What do you value most in a relationship?
That is the one. The true one. That forever love. We share. How old people with true love know each other their whole lives.
36 questions to ask to fall in love
What do you value most in a relationship?
Truth. And I like many people. But my love relationship is just one person. Not one I just took. So, that it is my truth. And that it is that one's truth. And that we share.
Why that is love? That is a feeling. And lots of things people think about it is true.
I always had the same person in mind heart and soul and told all since I was little. From the womb, the first thoughts, the feelings about me and someone, since I ever can remember, and I can remember from very little. It could be stress why you don't remember, if you don't remember, it could be abuse why you don't remember, it could be less IQ why you don't remember, it could be just another story than mine.
I think from the first moment my brain could realize, what I have, it realized someone fitting me. We know babies can think in the womb already their first thoughts, the brain grows from 9 weeks in the womb. So, is it DNA and a natural fit? Is it God's path? Is it ?? I don't know.
I always valued that what I have and will continue to value that.