Trump’s impeachment.
We are allowed to speak in general, about what we see, we are only not allowed to pretend we were having him in the chair, as most haven’t. We can not fully, really diagnose him from our homes, but we can sense and know things are up, and we can be general, about all happening. Also, things happened very publicly, which was insulting to women, and there were reasons to ask for impeachment. Because there are so many signals, and dangerous signs, many do speak out about what they see. It will still be general, but also with the thought of protecting people, and the public.
We are not allowed to harm others, which has two sides. Not the public, and not the person. We can not ignore that some people would not agree, some do hurt others. Also, we can not ignore the job is attractive for certain types. So, any president is one out of a number of motives. The types of motives one could have to want this spot we do recognize with signals. So, we then don’t do an examination of the person in the chair, we do read the possibilities and signs. (BMJ, 2017)
Any workplace has only 2 problems, task-oriented, or personal problems. So, we can discuss a lot of faults. Personal problems can include DSM problems. In management, we look at personal problems, and task problems, and don’t assess DSM, but we do asses. We do measure things are wrongs, and we do plan on the things we see. We don’t need to assess DSM (N.D., 2018), we assess task faults, and personality types, styles, if it fits our needs, and fits the job. We notice this doesn’t fit the job, workplace, and the people. We see things go wrong, and we measure with all our instruments, that is not the DSM book.
So, no matter naming the DSM or not, we have lots to impeach for. And that is a personal decision, like any voting, and limited as a psychologist. (N.D., 2017) It is a matter of rules and principles, which you feel personally as a principle you hold, and by the rules. (N.D, N.D)
Update: Grande, T. (2020) Is Donald Trump a Narcissist? | Insidious Maladaptive Narcissism. Youtube. Retrieved from
The impeachment will be done on March 23, 2020. (Wilson, 2019).
“Everyone has their own instruments to measure, and all should measure what they know. “Jiska Hachmer
I studied environments. There is a certain environment healthy, and others are not. And those certain environments create certain results. I can design better environments as well. An environmental psychologist is a designer of the best environments, and that can be educational environments, actually ecological environments, business environments, and anything from the environment affecting thoughts and behavior. There are also, designer environmental designers, that do architecture. I am not an architect, thus I am a “decorator”, designing interior, and more psychologically, than a designer of homes. But it is alike. Someone that understands from the interior until the science of the field the design is for. So, for education, I do know what gives the best results too. I know educational psychology and can design. But I also now the effect of the weather on the brain, and can design plans for that. So, just anything influencing the brain, and the best “designs” and designs for it, to get the best results. There is a certain approach needed for all humans to not create DSM, and not create criminal behavior.
We need to be authoritative for no DSM. So we can measure his type of parenting style, and the changes to damaging of the brain, and what type of damage, simply by the style of approaching the public. We can expect a certain epidemics.
He uses Authoritarianism (N.D., 2016), Authoritarians cause odd and fear. (Joordens, N.D.)
We know the generation the President is from. We know a lot of expected problems and the number of problems caused by these generations. 1 out of 5 boom generation is addicted. X has issues caused by the Boom generation. These generations were exposed to experiments that today are not allowed to ever to again, they were unethical and damaging. We know the children that have lived this will have certain problems later on in life. Those are things we can expect. Also, there is the boom-echo, a wave with problems coming from that time, that even affects Millenials. The behavior is caused by certain environments, so we can measure what type of raising a person had, and we can measure with that information about the style and outcome, what more to expect. We need to check how one from a generation solves the expected problems. And we do need to check if it is solved.
We need great education to lower the crime rates, and that is accomplished. We could always make it even better. But America is very good at letting everyone become very well educated. There is a list we could work on, like giving it for free and creating more inspiration to homeschool. Also, to create a different style of teamwork, for the tasks that are better in teams. There is a lot, but the main thing is done, the level of the USA.
We can forever thank the people that created that high education level, with high grades, that made America safe. We also know the president is not a Ph.D., nor professor thus needs a lot of help and is at a level of being a helper. Not a leader. A leader in our fields is one with a doctorate degree. We can see if the President Cites good enough, and not does Plagiarism. That would be punishable. A lot of what he says is not his own work. So, to who does he refer too? We can check the person he refers too and if that person did all of his her science steps well enough. Also, is it a theory that the President cites to, or really scientific laws? If not a scientific law, in any way a lot of studies is still needed before we can use the ideas as the absolute truth.
“The one with knowledge is the leader, not the one with the leader title. “ (DeRue, et al., N.D.)
We can find who leads the country, and who leads the President’s thoughts.
Why he is unethical, and using as a management style Authoritarianism. (N.D., 2019)
We can measure topics studied at best universities of the moment, and see until how far he is right. An example, well-being from yale explains to us well-being is being autonomous, authentic with are unique being. (Santos, 2019)
We see his behavior the use of naming the “little words and soft tone “(Joshi, 2017) and battles with his handshake. Ways to show power. (FoxNews, 2017) And his unsuppressed anger in his body language. (Joshi, 2017)
In the end, there is no battle, only thesis against the thesis, and the winning thesis is the one that found the formula of a scientific law. Which others must cite too. Only that will always be true.
So we should not drop the level, in speech, or ever drop any academic skill. We need positive reinforcement, that will be an example to all people.
And not the commonly known reasons, only. All input will change our beliefs. We will get used to input and then use it. Bad input we get used too, too. (BHATTACHARYYA, 2016)
We can measure if president Trump has that high level of academic skills.
There is more we can know, the damage. If we know the parenting style, the approach one uses, we know the DSM we could expect, as an effect on the people treated. This effect would be caused by this style used.
If we know the education environment, we know the crime rate will drop or increase. A part of that is how well a good example is set, and at the same time, we know the academic level. Teachers can read on all the president says or does. (N.D., 2019)
There are a lot of studies on Trump already. Just a few examples are his communication (Whimster, 2013) and the change in his speech. (Coutanche and Paulus, 2018) Also, the framing style is studied. Schneider and Peeples, 2018) And, social media use by populists. (Whimster, 2018)
Also, about the number of conspiracy tweets he sent. (N.D., 2019)
Schulz von Thun, an instrument to measure President Trump.
I like to share with you Schulz von Thun (N.D., N.D.), that is a German Psychologist that made a theory about communications. (Schulz von Thun, 2003)
Every sentence says 4 things at once. Everything a person says, no matter in the chair, or far away to the public is an expression we can measure. And every expression says 4 things at once.
- Relationship with the people or person that has been spoken to.
- Business style.
- Expressive style. What and how things are expressed.
- Demands.
Now I had a good grade for this class. I learned about an example of two people in a car stopping at a traffic light. The stop at a traffic light can say a lot already, but the words that were spoken on this trip too.
Are the two in a good relationship, or is the person skipping a personal expression, and is only in a business setting with the perhaps the spouse, which we would not expect if this was a happy just married couple. I think that is the easiest to hear in every sentence.
You can hear easily if someone is using business-class approach, sending all through a lawyer to you, or has a personal conversation with you, not trained at the bar, trained on a seminar, but sharing a personal favorite place, or pretty personal cards, with an expression, personally made by that one. And is it a friend, lover, husband that still wants to try to stay together, or any other possible relationship and expression of the relationship. It is about expressing, and how, and what type of relationship, and or business style.
One could say: Dear Sir, I love you for your letters you send me, it reminded me of my childhood with my grandparents at a beach, where grandma gave grandpa a kiss. This is very personal a relationship.
You could say, my lovely spouse, I adore my ring, you gave me. This is a very business-related love, about things. And the roles people can get when married, a spouse. It could be a long-lived dream as well, but the wish was married life, with rings, and spouses.
You can say, my sweetest heart, you are a part of me, and I want to talk about marriage. You hear the business, also doing business, but also doing love. And, you hear the words heart, and that is a style the person refers the love to. It is a feeling the person needs to experience love and to be aware this is love. Since this is love, the person wants a business style of love too. Maybe in a pretty suit, maybe a style with no suit.
This could all happen at a traffic light stop. And it doesn’t matter where. It could matter, but still, we can always hear the parts in the sentence.
Then the hardest part, that I find that hardest, what is demanded. In the second example, people wanted a marriage with rings, and loves or “loves” it, thus or wanted to be more formal thanking for a ring, but the demand is a marriage. It is the topic they speak about. And it is a formal way to be. Also, the demand to have roles in the relationship. Or a possible talk on it. Or learned that is how a marriage can be or should be. It is a demand for the couple.
Please try with me, what President Trump’s demands of us in the world and in America. Every sentence says something about his relationship to America, certain people in America and the world. Also, every sentence tells us about his business style, will he be very personal. Can he be? Why, what does he demand? Can that be with his demands on us? With his dreams and expressions. Is he really very personal? And when to whom, and how much? Is he wanting expressions, does he demand us to speak up? And so on.
There is interesting research on words people use, and the President would name the war a lot in speeches, which could mean he is in fear. We can study more on the use of the word war (Taylor, 2014) We could look at the amount of fear he actually has. We can study that, and ask certain questions about that, and help with the right approach if we note fear. (Leyba, 2019)We can also wonder if we want the fear motive for certain actions.
We can measure task mistakes, like the amount and types of crimes done at work.
When one is criminal we have a duty to speak and act. There is a logic to that, if we would let all presidents be the TV thieves in all the homes, we would help in crime, and anyone being a president could then skip laws and be a thief, indeed that is strange because that is strange. We don’t lose the equality, and duty to laws, by being a president. So, everyone stays equal and we look at the facts. We also measure the chances of crime to come or possibly done. That is a management and protecting service kind of look on things. So, I think personally, psychologists don’t have to fear speaking like that, because my management classes were full of psychology research, and explaining to us what types to expect and how to handle certain psychological things. But, it is not a DSM test we do there. But very much is about types, which could have DSM. (Bandy et al, 2017) (Snow, 2017) (Field, 2018)
And it was asked before to examine Trump, thus there are many people already working on that profile. (BMJ,2016)
CEO 1 out of 5 is a psychopath
In fact, because 1 out of 5 CEOs is a dark triad, psychopath, we can expect among the people working for a government, especially from a business environment to have the dark triad. (Pearlman, 2016)
In any way, people working for a government most likely are Machiavellistic compared to other types of jobs, which is also a Dark Triad type. (Kijak, 2016, p 9–11.)
One known with sexual assaults (Guardian Staff, 2019) says a lot too about a person and the danger of that person. This assaulting could happen again and can be a motive to work in certain places. (Rejani Thudalikunnil, 2019) That alone is good enough reason to impeach someone, one was impeached for having an affair (Roos, 2019), thus when the world watches and sees a woman is assaulted, we can impeach. (CBCNews: National, 2019)
So, I think, because President Trump did worse than just an out of marriage love, thus we are actually done with the topic: “Should he be impeached”, we should. We must be fair and all before would be impeached for even less, thus we must now. But to find even more reason, we continue…
So, because also in the government there is a higher amount of dark triad, we can expect these types there and I think we should have tools for that, as all managers have tools to asses all the people they hire. We always know who we hire, and assess them, thus we must assess presidents.
The discussion is not about can we say something, questioning would assume all presidents are dictators, which would be a crime to let that happen, no, it is what can we say and when, and how do we assess.
We must protect people for what we know that will happen and for what will come, we already know statistics, thus we must act to that.
But the people he works with, talk totally different in private about him, and when in public, and none defends Trump. (N.D., 2019)
The outcome to expect with the style President Trump uses…
Personal problems his style causes
We can expect damage to mental health.
Trump makes people ill, he scares them. All illness went up, with people already ill, and not yet ill. Some come with a new term for that phenomenon, DTS. Some others measured feelings of embarrassment (Paulus et al, 2019).
We notice Task Faults. People do not get what is promised, which is also damaging to people.
Typical is also the behavior towards Puerto Ricans. (Martinez A and Garcia NM, 2018)
Immigrants have it very hard with finding care. (Gómez and O’Leary, 2019)
There are concerns in healthcare, the faults made to the immigrants without permits also has an effect on the legal immigrants. (Nichols, V. et al., 2018)
Comparing styles with movies
Two movies this “Trump scene” look-alike, Anna (Besson and Smugher, 2019), and official secrets (Dorethy and Hood, 2019). One has the Russian influence Trump has caused, the other the republican fraud to start wars.
We can not skip Bandura (N.D., 2013)
Horror at the White House, nothing for the kids. (Staff writers, 2019)
A president must set a good example. We know the outcome after seeing bad things, what kids will do. Bandura shows us how rudeness is created, how input causes bad behavior.
I think it is abuse for kids to see “bad thing”, like building walls and meant to copy the bad behavior. There was not an environment about the kids' development and well-being. Well-being is autonomous, authentic, your own experience, and ideas. (Santos, 2019)
The increase of violence has a link with President Trump, showing punches, and letting the audience cheer for that. (Thomas, 2016, p443)
His job has an influence on all people.
In the same way, as with the Bandura project and the getting used to the things we see, people get used to this wrong example, that will do no good to the world. To stop his influence is more important because it is an unethical influence.
Especially because he has lots of opinions, instead of thesis, and a research thesis. Which we can name fake news. (Arif, et al, 2018) (Gutierrez and Le, 2018)
People are very uncertain about what will happen with the country, for example with healthcare. (McKee, et al., 2017)
Children will be guided by loyalty, and be not a good whistleblower with Trump as the president as there is a lot of concerns at the moment about him. This influences the future of the children too. They are not growing up the way they should, in a concerning world. (Misch, Over and Carpenter, 2018)
Also, certain types vote for Trump, we need to protect vulnerable people. (Monnat, 2017)
There would be an influencing to choose Trump, which gives a reason to investigate fraud with the election.
Not only the well-known media messages but also in studies about the style of applause has had effects. (Stewart, et al. , 2018)
Motives from the past
Old interviews (ReelinInTheYears66, 2017) show, he always talked around the real feelings, and because and when, he hides something hard. He actually is very focused on Iran, on troops in Iran, respect
You need to ask him more when he goes around it, and then he tells. He wants to demand respect.
You hear how people talk into him too and make him think he said it all. But they made him tell what he thinks, as a student, and play with him into being a president, why should he not be.
And he shows he finds things, but actually has no real studies, just an opinion of power, being held “hostage”, so all saw him just want power, and use that. Troops etc, these people around him add to his opinion.
They would now say, see you then wanted, or already were a good candidate. But actually he never wanted, he just fills a spot created with him. Sort of a slave mindset, with an opinion, but a small hard opinion. A small-minded, with lots of talks, but not really studied on topic, else he had lectures with evidence, lessons, and not to agree, but real scientific lessons.
He thinks, power, respect, outside views, ugly, or pretty, and elections, and being in power. That is pretty hollow and shallow.
He runs for president when poor, lost all, not his way, or no one filling the spot the way he wishes. But what he wishes is a small thing, power.
How to stop an Authoritarian leader?
Build democracy again. (Snyder, 2018) Not let this happen, think about it, reject the loss of freedom, and rebuild freedom and democracy again.
And perhaps think of unavowed abstention phenomenon. (Galam, 2018)
We can measure the functioning of a president. Measuring is a thesis against the thesis, one with the formula, of the scientific laws, wins. There is a winner, and science does provide the winner. Till the day we find the winner, with the right answer we compete with theories. All comes down to the academic skills. Against crime, against damage, against the winning of a non-winning piece. Let’s measure. Impeachment is a time of measuring.
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