When did you sing for yourself and for others?

Jiska Hachmer
2 min readApr 17, 2020


When was the last time I sang?

36 questions to ask to fall in love.

When was the last time I sang, and for others?

At home that has been a long time. This is such bad city, I don t need to sing here. It is not fine, the way all other cities were. I could sing everywhere but here. Bad people, the bad environment is not how one sings. Do you have sex with a criminal? There are real feelings, you need to have peace, a singing technique and yourself. A safe and honest place. It is an honest heart.

Typically the drunk, on drugs environment would never understand. But real singers do.

So, I have lots of online. Lots of that made in other virus seasons, and with the worst equipment. And some years this country was in a bad place, so singing is not easy. There is everywhere trouble to work on.

So, I sing every day for others and myself online, the old material. And I do have new songs ready. I will sing them in the youtube studio soon. Because of all the bad locally that has been so delayed. It s somehow funny and sad people clearly thus funny, that they don't know me, thus for them this is something else than it really is. As they never knew people. They have sad abusive hearts. Only traffic, exploit, abuse and listen to their narcissistic empty self, they need their obsessive voice loud and is the only thing they follow. So, they never know anything, no truth.

All other cities, people sing themselves and never is this empty, just trafficking. Normal people have lives, I fit in everywhere, but here. I have a life like all people, these not.

Soon I will sing again a lot, with lovely people. Most of the world is lovely.



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