The news today: Catching all criminals(and myths, biased, twist and “personal preferences”, usage of people, mentally ill with the dangerous and not right motive, motive sick, dark triad) out of the workplace.
The core is: Criminals have tried people. People have been tried if they would give up their profession codes and the real job it actually is, and see if they could change your job into a part of their trafficking and accusations. If they could use you. Jobs, work is very precise, and expensive if you use your job for something else. It would mean your real job is still not done, and you get more hours of work to do, and the real job and the wishes they have you for free for them. So, if you write a report about someone's illness, that is not allowed to write for anyone else, to note the usage of a psychologist is like going to church or not, it is all theory-based, and not allowed to be spread. Not even a judge.
Catching these criminals at work means solving the unprofessionalism as well. People at work have the responsibility to be precisely the job they studied for.
Examples of what we catch today, and especially their systems. It is like the pedophile international networks. And we know they use all the jobs, and try to influence just anyone, especially a judge you can simply try to lie to. And if you win 10 times or more, they start to believe your every case. It is never reliable again. The dark triad knows that, and thus they keep seeking the courts as much as they can, simply to win. But all they won was being a human trafficker, exploiting. And thus criminal and the worst criminals. And with false ideas, myths, lies, crossing codes and laws, human rights and the actual situation. As if a cop comes to ten people and just starts lying and makes up proof. We would lock that cop up, right away, thus we must lock these users up, right away. And create the real routes again, no short routes, and nothing like today has happened.
“They have simply tried, and got the way, does not mean they are right. “ — Jiska Hachmer
Who works on this the same years as they worked to get their ways have seen the damages and what this has caused, and how these criminals are.
Examples of what we catch today:
- When you are a social worker, you are not a cop, nor judge, but also can not rely on being a lawyer. You are not. So, you can not pretend to know we in healthcare want your work. That would be working with a few wanting to use the vulnerability in you. And you end up being a criminal. Even criminal exploitation this is. Used by criminals. And the other hand is a criminal using a short route, instead of the real routes, must be followed. Pushing others into agreeing on this route, and skipping all the laws against this route. Sounding good with a judge s signature, but it is simply like all stolen babies. And you are simply one fitting the job. Thus a criminal wants this. As all others refuse to be criminals and do not take such a job, as they understand what is criminal about this. So, we have groups of criminals in those jobs. Easy catch, cause they all are the same, and functioning as the same group. Same minded people.
All healthy understand the logic of why these were criminal priests and doctors, even when priests had those “rights”.
- Where hackers, bots, influencers are used by wrong governments, criminal groups and people with wrong intentions to use the people for their money, wishes, and all dark triad ideas.
- Where also, local gov, government jobs, and police jobs, and all power-seeking jobs, attract dark triad.
And there is always extra attention to that part, so the crime scene does not go into the working scene, as mixing together, as “colleagues in laundry”. Crime at work always is having our attention here, where:
- The working scene is tried, tempted, forced into crime, by criminals that see opportunities by having the normal job powers to do crime scene work. So all employees always have the extra jobs to be simply their job, and report crimes, and suspicious behavior.
- When one criminal does use the work field, internally people are tried. For example, IS wants to work as a cop, and would try that team and the entire country. If we would not have extra attention to this, they simply easily take over. But this is not the only terroristic group wanting our jobs, also extremists, and the crime scene, in general, want the jobs and thinks to have the people by having those jobs. They see “systems” and power, forcing people into things.
It is actually an insult and eye-opener at the same time when they have gotten into our normal jobs, and do crimes and extend by using judges.
We see now how all cases are frauded, end simply ends up in a system to trafficking. There has been no getting the rights we actually have.
Where typically all we ever studied for, all reasons to prevent this is now happening.
We can feel insulted that we are not respected. The way as if extremists would take over because that is what that has been. The way as if terrorists would take over, as that is also the case, as they work in between them. As if the crime scene has taken over, yes that is the case. These are just the “faces” to hide behind, and the actual faces of crimes. See the violations, all they say is we find violating is now okay, and use a white jacket, and you believe they are doc. As if ya would give 100 kids to a doc. You would know, no never. There are already regulations against that, now. They used to have such a crime scene too. That experimental time is now all unethical. Same this needs.
The name of unethical.
But it needs to open our eyes, that criminals exist and we have all the studies against them but have let them work in the workplace. And they simply expand.
And they teach us judges know nothing. The system was built on people preventing cases. Simply with more power, solving all before you ever see a judge.
And criminals understood that and see the easy use of a judge, learned themselves to lie to them. And how to lie to take even kids away.
We need worldwide the judges to stop these crimes through their courts.
They have this duty to the people to keep the scene clean from anything near crime, or being used, or getting groups to be your friends using you. That gives no fair trial, but is simply a short cut, cause they know ya. And then use the short line, to catch some people they like to accuse. No job is allowed to be like that, especially a judge's job.
And we need to have strong people again to never have crime in the workplaces, and need to clean:
- social work (The trending problem. New in the field as psychology, if a psychologist. Tried forces, tried political preferences, and with low IQ correlated to the science major, and being the lowest major seeking for work, thinking this tough world is the work, while we from higher majors study more, and already have been through ethics problems. So, the trend social work is actually solving their unethical thinking and behavior into a system against trafficking, and the unethical experimental way they use the scene, they try the scene with myths, opinions, accusations, threats, and violate all ethic rules, profession codes, and our jobs, they want to go around us, and create a new job of theirs as if they are total. They thought if we just are the leader, the boss of them all, and control this. Means they have DSM problem, control issue, and are even into trafficking people. Which is the biggest crime scene on earth, with the biggest laundry at the moment. Where we found judges the weakest link, and not protecting the duty to have a fair trial, always proof, and exact data, and never accusations, myths, just “worrying, made up” ideas. Plus it means skipping our work, which has all these rules for reasons, which they simply never studied. No, they also want to traffick us. So, the crime is extremely out of hand. Control sick. And judges used, but also using them, exposing dark triad behavior, and the loss of fair trials, and their entire and only job of controlling the court system, so that we only get the laws, never anything else. And which means the only truth, never weak sciences, weak systems, but the strength was the truth. Criminals in jail, and all people free. Where we never see judges and never are accused as we are free. Only criminals go to court, with the exact proof and the logical jail time, or punishment. This is an administrative alike a job, where one has the strict codes, ethics, human rights, laws, and sciences proof (and only if scientific law alike, else it is the opinion and not to force), and actual proof, the way laws against criminals work, with proof.
- schools (homeschool is proven best, people use this scene still because it is simply there. It is easy to force, easy money, easy use, of kids and families. Easy place to have kids alone.)
- every club free from criminals using people(lots of crime seeks for clubs, and shops to hide the crime, and have a daily shop or work as a volunteer and then get to kids, or do the crimes at night, or simply to look better than they are. “Very social”, or busy with a club, or group.) for example raping priests in churches. Raping managers of kids. Raping sport clubs owners, or employees, etc.
- care (only ones not doing the profession codes, would jump into this short route to judges. Poor ones, or criminal ones seeking for more people. Fraud is around the corner, and it has become a scene. )
And not forget cops, and any worker that works with them.
“And do not forget how easy people lie to them. And make them walk, once and then a lot of times. With the same lie, cause they made them walk before. “- Jiska Hachmer
It is all psychology, all studied work, and these criminals started using that.
The news today is:
Catching now with DSM workers in the jobs. And the criminals in the jobs.
And the systems made that violate the ethics, human rights, and profession codes.
Where the laws, schools, care are frauded. And started to even fraud together. All leaving the real job, and damaging families. Not even knowing why they are doing their jobs, actually.
The trend today which we worked many years on is catching these criminals
Those that came into our lives, since the past years, and frauded a lot in science, and frauded a lot at work, and used all they could to become this scam in the gov, social work, youth care, judges, police, -> social groups is their name but it is the pedophile networks laundry, and the drugs scene laundry, the political preferences laundry, all using the workplace to force people into choosing certain things, and to use the people. Bots, hackers, influencing political preferences. And twist and lie so normal people are accused of being abnormal. Little dictators worlds against the normal, praying to become presidents, and being now “leaders”, presidents and local govs, doing crimes, with the weak social workers. Trafficking kids, and families. Which is the biggest crime in history with the highest punishments. Wanting all people to pay for this, using the taxes,
Where even pedophiles started to work at work to get victims.
Catching the criminal government workers. And forcing ethics.
Threat levels and crimes must go to 0 and we do that education level, honor code, and finding the problems and put them in two categories:
- Personal problems
- Task-oriented problems
And fix the tasks, and decide if they do the job exactly right. If not they are out.
Then left with the personal problems, themselves.
Where people with the jobs create all the best input so no DSM, no personal problems, no task problems are and are created.
But without force, etc, as the real understanding of things is not that forcing way. That is the studied way, we know how to solve it. That is without force.
They need to understand force. F=m*a vs dark triad, the Ill and crimes.
So they stop working people creating wrong input, frauds, twists, stop the use of work to exploit, traffick, influence, use political preferences, and stop crime through work.
Understanding what force is, creating “force”: good/ best input, and in best ways, that will be processed and will create the best output.
And you know it when you are just forcing, that you are ill and not working, just forcing by using the age, or DSM you have, or personal problem you have, and for the political preferences, illness, DSM, bias, myth, wanting, will of the selfish self. Which is all not what working is about.
All in govs need to come around and show what their real work is for.
- knowing all laws
- knowing all codes
- knowing all profession codes
- knowing all ethics
- knowing all human rights
And like administers, compare all new trending ideas, with the existing laws. And decide what is right and wrong, and allowed and not allowed and why.
And not just a thesis. But the research thesis, and with the scientific laws and the real laws, and sciences the answers.
Then being the force to force the wrong systems out, as you recognize them by knowing all the laws and sciences.
And understanding the levels of laws and sciences and codes. And being the expert on all this puzzling if the new ideas are possible and allowed. And in what precise ways.
Then the judges simply work for you.
The cops simply catch criminals.
The social workers, simply work underneath us. And we do not need them in that way.
You catch all care fraud that tries to make these vulnerable social workers walk to court. As you knew already that we are not allowed to walk such walk either, that would be frauding, exactly. Also, when they walk for us. It would benefit us, give us more money, and would simply be a force to force money from the people, or even from the government, thus a third party, human trafficking.
Get to these details and catch the criminals, as that is your duty, to keep the country and jobs clean. And correct. So all task-oriented problems are solved. And the threat level 0.
And I suggest help for these workers, as they are used by criminals, and brainwashed to walk this walk. They need to be trained again, to be ethical, and correct and know the boundaries of all their jobs. And teach them to respect us, who really work on DSM solving, crime-solving, and know many working people are ill, and not working correctly, and thus there are tasks faults that must be solved, as there are all these laws and codes and ethics and rights to do right.
Hachmer, J. (28th of January, 2020) What your boss makes for rules, are not the rules, not even president rule.