Was your childhood happier than others?
Yes, and I am grateful for how the people in my environment chose to solve things. The entire environment was my childhood.
36 questions to ask to fall in love
They all did never steal kids or so but understood kids. They could be a part fitting. They could respect kids, and add what they had in your life and were aware you would forever remember them. Their work in your mind and life they understood well and made our lives very well. So, we were not forced to join anything, but they were so great we joined lots. And were with many kids at their homes safely playing and living and sharing one big group of people, all best friends together.
But we also respected each person and privacy and times for yourself. And we had no limits to that.
All asked was to not be criminal, and not violate other people their world. So, to respect all. To not be trouble to others, to not become their problem. The way my kids now are stolen by locals is seen as a huge crime scene locally, we never had that nor have that. We had good people together. Everyone choosing to come somewhere. Even to my grandparent's birthdays, it was always asked do you like to come to my birthday? Really? You don't have to, I don't want people here not coming for me, and actually wanting to be somewhere else. And it was said not because they saw us behave a certain way, it was every said to all people all the time, to make sure you knew you had choices and then after such question all was even happier, cause every person there was there out of love and same reasons, good times. Even schools made sure we liked being there. Else other solutions were found. And for that time, kids wanted to go, because all books were there and we were readers and kids with interest and teachers made every lesson fun and fitting with what kids think, and not general, to make us average, as they worried to make us average, they rather were our private at-home teachers, making all lessons fit us. But they knew all we did, and read, and saw, and all input coming to us and worked on finding even more fun input and connect that to lessons. So, famous people were the intro in all classes, and all topics of that time and they connected each lesson to that. So, how would he feel? What would he do? Is this useful information? How could you solve that in the news? With this topic? And then going through all subjects with those questions. So, we also had new kids on the block posters on the wall. And they changed that to the next bands that were famous the moment they were famous. We brought our fave CDs to school and learned to play the music notes. The teacher would ask do they sell music books too? So, we can all learn that song? We learned reading notes easier that way. They bought more instruments for us too, so a school was a place with more than at home. All things your parents could not buy. So it had a logic going, it was not to earn on us, not to steal us and feel ego better than our parents. Not at all, those were their friends.
Mothers or fathers were at home all day doing the house. Always someone was at home. So, we had always someone home in the street when moms or dads went shopping. We were together in the playgrounds, just because we could, it was never forced. They just made those with their own hands, and with the entire street, so we had some.
People used gov money to make things together if we could not afford them ourselves. So, when all made those in their own backyard, they changed those things into, it was there for the poor, but they should add new things to it, we all could not afford to create the same feel of my childhood. So, it would need an even cooler and better playground, something you could not build in the backyard.
So, there was personal time and always respected, no matter if you wanted to stay in your room for weeks. You could be having a fever or just need your own mind, or just want to learn something, or just want to pray or be with you. We still had nuns etc so we had the norm of you and God. And no one is allowed to think anything of that. So, that gave us time with the new things parents could afford, teaching yourself playing an instrument was easier. And the school addressed it with reading more tough plays and more instruments.
We developed a lot more than previous generations because people did own more things by now, but schools had even more. And we loved going there. Although homeschool would have been better, that is proven best and is something now people can do. I liked going to my schools. They even respected me if I called myself the school and said I take a few days off to think things out. That was the biggest lesson of my life to mature. That you can arrange things. And that grown-ups think and respected thinkers. And the fun is, they understood such call and kids and had peace with it, and perhaps laughed. But not in my face. They let me grow and think and I would come back work even harder after. They found me mature, wondered if I should be in school. So, when I wanted a few more years in my good school, they honestly said, these kids are young, you have a diploma and seem wise, really a few more years with them? Can we make that fit? We expect in some years you are so grown you will not finish that other diploma. Why you want it, just to have higher grades? It is the same diploma. Just other profiles? I wanted them all 4, dutch have 4. I had 2 already.
So, they would have let me, but I choose to continue my life with traveling. I was 19 and traveling, closing up my childhood.
I loved all kids were like this, and because these people were so smart and sweet and understood anything a child did. It was cute, they just added more to learn or to do. You never were bigger than them. They must be extremely smart, as I am a very high IQ. They were a lot of times almost professor, never finding research to add in the field, that made it become a professor, but they all actually were that. We knew that too, they were good people. You hardly find those in Holland today. It was more like the Ph.D.’s today, in the USA, and then specialized in kids.
It's just too funny to think back of it. No matter how smart you were they got you into studying and being good and were explained why being good is so good and we would do that. Our teachers said we were one of the best years of their lives. We were sweet and calm and easy and they felt good at teaching too because we thanked them so much and loved them so much and listened well to what they said. They have had worse years, where they felt all wasn't working and they wondered what they did wrong, so we also gave them confidence in themselves. This worked. And that gave us a good feeling too. So, why that was? It is studied, we are the happiest generation and the happiest part. All was at its best in our time.
Today we can do all of it even better, so if we were their students again, they would feel good again about themselves, and we would create together even better than what we had back then.