We need a list of all possible stolen kids.
Criminals will always try to steal children, they do that with their jobs, in the more obvious crime scene, more conscious with plans, and impulsively.
Human trafficking, also, when one steals a kid from a parent in the same street, also, when a judge signs for it.
It is still trafficking. Every child must be with their parents. All care can be done by the parents and at home. Science is also too far to pretend we can not. Criminals love the use of children. Not only to torture families, and use as slaves, which Dark Triad types love to do. Also, for any money, like any trafficked to earn on.
Also, when groups find they should take all these kids.
Jesus is a story, but also, in any regime.
Ombudscycle, and keeping track of trafficking.
Countries with trafficking, neighborhoods with trafficking, groups with trafficking, people that use their jobs for it. All can be tracked and must be tracked.
We must add lists of all the crimes around it. Not only so we can study the correlations and types who steal children and all science around it. Also, to actually solve it, with ombudscycles.
Ombudscycles is solving, and also solve after solving. It is a cycle that we turn on, and will never stop, from the moment we find the incident to do the cycle on, till forever. So crime and faults can never come back.
Human rights we are never allowed to skip, bend or misinterpret.
I am creating my school for ombudscycle, to help all professions to do the human rights, at any time, and stop any trafficking, use of families, children and any kind of abuse of people. And, to help them to work together, the correct way. The way we are taught in the ombudscycle classes. We need to track any professional as well that uses kids in a trafficking system. Any system governments made, any system groups made, any systems individuals made. People earning on poor people in poor countries, and trafficking them abroad for money in cars with no air, which leads to death, is not the only trafficking. Any trafficking is meant as trafficking. We need to create a strong force that forever stops any trafficking.
We need a lot of science of any potential trafficking to help all people understand what that is, and help stop trafficking, and to help governments focus on real help, nothing near trafficking. The human rights demand this so, but even judges seem not to understand what trafficking is, and abuse of power happened and happens too often, in some regions, countries, and groups. Things like, a group from a church that uses people that they can get a hold of, and traffick them, because of their religion, is also trafficking. These can be hidden motives in a judgment to traffick a person. Again, any trafficking is trafficking and never allowed.
We need to list all these possibilities and work on them like any science and find the truth in all cases.
Even a Human Rights judge, can be judgemental. We need to create a world, where we don’t even need judges, we need to solve all before it goes wrong.
Citizens Initiatives to even catch the judges and other working people that traffick.
I want you to see this, to get inspired, how one in a regime lives, and how one views all that happened after. The crime was the same crime in both worlds.
We need to keep all citizens strong, and safe, and help them create initiatives to even catch the judges that go wrong. With the ombudscycle, we can stop changes in these rights that already exist. We can create the cycle so strong between people, that no regime can happen again.
Now think of this, the many people in care fraud, the many churches in fraud and theft of children, the many people involved. The abuse and violating the laws…
The core of Human Rights.
You are a being, born with rights. Children, too. Children are beings born with rights. The same rights.
There is only a world allowed where people get the basic needs, the most sophisticated things, and can develop themselves, not any frauding group, or person, pretending this is development. The true you you must become. That is an autonomous process, with no interference.
The goal of any human is becoming authentic.
Hachmer, J. (2019) School for The Ombudscycle. Retrieved from http://ombudscycle.mystrikingly.com/
Ruggiero, R, Zermatten, J, Jaffé, P. (2018) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. University of Geneva at Coursera. Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/learn/childrens-rights
N.D. (5 okt. 2019) The Stolen: Spain’s Missing Babies (Trafficking Documentary) | Timeline — World History Documentaries Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glQJXtY80fw