The questions to ask to find out
That my kids are stolen, shows the bad parents, and people the locals are. The sadness of their lives, and the lack to solve the environment. I am an environmental psychologist, but the gap is extreme between me and them, and the way it all must be like. So, they have lots of work to do on themselves. One, learn to understand more text and depth, and what it means you must do, instead of short-minded asking us to not be us. Do not violate human rights, and go fix you.
The weirdest thing is they do not care about their own mental health and help that I offer, as they are not in that world yet, they are in that gap, of being trapped in between the more knowledge and their own bad behavior. They also never seek help for what they need, and can not understand what we, with more knowledge see is wrong with them. Them, blaming all the way we do blame them, thus them, lost with themselves, as they blame someone, they think. And they think we blame them wrong. The small they are as the proof their mind never gets this far. They only pretend help for others, to earn, that is the coldest idea on earth, but actually all they are. That way they also skip themselves, but simply earn with lies. And we keep seeing with reality, and honest earning, they need only the help. So, why not ask the gov that money for yourself, to fix you?
Them, simply intruding and in all the ways the laws do not allow them and thus are insanity to ever want to do so. Showing the ways they use to keep themselves distracted from who they are and what they should be doing, showing us as if they are little kids, how they do that. The wrong ways are shown. But for us, this says all about why they are so deeply unhealthy and wrong with people. Them, never understanding why we see what they do, and how we see what they do.
How to read behavior? They can not, and wish they can. Them, trying to find people to agree, instead of understanding the study of the mind, and behavior. Them, using criminals in the field, the way none is allowed to use criminals, and with a duty to lock them up. Them, showing they are so small in the field, and actually not allowed in the field, nor are they actually in our field, but they pretend to be in it, illegally, making it fakely legal with laundry by judges, they use, locally. Using the roles, not being any of it. That they keep using them, to sound legal, and correct, only gotten into more crimes. So, crime comes together, but they never do good. They only damage and have the blame. Them, still lost with themselves.
Your only ways are allowed to be, that you are so good, none has interfered and all is arranged.
They never understand anything of this and are so small-minded they never learned to solve anything, only causing damages. They lack this feeling of never interfering and being so good at their work all is already their best. We only know those kinds of people, thus none needs help. They can not understand this world of all is fine.
To get to their lower minds…
An example. We have this so naturally “a play” together, they need to understand these things, but are never taught this playing together without damaging, without using, without trafficking, without a ruling, without, etc. We just are.
And altogether, you could put thousands and thousands from Utrecht, South Holland, South Gelderland, South Netherlands, and North Netherlands together and we can do the play. We can do improvising but fit together, understand the instruction, and that is, just be you and they add some things like try to make up a fitting sound or try to be ruling the dance without talking, and the play must show the people watching we are… and that can be anything. Just whatever we agree on. One would ask the thousands with clapping hands games, or some invention so we know what one wants, what that should be. And we even would come to one idea without problems. Just all agreeing to do a play together, and the one that made the event, asks us to find out ways to share the ideas. That is the life we are used to. We can do things together. And also just at any point, if we want. So, one could be in town with a show and we all could join the show, or choose some time not to join. We are free, but there is always a place where you can join something. It is alive. So, when we drink coffee in some places, we saw already many artists, and musicians, and places we could join, and when sitting there people can start dancing or can join a game, or can just anything, but we can choose not to. It is not forced to find it normal, and let that join. It is free, to join or not to join, and none judges that choice. We understand oh I need to find another friend at this moment, for my idea. And we find those if we need it.
There are so many people, sit in Den Hague a moment, or any of the other places and start something. You can if you know how this goes. Some want, some not, and all is fine. And sometimes you need a harder time looking, some times it is easier. That way… So, one can start a song and we sing along or add some made-up text, etc.
And can be asked, and are fine with yes or no, and join and not join, and have a good time. And the one never joining, who on earth would judge? We never, we can be such for a while, working on other things. Go live south NL and you see, if you do all they ask, you have no you left, no time left, way too much we can do there. All days, 24/7 up, can you?
We have way bigger things to do as well. We are mostly learning from people we want as a coach, or therapist, or friend, or artist, or musician, or anything they do but we like and spend time with, to learn to take a bit of a rest, as we all do way too much than we can. Life has more things to do, then these locals here think of. They have empty lives, empty places, just sitting drunk together, and “ruling” people, they think.
You wake up in my old region, and your street has things for the kids to do, and the town has more places like that. And you wake up and you see so many people you know and ask you to come to join them if you can, and so many things are open to join for something, so you choose yourself things to do too. And then, all these things for kids too, and all these parks and places, and the sea and the rivers and anything you like. We do not bother to ask, are you doing things, as if they would not lose in manic anxiety people would not be busy. That is not possible. Even when they have a lockdown, and are at home for 10 weeks, we know my god must be busy. Who is not? We know being not busy is impossible and a myth. We say I know you are busy, but if you like we can go do …and know they will not be able in the near future or you are lucky. Even when they are at home 24/7 weeks and weeks, they ll have a project, or something important, we are not allowed to judge on and do not judge on, we care for privacy and peace, and understand what people do. Go live there with many more people and you get me. They all do things.
If you would think some are not, you would create a thing they can join, they can go too, and you hang up a poster, I do this…, you can join to do.. and people will come. If not, I would not be any of us, the way locals in my latest regions do would think, schizophrenic thinking, they fear to come, no, they are busy when not coming to that. Why would we think such a weird thing? All the blame to others, constantly?? No, they are just busy, of course.
You need more time too than come now, it is not a dog, and even dogs have not always to come to you too when you ask because they have rights too.
Who is this strange to think all people have time for you all day? All day?
All days? No, your husband? Might be the only one some times. We do take care we see each other, these northeast have no idea what we find “seeing each other”. Lots of people never meet people in their homes, there. Their family anywhere in the globe, kids too. And all friends from anywhere.
We do so much, at home? With others, why? Us, sometimes and more than others, yes, norm no.
I am learning to take breaks. As just explained, we most likely learn to break. Your home is for you, why for thousands of people? We know that many, yes. It is not fun to always have to explain that again and again, cause you know no one and no normal life, and schizophrenic accuse and steal kids. The lost reality you all in that latest region, I know, but why I need to be busy with that?
How? So, many people do many things there and meet each other there, or whatever they love to see now, together. I was a lot in the homes yes but knew not many others are. Why was I there and lots not? I am lots a best friend, but also we had luck in some streets to have neighbors as very close friends, and the norm was not to have them so near. So, we did many many of things and each other. So weird to explain, cause northeast has such issues with understanding norms. And just do lies and myths and have no peace.
But normally you have friends everywhere, and the street does not have to be that way at all, so us too.
So, do I only see those, never, who does that? That is impossible. In Fryslan not even, they all see everyone. In the same ways, in all kinds of places. And I loved that, there we all live there and see each other everywhere, and like brothers and sisters having houses nearby and then you see each other in the supermarket or so, and it is like it is all from us all. It is funny. You know everyone. The way you would then sometimes not take in the homes, because you already saw each other all the time in town. And have done something or not together. And know I will see you again, and again, and etc. I found that cute.
So, the homes they see many people in, sometimes not, and sometimes they do. And they see each other everywhere.
In the South Netherlands, we have that with some. There live to many to see in town all the time, but when through town, oh my God, constant, hi, hi, hi, hi, way more you see. All asking what you do now with .. or how is all with… But it is lots you see, not all the time the same. I did not mind any of that. I take it the way it comes.
But Northeast, as in east NL, what a sociopaths! And to all in that region why the lies to each other, to each region from the regions? We are more friends between all regions below you. The entire region more one, no matter the province names. We go to all of them.
So, still when in the northeast we go everywhere. My child would go to musical class in Amsterdam, we even considered my old school in Culemborg, and we go worldwide with all we do. I find those the most obsessive looking at only nearby for money, it is the weirdest world I never want to be in. No peace, no understanding, no human rights, only sociopaths and addicts, and users of people.
So, we think differently…And for that an example, singing or acting.
We do know from any show lots about people and behavior and how all act the same and have the same things that need to be done before all can join a show. The teachers can be psychologists. I had that too. Actors are smart in psychology in those regions. And is not to diagnose, but to learn about what people think and do, and to get studied on behaviors, which you ll use in plays.
A show is where people have fear, but all must be able to do one. They lose the fear or do it anyway. Northeast would read, oh they traffic and exploit, thus us too. They would twist in their sick mind, as they do traffic, thus they read, it in their ways.
It is part of all curriculum, part of any life, part of any group, you must be talking, explaining, showing, and are human, singing, dancing, acting, and part of things. Although it is not allowed to be forced, and thus all are free, and all are having the right not to join. So, it is not we are forced there, it is more logical, so all join. And fun too. If you would not like to act, you would take another part in a show, in schools for example. Not an acting part, but what you like.
And from our regions where I was born talking about shows is more logical to talk about, than they locally understand in the northeast NL, as they never developed, lack all curriculum and studies and norm, and are “no people”, they are hollow, and using people, and accuse all of being weird, while they are small-minded, using people, out of being small-minded. What to say after all the abuses by them, us sweetly, them using, abusing, exploiting, and taking kids. While the people we knew as the people in town were different than the at work, and those let it all happen? All of them? That is not what we are used to. And some in my previous town worked hard to solve, but all around it was extremely criminal, and in the town itself had lots of criminals at work. All groups of crime at work, typical teachers, and their “groups”, etc.
The weirdest thing for the new locals is they wished to be so much, but never seek my help.
And they are mean, dark triad, negative, and extreme, and I show, because all know me, and my voice only changes when crime happens, they are criminal. It is a different choice to speak negatively. So all know what time it is. Northeast NL is insane. The many people I know “place” that better in their minds, knowing me. Locals think, oh we got her, she looks mad. That is for us what a criminal would typically think, who falls for that, is this criminal the first? So, the northeast has a few criminals we know. Just a few. And it's only themselves, as they sought this “reaction”, while when we talk like this and all know ya, we know o my god criminals are northeast NL. O God, let's fix…
As I am more developed than the locals now, as many people are, but they only see me, thus are obsessed with me, which dutch somehow take as oh they found out who you are… oh… but we also take in the rest of Holland, again, as all are famous, so they better hide their famous stuff, but how? Rather skip northeast NL as they go insane, with just some known.
And the rest of NL, is thus not so obsessed, as I am more equal to them, who goes on this age, unfamous? Never worked anywhere, never meant anything? I just did these things, all do things there, all of them. And clearly, in all, we were more developed, how to explain northeast NL. My god, it is so frustrating sad. We just want to play real loving sweet games, they want dark triad games. It is such a contrast. They do the lowest, but we all not, and they could learn from all of us.
Something like my grandpa was famous for his being a comedian. Funny man, did show and survived the 1953 storm. Would you talk about his fame? He also wrote a book and is in the museum. He had an orange ribbon(I think when ya die it must be brought back or so, isn't it, so it is why I said had an… he could not still have it, now he is dead). For those things he did. Grandma won prices, famous enough to be always gold or silver, in their region. So, this is sounding small, to them. We know, no, think of the times. It is like who sang in studio’s and were famous in the twenties, did not become famous in the nineties anymore, but were still famous. I am still in the midst of my fame. But locals think, you need this or that price, only a grammy to be famous, does it matter we did all those that won those? Do you have to be the singer, actor, dancer yourself, or can you do jobs with them, or know them, or? So, locally none cares all the prices my friends won, from a -z none, only the grammy man counts…?LMAO. We all laugh hard, we count all fame. We do not degrade any. Lets, not start the long official list of prices and fame. Just too funny to see the locals drown in their own sickness. Let them guess who we know and what from and when and how long, and where we meet up and etc. I know these schizo types, in the end nothing matters what ya say and they always lost in their heads, and us just living along, them not understanding when something matters. I have seen much, I promise, but this not understanding is an extreme of locals, I guess cause they missed TV many years. They miss the feel, is my old town Mayer now nothing famous in the past? Such example that is too. Means less or more as Mayer? Or his work before as famous? Or even more famous to us, because we had media? How far to go with this. Till the dark triad feel satisfied that they wanted, and that is never.
So, we understand all get old and thus famous, what ya oldies do? Nothing? Really? So, they are bad with people, normal ask any old, and what did you do in life, and expect fame things. Medals and prices, or their husband, or a cousin, or some fun. They had a life, right? Or did ya all traffic any person, 100 years or so? Dark triad without a parade. That sounds cannibalistic.
We do not see this as a lesson, although they should ask, it is “a lesson” for little kids, to be honest, all learned years ago all these things when we wanted, so it is weird to be needing at this time, this age, I see that point, but using me and my kids, is more strange. Normal people can not abuse and stop themselves, by understanding their own needs and recognize the right level between people. They need it said the whole time, cause they are the narcissists. And need help, but pretend all the others are worse, but clearly it is them.
It all came from a will, a person we wanted to be, and thus are.
So these locals lack the right will? What on earth did all do in your life? Having this need that long, is strange indeed, but we worked with so many people of all ages, they are just the next to teach things too. So, it is weird, but what is the problem? So, ya need help, oh ok. It is for themselves this big obsession, to hurt all to hide their issues, and we just are and are capable, why to take that down? When normally all would learn, and not abuse, nor traffic to sound better than us. We are raised with way more respect, knowledge, logic, than these criminals.
Themselves, not teachers, not coaches, definitely not made for that, just taking kids to earn in the lowest ways, by taking them away, accusing all to be worse than them, while we all see they are the only ones being nothing, not developed, lacking, low literate, in need, and needing help, and way more than any other people have.
They need a world with courses for them, and given in a strict way by schools, demanding them to think certain ways.
That brainwashed, and immature they are. We go to schools if we like a certain course, but do not need the security of the name of the country to stamp it a certain way to feel “normal”. As if elementary is still what I need.
We can place maturely, all courses and people, and choose from a bigger group of courses and “schools”, but if we need credits we can choose also worldwide from all universities. They can not do that even. So, if it has to be from a certain type of Dutch school, that is so limited in the mind, so they choose as they have no degrees, but fraud they do, they have older higher school, not even associates, they fraud they are allowed to pretend they have such, so if it has to be Dutch to their fascistic mind they choose internal as if we live in 1600 and someone with “power” of a company is then allowed to own you. It is a slaves mindset.
The internal/ intern kind of study only(no degrees studies), or that lowest Dutch schooling system, where none needs that.
By law, you are allowed to just study anywhere. So, they need it for the money the gov then pays? That is their weird mindset, they only live from the gov, and it sounds like gov, thus to them sounds like good. But they have then the myth their study is then only of worth.
They know nothing of development and schooling and cant even choose their own ideas and wishes.
They need the feel if someone else is the boss, and then they are “fine. Or then someone they know can agree it was Dutch and internal, this is fine. While it is still the least study. It has to be the best, and Dutch ain’t, and is officially not the world's best, especially all they choose internally, is nothing official as a bachelor or so, nor master, nor Ph.D. They are simply obsessed with what their mind thinks, not with the truth, thus their work they do wrong only. And abuse all kids, and denied all kids their rights, and by lacking so much knowledge, while I am of so much knowledge, so, they had to let my kids with me, and themselves learn from me. As the rest does in the world, just learn from all.
In a normal world, people are people, and developed and have done so many things, thus understand things, also examples. So, again it says more about them again, all they can not see about themselves.
All people need to be “helped”.
So you have some singing, that wants to sing, and not any forced, all taking their place in the room they like.
These locals are not without being forced, and look even forced in the faces, in their moves, and are very mentally ill, besides very manic, and obsessed, also look drugged and addicted, and in and enslaved world of thinking, they are borderline, psychopathic, etc, and that is not being somewhere, just being you and playing a part in a piece. That is a forced piece of the crime they only know, where all are criminals, and victims, that is no piece. Not a play. Not a part of something. Where they read in the same text I just wrote here, oh we fakely play.
They have no nature in things. Homo Sapiens are having art, and are having speech, and handle more of the same kind, thus would read oh a play, yes the way we are in life, with art, and plays, and things we love to do, with people. A play, or any piece of work, I can relate. Where these not developed locals read, oh then ok that, well ok, but then what instrument must I do.
No, nothing forced. Just something we all just start doing with improvising, but with a mind that understands the moment to improvise, the moment to do a play we agree on, and a moment we play music, or art, or acting, or dancing, etc. And not oh forced I must pick something. No even when you do not play any instrument, or create art, you do have to be not forced, so you could lack interest for this play, or piece, but could want to do now a dance. And then I am allowed to not want, that feel. No forced things. So, when we play, and if we play, we like the play. So, all there love it. And all watching too. We know no slaves. That is so deeply happy, that sort of play. Also, not fake women come game. As if it is sex, and a man must be lied to and thus we fakely come. Oh no, please. No masks as a person, masks are for acting. So, the moment you want to fake, you act in a play, a “coming women”. It is freer and more real and all know when that is when you do and fakely don't. Where you are allowed to pretend it so well we think you do, then, in that play. We have a real-life, and plays. Feelings matter.
So, the musician has real feelings and a heart, and when one is a musician, the musician is a musician. The producer, the producer. The host, the host. The technician, the technician. And the singer, the singer. Are we types? It can be, doesn’t have to be. But we all need to be who we want to be.
So, here you understand being yourself, and others are themselves, and now we become one play. All real, or played, all agreed on.
So, when one sings not as good, my ears do not mind, I love the worst voices altogether, it sounds to me, good.
I love singing. I am a good host for karaoke. As you can understand now, because I do not mind voices in all ways, as long as they sing, and they sound good to me. I love anyone singing.
I am not good at hosting, per se. I do not like to lead a talk much. I can like it, but I seem shy, but am not feeling all topics to talk about as a host. I can, I can be a guide too, and when the topic is something I know of, I like to talk about it and show in an empty room every peace that used to be there. And all feel like they relive it as if it all was there. I got that compliment all the days as a guide in a fortress. I love that time, I love the pieces, I love the taking people through an experience, and finding more history in it, and making that is if it is today. So, they really experience it, despite the lack of pieces from the past. So, all do their parts.
I do not mind being a bad host at some things. I knew, because we all were raised in a better environment, we have a piece. We are a total and a piece. We can get together, become a piece of work together, but I can have my own work too. And sometimes some work 24/7 on a piece of their own, which we are taught to respect, and other times we work with many people.
The game they have with people shows their illness,
the sadness we feel for them, and they never can feel. That hollow inside, and the hurt we are for them. It makes us all same time at least not that bad off as them, so we are aware we have had a better life and what not to be, and where the bottom is. They will show even further into a bottom, so we know that bottom.
It is like telling one what dead is and show a dead person inside and a dead body. All would know that is both dead. But we are so far not dead, they are surprisingly dead, the both of them. How can one be so hollow? And fill their emptiness with us, not goods, to be good.
One normally works on getting things done in the best ways. So, they gave up on that good, stole some kids, and abuse them and exploit them and name that the best possible, as they know not better. We do. We know so much more.
This is a piece, all have a piece of it. And the way you want to have to be done. But not criminals. It is the only job you can not take. And thus all the jobs must be cleared from crimes. And then all do what they love. We did, we are happy.
When there is a job that needs to be done, not done, one tells about it and why it is important and we only know how then there is always one wanting that, because of what it means. Some just want to be needed, and do whatever we have.
The criminal regions (northeast)think we live like a sect in Southern Holland, or Northern Holland, or entire South of the Netherlands.
We know no, the official sects are in the north, to be most clear northeast NL. And even a sect, we stop with this, you can be who you want and thus are. You want it, cause you are. And you can be a bad writer, but then a writer. You will learn to be better. We had a way too many jobs to write for, so perhaps that is why we can say that. We can have people seeking writers and then take a “bad one”. But they develop we know. And some end up as the best, and some stay small.
You can write, we let all people write anything. You can write since you are little. So, you can have such a job. You would be better with a good curriculum and need to find your place to write, and what for, and it is your piece, your work. And maybe you want not the money with that as a writer.
We have so many more thoughts on this because there are more people, so there are more writers too.
Then in the North-East NL(not Northern Holland), you get such bad schools, with abuse, and the traffickers all time goes into those egos, those stealers, the criminals, and they think they now earn all the money of the world. They are narcissistic, while this good environment I come from, we all are writing and having fun and good jobs, and are ourselves. That is the main idea, just be you. You’ll have something, something one needs, you will work. There are too many things to do and too many people that one will become, without force.
With a TV on would a child not watch? If it has the child fave show on? Really?
So, teachers are there, where I come from, way more sweet and good behaved and knowing our world. They are about you, not them.
This will make the north-east most mad. They were abused, got not the chance like us. They are twisted, and sick because of their past, and some are criminals coming there to exploit exploited. It is for criminals an easy place to use people. And insanity, they take out on “better people”, us all ready to share goods, they only stealing, cause of their childhood.
Their focus on stealing kids is:
- pretending you must have your own life, kids are just for others
- pretending you are bad, and the kids are good for the locals
- pretending all you think of is dumb, working is for everyone but you
- pretending abuse is the norm
- pretending abuse is allowed
- pretending you must turn in all your things and files, and they decide on you
- pretending you have no privacy
- pretending you have no rights
- pretending you must shut up, else you are bad.
- pretending kids have no rights, others decide on you, and your child
- pretending this is human rights, while they do not know them
And they do that with tricks, abuse of power, abuse of roles, abuse with groups, it is only total exploitation.
The worst cases. And the elderly exploitation was what happened before this in this country, and these do the same and even worse to kids and families. So, they have the full cycle of abuse, from a-z, from when born, to death.
And all wrapped up in frauds and lies, and twists. Always only hoping you will give up and die, or look dumb, or look confused, or look hurt, and then pretend you are insane. The insanity they create and are themselves more than anyone, but they are only predators out on kids and families, all earning. And the dumbest people I ever saw, because we all were raised so much better, any of us recognizes them, but we were never treated this way, as we were raised against criminals. So, we recognize them with completely different ideas than the locals think.
The locals raise criminals, and become one, and come back to the region to be criminals, and to abuse power now, after been away. And use the locals, and abuse only power.
And we have become people, and are trained since little to never go along with them and to catch them. As duty even.
These locals are a sect only with many crimes and the worst one can think of. And they show typically with exploiting kids, families and traffick them. And it is almost all they do. It is their only work. The towns look dirty, not taken care of, manically they abuse people, and they are the typical users, so their environment is completely bad, done badly, not done, ugly. And not logical. So, all live in the worst environment, and they are the worst parents, abusing anyone, for money.
Even more dumb is all their typical cars, and the typical ideas of work and people, just the typical crime scene only.
So, questions to ask to find out.
To know to ask them, simply so they stop being criminals. Something like are you a narcissist? Some would say yes, some would lie, some would not be it and be not lying and are psychopaths, etc.
And questions to find more why they are so ill. So taking out on us.
I know (Schulz von Thun), what this all means in relationships they have, and my own, and what they do in business, and what and how they express and what they feel, and what they demand of me and others.
Small, shallow, to earn on, traffick people as a norm, exploit. Not deep, not understanding much of people, they “bond with”. Sociopaths, twists, lies, actually not a bond.
My own.
Warm, long term, sweet, cute, everywhere, always, anywhere, open for ideas, and open to do things, real, not fake, deep bonds, lots we share, lots we can agree on and can do, free, and not clingy. Fun. Time to listen deeply to what one did and does, and interested. Sharing.
Dark triads, cold, no bonds, power abuse.
My own
Human Rights, ethics, sciences, empathy.
Twisting, not truthful, gossip, lies, frauds, criminals as friends, and showing them as an expression, instead of real feelings, depth, sharing, empathy, etc. Pretending expressions, mean, dark, shady. Not with art, not with science, not with truth, not cultural, not with respect.
My own
Exhausted by them. A tone to show, so all understand what is up. Science, and art, expressing what is wrong. Sharing, with feelings, and ideas, and deep.
Demand of me
What criminals do, surrender to their crimes. Pretend along I am hollow, empty, have not lived my past, and today. And that I am not me. To be someone else, so they earn, and traffic and exploit.
My own to them
Truth, privacy, no interference, do human rights, ethics, sciences, scientific laws, the real routes to things, not their self made up with laundry by judges, cops to jail them, to demand the real laws and real routes and do the real duty of protecting us, families and kids, to not join their twists, lies, frauds, and catch them.
The way we must decode the message many of us have learned too.
I learned that the same way in primary education as a teacher, as a psychologist. I know what it means. Their message is a fraud, and all saw it from the beginning. So, I know what to hear and read in it. And I know their demands are criminal, and not to go into, as in follow, I must act on this, and do. And decoding is harder for others, they seem to lack understanding how to solve, and the understanding of must solve. They hope someone else is smarter in catching criminals. They do decode it as these are Dutch biggest criminals.
Analyzing and interpreting data and written data and text, I can too.
It is clear data, I spoke the truth, gave the data, they pretend they do not get it, and use a different court, illegally, and show their ways, this is how they do crimes, with people, and the judges, and their locals. This is their life. The many years we hear them say the average is 20 years of this route, instead of the real laws. And they just do not believe in doing the truth and deny all human rights, and traffic people and exploit. Abuse of power is common for them, every day. That is about thousands of families. And they discriminate, fraud in all papers and are always this way, in any case.
Also, where this stand in the crime spectrum, and what types these are.
Dark triads, psychopaths, sociopaths. They are too old to be ODD, and to criminal, and it is not TV’s, it is people trafficking.
I also know that it is not me, and logical what happens as these are criminals, and we must stay away from them, and report them.
Not only from the human rights, and ethics, and having the right to be without criminals, and gov not allowed to expose us to this and the long list of why that is. And the only logic that none is slave, and all is only about your own religion and own believes and lives and personal development, and your kids are your own extension of your own home, with the kids. It is not only the obvious crimes they do, and the extremism and fascism.
Not only because I am more than right, and them wrong and simply using laundry of their crimes with the biggest criminal of the Netherlands the judges locally. Their groups must be emptied and locked away forever, and worse, and never around us, ever again, not any person.
A normal judge would say the same about these locals and judges, like me. And even more precise with laws and jail them. And they are so extreme it is to wonder if the law says enough on this, and if they would have to create a new law, to punish beyond, as it damaged more than a few. A mass murderer is way less damaging. As this is thousands of people, and years and years, and with all types of crimes.
It is why they are scared locally, as normal people, and are so drunk and into drugs, and got into the crimes in the first place.
And they are surprised we do not, and not even tempted, but we never lived this criminal way in our region, we already would stop them before they ever got a job and lock them up there. And then the punishment is high already before the act done.
So, In my birth region, I know this would be locked up and sorted out in how to lock them up beyond life.
And would be suggested to do something more. We all would agree, we would expose it all and talk with the country on this and stop the entire roots from becoming like them. We would destroy crime way deeper than they have done.
The locals lacking this, is only why these judges are alive and as criminals at work.
And they are a bit shocked to hear another voice around, as if that is not possible, they demolished all and I stand. Because again, we were raised against these crimes. And they can not understand that. So, we know they have roots, we must destroy till beyond those roots. As else someone else becomes like them.
And that is the ombudscycle and the logic as cops to solve this bottom, that needs to become a new place where crime never happens again.
And most we would focus on is their networks, after the punishment, or at the same time. How could they have lived far from Den Hague and been this criminal, and so many years, and many many from the region come to the gov in Den Hague, so we would link these acts with all coming from the region, and check the country on crimes. How they spread sect ideas, criminal ideas, schooling ideas, and make it clear the crimes have done and to stay away from them and punish each. It is more a war trial and the aftermath and getting to justice.
And we would, and never will rest till the last end is done.
And till they understand, and we would check it ain't brainwash, or twist to get away, till they understand what is wrong with that, with that what they have done.
They have not this big a mind, nor network, nor idea of people.
They are sad, as I am aware of how small I am even in that bigger network, where this is the norm, to solve this deeply. And they stood out most with their lack of interest in solving, and typically related to low IQ, and low literacy and the crimes have done to them. Not really at work, but earning. I do not forget the extreme circumstances they lived in, as they are “better” than many done to them, but that is the point, we would catch that till beyond the bottom, so all will live better now, and forever.
So, why didn’t they all study the ombudscycle? Why didn't they all study human rights? Why?
Another point, they do bad and drink together, and just sit hollow together, and promote that as a good life.
No job is done right and feeling to celebrate and secretly all drunk cause they all are raped, abused, exploited and exploiting, etc.
They live with health myths, and abuse and traffick with care fraud
As they are criminals it is not about changing health care other than locking up criminals.
So, what should I know more about?
I know all with what I have studied already. And know who should do the work. It is told in any study what authorities even. And all is told, and they work years on this, but also I worked on the management of this, and what to work towards too.
They all need more steps up, levels up, then we can ask them more, their mind is now to small, I know they need:
- higher GPA
- higher education
- a-z better curriculum
- a different approach in schooling
- catching criminals
- human rights
- ethics
- sciences
- academic skills
- scientific laws
90% USA has a better curriculum and higher highschool, beyond are highschool levels. And k-12, but none can do this in many ways, unschooled, homeschooled, with charter schools, online learning, and in schools, and younger, so younger to college, and older, so starting all of it when older and done in 1.5 years. All ending around GPA 3. And homeschool even GPA 3+. And with lower IQ than the Dutch. 97IQ USA and Dutch 100IQ. So, dutch should be able to do the same.
The question could be?
How are your oldies? To find out how rigid they are raised, and raise them now as oldies. To find the power abuse.