What’s the greatest accomplishment in your life?
I did a few that are my greatest.
36 questions to ask to fall in love
What’s the greatest accomplishment in your life?
The biggest has to come. But for now, studying to be an MD. Telling on all criminals. As many abused me in this country. Speaking up and telling on all that refused the duty, to right away lock them up. Working as one of the hardest in many subjects. Doing the real work, not that lazy dutch criminals x boom and social work and care fraud and govs. But really develop, study and work. And understanding why what working is and what it means to keep working. Not their dumb way of just working and trafficking and exploiting, and all these crimes they do. But to be really studied on the highest levels, they don't even understand what that is, as they don't have it. They do not understand and don't show respect to each other, they can't comprehend what it all means. Just using me and my kids. We also have done our greatest accomplishments by moving away from criminals. And keep following human rights, ethics, sciences, and ourselves. As its logic as well. To keep dreaming and following our dreams. Do keep working on my kids, the country and their crimes, and all the essential problems first, and all according to all priority duties and science duties, profession duties, and ethics. And keep teaching everyone to do so too.
Staying true to the heart and let X and boom die out, with their fake lives and lies and abuses and exploitation, as they never comprehend what being true means, and dragged all around them down into crimes. I refused all crimes. No matter how many bad people. I let them die out, and keep telling on them everywhere and keep working on this.
So, my biggest accomplishment will be my future family, better of than any local any dutch as they abuse only, and kept me in this country against my will, and kept all people against there will as all these pedophiles, extremists, terrorists, dark triad, crime out of hand at work do, is lie, fraud , traffic, abuse and are the worlds biggest crime scene. Heartless people. We will be happy without these criminals, looking back on the hell time they were. And on how many we told on them. And how we got out and how they got jailed and how all good people are thankful.