers they are, and they don't understand these laws, nor helps kids get the rights, while that is a duty.

So, you can catch them for all that, outside our country, if you explain this situation to the right human rights courts.

Our civil rights system must obey human rights, and children’s rights, but don’t even do them, they work from the idea opposite of children’s rights, kids don’t get the say and the choices and the born with rights, thus own authentic, autonomous live, nor help to achieve any of that. They, want to rule the kids and families, that is all they are. Nothing to correct, but pretending to correct, they correct to their opinions, nothing else. They don't honestly say, oh these things you are allowed to decide. Let’s punish the one requesting us, or the one that puts you in “trouble”, they don't check laws correctly, the lawyer they use, as they are not one, that is not a lawyer, but a before lawyer level, and that one will just give an opinion, nothing correctly by laws.

Our judges are also on a scammy judge school, where they with scams get the title master. even such not yet lawyer will become a judge, after training, nothing compares to a real degree, of bachelor, nor master, nor Ph.D. And it is an opinion group, nothing real science, nor real schooled.

But they also skip the real children’s, families, care rights, school law, and not only all human rights. And even play with this. They lie all the days, families are shocked to not get their rights according to the system, and kids suddenly stolen from them, against all laws. These youth care, local government, child protection, and social work, just want to judge, and use judges' signatures for it. And demand all professions what to do, while that is not in their judgment, not even of these judges.

The unethical past, that is already not allowed they repeat. It is like choosing shock therapy for gay, but then modern faults and unethical behavior, and mostly discriminations, from political points of views, where they use locals for their own ideas and benefits, nothing ever normal, scientific correct nor to really give the rights they actually have, all is frauds and pretending that all need care, and give forced care, cause those would otherwise not earn anything. All wrongly diagnosed by themselves, which is not allowed nor anything near they are studied for. Plus, in real law, all people are not allowed to be forced, and the rights are extremely broad. They would simply not earn, but they also have no laws that ever could force people, but they make up it is “necessary”. Every day they come to lie at the judge's office, and she and he just use these lying people. Which is even a more extreme crime. The judges know there is not one law to justify this.

They use family court law 1;255.

That a judge can do this. But the law is meant if one of the other 450 or something laws is counting. They only name this can 1;255 law and add some lies, that no law ever justifies. So the lies have to be punished, also the false diagnoses and all against all these laws. They know no law is made to give them this right, but they just go with anything they want to this family court judge and that will add to the nowhere allowed to ask any judge with 1;255. So if they want you to jump 10 times per day, they go to that judge and lie it's so necessary, and the judge says oh you say so and adds 1;255…and you must or ya in jail.

So come catch these judges hard

Including anyone ever working along with them, plus the Dutch Government, but I guess also EU, cause they know about this. And be careful with the human rights companies and offices and judges, as they must do something, now. That is the law. They wait till one can win this. But all people are told they will win, cause such lie is not allowed to win, trust the judges, and then no, even kids were taken away for it.

Go check all files, all full with such fraud, that actually no law is about it. Some even try to pretend some law is broken, but that is a lie, else ya d be with that other judge about that what is broken Their jobs even demand them to give it to the right judges and routes in the country, as they must strictly only do really their field. But that is the fraud, they don't, they just take any crap to earn.

But none is educated to decide, they take over jobs from us, psychologists, they want to rule us, and they take over the jobs of doctors, they rule them, and tell them, they take over from teachers, and fraud and tell them, and demand things, and even take kids constantly against school law away from school, and don’t give the rights. They even take the ombudsman not serious and skip all rights, and just ignore.

It is now a field where only criminals work and abuse, and tell people what to do, there is not anyone’s one right they achieve.

They don't even know the kid's laws, nor studied them. And the rare few that did, don't even understand ombudscycles, nor fix the rights for the kids.

Therefore, till even the dutch children's- and ombuds-man works correctly, all fakely work, to receive money, from the government. It is a total scam and use of kids and their families, which children’s rights are totally against. They pick some cases they like, and work that out to their opinion, nothing solves this trafficking, they don’t even dare to name it is trafficking. They don’t even dare to catch the thieves and punish them openly. They don’t walk to judges' offices to take them to jail. They demand us to report at them, but they don’t solve. It is just another way of earning.

This system demands them to go to jail, and maximum punished and to pay for all their crimes, but who has them reported and locked up, yet?

We should even, according to this system, take away their kids right away. And they are not allowed to work ever again with families and kids, nor allowed to ever see their kids, especially if I would want that, and the local judge would prefer me. If she would prefer me. Because it would be her or his opinion.

Because people let them walk now, they think they are free forever. But our jobs are to lock them up and think of the plan with their kids.

Their kids will be abused and raped in the care homes and will be frauded the same way, as the entire field is full of extreme criminals. So, the law actually denies they ever are allowed to be put in such a system.

None cares, they didn’t, they don't care about their own kids at all, it is all fake, else you d know what to do better, and would never take anyone's kids. It is like any human trafficker, pretending to care about all, but only carrying about money, and simply using and abusing people.

The damage is not to describe per child.

Also, science is in the Netherlands completely frauded.

Not near the truth, they need to be taken out of this circle of no science knowledge and with gossips stealing kids, and with the total crime scene, they use. No one cares about it, because they only get their ways with talks, opinions, and “friends”.

They are as dumb as drug traffickers. They don't understand the huge criminals they work with but will kill them, cause this is their crime scene. All die young in the crime scene. They find 60 old. They just pray to make it till there, or think in their late days, as this came mostly from older people on the work floor, it is just their last moment, who cares. Plus, dementia and all complex DSM they have. Total insanity.

According to this system they abuse to all, and the system they use to abuse all families and their kids, is only created to treat themselves, they should be locked against their will in care homes, jails, and mental illness homes, holland hardly has a normal ward. In all these fields there is fraud, abuse, rape, and all the extreme science writes about, but these are also hardly schooled, and simply there to traffick and fraud, with the benefit money.

These criminals became my job

Since schoolteachers started to abuse extremely in schools, and social care became frauds as well, and with the same types of abuse, and started to traffic. Then, the government created this system and exploit all families. Along the way, I studied the mental illness these people have, and the task and personal problems they have. It is in the end simply a crime scene, with human trafficking, so they are extremely ill and criminal.

So, because I am studied correctly and do work, I work like all good people hard against this huge crime.

But even my kids are trafficked to, within the country, with false papers, and false signature of the wrong judge, and with discrimination, and political motives. They did not want to give the right education level, nor any of the real school law. I even had from the entire system all the approvals and explanations, we are correct. But this local crime scene works, and don't want this. In another part, for example Amsterdam, kids do get their rights. For same things. So, you can say we are unlucky that we live here, for a while. But that is another point, no one is allowed to be treated unequally. They must obey even more to what we asked, not only cause I studied this, and this is my profession code, thus I am the official about this, also I asked all the officials and they choose this path, and locals simply don't want and discriminate in education and abuse us, but also we are totally treated unequally. They want to rule the local ideas with their abuse, and very intimidating.

But, think again, about any Dutch, all let this happen. They all watch and stare and are very weak in their educations and jobs, and cause all this. So, the country, and especially all families need help from the world to get the safety and their rights and help them lock these criminals up. Even lots of lawyers are frauds and simply abusing these families too, for their money. The government pays them and all don't get their rights, not even with lawyers.

And see mee, even my kids are taken, it says it all.

Low literacy is linked to crime.

This is a low literate country, therefore so much crime. Crime is linked to low literacy. And, see again their low GPA as well, in those low studies. and the fraud for years where dutch never had equal to the world and did give the titles, as if equal. Some fraud themselves into a master with some old diploma, which is not allowed to be seen equal with the bachelor's degrees. They are not such a degree. Without any credit they do masters. But most have in any way nothing equal to the world.

Simply compare. See the lists me with my “2e fase high school”, which is the only high school that should be equal, according to dutch ideas, and all highschool from Holland before, and today lower, is nothing equal. But no, even that is not equal as well. GPA wise, but also curriculum wise, and when you compare to what the USA demands, you can not take us as high schooled.

Compare dutch high school, for example, with excel high school, but also all others, nothing equal. And, USA highschool is VWO, dutch think Havo is also the same. But, all from the USA have the VWO+, and hardly any dutch have it. So, it is a long tragedy, from years and years before till now with no good education from the Netherlands. And, if they understood, even themselves would name this abusive to the kids in Holland. Because they would count this as neglect. But, someone from abroad must come to tell them. Or all should stop accepting these diploma’s. And, all should come to tell that. That is typical to low studied, they are very physical, and talking, instead of really studying and understanding.


The diploma’s my kids achieved never walk away from them. So, one day they are out and simply continue from the moment they left school and were stolen. The next 9 months after they get their bachelor's. My kids have EQF 5 and are a student of bachelor studies. Those BSc. Management, and BSc. Psychology bachelors wait for them, for when they are back.

Then, same time, Laurent got his Bachelor at 9. My kids would have it now too, last summer. They would be now studying a master's degree. At 12 and 14.

Many kids have such IQ, much other fraud all these kids. Luckily Laurent has his bachelor so it is even more obvious what should have happened, we are right. We are discriminated against by the local judge and her club of criminals. And, Laurent not. One note. The local attendance officer he had was also ours online and told us we are right. Our local attendance officer didn't respond so I asked her. And our local would be according to the child's ombudsman team be hiding behind something, that would be why she never responded to my requests. Yes, she had planned this stealing my kids.

With proof after proof, our local judge didn't care about even lies she ever had it before, but she wasn't the one allowed to ever judge. It is another type of court that had to rule if there was a possibility to go to court. In this case, with EQF 5 attendance officer must stop right away, also all interference, and the kids have to study a bachelor degree. Because it is the next level. And the university accepted them. Also, the local university wanted them both.

By taking them their chances to achieve the bachelor in 9 months were taken, they were put to elementary and high school not on any near real level, nor adjustment. But, all dutch authorities about this explained that it is not allowed they must go to the bachelor as that is the degree next after their achieved diploma.

On the side, they also did higher highschool then now offered.

Locals are just bullies. If I lived in Amsterdam my kids would now be bachelors with Laurent and some more others.

Our locals skip laws, and abuse us, extremely. Never even congratulated the kids. Never did any science, nor children’s law, nor school law. But take them out constantly, and skip the school law totally. They also abuse my kids already have diploma’s and the school laws are not applying to them anymore, but intimidate them as if it still applies.

They control my kids, in total stalking and abuse, and denying freedom, and keep them at foster parents, which fraud and are extreme criminals. They even exploit my kids to work for them. So they get money off the kids too. Besides what they anyway get.

Think, a lot of times extra about any in our government.

Note, we never wanted to live in Holland, never. They keep families constantly in such fraud, and denial of freedom. Life in Holland is one big jail.

And note, if they did the laws correctly they had to be forcing them to bachelor education they already have. That is the only correct way if force was needed. Because I already let them go to the correct level, as said by the authorities, no force is needed, plus, now, also, because school law doesn't apply to them anymore they are not allowed to use any force.


HJALMARSSON, R. And LOCHNER, L. (2012) THE IMPACT OF EDUCATION ON CRIME: INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCE. Research Report. Retrieved from https://www.economics.handels.gu.se/digitalAssets/1439/1439011_49-55_research_lochner.pdf

Hachmer, J. (2019) School for The Ombudscycle. Retrieved from http://ombudscycle.mystrikingly.com/

Ruggiero, R, Zermatten, J, Jaffé, P. (2018) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. University of Geneva at Coursera. Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/learn/childrens-rights


N.D. (5 okt. 2019) The Stolen: Spain’s Missing Babies (Trafficking Documentary) | Timeline — World History Documentaries Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glQJXtY80fw

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