Jiska Hachmer
4 min readJul 3, 2020


The problem with this sect alike brainwash, is you do not realize you are being brainwashed, used by the government which is illegal. So, I even have to find a way to explain to you, you are used, brainwashed, and abused. You would argue, no, but as brainwashed, simply cause you do not know anything else.

You had to get nature, extension of home, adult world and never seperated from your parents.

Your parents had to be mature and raise you, including schooling.

Assuming parents wouldnt is down grading them and illegal. We must believe in everyone doing the duties. Which is only doing human rights. It is the only duty.

Schooling is an open spot, but not meant as freely to fill in. All human rights still must be done, also when we left schooling open because some countries had already regulations. Those regulations still are illegal, because no other article is above any other article in the human rights. Plus the human rights are a start, so everything must be even better, than these articles, and never skip any article. Even when we do better, does not mean we skip any article made before that would be illegal.

We truly mean absolute the best. Scientific laws alike. And never violating freedom, nor pretending there are any other duties than doing the human rights.

Every law that will be ever made must be according human rights. Because some judges come out of this illegal sect, and is sound legal, they have done no justice and have been illegal, not understanding any other than their own mind.

So, we have a huge problem created a place for governments to fraud the human rights, by pretending forced schooling would be legal, it is not. It is assumed it is. And wrongly interpreted.

Also, homeschool is proven best, and the best must be done. Human rights have the duty to do the best. Authoritarians are causing DSM and not allowed, only authoritative raising is allowed. Etc. There is so much leading to schooling is abusive, also the results, and the low GPA, and the peers together create crimes. Etc. many studies, that proof it is bad for kids, cause crimes, and are abusive, thus not allowed to keep it this way. Because no human rights is allowed to be violated.

That is actually what it is. It is a spot left open, but no other article is above any other among the human rights. Thus all articles are actually a sum, of all articles, while the people treated it as open spot, empty to fill in .... It is not.

If schools abuse it is illegal too. If judges abuse they are jailed too. So, we need to even jail human right workers that have not understood the human rights, and told us wrongy, especially judges. It is human trafficking.

And the dumbest part, the human right explain schooling is only child labor. When the laws for schooling were made, which was before childrens rights and before human rights, these laws were only to have child labor, legally regulated. So, the kids got schooled. Forced,and only to get back to work after it. Which is nothing scientifically the best for kids at all, no science. Just an illegal situation, would be illegal now, as it is human trafficking, exploitation, child labor and meant for that only, coming from hunger crimes, and bad governments, which illegally thought to keep people, thats slavery.

All human must be free, have no duties, only the human rights, and govs only must deliver all basic needs and provide the human rights. There is nothing more a gov is allowed to do.

So, this old situation was illegal. Same as any church would pretend to be the country leader.

We have duty to make this all clear and clean up the spaces, the work fields, and had to do that already, as the human rights are already counting a long time, and all before not allowed, only after the human rights.

Using the old situation does not make it scientifically corrrect. We had to close every school, and had to arrange human rights.

That that did not happen yet, means not it is science, nor legal. It is still the same child labor, because that is what it was meant for.

We need to see the articles as together, do the total sum of all articles and then the open spot has not much to do, according to human rights. You can not have slaves, can not use people, can not force people etc, long list of still not allowed despite a spot. Because the human rights always count

We also, see how bad schooling has been. How extremely bad in math all are, and in science, and in learning. Because of the schools are abusive and are according to science the worst place to learn, it is logically also never correct as it is unnatural and child labor, slavery. Etc. But also the outcomes are bad, thus people can hardly do math, science etc. And are stuck in an abusive cycle. Not even counting out they are wrong, and thus work wrongly too, and get more people in this abusive world, schooling, forced in schools.

People fall a lot with the laws, even human right judges. They actually must be jailed for ever suggesting child labor is normal and allowed.

Human rights explains any forced schooling is child labor, and only meant as child labor, thus is illegal. People studied so badly they assume they do the human rights by forcing to school, but they do not. Development also is stopped by forcing to schools. It is really bad to go to sects, and to anything forced and is not allowed.

But if we use people that come from such sect, they say it in another way and they also put this onto everyone else, as a norm. It is like any drop in norms.




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