The official child abuse reports the social workers do.
The entire system denies the real human rights. But you will see the human rights are a duty. And just human rights and 7 cups are a great example of not violating human rights and psychological codes, and in the best ways, people will be helped. This is an example of how the entire system must be.
We all studied to create these things, and they fit the human rights, and human rights is made out of sciences and studies.
It shows right away all faults the current social workers do. And thus help us change all towards our duties of human rights and to the only right ways in psychology. Thank you!
We have to share all reports to start the ombudscycle and get these workers out of their jobs, and get the tasks done correctly, according to all real laws, and real codes, and real profession codes and ethics.
We need to care for all victims.
Psychological First Aid is needed.
And help with a traumatic experience.
You can be a listener too. We help with empathy. Just listening. A real psychologist like me, does also, not give advice in such a role. We only listen and help the person make their own decisions, by never deciding for the person. They all get help fitting for them. Some, need a psychologist, they will get there, it all works out itself. The good thing about 7 cups and this idea is, you can help too, no matter what profession.
And you will be trained to say the right things, so you will learn to be empathic and sharing the right things to say. You will be a good help for others that are victims of something. And you will be their text messages, their chats, their friends online.
And you will use the guidelines. You can also talk to listeners and get psychologist therapy if you want. It is very cheap a price. A lot of people just need a listener. So, you can feel safe that you will not have it too hard on there, although learning always costs some time, and can feel hard. After a while and with all the friends there, as there is always someone supporting also the members, you can develop into being a great listener. There is also a group for kids. Teens can be listeners too. Adults wanting to be listeners for teens and kids need a bit more practice which you can get at 7 cups.
It is showing as well that also with kids and teens you just need to listen, as a listener and problems will solve.
We are not allowed to ever stop carrying for them, nor to stop the cycles.
They are started as it is said they are started. So it is started. We do need the people to keep working on the cycle.
Collecting all data
- Collecting all data.
- Sharing all data, openly.
- Controlling the court, the judges, the workers in court, and all information, data they have. It must be shared, as this is a real profession and every case is a human rights case.
- Controlling the social worker's companies and employees. As this is a duty to do all correct and to get every child away from crimes, away from the wrong made systems, and to give them the correct input. Home is a duty to bring them to.
- Controlling all government that has been wrong.
All professions join to create the cycle and to continue working on these problems we have found.
Learn this course, and join.
Learn human rights and add research theses, and data. And note. This is not a wish, nor an opinion, nor own interpretation. There is only one way with human rights. That is why we can address any person. So, learn the correct interpretation in this course. And add your research thesis, but only with this interpretation style. There is no other allowed. You are not allowed to bend human rights. You need to study all of the human rights histories to feel the feel of the studies. It is why social workers should be human rights students and degreed lawyers in human rights. Without any study in that study that would bend, skips and tears human rights.