Unheard Ways To Achieve Greater IQ.
Lots of people have a very high IQ, people just don't understand IQ and did not show it to them, as they don't understand themselves. Power abuse leads to not knowing your real IQ. Mine is proven too years ago, and my kids too, but they grew up in a time where kid’s right at first were respected, overtime not anymore. Thus, in the beginning, all did the duty of no testing, but the schooling on higher levels, fitting IQ, which teacher had to know themselves, as it was not the point of an IQ test, still is not allowed, nothing in education, its about can you do the level in school. Still is, and teachers, good ones, know right away all about where you are at. Parents too.
My children have a high IQ. 100 IQ already around 7 years old.
One can not grow till 16 after that just a few points, as these are kids. Kids have a fast-growing IQ. From 0–100 in 16 years average.
Their IQ means a baby IQ of about 500. They are officially BSc. students.
They deserve credit and human rights demand us to accept their ranking. Violating that is punishable.
Duty to interpret this completely correct, and not make it a local fraud, nor own opinion or idea, so I want the locals (in Holland) punished for their biggest crimes, ever done to kids.
Our locals are criminals and took them away from me because the locals are mentally not normal, and criminal and wanted to deny these rights.
Total power abuse only. They even said it out loud, also during the fake trial, all, not the right courts, denying all rights, even right to speak, etc. Showed total ill criminals. Abusing power, believing they as rebels can create such a secondary world where they degrade people. And totally deny my entire resume as well, and just believe in rulers, not law, nor science, nor ethics, nor human rights, nor studies anyone has done. All punishable, as that is totally opposite of any law and human rights and ethics, and was never allowed.
The entire gov I had ranged, said we had it correct, they guided us, all locals ignore that.
And attendance officer Amsterdam had told me the kids need to continue next levels until 16, thus their BSc. as I did. The Dutch, DUO, explained, it all depends only on an university accepting. And that happened, but local universities also wanted my kids. So, they had more offers. And thus all was arranged to the right level their BSc. I thought at first it had to be besides high school, but all said no, it is about the next level, not allowed to degrade and go back. And school law is over with EQF 5, from EQF 2 even, and all is about fast as you can finish an EQF 2 and leave the school law and continue yourself. Gov pays till EQF 2 is finished. And goal law is all kids diploma s/ degrees.
Although the law says study law is over, so they are free to go anywhere now, we agree kids' rights and study law intend to continue levels, to get as highest degreed as possible as a right. So, for us, we, me, and attendance officer (Amsterdam), together, agreed with till 16 we want them to continue next levels, Kids wanted that too, although by law they would not enforce anymore as that is not allowed. Their jobs are done and the local attendance officer, nor anyone had the right to interfere. They had to close the files. I sent in the diplomas.
The attendance officers must do all people equally, our locals thus must do what Amsterdam said. You can see all the locals and all interfering with them, judges, etc fraud, not reading the file completely, not even understanding the laws, nor listening to gov and law and pretend this is ok. They violate our rights and abuse power and are punishable. I want them punished as much as possible.
But these locals they had frauded from the beginning, chaos, and lies and deceived and didn't respond, did not do anything correct by law and the protocols, I kept asking for them, and ombudsman right away said she hides behind something, as she did.
Local attendance officer frauded
She frauded us towards a system not allowed in our situation and trafficked my kids away. She refused to do the laws. I want her jailed beyond her lifetime, including everyone around her and the frauding judge and child protection, etc. They all earn on care fraud in any way, they first earn on pretending they do duty and are correct and work with criminals to pretend its correct, then they earn on everyone helping us getting our rights.
But these rights my kids have are automatic. The EQF 5 is right away leading, no school below allowed to take them, all seen as frauds. So, we also see what schools fraud even more with this and don't understand laws and just take in kids.
So, not one worker was allowed in our lives, nor any judge. Human rights even demand no judges etc. They mean no interference, and it was totally not needed to neglect us, discriminate us, and deny our rights, also, not allowed, nor allowed to transfer it to a judge not allowed to judge, but willing to judge. Plus, not allowed to have any opinion on our rights, and interfere. They showed they are local criminals. And I am still the same educated person, educated on this, and totally denied my rights and rights as a parent, with my job, and my kid's rights.
Many have that high IQ, so many are abused anyway in this country and that system, not willing to understand IQ and how often that should happen, and not willing to do the real studies, and really let people get their rights, especially locally where we live, and we saw new people were discriminated against completely, exploited, its the way they earn. That none could be in line with the law and just work as criminals together was the most horrific thing.
It is simply about how old did you look at 1. And you can track down how people abuse and miss the kids, thus lack, and create lower IQ over time. It should only stay the same or go up.
Dutch have a GPA of 0.67 because of the hugest abuse of the world.
Thus 100 IQ average at 16 with GPA 0.67 all their school lives, and they only give elementary and extension of that. Some, some high school, not even normal k-12 and low GPA, and not all sciences, and subjects, etc, and all a low state of education and forced. Most end up with just an extension of elementary. An in many years, as if the entire country only had insane people.
Dutch pretending all are insane, means they neglect, abuse children, and exploit.
And you see the kids drop, which is abuse by the schools
Most from kindergarten with GPA 4, dropping in the bad schooling, with low educated teachers, and psychopaths, as that's proven and we all saw that, all experience that hell, all the time. It is not good in the schools, but they abuse and demand a smile, it's beyond brainwash, its total exploitation for their money, and total abuse. Exploiting people, a system and so they have a live, not us, them teachers, etc.
So, we see kindergarten least likely psychopaths and GPA 4, with the most kids.
All from first grade to end of elementary psychopaths and lower and lower GPAs.
All kids are better at all at home. And lots of abuse and fraud in schools. And then, high school with more Machiavellism than psychopaths. Creating the next DSM, to make it complex.
Homeschool is proven best in science. And thus dutch arbowet duty as we have science duty, and scientists have anyway a duty in science and ethics, etc. Also, human rights demand the best, nothing less.
Note. when you start as an adult this entire schooling costs you 1.5 years, with a high GPA, and fully schooled. That would be when you want and need it.
Dutch schools, the worst schools ever.
The criminal proudly showing all kids to only an extension elementary, instead of USA curriculum GPA 3 for all, where 90% of Americans have beyond our highest diploma in high school. That is a total abuse of all kids. How to be proud on that. Only when you are criminal, never when you are studied.
Dutch keep frauding with criminals that the truth would be impossible, that truth USA has, so it is not impossible, it's already done with millions more people than some dutch. We also did not learn that in teaching school, we learned it is possible and duty.
But some dark triad pretends they are the rulers. And abuse all, while this is my job. To tell what we have learned.
I changed to psychology, educational psychology, and am now an environmental psychologist.
All logic to me how the mind works and IQ, and how kids develop. Also, their IQ, and not on the low DSM level of psychology. Where they take a test one made and pretend it could be absolute. The taker, not even understanding IQ, and just a test taker, a hollow user of someone's work. Not even used correctly. but abusively.
As my “helper in education”, and environment psychology, not even doing that right. They abuse. They lack and are ill workers, should never work again with any kid. Let them even use by others, they are insane. It is the book on insanity, and vulnerable lying frauding and abusing, exploiting, its the biggest criminals of any time.
Measuring is abuse when its to force into something, frauds, etc, to deny things. Dark triad frauding papers. They live that. Jealous borderline workers and psychologists, bad at their work. Trafficking kids together for years. Showing us dumbly the way criminals always show their crimes.
Not able to be like me a normal one with studies and thus tested their kids and not demanding tests, because it's not allowed, it is officially never the decider of levels in schools. Our law teachers decide if there is no diploma.
There is a diploma. And duty is to do the next level after any diploma.
Their case EQF 6, after EQF 5. And duty is interpretation correctly, not your own dumb mind, but true correct, precise the truth. Absolutes as well, never less. Always in profit of the kids, never your borderline jealous benefit, etc. Or dark triad plays, or any lowering, degrading.
In only logic you would have listened to me, understanding my studies more on this than yours. My work in this, and understanding of more subjects than your own. Why one knows. What teaching is. When a patient is a patient, and they never are if they don't feel so.
Human rights violations, plus all laws violations, just earning on them.
Exploitation, human trafficking, how dumb are ya? Very, but that's criminals, always criminal and dumb.
It is meant as natural without testing we know who kids are. We teach when parents cant. Parents have a duty to educate. Its kid's laws, and the best ways, in science and science of kids laws, proven absolute. Extension of home, and goal to interpret correctly.
IQ is
Sensations through the senses and how much your memory can store, use, and recall. How much of the environment you can use, and understand. Less IQ understands less of the environment. Higher IQ, more.
Baby IQ is the real IQ, but over time you ll drop IQ when the environment can not keep up with you.
Baby with an IQ of 100 would be next year 200, year after 300, etc. The average adult is 16 when 100 IQ and does not have such pace in growth. With practice, it could grow by 3% per year. It needs harder tasks to grow IQ.
Keeping the baby IQ up
So, the smart you are at one, smarter than… We keep up by understanding the pace, will, and preferences and add all input that fits that. Harder tasks too, so the brain keeps in that pace of development. It is still a development. Many make the mistake to abuse kids, but leaving the pace, and stopping development. Keeping in same grade is not good for a child, when it is someone else, and has that right. You can not keep kids forever in kindergarten. You actually have no right to decide as well.
It is about who you are as a child, and we as adults have duty to be precise and interpret that correctly.
The child has to be put on their real level. Not degrading, as we wish, but upwards, as high as possible. Listening to will and preferences as well, and not hearing and ignoring, but achieving their will.
Memory and remembering, and processing.
- Preferences
- Own will
Is the door to learning and remembering. Input goes into the working memory, sensations go through the senses, into the working memory, and will be processed first by “the will”, the preferences in episodal memory. Then decided what's important, facts are stored, and procedures are stored. And this can be recalled. By input, and recalling input as output, speech develops, speech is within the working memory, and develops by the information that goes in and out.
Fastest and highest GPA.
We must make the school work for all kids with 500+ IQ, and find out why some aren't. The harder tasks create higher IQ, thus you must be prepared with more. The goal is to give the best input, not an average. And even if all fail such pace and one does pass, you did it right. Not many will have that high a pace.
But over time more kids will do the same. So, it is about finding out what kids can do sooner than others. That first-ever possible is what we need to be ready for, all the rest will come later on there, they're just not the first. But this is the standard development, the things they will do, or can choose to do. They will develop cumulative too, but less fast. And will grow towards bigger complex too, but less fast.
We can not stop when the IQ reaches a 100 young. 100 is not an end-goal. Only of it could never grow more. 100 young means it will grow rapidly to even more.
Finding true IQ, naturally.
The only fall is the environment lack input level. And preferences and will of a child, and matching that with their real level, and not making all input harder and harder, to let it even grow. As they have the right to development, and our duty to do this right.
I had the right to be doing what gov had said, locals had no right to fraud and exploit us.
My kids had the right to choose me, and do the kid’s laws, and their real level. And we all have a duty to find that, that what kids want, and not our mind, our will, but them. The truth.
Not making it look like the truth “what we can find”, no duty is to find it. That's why none is allowed to interfere. Human rights had solved all this. And is the duty to be done. Parents find the truth. They live with the child, they find it all. Human rights are demanded that the child gets the extension of the home. Not slavery where some stranger comes to take over and pretends this is the law, and duty and frauds. Not a stranger to rule a child, as if that's best, that's not best, nor the law and punishable.
But all kids had the right to have me as a teacher, psychologist, educational psychologist, and environmental psychologist, an expert on this too.
My work is to let them learn faster, and get their levels, and get their own preferences and will be done. To become who they are. So, we found the worst child abuse ever in dutch history in this region.
How to get all smart, the USA proves anyone can study.
It is indeed proven, exactly that way, 99% can learn a profession. And they show on that high level of 90% with a higher high school than dutch have. And that's true too. Dutch make it a low world, but the truth in science is all can do more.
Science shows 15% have learning disabilities. All others can do that highest level easy. And from this 15 %, lots can too, with some solutions.
Authoritative raising only allowed style
The only one not causing DSM.
These older people need healing from their past
They were not raised authoritatively in schools. All from the fifties, sixties and seventies lived a hell. But this is not allowed to put on us nor our kids. We did not live that bad at all. We had a totally different life, as science had proven the years before were unethical. Also, we had kid’s rights, them not yet, we did. It is a duty the way we were raised, and proven best. Older than us were abused and unethically treated.
These trying to ruin all younger than me, and my kids, are ill in the mind since that time, of their childhood.
Sciences are healthy for mental development, at age 12–14 mostly.
The scientific method shows how development goes. How we find the truth and further studies, and absolutes.
For when you want jobs or structured study to be able to do a certain thing with that structure, that study. You can start later on with that.
Kids will be even smarter over time, but the goal now is delivering input for the smartest possible, which will be smarter over time.
The goal with the 500+ IQ world is to see why some can’t and to solve that.
And solve it. Let all be, but know why things happen, and solve, with no interference, nor force. It is like knowing a-z, and understanding where the child is and when we add that next step, fitting, the way they want, can, and will. And when its the preference.
So, goals:
- 500 IQ +
- and more
- Fastest learning and GPA 4
Note. it's not the locals-only abuse. They traffick, exploit, care fraud, fraud in files, lie kids have no gluten when proven as baby, and for a lifetime. And even the reason how we solved many in our fam with the same, finding out the baby had it and is the reason for not eating 2 years. And puking 2 years fully with medicine doctors etc. And puking years after, within the norm of daily puking. And then using a system not allowed to traffick kids and fraud such allergy away, while that will cause intestine cancer. And I am BSc. health science student, becoming an MD/psychologist. They bully, and torture, violate human rights and exploit and traffic. And if they do it to me and my kids, they do it too many. The ill all cops are locally, and all judges, all gov, all social workers, all schools, any living and working here, cause duty is to catch them the same moment, and have to prevent it.
We found the worst region on earth, and truly with the data. 1 out of 2 women under 20 raped. None in the world that high.
So, we found all out while just moving here, the same moment they started trafficking and frauding, etc.
It helps this region that I am here, the same as the past full of crimes. They need good people among them, but it's unethical to stay, not allowed by the laws, and logically, thus its why the bad stay, and good leave, we must. And they still must be jailed, and all kids and families first and released from them.
A big gov job is to jail them all. With every file, every word they ever spoke and every word ever written, every thought they ever had, every move they ever made checked and punished. And justice must be done.