Sociology: Helping people to get their will achieved by showing them the routes in society. Education: A structured system to instruct people, and help them with that, to achieve a higher level of knowledge.

Jiska Hachmer
42 min readMay 20, 2020
  • But these people working in these fields, are also, types, with studies not always leading to simply this. They should though.
  • This guide also helps, with how to change the power struggle study, the society, and work studies, and idea life is only made from institutions with an outcome to what society and you really are. As other studies prove, we are a lot more than that. Human rights also demand another approach.
  • Also, the change in society into homes, families, and homeschools, where self-development is the main topic.

Shortly, what needs to change: “The feel” in the field.

Analyzing what they choose to think about is society. And bringing it to a better thought. A real natural being. Sociology is psychology, thus it can not, not be like the rest of us: psychologists, biologists, and other study majors. They need to fit in.

Truth to this video: to not play the roles, but to be (your)nature.

There are duties, yes: Kid’s first duty, family first duty, and finding you. Human rights come down to this, for everyone. Just know you, and your will, human rights, and sociology is about achieving that will, showing the routes to achieve that. Sociology is not allowed to skip human rights, it has to be according to them. And only these laws demand what you must, you must nothing else. There is only one duty in any gov, help to get the human rights done. The kids and families first are a duty within these laws. There are no other duties. And these kids and families first are to protect them, as kids need us to help them to achieve their will, and families need to be able to raise kids and to be able to help their kids achieve their will. So, sociology should only be about these laws, and rights. Everyone is born with the kids/human rights.

Your kids and family love to know you, too.

They do not per se have a brother, sister, son, daughter, but you. They have you. Who is that?


But sociology seems to not be deep enough, has logo words, and roles, and hangs on that.

While in reality, you must be you and are not roles, that would be schizophrenic. A mask, and not a self, and is a cause of many DSM, by pushing people into roles. They seem to find life hard, and think in these tough ideas of becoming, instead of becoming. Life is way more simple than there idea of it. A child wonders what a parent is, what that would be like. A bit in that tone they think. What should it be like? But it is an experience, you can when you have it, and live it, and are mature enough, smart enough. And grown. A bit like explaining animal instinct, motherly instinct, that is too abstract for them. They might repeat it as a logo word, but sensing it, understanding it, with empathy, is tough for them. They would make these videos again, just missing the feel and point of it. I guess it is why they can be so cold, they truly are not grown enough.

If my family would be this shallow as the roles in this movie, I would cry, you?

Normal people would. They do not buy a parent, or sister, or brother, with a guideline. They get what they have, and do what they can with that. There is a natural feel to it. You do not want fake birthdays, fake friends, fake parties, fake jobs, you are someone, and want an authentic life, where all will be “the way you want”, with what all can be in there. And we wish the same for them. So, life is varied, with variations to the norm, life is unique. Most people find thàt the pretty of life. Life, that it is always different while living the same life, everyone is different, you make all people can do in life, your own, in your own unique ways, as everyone is born unique, so will be unique, and do life uniquely.

In between all these unique situations, you can find common ground, to work from.

What to do when one is different than the scheme says, is a bit the sociologist's problem, now they thought life is this pattern and scheme.

Also, life is biology, the human is biology, so feel and sense, and understand the instinct of human and intuition, and more abstract things we are, they still are who we are, even if one does not study them, or does not understand them. Others do understand them, as all humans actually are more abstract.

Sociology does not sense and feel “growing up” naturally enough.

People are people, born with human rights, unique beings, and well-being is autonomous, authentic, with that unique being. The roles, are a play, are made, you can change them. Only, not the natural roles, as you are the parent with duties. You need to learn to play the real you. -> psychology comes down to that. So, one coming to this idea of roles comes from an unhealthy world, where roles were made, and put onto you. Authoritarian, instead of authoritative. Thus this creates ODD, fear, stress.

While authoritative is the duty, and only best, and leads to you, maturity, with sophisticated ideas, a sociologist does not receive in the right tone. You are not a role, but you. And you, can join or not join to things, and only what you are and join is what is left to be working with, fitting to you.

Sophisticated is this deeper way of development, not the analyzing roles and making your duty list, which will be made up of what others expect. Slavery is not a goal, nor healthy, nor allowed.

So, learn to feel you, and who you are, and what life is, instead of trying to become an average, a role, which you never can be, and is not a goal in your life.

I am studying the sociology of education.

I already am, among other, educational psychologists, and use it as a part of environmental psychology, to design environments. I want the best environment.

I came from a good environment, where the working people used human rights, which is the basic law for all people, and most ruling laws and these were the basis of anything we did. Children had a good childhood, because of that. In teaching school, I did have to evaluate my teachers and environment and did find things we could change, despite this. Dutch have a low GPA and are not giving the USA k12 curriculum, and lots have just an extension of an elementary. That is very abusive, especially when you can be aware of this fault in society, and what that does to the people.

I transferred my studies to psychology, became an educational psychologist, and got in the middle of local frauds, and criminals at work, I continued my studies in management to clean the workplaces, and get back to the core of teaching, development of people, design of environments, and human rights.

I started my company Essence, and lead people and teams, internationally, not only nationally, to the most sophisticated ways at work. I studied big history and science, and what the bigger picture is of development. How human development and how environments are made best for children, adults, education, work, home, self-development, talent development, business development, and is the best raising environment.

Where a core is in all sciences and any job: human rights, ethics, sciences, and empathy with people. Also, higher literacy, honor codes, and good people in jobs as an example, which drops the crime rate. And where authoritative raising creates no DSM, all other raising styles do.

There is this absolute way of raising that is better, and best. So, I started Big Humanity a new academic field, part of big history, so study on scientific laws that humanity has.

And started school for the ombudscycle to have a place where all professions can learn human rights and start ombudscycles, which is a duty in human rights. We must solve all situations that have faults, and violations, and must create the best environments.

My studies are about the best design for any environment, where people will always be developing, and having their personal preferences, and personal will, personal talents, and always will need basic needs.

So, for me, the sociology of education is like anyone else:

  • First, human rights, ethics, sciences, and empathy.
  • Then, about the most sophisticated ideas in raising, development of people and their will, the basic needs, the best design of their environments, where education is to create a higher literacy, less crime, and more development of the self.

The best design has the best environment at home and an extension of the home.

It does exist. Human rights, ethics, sciences, and empathy does get you there. Where one studies only what human want, gets the best design for humans. Preferences are also, the door to learning because the brain works that way.

And sociology, with the one and only duty according to human rights, all must help to achieve human rights. Including duties, we first must help our own kids, and always listen to all kids their will and preferences and help them achieve their will.

  • Education is what you study.
  • Sociology, the help to achieve your will.

In sociology, it helps to stop crimes at work, stop power struggle, and create the most simple and best design of society.

Where people are in well-being if they have an autonomous, and authentic life, with their own unique being, to join and not to join, is the rule. No force allowed. In psychology, we know how force and punishment are damaging, and not helping, and even bad behavior. We can achieve without that. We know from human rights, none is allowed to interfere, nor judge, nor influence you. In psychology, we agree.

So, sociology is for who wants to work on getting human rights done. You have the right to have your ranking, with your work, which is not allowed to violate human rights and someone else's rights. You need to fit in the world of ethics, sciences, and human rights and must be empathic. So, their service could help there.

Everyone with a job, also needs academic skills, understanding of the things we can study and what they mean in our jobs, thus the curriculum needed to do jobs best, and where all the studies come from, what the nature of studies are.

Sociology means to show the correct routes in society to achieve your will.

I do understand they are not lawyers, thus they do not know all laws and routes. Their assistance is unclear, as there is no general task, other than help you get the route to achieve your will, in society. It is “advice”, not allowed to rule with, so the fascistic way with courts is in any way never allowed, as human rights are about what you want for you. No interference allowed. In all professions that is the same. Their advice to other professions is also not so the goal in the profession, it can have become a way to earn, but is it ethical? The real goal is that you as a person get your human rights, never their advice forced on you, or others influenced by them.

Also, we all have the duty ourselves to know all laws and routes. They are not a teacher, nor coach, nor psychologist, as in a therapy you need. They remain very much unclear. Assisting other jobs in the field to achieve their will, is not allowed, so many times, they might are better of as lawyers, with human rights as their main study, to direct everyone the right way. But they are not.

There are different studies in sociology, so the same as psychology, you need to look for their expertise in the field, to know their function.

I think they need adjustments in their fields and jobs, to address them to human rights, ethics, sciences, and empathy mainly. Which would make them lawyers for human rights, without any change to human rights, it might be too strict for them, but it is the only duty and job, actually, to be this precise with the human rights. And thus help to basic needs, correctly done, etc.

An environmental psychologist would fit them best, perhaps, as we design, and are free, but only use science, not “opinions”, which in any job is the purpose, to do science, truth. Every environment, made without force, not to force people into a style, but like a designer, listening to the will of the people in the families, to create their best home decorations, but then according to environmental studies, psychological studies, and design. This is a very broad field, and environmental psychology is mainly a Ph.D. level, thus they would need a lot more studies.

But all psychologists with their own practice have in the USA also a Ph.D., so this is not impossible to achieve. And they would not be allowed to use judges, courts, and assist people to change the environments, with force, or to influence, with their opinions, and not allowed to be fascistic, either. Nothing to rule people.

They would be hired, but as a service, and according to human rights, and thus the will of the people. If they let go of the force part of their ideas with people, they have a good job in design.

Because of their lower majors, in studies, and average less IQ, they would be more creative in this field, and artistic, and thus happier, I think, and more self -development-oriented, and more able to become more developed themselves. But that makes them feel more mature, wiser, more independent, more into creations and fulfilled with creating with science, I think.

Someone, artistic designing art for science magazines might fit them too. The way managers do use psychology a lot in companies to lead people and teams, and the company, they do use a lot of sciences and research a lot too, but our end results are artistic, a design, to create better environments.

Education means to provide a system of instructions, to create a system to achieve a level of study.

To be most successful this should be done by your parents, and at home, with little instructions.

To stay independent, not with bias, this job needs to remain independent, without interference in the personal lives of kids and families.

A teacher is better off as an online teacher, able to focus on their work. Science is about no bias, no influences, just true science.

Human Rights, ethics, sciences, and with empathy to the people.

Human rights are what we all must do first, same as ethics. And we all use sciences to be most truthful. It is meant as a way to find in a natural way the truth, and to this natural real truth, reality, we name the steps in that process. So, we all know where we are. It is like learning a language, we can speak of many things, by using the same words the groups use, and it helps us define what people say and what we are studying, by using the same words, to the same process, but we mean the own natural process, of finding the real truth. So, if you could name it differently and still mean the same steps, it is still science. Also, when you use another language.

But you still do the same things to find the truth.

  • wondering and questioning
  • Sensing and a thesis, opinion, about what you sensed. Your experience.
  • Research (cited) thesis. Automatic also addressing the ideas you had yourself. Share results.
  • Hypothesis, after many research thesis, a story on what the answer to your question is. So, the things you wondered answered with many research thesis, and a fitting experiment proving this idea, right or wrong. If the outcome says not true, you create a new hypothesis and experiment. You also, share the outcomes.

Before you study, your studies, you need to know a basic study.

There is a linear relationship between academic skills and GPA. The more academic skilled the higher the GPA(Pepe, 2012). The students were not related to academic skills studies too, so there is no bias.

We do study just a bit under the average USA GPA of 3 when unschooled, and when little instructed and homeschooled, we score the best GPA 3+. So, unschooled do learn a lot and homeschooled with little instruction the most. (Martin-Chang, 2012) And the results are best in the least restricted areas, where starting to homeschool is easiest (Hachmer, 2020).

I also think GPA shows the most you understand of the information you got. I think GPA shows a good reading comprehension, a good strategy that makes most people better readers(Texas Education Agency, N.D.). But bad readers might not get to that point of being competent, thus the understanding of, and creation of a logic strategy might not be developed because of this.

One could have dyslexia, which is a slower thinker. And is not a lower IQ, simply needs more time to get words automized. (Thomson and Goetry, N.D.)

Every person has their own pace, and this can be related to IQ, but dyslexic and other learning disabilities and general disabilities are not related to low IQ. A low IQ is a DSM though.

Everyone's thoughts have the nature to wonder, and to find answers to their questions. Development, creating higher IQ is about harder tasks, and continuing wondering. To truly develop your IQ, you need harder tasks over time (Standford, 2007)

There is a nature in IQ growth, development, and science and the scientific method.

One of the academic skills is learning to be critical. It is a way to find the truth between all input, to your brain. Critically with the knowledge you have and the skill to find the truth. (Enago Academy, 2019)

So, you need to know who said what, and why things are said. You need to know the people in your country, in the jobs, in the fields. You need to understand how input gets into each mind, and becomes their output. And where the input came from. What influences ideas, what is the bias, the real truth. You can study the entire process of the environment that becomes input, and how people share their output, and becomes others their input. Thus how all interact.

This means you need:

  • Academic skills
  • And an a-z the curriculum before we work, and need the best curriculum of all. So, someone needs to understand what we need before we work. You need to understand that too and find all fitting studies, to be best too.
  • High GPA, to be sure we know all of the studies we learned.
  • The nature of our own thoughts, and the nature of studies. Science is, all about it has to be true, you can copy the experiments done, and need to get the same answer. It is a formula you search for, although at first, you study to find a hypothesis, and all studies are meant to continue studies. So, when you disagree, and there are many theories we are pretty far from absolute truth when we get more further into studies, we find the truth, and absolute, math formula for explaining the phenomena. Sometimes we can not know better, yet, see DNA, it took some time, but we all had ideas about who the parents might be, without having DNA, yet, in the times before DNA was found. Now, we can change the court files on that, with a simple DNA test. But it shows how much work it all has been before it was a true absolute. Before this finding, people did judge on each other. So, we grow into better systems, with better findings and more truth over time, if we keep studying. We need to stay truthful and keep searching for the truth, in the end. We seek to find the answer to our questions. A real true answer, and study for that.
  • The country we come from, and their faults. Where all the studies come from. Who were they? We need to understand the bigger picture of ideas. How they develop, and how we can know things are true, and who says what and why to understand the true meaning of words people say, and how we can use them.

Sociology of Education

I think the field means environmental psychology, as sociology is about:

  • How are people being social?
  • Is about big history as well, in threshold 5–8, about how did this all develop into what we do today? And what could it be? Why did we develop this way, and not the ways it all could be?

Who studies that?

Sociologists study power struggles, society as the sum of institutions creating a society and thus our lives, and work, how the society works, and how they can assist these jobs. Very vague in what they can help. Their focus is clear, not social behavior, but institutes and power, so are they forensic psychology solving dark triad? No, they actually are more themselves dark triads, believing in a world of power. And not all of them, the ones focusing on power struggles. Who thinks of society that way? Dark triad. Something happened to them to ever think of society this way, that you think to research it, this way. A forensic psychologist would be more logical for victims or protectors of victims to study. So, power struggle as a norm, is not what 85% of the world believes society is, they think is about being kind. Only 15% of the population believes in other motives. 1% psychopaths. The power struggle is very rare to believe in. And it is not even all sociologists, but a field in sociology. Sort of a society-ology, where one studies power. I honestly can never get my mind into this, it is too unnatural for me. I come from a totally different society than a power struggle. Too different than a world of human rights, ethics, growing mindset, believe in talents and self-development, honor and that prevent power struggles. Now I lived in such a sociology region very focused on power abuse, as they do that, and typically as sociologists, I now study forensic psychology a lot more. And just psychology and management to get crime out of the workplace. I can not understand how one would think of sociology to solve such, as they do not. They keep the power struggle and struggle. They are the clients of ours, not partners, nor a really good science on this. It is more a religion, a point of view.

And it is mainly with surveys, so not a strong field anyway, it has to experiment proving a hypothesis, after many research thesis, to find absolute truth. I am to scientific to take them seriously as a science. It just lacks that real study.

The other parts one could study, is mainly for a lost soul, with a focus on society as institutions just using you and thus you create, which is also not logic, it is not what I did teaching school for, nor any of them. Not at all from a belief in institutions, but in education and to create a modern new way of teaching, as one could need teachers. We reflected on all mistakes our teachers made and had to make new ways of teaching, and study the best ways to teach. It is not meant that you feel lost soul, lack a self, and now do not develop yourself, it is only meant you now develop yourself, by your choices and studies, with your preferences, and we love to be a service to you, not a boss, but your personal helper, to become you. So, I not missed a group in class that finds they only live with institutions. To be honest these are borderline experiences, not the self-understood, nor society, or the route in society for you. The lack of self and I do not mean ego, like the power struggle of the other type of sociologists, as dark triads, just in both of the types, the normal self, which all others experience, that is why they can do their own business as human. And they do can use some services, but they all are autonomous and authentic, not products of institutions as if fascists are allowed, no that is not human rights too. This also, sounds like a lower IQ mind, too young at work, lost in “rulers” world, slavery, exploitations, missing true purpose of a library, and school, and not capable of using that for you, as a service, instead of an institute, that rules us, as that last is not even allowed, nor what we in psychology aim for. We see that past as unethical, and all services must now be for individuals in personal ways, at home. The home and self has a bigger role than this idea of society. So, we work hard on that, and these types of sociologists work on an unethical idea of society, we work against. A bit behind this is too. So, they lack all our past studies, they never log in to databases and psychology studies? They really do not do human rights as their first focus, while every person has that as the duty? And only duty, in any society.

The third type is work-oriented, we are only at work, from that point of view. From this third group, I am already very exhausted. To be honest. Another strange view on society and none work on the real social issue. What humans naturally do, with social situations. And I know, truth in science is the people with least friends end up best, over time. So, we should wonder, indeed, if we ever make sociology a study on this, as the answer is already there. But, human rights also demands already all, as this is studied broadly in the past centuries, and thus the human rights were made.

They need definitely a shift in their studies.

The first thing, every study field must be ethical, be according to human rights, sciences, and must have empathy.

Also, you must have academic skills and have to be critical as a duty in science. Sociology thinks to assist, the society, not per se social life, but does focus on a given situation with institutions, I think that is where the field is wrong. That is not scientifically correct, to start from unnatural situations. We need to first be natural and see what fits nature, as all people are biology, thus a study of nature.

Sociology is a part of psychology about how to be social if you want to, but these sociologists took it as societiology.

  • They forgot to go to the studies about them in all other fields. There is a bias, or love, or norm for society. So, they mean to study what should be there and what not, but forget this bigger view. And we actually see, their religion, start point, brainwash since childhood, all that they lived. We see them. Not society, but their idea of what they have lived. I would not see society this way, in any of the three directions.
  • They also, mean to study how to solve problems in society, which is a broader view too, in psychology. When one has a problem, there are more parts in psychology that can be the issue. Sociology does not solve all at once, at all. Being social is not the solution to all problems.
  • The driven part that society must work, is not a healthy one, and unethical, and not how science is meant. People at work are what happened to us, but is it healthy? Not, because it is always been this way. We need a natural control group. We can not study and assume this is how it should be, because it is now. We need to keep comparing with nature.

You can not want to hurt someone, for example, and start hurtiology, the study of how we can hurt. We can not as human rights say so, and because all other science says so, it damages and is no logic to study.

So, because they think to address behavior, this is psychology and not just social work.

And it actually has to be a Ph.D. when they have their own company and practice and have to be ethical, fully scientific, doing all human rights, and with empathy, like all psychologists, that would save us from a lot of issues. They must understand they are no absolute as well. Where are the scientific laws? And formulas?

Thus this is a religion, an opinion, rather than scientific, it misses scientific laws, and how to use them.

  • They do push from that point of view, we can not, no one else can, it would be considered influencing, a crime, so they can not, as this is psychology. And it is just a study, all studies can not push people into things, human rights rule, always, and rules we can not.
  • And this field is sensitive to dark triad people.
  • It is also, sensitive to a lower IQ group, which is already represented in this field, a lot, it is the lowest study major, so, they need higher literacy to not end up in crimes. Low literacy is linked to crimes.
  • It attracts people that want systems. We do need to study the nature of humans and being social naturally. What would they all if society was different, and not this way? What would be best, then? How can we study a natural control group?
  • Also, not all of them, but some have a belief being a workaholic is the way to be in society, it is a driven field about how all jobs function together and that idea also attracts hunger crimes and people that are starting too young at work. It should be the self develops, and there can come jobs out of that. But should that be? Why we keep the money? Why we keep society this way? What are other ways? What is nature in all this?

The real problems in society can be themselves, and they need to be critical to themselves.

But can a lower educated, lower IQ, a dark triad, and one pushed in the mind to hunger crimes do that? So, being critical, self-reflecting, and finding other fields to view their work, is very necessary. They need the help themselves from other fields and need help to place all their ideas, correctly.

The same way psychology has biology as major now, as a duty, everyone is a biologist, but also neuroscience is a duty and becoming an MD more a norm. They could not remain, charlatans, same for MD. Also, philosophy was not enough, it had to become a strong science, with higher majors.

What we think of, is, the field.

A field is made from only a thought, a study, an idea to study on. So, we need to find what to think, to be better. All fields need to understand they are just a thought, and we can improve the thoughts we have to be better fields.

I have seen in our country, people not being ethical, not understanding human rights, nor sciences, nor being with empathy to the people and are lacking education, level, real studies, and just think it all is meant this way. So, the worse region with worse schools is the worst by their schools and is broadly studied by school psychology.

The absolute explanation of sociology needs to be the study on how people are social.

What their needs are, and creating a natural world, so we can know. The same we have in all psychology, we seek science, natural phenomena. Not just assume, schools are good, and society needs many workers. We need to know exactly what nature is in people, and in the nature of being social. Also, the logic of that when you are from a sect does not mean the sect is ok.

You need to be a scientist and look outside the existing groups and society and find the absolute truth in what is needed.

And need to be according to human rights, which already decided why people can join and not join. And need to understand they come from a lot of science, the past hundreds of years.

And to let people be their natural self.

Also, types are more common in certain jobs, and we need to change society to no crime and no creation of DSM. To be ethical.

So, sociology needs:

  • Human rights studies
  • Ethics studies
  • Sciences studies, and getting this study field at a higher level.
  • With empathy, do you feel it? Do you know it really yourself too? Do you understand them all, the people that you study? The real needs of people we study, thus need to know we do not skip a nature. So, if one finds gay tough in society, and has the study why that is, does not mean, they can not be. If you lack empathy, you would deny their rights and think you can be bigger than human rights, or ethics, or other sciences, and just do your work as a sociologist against gay. Especially because the types in sociology can be driven to work, and be dark triad at work, or hunger crimes, thus sensitive to crimes, and one can be driven to study bow institutions can take care of your wish, and you can be driven to study problems, using conflicts. So, one studying this can be a dark triad themselves, being abused young, thus coming to this idea to study this. Where psychologist 75% of them have seen themselves a psychologist, for DSM problems, a sociologist might have seen them too, but can also be one with a thought on society must work out, and cause damages to themselves and others with that driven side. Where they forget what the real problems are.

(Work is actually a study in another field, of psychology, in our country. How companies should be and how ill patients at work can get new jobs, and how much they can not work anymore in the current job, thus need insurance paying them for those hours per week they can not work anymore. )

I do see America has more motivated workers, than Dutch, and is studying from a-z on higher levels, and with a higher GPA, thus the worry is less in that country.
As they have solved an issue, higher literacy, thus have fewer crimes. Also, they solved a lack of sciences, as all of them, had in their education sciences deeply, and fully, before they work.

But in the lower literate countries we see the crimes in jobs very high, and out of hand.

And people with lower IQ and low literate, more common as criminals. And a lot of them, as they all had worse education.

Nature though should be a bigger study.

The studies always seek nature in things, and this field is too driven to find work, and let a society work, and to let that work. Americans will mean it a lot more the natural way, but the Dutch perceive this as “work psychology”, and think of all people like patients, they, must examine, how much they can be part of the job they used to do.

If there are issues, despite all are smart, and made smart, made literate, and without forces, and the wrong people start to “work”, any situation always ends worse. So, if they use this sociology wrong, imagine the Dutch, it always ends worse, as they start with lower educated and fewer people studied, all fall into the hands of more fascists and more dark triad than the field is already vulnerable for.

Also, the generations are older, in my country and lived with more crimes, like drug use, as a norm.

Imagine also other countries using these studies to control society with other norms.

We all know in true science we all would find absolutes, not power to control people, so, sociology can not be this way for bad people to use, and these sociologists will help them do bad.

Human rights are the real ruler mostly, but they come from many studies over centuries, and the core of humanity, which has been studied for a long time. You can not be something to go around this or assume you can rule beyond that.

So, anyway, the studies must accept those studies as a basis, first. You cannot create a world, skipping these truths, which are the basis of society. IT would end into slavery and human trafficking.

While sociology is meant to have absolutes, scientific laws that are the truth in how society does not end up that way, as human rights and ethics and sciences are duties, and empathy a norm, to understand others, and really connect.

The study is very sensitive to be used for dark triad purposes.

A person with a normal life can get into this with a lot of bad reasons, things that happened to them in society. Very aware of society, work, and power struggles.

While it has to be the study of how that does not exist. But people wanting power can use this easily as studies for them. So, where one comes from is very important.

Why, do you have such interest? Who hurt you before? Why do you want to change society? And what change?

Society normally is something we are not so much exposed to when we have normal development.

A baby does not work, child labor is not allowed, child marriage neither, a child has a childhood. A teen a teenhood. Young adults are adults, teens look like adults, and kids can be very smart, and some reach earlier than average a higher IQ than the norm, but still have their own childhood. Not denied from things, but logically not exposed to certain situations, to not damage the brain.

Where schools and society are not the natural “feel” of the parents, at all times, and are damaging. Institutions are not the way in society, coming from a normal childhood. So, do you lack that? Why do you not wonder about yourself, and others, with empathy, how they are themselves, and what they need, themselves, to become the individual they want to be. Starting from the nature of who you are.

So, what are the studies between natural studies and cities crammed?

That is something, but still, we need the focus on natural, how do we get the cities most natural. With not only all sources there, that we need. How do we stay ourselves, with so many people, that attracts us to be social? How do we keep all kids natural, and not in this facade, and grouped being? How do they reach their souls? Privacy, their own world? Without taking their own interests and ideas. They will get more ideas to be with all the people they see, all day, or be traumatized, by the more common bad interactions, etc.

There is a lot to this when you take it not from we must work, we have power struggles, we have this soulless instruction of institutions, and can't get out of the sect, now accept it and never change it.

How can one mind come to this? When they are abused, exposed to it, and now assume this is the nature of humanity, and they assume a need in it, and they do not check what nature is, and thus how society should be. And how less we need that interaction, actually. What the other routes are.

The field name does assume, this is broadly studied and will come with some absolutes, with real scientific laws, not self-made ideas about absolutes. And put that religion onto others in society, because they seek a study in a society, which easily is unethical, and obsessive, and stalking, and controlling, and checking on people, while laws say that is not allowed. And a natural study would create different ideas of studies and less of these problems.

We can not let the problems get bigger, and not study the nature of things to solve it. And then earn on this, as you gave up, and assume society will always be there in this way, thus accepts, wrongly the wrong nature of things, as you assumed this is the nature, and forget none ever looked at nature when they built schools, they looked at kids die, and solved with what they had, today you can solve with online schools, homeschooling, and all kinds of ways of schooling, and accept kids should not be separated from the parents, nor end up well by school buildings. And, yes, we might always have orphans, or partially orphans, where parents can not take their role in this. But what if you changed society into the duty, as that is already, to do the schooling yourself, you would finally admit, your kid is a bit an orphan, you do not do schooling yourself. There you open the world to real acknowledging. Also, taught by, and their influences a lot more studied. More fairly, more true. And thus more solutions, in reality.

And when one understands these changes the child, to be actually with the problems of an orphan, we can change the idea of going to school buildings and have other teachers.

Fear? Of being jobless? We should not when nature is done right, all have all. Also, these jobs today, only change into new ways to do jobs. You can teach online, or the parents, or have different kinds of schools, like libraries, where one walks in when they want, and you earn more, as more kids come. When you are fun, all come. School becomes a more fun thing to do when it is teaching in more fun ways, so would you not have customers? You will, but all done more precise, and fairly, and without forces, and roles of slaves and bosses, and with the parents, the way it must be according to human rights, and logic when you have kids and did parenting well.

Also, it is more engaged, so the child can end up a lot better when older. It is not lost but encouraged. We can build other things, all like and freely come to, so the real nature of a child is accepted, and not shaped, but they are themselves. And can leave when they want, so we also skip child labor.

Studying it all this way is sociology too. And the actual study, the deeper thoughts. And the real need for all developing people. Does all really fit? What is your control group? What did you think of? Can you think of other things to study? Do you find the real priorities? Or just leave all the way it is, and assume it is good enough?

Controlling people is not allowed, so sociology as a study to control is not how it is meant, nor suppose to be. It does show how people can think, and what their own issues are. So, this is a field to study on and find mental illness among people in this field. Who comes to ideas to control people? While the duty is to find how each individual is themselves and does their own development and according to human rights, and to be human and not slaves, and to get all information and all studies, and be in power themselves, about themselves.

So, they are meaning to show the routes to all possible for you, to achieve your will.

Fundamentals of Sociology of Education are

  • Study of the effect of education and its outcome.

Durkheim (1858–1917) Started with moral education for organic solidarity.

The time they lived in shaped sociology. People were working, kids too. There was a need to work, and society had a different need, together.

He developed terms:

  • mechanical solidarity
  • organic solidarity

Organic solidarity

The interdependence because of specialization at work. Depending on improvements of each other, the changes in relationships because of specialization. Industrialization.

Mechanical solidarity

Connected through similar work, religion, sharing education, and lifestyle. Homogeneity.

The meaning of sociology is

The study about the interaction between social groups, people, institutions. How people function, socially, together, and their conflicts. One starts from the social situation, and studies this, while the person is a psychology study, also their interactions.

So, the study is about how one functions with people. And the typical conflicts coming from this. We are homo sapiens, thus able to handle more of the same kind, but that does not mean, socially.

  • We need fewer friends to function socially. One friend is better than a lot. They create typical conflicts. (Prinstein, N.D.)
  • Peers together create crimes. (Ruggiero, et al, N.D.)
  • People have to develop, and not end up in social loafing (DeRue, et al, N.D.), and not end in the bystander effect, but be a bystander.(, N.D.)
  • We have to accept the join and not to join, by human rights. Have to provide, but never force people. (Ruggiero, et al., N.D.)
  • Where problems are, people solve, so there is also a study on how people solve. And how society can function as a community.

The techniques used in the studies:

Qualitative sociology

Unstructured and structured. Focus groups, interviews, observations, and samples small. And to develop a hypothesis. Given questions, and directions.

Quantitative sociology

More structured interviews, and surveys. To collect data, defined variables.

Which shows the study on the person, as sociology, and a given direction.

It is not a natural study on people, but how they are functioning, socially, now in that what is given. They do mean to focus on what people want. They should change the forces they study into freedom, as human rights demands. They need to get loose from their bias, which is a brainwash, the given situation, which is clearly not logical, as it is not nature. Science is about nature. The nature in things. They also lack biology, and higher majors, like chemistry, physics, math.

Even human rights, laws, psychology, management, is done very low and is full of assumptions.

The field needs: Focus on human rights, ethics, sciences, empathy. And self-development. SEL for the workers, and positive psychology. And compare assumptions. Why positive psychology is a different assumption than sociology.

They need to be mindful first, themselves, and need lots of socio emo lessons for themselves, first. When they are healed themselves, they can help others, and get better thought processes, and find better studies.

They need psychologists for themselves, their own development. Also, they need higher literacy, and harder tasks, over time, at their own pace, which is slower now, as they are lower IQ, mainly, and more low literate, mainly, they need to work on that, and can create higher IQ, solutions and higher literacy. I do think they need help on that, they did not focus on this, themselves.

Where psychologists do not need that, as they have the duty to check themselves first, and they do, as this is their belief and what the studies are about, thus already checked themselves. While they do have some dark triad, and sadists, some “the creep psychologist” we all fear. We work on that. Forensic psychology and environmental psychology can solve all the dark triad in any field.

Every field works on something.

You can divide them into the next groups:

  • Symbolic interactionist perspective, studies society as a product, but to be honest, see the lack of self-awareness, and psychology, in this field. The lack of a self, and ends up with a less developed view on life. A childish view, to be more detailed. They mean, the sum of the environment, where one is a self, and needs self-development, to become. They think sum from institutions, as if we all are orphans, and no one grows up.

They lack child and human development, too. A logical sense of what they should become. They do not sense the self and the world they should have created.

They can use environmental psychology. With attention to a self. Well-being is not being a product of all interactions. Well-being is being autonomous, authentic, unique being, a self, developed self.

  • The functionalist perspective, how a group works together, work is the main focus. So, watch out for the workaholics, and lacks balance between self and society. Also, a child in fear at work, or else there is hunger. There is no peace with this.

Peace would be, a self-developed person, not in hunger crimes, and not only a structure, a system. You need you, and a job. Where slavery is what jobs actually are, and is not what it is allowed to be. So, you should expect here the solution to a better society, where no one is a slave, jobs are not the only focus. So, that society “functions’, is pretty much a myth, as the start is this force to work together, that is not functioning. Functioning would be your true self. Jobs less stressed.

The nature of things should be their focus, not how to end up in slavery and crimes.

Their natural job, natural structures, and need of people, and how that is done ethically, by human rights, and sciences, and with empathy, should be the focus. Where a child is not allowed to work, and the one that works later on in life, ends the better because who starts young at work, ends up in crimes more often. Also, not peers together, as they end up in crimes together. (Ruggiero, N.D.)

  • Conflict perspective. The Dark triad group I can say. These must be abused people, else you can not find a power struggle, as the thing society is, as it is not. So, they experience this as a norm. The main conflict is power, we are not raised by powers, they do feel so. They need the core of people, how forces really work naturally, and one is not ever supposed to be raised as Dark Triads, as a power struggle. They need therapy.

So, We could name the groups: “the child”, “the least smart IQ, and ended up in the hunger crimes”, and “the dark triad”. There is no healthy way to get into such a study. Exposed young to crimes, and hunger, and power struggles. The borderline, lost soul, also the low IQ, never developed, never mature, and the dark triad, all together in sociology, and all see society in a different way, but they do not expect all of us, the other 85% of the world, thinking society is kindness, as people are kind, wanting only kindness. Where we do self-development. To be true, I think we do not study sociology, because we do not experience the same things as them, and do not question so much about it, we do change society. We see these 85% others wanting kindness, we feel what we can be. We develop and are with them all. Not needing structures, so much to it, and not needing power struggles, or think institutions are needed, we are more natural, human.

If I would study people, I never would come to these struggles, unless it is about forensic psychology, focusing on criminals.

They can work on:

  • Social Organization. Source.
  • Sociological Social Psychology. Source.
  • Social Change. Source.
  • Human Ecology.
  • Population and Demographics
  • Applied Sociology.
  • Sociological Methods & Research.

Meaning of education is

Giving and receiving systematic instruction.

The relationship between education and sociology and education and society is…

The given situation of education for work, for the sum of the society, for a power struggle, if you can find that there. But it has to be, self-development, finding your talents, and develop these, on your own time and with your own pace, preferences, and will. Not young, only as much as a child wants, so not denied, but not forced, and allowed to join and not to join. We have a duty to help the child achieve their will, same to all people, so we can have work, tasks, but all have to be free of force.

The Nature and Scope of Sociology Education

Social power control, and the study of education in society. It lacks scientific laws, and proven science, they do have assumptions and power control and think that will create responsible people, while proven in science this is the cause of crime, and DSM. So, it is a myth. They do need higher literacy to drop the crime rate, but that has to be without force, control, and little instruction, and given by the parents in homeschools.

Education and Sociology

Self-development, processing input, learning a curriculum for jobs, and how the product of interaction and the structure in society and power struggle influences this.

Socialization of the Family and School

That is a big myth. People are there because they are forced, they have better friends and marriages through online contact. So, they rather do online schooling for that. Peers create crime, thus it is not the best place to be. Also, you rather have one friend, and not too many, especially teens, children do not need friends, yet. They are allowed to join and not to join.

Socialization Education, Culture and Personality

Your person is developed by you, by your nature, and should not be sociopathic, or borderline, lost soul, shaped by the environment. You, are born as you, that needs to be made strong. You are allowed to be a part of a culture, and is meant as an expression of yourself.

Family and Education

Education is the extension of the home.

Education and Social Stratification

Schools create stratification, and people need homeschools, access to the best input to drop crime rates and stop hunger and create opportunities, not school buildings. It is just made because of the time the people lived in this developed in, as there was no internet.

Social Class and Educational Attainment

The working class achieves fewer goals, than the middle class.

Education and Social Values

Higher literate drop the crime rate. Lower educated are linked to crimes.

Home and Social Values

All is meant to be an extension of the home. We are equal, no matter religion, and preferences.

Social Functions of Education

It is meant as own development, and therefore able to make friends, work, and live the extension of the home. But not as a child. The friends come from the same ideas, the same studies, the same interests, but this development is not made in school buildings. These are best made online, and when the child is developed, you also do not marry as a child, nor work.

Stability and Change, Education and Culture Charge

The higher educated, but best homeschooled, the more stable. Not in school buildings, that is least stable. Peers create crime, and that is very unstable.

The Sociology of Teaching

To show the route to all options, and to let the child develop, and help the child achieve their human rights. This is in big need of acceptance of a no, from a child. A social person understands a child, and human rights, ethics, and sciences, and has empathy. The right to join and not to join and the free will of a child is the duty, for all teachers.

Social Relations in the Classroom, Teacher and Curriculum, Teacher and Examination

It is not meant as a social place, same as the library, but it is a library with a teacher, so, a place to get the books and teaching. The teacher knows a good curriculum to get degrees and can examine this.


This is the field of sociology in education. It needs improvement. And the improvement will change more fields, like school psychology, where we need a shift to online schooling, homeschooling, unschooling. That has been done already, but we need to continue that. If we change sociology into what community is, whatever we all think it is… We can change everything into what people think it is, and want from it. That is, in the end, our only duty.




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