The shift in history from criminals to criminal politicians, criminal care, and criminal judges: Catching criminal Judges, is like catching any other criminal.
In my opinion, in today’s crisis, where local judges fraud as if they are the new regime. Wanting to take over, the way politicians took over from kings.
But they are too late, human rights demand all be only about human rights, and individual life. Protecting families. Never one above. And not forget the DSM that is attracted by these jobs. Dark Triad loves to be anything ruling.
I have been asked to diagnose all 30 kids in class, by a teacher. She tried to copy what now our judges do. Trying to put me in a position to violate my profession and codes and lie and fraud on kids' files as if they are ill. That is extreme human exploitation, and exploitation of me, also criminal exploitation.
I said no, of course. The teacher was fired. The teacher also physically abused children and gave an extremely low level of education. And, we left the school, with the advice of school inspections, and other authorities in this country.
1 I studied teaching school, in our codes, we are never allowed to be any doctor, nor psychologist, nor anyone diagnosing. I can not ask anyone to diagnose any kid in class, I am not their doctor.
Only a doctor can think, this is a case for another expert, and then has the right to discuss with the patient a possible another doctor, or psychologist to check on the symptoms.
I studied psychology, and in our codes, we check the one suggesting a patient, and we know in science, most likely that one is the one with DSM, not the one they think is the patient. Her low hygiene was a sign, already, her abuse too, especially the question to me and with a morbid attitude. Her colleagues were another sign. They had tried a lot of people in the school system to do whatever they wish, and they like ID fraud, using my name, profession, and signature, but asked me, they would say, but the question was under pressure as well, and very suspicious circumstances, like my kids, were in that school. It was using parents their profession to morbidly abuse children even further. To create a group of abusers around the children.
I study to be a Medical Doctor, now. First BSc Health Science, to be an fMRI/ MRI brain scanner, then a medical school for my MD degree. We are solving illness even more, so it is even more strange to assume a class full of ill kids, in a regular school, where miss needs help, clearly.
In all the possible professions I know. No!
But this was a few years ago. From then, until now we have been through a lot in this country. While I studied how asylums went down, and how psychologists are not allowed to do experiments that are unethical, and how much that has happened.
And how care is now patient central, and well-being is being autonomous, authentic and unique.
Where all people are individuals, and in all professions that is our only goal.
The past is not in these kids
We changed the past.
A Hitler like-minded is a situation that we prevent, and can not exist anymore. More likely such a person ever occurring again is from a generation with problems, and with a raising style causing DSM, or from extreme war scenes and abuse, extreme exploitation. Where the mind is not authoritatively raised, and the input was damaging, and where the education level was low.
So, if teachers do the job correctly, if psychologists don’t do the unethical experiments, and if all in care and education are not wrong, and support science, and academic skills, especially when kids are homeschooled, and do self-study, such a type is impossible to exist.
We learn this also in teachers' school.
Think of this spectrum, of who loves to have DSM, or to give it, while no one has it.
Afraid of happiness, Cherophobia.
Loving to pretend illness, Munchausen
And, when diagnosed in these lies, anhedonia, still not happy, guilt like depression.
Just keep this in mind, please. Many DSM can be the reason. A borderline does the crime. Dark Triad does the crime. But, I suggest keeping these in mind with the other DSM you can find in such a person.
Only the DSM book, is where we ever can diagnose DSM, and only when all the right amount of symptoms are measured and really there, and also the ones that are a must to have to be named anything from the DSM book. It is not a free interpretation. It also has the duty to do our ethics, and do the right testing, and bring the right conclusion in the correct words for the client, so the client has something with it. And then, we must keep it private. And the client decides what the client can with that information. It is sort of an entertainment use, sort of, but with medicine in some cases.
A brain-scan says more, it finds real actual pictures of damages, and has a matching healing for the brain, to solve the brain damage.
Keep also in mind the next,
- History of Human. We traveled around the world. Criminals found the farms easy. Also, at sea, there were criminals, pirates. Any country has history books, which describe these. The before the countries. Some wanted control over humans.
- History of countries. The history of countries, regimes, wars, like the second world war, where the leaders could be helping people to form countries or be a regime leader, with extreme exploitation of humans. Some countries wanted control over all humans.
- History of experimenters. The shift in history we feel the easiest here, from the criminals to wars, to countries, with a new group of controlling humans. Some wanted to control humans with a diagnosis. This is very old now, and unethical. See our history books in all sciences and see the ethics that are created. That is a science on its own, which we must obey.
- History of psychologists. Here I studied about too. We closed asylums. See the horrific youtube video’s about old asylums. See how psychologists tried to be doctors, and tried to strive with psychiatrists, and how they first were philosophers, and not scientific. Now scientific and neuroscientists, and biologists. The shift went a lot further than just the stop of unethical experiments.
- History of politicians. The countries were the first shifts, they formed them. Or took over from kings. Kings had saved us from criminals. And politicians took over as if they are better. And used the sciences, and were a part of the unethical experiments and unethical things in all professions. Where they shifted to regulate. So, all humans can be democratic and in jobs, and according to codes, and laws, and science steps. And, for some decades, with human rights. Where the politician is someone from the people. Just a person in the country, that has a party and works up to lead.
- History of teachers. Wanting to rule, and have an abuse history. They are trying to shift in my country, to the position of a politician. Politics is mostly influenced by teachers, around the world, according to science.
And today…
- History of judges. They try to rule. They try now to take over and control the teachers with their unethical questions. But they also want to control any science, and use both our signatures, in plans they make up, where they have not one study about and no lawful right in, and abuse position. And use families and children. Remember all shifts, this is another shift. The way we got our regulations, and they now have their shift to new regulation.
The people with human rights rule. No one above another. With only duty a system that checks laws, and human rights, to end like any bookkeeper with the laws and codes and tells, sorry we can not buy this, this is illegal, or says, sorry we can not make up the money, when it is not there. Etc.
Ruggiero, R, Zermatten, J, Jaffé, P. (2018) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. The University of Geneva at Coursera. Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (2019) Control the people: Control the mind and behavior. Medium. Retrieved from