At the door is where you have the chance to get to know someone, and right there you need to know who this is before you go any further. That way only, you have quality in your life.
note. This article has also 18+ questions.
Finish the sentence
What should be finished? Should people be able to finish every sentence?
Finish the sentence: I wish I had someone to share…
Finishing someone's sentences is a memory.
In the working memory, there is speech, with all in and output going through the working memory people develop speech. All we speak of is taught, made up words by people, that we use, in the same group. A group of people uses the same language. So, all we say is telling, where we are from. Who taught us what.
So, you are from my group if you understand me.
All the people in the group, teachers, influencers, locals, regions, national, all with the same language and ideas. The same group.
With real empathy we do not finish the sentence, we listen.
So, even when you are in my group, we do need to listen to each other. We do mean to show we have listened and understood what is said, and give that back in our own words.
Well- being is being authentic, autonomous, and with your own unique self, as we are born unique, variants of the norm. And we will be a bit different in different circumstances too. The environment can change us. The environment also changes DNA.
What does it all mean?
People think, different things, but we are not a good listener when we finish each other's sentences is what we are taught it means. And, in science, finishing sentences means memory, simply memory, remembering what is said.
Could it be one with less empathy, finishes someone's sentences faster, and more wrongly, assuming this is it, while it had to be something else? Your real feelings, did they really find that out, your true self, your true feelings, and thoughts, within their own mind? Do you agree with them? Is it true what they say? Is it about what you would want to say, and would want them to know about you?
Aren’t we scared to not be able to finish the sentence of the man we love, he might think, we never paid attention?
Personality traits, for finishing someone's sentences
The harm finishing someone's sentences cause…
Able to listen, and give back what is said.
We need empathy, and be open, not fill in the answers. But we do need to be able to process what is said, correctly. And be able to leave and open, and fill in, depends on the moment.
- One, listen and ask more.
- Two, help to ask the right questions, so one grows from your questions, and becomes more and more him or herself.
- Three, be able to process what is said, and give back, mirror, explain what you heard and make one feel heard.
- Four, truly understand other people and have empathy. Talk with the person, without becoming the middle of the conversation, ask the questions, and let them answer and grow, during the conversation, and give back what you heard, and add your own experiences, that shows you understand them, you understand how they feel, you have been there, too, really. That there is a logic in the other person, they are not weird, you understand them.
So, able to ask the right questions. What should be asked, and when?
- Just a meeting, questions you should ask.
- Just, hiring someone, getting to know someone, want to work with someone. Questions you should ask.
- Wanting to get to know someone, a friend, or just someone you like.
- Wanting to date and marry someone, questions you should ask.
Are there different questions?
You can also stop people from finishing your sentences.
Stop halfway the sentence and look at them. Or say stop finishing my sentences.
Now answer yourself, sentences, so people get to know you.
When should someone know you? Research says it is anyway good to be deep, that is healthy for us. The happiest person is one with less small talk. Just up to a third of all conversations. ( Brown, 2017)
Questions should be clear, short, and conversational in tone (Bolderston, 2010)
When creating the questions think of:
- Will these questions get us the information that we need?
- Are they easy to understand?
- Are any of them confusing?
- Do they flow well from one topic to another?
- Does the language we have used reflect that of the group to be studied?
- Have we missed anything?
Also, think of to whom you ask them, and why do you ask them?
- Ask the right questions so people get to know you. There are things you do not know about yourself, so what should you think of? (Ayen, 2018) You do not want to be a bad person, you do not know your motives well, outward appearance says a lot about you, you need some distance to know you, if you tear yourself down you will have more setbacks. Dunning-Kruger effect, you will think your better at all you do, then after learning a lot and being in the real situation will not think so much of yourself, and when you are an expert, you will be more realistic about yourself. You need your true self, your own beliefs, you deceive yourself without knowing, insecure people behave more morally if you think you are flexible you will do better.
- Ask the right questions when you hire someone. (DeRue et al, N.D, Leading people, and teams.) Same as above, and these questions about the tasks the job has, and the task problems and personal problems that could lead to problems. You need to know the talents of the person, you choose at the door the employee, you do not need the problems to start when the employee starts to work, you need to know all before the job starts. Also, you simply need a plan to succeed.
- Ask the right questions on a date, or to get married. You should wait to get married until 23 to not get divorced. (Lebowitz, and Akhtar, 2020) Also, you end up best when best friends they say, although I also read a while ago it does not matter if you knew each other a long time, or from the first day are married. It is about being compatible. A marriage today would be self-expressive, so questions about self-expression, the way people express, would be fitting. Less cheating would be with more independent spouses, not depending on money from the other spouse. Testing would be typical if one is not sure about the relationship. Appreciate each other, and cheer for the success of the other is a success factor. You are not one person over time, realize your spouse will be a different person. Different sides are what will happen. Sex, quality is more than quantity, so questions should be about quality. Happiest couples were married out of love and had no societal pressure, nor desire for a family. Opinions and behavior change over time, so be adaptable. Also, talk about social media habits before marriage.
What do you want?
Friends, we need something in common, and such a friend can become a marriage when it is my best friend. Work with someone, I need to know the tasks in the job I have for them, and their talents, the ability to do the tasks I have for them, and task and personal problems. We have to be ourselves, our true selves. We have to be compatible, and quality and self-expression are important in marriages.
SEL, Social-Emotional Learning
To be aware of the self, to have emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, perseverance. After I can do my SEL, “the kids” can learn SEL, when we all can do SEL, we can do any project better. So, in marriages it means we both need SEL, to do any project together better.
Our true selves through the sentences
We do want the spouse or best friend to finish the sentence, but let you answer your own way, without filling it in. Perhaps the same for our friends, it is not about being a strange, new thing, it is about compatible, sort of predictable, fitting, and our true selves. So, a deep connection between two true selves, that fit.
So, it has to be about my deepest me, and you have to fit, in any way.
My deepest me: The questions need to be about these things:
- What secrets I have, you need to know? ->authentic, self-expression, deep inside out for friends, to friend me with.
- What if we have a side we do not know about? How do we solve, we have more sides? -> the article on the sides we do not know off, motives, etc (Ayen, 2018)
- What are best friends? -> Agreeing on something.
- How do we find out our motives? -> Through asking questions and finishing sentences?
- How do you get some distance on yourself to know the answers about you? -> Referring to yourself as a second or third person, thinking of the situation from an external perspective, the perspective of an exemplar, expressive writing trying to analyze the situation.
- How much do you tear you down? How much an expert are you on something? What are your talents? -> These are questions ready to be used in an interview.
- How do we find your true selves through questions and finishing sentences? -> By finding the secrets inside, the authentic side with questions, and more sides someone can have. Input and output through the working memory on the topic, practicing and giving it time to develop. Asking all questions that come up using this information from the article. Asking lots of questions.
- What are your own believes? Are you insecure and thus have morals? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- What are the tasks for the job? What are you asking? What is your job? What are your task and personal problems? -> For these questions the task must be sequenced, broken down into small pieces, written out, and asked questions about. And also ask what the problems could be when these tasks are asked to be done. What tasks are there in a friendship? Marriage? And are always there in any job?
- How do you express yourself? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- Are you independent thus cheat less? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- Why are we testing? Are we not certain? Why? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- Do you appreciate and cheer for each other? What are you cheering for? And appreciating? -> This question is ready for an interview. And needs some examples to cheer for, that ask about things from this article.
- What are your different sides? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- What is your quality of sex? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- What do you love? What are your reasons for marriage? Focus is on love, to let this succeed. ->This question is ready for an interview.
- Are you adaptable? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- What are your social media habits? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- What will be the tasks, with kids, family, when you do get kids? How is love when you have kids? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- What were your opinions as a child and now? How did you change? -> This question is ready for an interview.
- SEL or cell? Locked up or social-emotional learning? -> This question is ready for an interview. And asked per SEL, thus questions about the awareness of self, to have emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, perseverance.
My deepest me as friend
We need something in common. We need to be compatible. Quality and self-expression. SEL. To be aware of the self, to have emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, perseverance. We do want to finish the sentence, but let you answer your own way, without filling it in. A deep connection between two true selves, deep love.
My deepest me at work
We will need to know the tasks to the job, our talents, and tasks and personal problems. We need to be compatible. Quality and self- expression. SEL. To be aware of the self, to have emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, perseverance. We do want to finish the sentence, but let you answer your own way, without filling it in. A deep connection between two true selves, deep love.
My deepest me in marriage
You need to be my best friend. We need to be compatible. Quality and self-expression. SEL. To be aware of the self, to have emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, perseverance. We do want to finish the sentence, but let you answer your own way, without filling it in. A deep connection between two true selves, deep love.
For all situations
We need to find the deepest secrets, the different sides, without giving wrong ideas to change the people for the worst, after. We need to know from their past, without creating a PTSD moment. It is about quality. We want listening, empathy, and enable a deep connection, between two compatible.
What is the true idea of friends, family, work, and marriage?
All these topics also, expose DSM, and personal problems. You will hear the unbalances and if it is not solved, or is solved. You will hear if it caused damages.
Perhaps we want to know natural DBT skills, too, a better motivation, work smarter, and a nature for SEL too.
We do not want criminals, nor create criminals. So, we set the environment the best way, and find out their environments in the best ways, also their, and our past environments and can make a sum and do maths. What do they need? What do we need? What do we together need? How do we learn? How do we develop?
Now, sorted it all out: The questions.
To get the questions in order.
There is a logic to the questions, the order, and to a bigger complex. Also well-being, and finding compatible, authentic, self-expression, and quality, with a movement, is important when we ask questions, and the article explains why. Also, mindfulness, observing, describing, participate fully in the moment games, to do, without judging, and questions, mirroring, listening tasks, and finding secrets, maybe secret to the one we ask these tasks and questions too, as well.
All have to be authoritative, it is the only correct approach and not creating DSM, all other approaches are creating DSM. Creating honor and honor codes, deeper thoughts, and more detailed ideas for marriage, jobs, and friends.
And with reasons:
- Standard, cumulative, to bigger complex development (Verhulst, 2008).
- Finish the sentence, Questions to grow, mirror, process what is said, found secrets? Accept the story. Is it the true selves? The article shows sometimes we finish the sentence, and sometimes it is a good thing, sometimes not, and sometimes not possible to know all of the people yet, thus not logic sometimes to finish a sentence. Some questions make you grow, some questions and tasks mirror you, and with some you find secrets. I will give these sections.
- In common vs best friend. The article explains, your spouse should be your best friend. And your friend is someone you agree on something with, and thus feel a bond with.
- Natural SEL, and attention to SEL. We can find out what one does naturally and what one does after learning about SEL. It gives inside in the stability of the relationship.
- Compatible, authentic, secrets, qualities, self-expression tell us how long relationships can last and are topics in this article.
- Having a third person, talking, and having Idols, and idealization gives a distance to the topics, thus better answers. This is also, discussed in the article.
- Talking about being a variation of the norm, shows authenticity, and autonomous being. Uniqueness.
- Mindfulness, observing, describing, participating fully at the moment, doing things, without judgment, creates stability too. Also, accepting painful moments. This is a part of DBT to stabilize people in relationships, but also an SEL, which is written about in the article.
- How insecure you are, shows your morals, the article says.
- How much you changed, needs to be realized, to have a stable relationship, we accept different sides to the person, the article says.
- For a marriage to be a success you should be 23 or older, the article says.
- How flexible you are, will make you do better in the future. Same as having a growth mindset, the article says.
- Tearing yourself down creates setbacks, the article says.
- Outward appearance says a lot about you, one of these sources, in the article says.
- Dunning- Kruger is interesting a topic, wanting to know if someone can know themselves on the topic. Are they really the expert?
- Authoritative creates no DSM as the only approach (Joordens, N.D.)
- Some answer also says if you test this relationship, thus are not so sure yet, the article explains. These questions, tasks, and sentences to finish can give insight. You will find deeper secret sides in you and your partner.
Questions for friends:
Part 1: Authentic and autonomous, with a movement, to connect on deeper levels. SEL: Self-awareness. And from simple to bigger complex. Also, standard, cumulative, to bigger complex. Create honor, and stability. Finding compatibility. Also, respect, self-respect, and meaningful relationships, which are never negative. This entire task from part 1- 5 is about agreeing, having things in common.
- What famous person, or famous object should think of you? What should they say about you? If that famous person, or object thinks of you, and you would be a lifeguard what would they say? And when you would be a hero what would they say? If you are a good person what would they say? And if you are smart what would they say about you? Make it about real things you did, but as if you are a lifeguard, hero, good person, and smart.
- If your friend was a piece of clothing, what would your friends be? If your friend was a thing, what would it be? If your friend was a holiday, what would it be?
Finish the sentence 1:
- This lifeguard saved…
- This hero helped…
- This good person's quality is…
- This smart person solves…
Finish the next sentences yourself:
I wish…
I prefer…
I believe in …
I dream of…
Part 2: A practice game: Finish your friend's sentences. Finish the above sentences now, for your friends, after what they just said.
Part 3: Questions to become yourself. Different sides, growth mindset, flexibility, insecurity, and morals, finding secret sides. Who are you? What is your authentic self? SEL: Emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, and perseverance.
Questions to grow:
- What moves you deeply?
- What is your talent?
- What should you be insecure about?
- What did you deceive you with?
- What do you like to be an example of? And in the future?
- What do you teach?
- How do you learn? (Learning style)
- Where did you show your talents?
- What are you flexible in?
- What should be solved, in the world, at work, in daily life, at home?
- Your ideal job is?
- If you had a business what would it be?
- What special own traditions do you have?
- Are you a good listener?
Questions about change:
- How did you change over the years?
- How much did friends change you?
- How much did family change you?
- What changed you the most in life?
- How new are you in some things?
- What did you never think you would do?
Questions about a deeper side of you:
- What do you wonder about?
- You researched on…?
- You have a hypothesis on…?
Questions: Variations of the norm, emotion management, conflict resolution, and perseverance:
- How much of a variation of the norm are you? How far from the middle?
- How autonomous are you?
- How practical are you in disasters?
- How can you make your life smarter, working smarter?
- How would you fill your days when you stay home for a few weeks?
- What do you do when people upset you?
Task 1. Create an experiment
What are you testing?
Finish the sentence: If it fails, if the outcome is negative…
If it fails, what will you change in this experiment?
Create a new experiment on the same topic.
Task 2. Create motivation for your friendships.
Finish the sentence 2:
- You should ask your friends for help with, …
- You should say no to friends when…
- You find in a relationship meaningful, …
- Self-respect you gain with…/ by…
- Your most smart topic is…
- Your most deep topic is…
- You should say no at work to…
- Your best example/ Your best self was…
- Your most authentic self is…
- Your most unique side is…
Part 4. Mirror. Process what just is said. Do you accept this person? Did you find secrets? Both answer to this.
Part 5. Empathy/ listening task. And mindfulness.
Talk about a painful situation in your life. The other one listens. And answer with empathy, what do you understand? What did you experience too? In what situations?
During this conversation, observe, describe, participate fully at the moment. Present without judging.
And now, do something, create a plan to do together.
Questions for employees/work partners:
Part 1: Authentic and autonomous, with a movement, to connect on deeper levels. SEL: Self-awareness. And from simple to bigger complex. Also, standard, cumulative, to bigger complex. Create honor, and stability. Finding compatibility. Also, respect, self-respect, and meaningful relationships, which are never negative. For jobs, we need to know the tasks. There can only be task problems or personal problems that become a problem at work. (DeRue et al, N.D.) This entire task from part 1–5 is about finding talents.
- Finish the sentence 1:
- This lifeguard saved…
- This hero helped…
- This good person’s quality is…
- This smart person solves…
- I wish…
- I prefer…
- I believe in …
- I dream of…
Part 2: A practice game: Both answer on this and now finish your partner’s sentences. Finish the above sentences now, for your partner, after with what they just said.
Part 3: Questions to become yourself. Different sides, growth mindset, flexibility, insecurity, and morals, finding secret sides. Who are you? What is your authentic self? SEL: Emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, and perseverance.
Questions to grow:
- What is your plan with these tasks?
- What is your plan when the job changes?
- What moves you deeply?
- What is your talent?
- What should you be insecure about?
- What did you deceive you with?
- What do you like to be an example of? And in the future?
- What do you teach?
- How do you learn? (Learning style)
- Do you have problems with certain tasks/ jobs? Do you have learning disabilities? Are there personal problems you should ask help for?
- What are you an expert on?
- What motivates you?
- What idol or object should think of you?
- Where did you show your talents?
- What are you flexible in?
- What should be solved, in the world, at work, in daily life, at home?
- Your ideal job is?
- If you had a business what would it be?
- If your job were a piece of clothing, what would your job be?
- If your job was a thing, what would it be?
- If your job was a holiday, what would it be?
- What special own traditions do you have?
- Are you a good listener?
Questions about change:
- How did you change over the years?
- How much did friends change you?
- How much did family change you?
- What changed you the most in life?
- How new are you in some things?
- What did you never think you would do?
Questions about a deeper side of you:
- What do you wonder about?
- You researched on…?
- You have a hypothesis on…?
Questions: Variations of the norm, emotion management, conflict resolution, and perseverance:
- How much of a variation of the norm are you? How far from the middle?
- How autonomous are you?
- How practical are you in disasters?
- How can you make your life smarter, working smarter?
- How would you fill your days when you stay home for a few weeks?
- What do you do when people upset you?
Task 1. Create an experiment
What are you testing?
Finish the sentence: If it fails, if the outcome is negative…
If it fails, what will you change in this experiment?
Create a new experiment on the same topic.
Task 2. Create motivation for your job.
Finish the sentence 2:
- You should ask for help with, …
- You should say no at work to…
- You find in a relationship meaningful, …
- Self-respect you gain with…/ by…
- Your most smart topic is…
- Your most deep topic is…
- Your best example/ Your best self was…
- Your most authentic self is…
- Your most unique side is…
- Your work smarter ideas are…
Part 4. Mirror. Process what just is said. Do you accept this person? Did you find secrets? Both answer to this.
Part 5. Empathy/ listening task.
Talk about a painful situation in your life. The other one listens. And answer with empathy, what do you understand? What did you experience too? In what situations?
During this conversation, observe, describe, participate fully at the moment. Present without judging.
And now, do something, create a plan to do together.
Questions for marriage/ best friends:
Part 1: Authentic and autonomous, with a movement, to connect on deeper levels. SEL: Self-awareness. And from simple to bigger complex. Also, standard, cumulative, to bigger complex. Create honor, and stability. Finding compatibility. Also, respect, self-respect, and meaningful relationships, which are never negative. You need to know the tasks in marriage before you marry and need to know it has to be love, not societal pressure, nor desire for family, and you need to be adapatable because your spouse will change over time. The relationship must be about love. This entire task part 1 -5 is about finding your best friend. You can marry your best friend.
- Are you 23 or older?
- Why should someone marry you?
- What is your plan with your spouse? A family, social ideas of being married, seeking love? What will be the tasks in the marriage? Explain the tasks, and “jobs”. What are you looking for? What should be your talent and your spouse's talent in this marriage?
- How naturally are you (SEL)self- aware, emotion managed, what type, calm, balanced, wild, etc. And how do you manage? How natural is your empathy? How do you solve conflicts? How responsible are you? And how is your perseverance? How do you go on in life through all?
- What famous person, or famous object should think of you? What should they say about you? If that famous person, or object thinks of you, and you would be a lifeguard what would they say? And when you would be a hero what would they say? If you are a good person what would they say? And if you are smart what would they say about you? Make it about real things you did, but as if you are a lifeguard, hero, good person, and smart.
- If your spouse was a piece of clothing, what would your spouse be? If your spouse was a thing, what would it be? If your spouse was a holiday, what would it be?
- How much time do you have for yourself and your partner?
- What is your favorite part of the body, mind, soul, religion, wishes, dreams of your spouse, and favorite things to do with your spouse, also, of daily life with your spouse, and their preference, and wanting? Answer each of them.
Finish the sentence 1:
- This lifeguard saved…
- This hero helped…
- This good person’s quality is…
- This smart person solves…
Finish the next sentences yourself:
I wish…
I prefer…
I believe in …
I dream of…
Part 2: A practice game: Finish your friend’s sentences. Finish the above sentences now, for your friends, after what they just said.
Part 3: Questions to become yourself. Different sides, growth mindset, flexibility, insecurity, and morals, finding secret sides. Who are you? What is your authentic self? SEL: Emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, and perseverance.
Questions to grow:
- What moves you deeply?
- What is your talent?
- What should you be insecure about?
- What did you deceive you with?
- What do you like to be an example of? And in the future?
- What do you teach?
- How do you learn? (Learning style)
- Where did you show your talents?
- What are you flexible in?
- What should be solved, in the world, at work, in daily life, at home?
- Your ideal job is?
- If you had a business what would it be?
- What special own traditions do you have?
- Are you a good listener?
Questions about change:
- How did you change over the years?
- How much did friends change you?
- How much did family change you?
- What changed you the most in life?
- How new are you in some things?
- What did you never think you would do?
Questions about a deeper side of you:
- What do you wonder about?
- You researched on…?
- You have a hypothesis on…?
Questions: Variations of the norm, emotion management, conflict resolution, and perseverance:
- How much of a variation of the norm are you? How far from the middle?
- How autonomous are you?
- How practical are you in disasters?
- How can you make your life smarter, working smarter?
- How would you fill your days when you stay home for a few weeks?
- What do you do when people upset you?
One extra question on quality. (only for 18+, and you can do a bit later on, but before you choose this person to be with.)
- What is your quality when you have sex?
Task 1. In common vs best
Think of these questions and finishing the sentences above again, what would you do with friends, and what would you do with your best friend, who you might marry? Is this person that person? Who is this to you? Or might it be to you?
You like to have in common with friends…
And with your best friend…
Task 2. Create an experiment
What are you testing?
Finish the sentence: If it fails, if the outcome is negative…
If it fails, what will you change in this experiment?
Create a new experiment on the same topic.
Task 3. Create motivation for your marriage.
Finish the sentence 2:
- You should ask your friends for help with, …
- You should say no to friends when…
- You find in a relationship meaningful, …
- Self-respect you gain with…/ by…
- Your most smart topic is…
- Your most deep topic is…
- You should say no at work to…
- Your best example/ Your best self was…
- Your most authentic self is…
- Your most unique side is…
- Your ideal (and combination) job, income, and family lifestyle are…
- You should say no in your marriage to, …
- Your work smarter ideas at home are…
- Your social media habits are…
Part 4. Mirror. Process what just is said. Do you accept this person? Did you find secrets? Both answer to this.
Part 5. Empathy/ listening task. And mindfulness.
Talk about a painful situation in your life. The other one listens. And answer with empathy, what do you understand? What did you experience too? In what situations?
During this conversation, observe, describe, participate fully at the moment. Present without judging.
And now, do something, create a plan to do together.
I got to about 70–100 questions, tasks, and finishing sentences tasks for friends, and employees, working partners and best friends and possible spouses, and spouses.
How far from the absolute are these questions? The absolute can be our true selves, authentic. That we need to be our true selves. We function with our true selves, if we think we are someone else, we do not move towards what we need and want. That would not be, being ourselves, but being ill. So, our true selves can be very absolutely needed to be. The body, mind, and soul function with the real true selves we are. People that put themselves down, and tear themselves down, have setbacks, we learned in this article. So, it also has to be a loving self, loving yourself. Well-being is not slavery, losing your mind, losing your self, it is finding you, being you, having SEL, social-emotional learning, thus self-awareness, emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, and perseverance. You need a good moral, of yourself, and aware who that is. Who are you?
You will be autonomous and develop.
This now needs a lot of people trying this out. I wonder what happened to you after these questions, tasks, and finding the deeper sides of your partner.
I hope you like I added techniques to create stability, and authenticity, and self-respect, meaningful relationships, and SEL. Just with an eye on no creation of DSM, but also an extra stop to it, and finding only meaningful and respectful relationships. Where your spouse is your best friend, and you decide autonomous and independent what to do. Where authoritatively people are and independent and able to work together, and always use the most sophisticated ideas. Including growth, from sensing and opinions, towards researching your thoughts.
Thank you for trying this out!