What a time! They stole my kids, illegally, laundry with judges. Covid19. And I am a boy, raised as a girl. All at once.
And this was coming, a while. The “energies working up towards this” past years.
Some years people talk about the big things happening with Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. 2017–2020 had lots of sudden things fitting all the big things happening to us. Interesting to keep up with Astrology, to see the patterns.
Same as many people said things about the changes in a ruling, who rules the earth, in the change from Pisces to Aquarius, from the past 2000 years to the next 2000 years.
Also, Jesus was found with Astrology, and Astrology was normal for all humans. So, it remains interesting to compare sudden big events, with Astrology.
Although it should not have happened they stole my kids and Covid19 would go out of hand. And we should control the upcoming big hurricane season and more of these things typical with astrology and really happening, where we don’t just let things happen, but use Astrology to predict, understand what happens and changes all for the better.
It is interesting how all happened at once. And locals choose the worst. They are not so living in +, but are living the -of their options. The worst and do that also to others. Because they are very much into spiritual things and astrology, we see them do bad.
And the people at work worked up towards it too.
All parents became their target, after profiling women since 2003, then black/ white targeting, then families and kids, since 2009–2013–2015, and some more phases. X worked up towards this, and we must wonder why. Why the use of kids? Are they only brainwashed? By schools, the pedophiles in their lives? The churches? The clubs? The groups they were with, while we were protected from x and boom in our better schools. They never knew them, never were there, they were kept away from us, as they are bad, and logically now turned all into bad, all knew that back then already, they were raised wrong and weren’t fixed. We already asked all to teach them to better ways, but they did not and we now have to do and the greys, and them as new greys.
The world was already a lot further than X ever knew. X is brainwashed, used, abused, and criminal because of that.
Boomecho another same worry. Addictions and problems they put X through. Both, now wanting us.
The world since 2000
We were just out of school, thus that was x and boom and the rise of X. We are first Millenials, abused by X and boom for many years, and they took our kids too. To further exploit and abuse and traffick, with their charlatan ideas and hardly understanding of real schooling and learning. They are a sect, brainwashed, and criminals, kids from criminals.
They want us to feel we are nothing, we don’t work and they only work, only they can earn and they use us for it. As slaves on a market that's all they do.
Dumbly as IS came and pedophiles, drug users, addicted, brainwashed are their targets, easy to use, they just take over.
Brainwashed easily are taken over. The next says what to do and they follow. The extremists, the crime at work, the terrorists, all the same, all crime out of hand, and they just ask the next crime to be done, through work. Only dumb do it, but X and boom are very dumb. They did all the criminals asked them too, and fall for all the things they tried on them.
So, if the gov was normal, x and boom better raised, not indoctrinated, not like an IS, sect, extremist group, pedophiles group, nor international crime, and crime at work, I would not have had stolen kids. That's Dutch, that's the dumb Dutch as if you are allowed to keep me here, while my whole life me and my kids never wanted to live here. I ain't even Dutch, I am English.
Dutch don’t have their own DNA, they are not a type in DNA. Our DNA never changes, there is no new type in this region. DNA remains the same, thus all remain the types they were before moving here.
New types happen in the south and east, not western Europe.
Same with Covid19, would not have been any problem if Dutch gov could listen.
But again, X and boom not smart, brainwashed, abused, used, exploited and now they do it to us, and they were hardly educated, and are now criminals.
They are using people, instead of understanding science. They are charlatans. Into world crimes and trafficking people in this country. Exploiting us with the world, and locally and nationally.
I told too since 2013, and with all the people of the world. It was just not their interest. They were interested in stealing kids and using schools, but never education, they don't have it, thus they are criminals. They have not real de3grees from a- z, USA curriculum, etc and have a low GPA. So, they are the only problem and murderers causing thousands of deaths, that would never be death if x and boom had no jobs in this country. And not had raised people. And not had used kids.
All Dutch lower level, low GPA, thus low literate because of them.
And I am a boy. Dutch would not have known, they do not understand DNA, but I am an XY female, it is what it turns out to be.
And normal MyHeritage does not show. I did not even notice the Y in Gedmatch. Gedmatch made me a boy. After a long time, I have Gedmatch I found y DNA and about 4000 SNPs.
Then I am a normal female. And 1 out of 15.000 female from Denmark has it too. And more people in the world. So, if the world had all this same ratio with XY female…more than 240.000 are XY female and half do get kids and half not. So, 120.000+ people like me.
But studies find all women get some Y, thus become XY. Some other studies find, all man, lose y in their life, getting older, so they become girls?
But I can upload Y DNA everywhere and find even who my cousins are, on that male DNA. A long row of famous cousins brought me. Thus is it bad? No, I am just actually a boy, that did not have the sry gene making me a boy. Because that is inactive I am female, with boy DNA.
Any Y DNA is a boy, I saw y DNA SNPs 2700 -13.000 in some haplogroups as normal, I also saw less than that.
I have almost 4000 SNPs. If it's from 13.000 SNPs as a norm, is it then third a boy? Till now I find the conclusion, any Y is a boy.
I have Haplogroup A and J mostly, that is Adam, oldest African, oldest Homo Sapiens, Y DNA, and Asian, old Asian DNA that I have mostly as Y DNA.
So, perhaps we have very old DNA that causes this? I am mostly English, do have 20% Subsaharan on some chromosomes. And am from the entire world. But those old genes, it surprised, me as we are thousands of years concentrated in England, Europe, America and everywhere, but Africa. I do carry genes from there, but not mostly. But I do in my Y DNA.
So, I am English, and Western European, Scandinavian, East European, and middle eastern till 5th cousin. And African/Asian a boy, with my Y DNA. I did see lots of DNA in that though, not only this but mainly this, some upload pages for Y DNA say.
So, extreme times, and extreme discoveries.
Interestingly fitting the time as Astrology predicts.