The science of hand reading
Hand reading, and the truth of good hand readers. Find hands like yours and read them with these good readers. It is interesting precise.
Get abroad, live abroad. Coming from poverty, and around 35 success comes and doesn't stop. And will overcome. I also have on my left hand born artist, meant to be an artist, with a diamond. And always had on both hands the teachers squares.
Yes, true. Not all hands show all I have on my hands, so it took a while to find similar hands. But I could read them.
My grandma was better at it, even totally dementia, Alzheimer's, the first time we found out she could read. It was a bit funny, and we laughed about it, but when we cleaned her house, we found her old books on this. And she had been precise in the elderly home telling on pregnant nurses, and moving nurses, and they said shh, my boss doesn't know yet. Etc. It was hilarious she could read all that and be right, even totally lost the mind, with dementia.
A moment you never expect she can remember such books, as we never even knew she could and had read those books. It was a funny end of her life. She was the grandmom and had been a marry Poppins alike perfection, and then this funny add, and hand reader. She had studied health care and was more into natural medicine, and medicine and all mental health topics, and about stay sane and healthy. And perfect nanny, which was her profession when young and no kids yet of her own. Somehow she had read some books for some years and we learned that it is indeed a science too, a very old one. And is cute to be left with to learn to read it better, the way she could.
I always had such books, as dutch have so many books, and never knew yet, if such could be true.
I found my kids in my hands and will have a lot more kids, later on, also very old. And just a few times in life. And I see why as these locals, and the past year's criminals abuse and traffic and exploit people, also us. So, it is clearly not a time to now have more kids, but it is in the future, and then we get older and have more options in health. So, it will be more logical to have more kids when older. These typical abusers, seem to miss the future, as they will not live then, they are too old, and criminals always die young and in a crime scene. We will never know them again. Same as the bad school teachers my kids had, the abusers, they will never be in our lives again. And die young in their crime scene. They had to make it a good world, where we only listen to kids and do the kid's rights, which means only listening to kids and help them achieve their will. Our teachers understood that when I was young. It is why we are the happiest generation and happiest part of that happiest generation. People already knew how to do all better. And these locals now they had the bad times before us and are now typically the dark triad because of their ill lives. Dumbly ruining us, not knowing who we are and that we are different than them and different than their lives. It is openly ill what they do.
So, life has phases and without the criminals of the past, always. Smart people already know that, and yes, I have such a line. A smart line. And mine has a teacher's square to there. So a smart teacher.
These criminals are so egocentric, we all need to keep talking back strong, that is an actual lesson past years for us younger people, especially because we are smarter and higher educated and older generations abuse and exploit and traffic and are out to abuse us and hurt us, as we are better on the market. That has been a news and worked on, we must be stronger and catch the criminals out of all jobs. They are rebellions, and gangs against young people. They should have been wiser, catching the thieves out of their own past, but they never got wisdom, they are badly educated, totally ruined, and abused and exploited, and institutionalized. And thus missed out on life. They don't understand how we went to school.
There was no internet, but it was a homeschool, self-study way. Was already proven best then, is still now. We got attention, and development, and ourselves. And are ourselves, authentic, autonomous and the people then worked hard on achieving that. And they were successful. We were the best years of their lives too, they said. I can imagine that happened more often to them, they were good at their work. But it was known and told we had good times, together. And all was meant so we could be.
These criminals show their own bad lives, and lack of understanding of life and what they should be. Soulless zombie criminals, dark triads. X and boom and mostly in lowest majors, social work, and in the typical dark triad jobs, as a criminal gang together.
Skipping human rights. And yes I have another such line, doing all legal things, fixing all those things.
So, as this is an old science, old studies, we need to create data on this, how accurate is it. What is it? Where does it come from? How to measure the truth of it? And make it even more precise a science.
These hands look like my hands.
And they are true. It is easier to see at this age.
I saw before my hands, and worked on it, learned how lines can change and did change them, indeed. But reading them was a guess, I could not check on things yet. I only saw it happen, after reading it, but then I was in the middle of all the things that could happen, it made it not so clear for me. Now older and things clearly have happened, I can look up if the hands show that. And they do. And these good readers have lines you never heard of and are complex and are precisely true. Even more true. And make all clear. So, I guess you just must be a very good hand reader to be really precise.
So, I think it is about to keep changing all into better. And typically I see back what I have learned, and what the success is, and it did go that exact way as they say.
It is about working and continuing, your personal things, you know you should be.
And just find the best reader one day, that says all that is in there, then you see what hand reading is. I don't think you should go to a reader missing lots in your hands, and then leave your life with that small idea.
Because the hand reader that is good will explain to you later on, if you still seek for it, and find them, all you should have done. All your possibilities. It is more fun doing all your best, and they read it and you can say, yes I did that.
It is about being you and your hands show anyway.
The good things you should be.
It is never about what others want you to do, and interferences. But finding the things that say things about you. You find those, not them find you to do things they want you to do. Some people can find you that are those you choose and do the things you actually want to do, and then still it has to be your true you. But it is not about locals, criminals, dark triad wanting you to be what they want. They are ill.