Ticking like a bomb is the human rights within every person. All have studied it by now. Waiting to jail everyone trying to change them.

Jiska Hachmer
3 min readApr 25, 2020


It s forever not allowed to change them. Who tries it is waiting for the bombing. It has no use, and only a dumb criminal would ever try.

It is the insane type trying.

Every person as a “bomb” beside the criminals, ticking inside with their rights. Each criminal their target. Because of that’s the law. It's not allowed.

It is your duty to know them.

It will work inside of the people and attack the bad ones, it is the purpose of them, so all will get their rights.

Making things horror dark triads way to show who they are.

Sadistic, not a normal party, the way its meant, they do with many things, also the pedophiles that live there. They use all kind of moments to rape and enter homes, and are extremely sadistic and abusive and use all for kids. It is making the things that are normal, “a bit different”, that sadistic.

The locals so dumb, trying to make this a horror town, with their every year horrific bad Halloween, as a tone of the city, not as a party, but a sadistic showing off as a criminal party that they never do the norm, but they do the crime.

Just like any crime scene with a party, and then with kids. And you know it when you walk there that all have bad and worst childhoods, of them all.

Sadistic with their horrific parents and “guardians” to their schizophrenic sadistic “party”, and so dull a party.

We come from parties and a good life.

And these come from a hollow place, with the dullest “fitting” sadistic party. The mind is so dull, they can only think of murder, a little bit of party, as they are sad, and criminal, not happy with a friendly party. And they let kids out as if they all only must have each other. That's against the law already, kids should not have a peer's world, but adults world, an extension of their homes.

It is the most forced party you have ever seen.

And it says all about what they only do all day, trafficking kids, stealing them with fraud. It is inappropriate.

Their entire attitude, only wanting money, stealing, creating hunger with their dull empty mind.

Biggest crime scenes attached to their towns. It is sad.

And they wait, tick, tick, tick till all explode.

Every person must know the children and human rights, they do them the least, thus the explosion will be the hardest in this town.

They tried all, being sadistic, being criminal, keeping all dumb, trafficking people, lying about people, abusing, using, going insane, and they ended up mentally damaged, and visible not sane. On top of that, all people will come, we have seen that before. Every person on earth has these duties. they will come. The criminals will be caught, the biggest will go to other towns, all people have soon found them.

And the changes will come,

and then explosion after explosion as all good people will come everywhere, they never expect crimes, it is why they move freely, and they trust the human rights, as those are duty.

And they attack harder, as they can not stand crimes. We have seen that so many times. Everywhere people live, people change faults. And in this town its families, groups of people, the gov, the judges, the care fraud, social work and schools and all criminals in all the jobs.

You are never free of human rights.

