The Dutch need to stop their care ways, like the “ GGZ”, “UWV”, GGD, and besides that any care used by the “jeugdwet”, because they use people as slaves and do not deliver our studies at all. They skip laws and codes and exploit these people.

The Dutch need to stop the GGZ, UWV, and any care used by the jeugdwet, and all these companies that are doing all their things against the sciences. It is their mental and control of people that have an illness at work, and child and youth care laws, that do not deliver the care they need. It is a health belief that needs to be changed, as this style is damaging. They think companies will be good at this, but it leads to users and exploiters and just people frauding with people's files, and illnesses. Never delivering what is needed. And is a form of exploitation of people and human trafficking and a low level of care. Full with myths, bias, and their own mental illnesses at work. Very Dark Triad a style with people. Dutch should study better, and without force and get the understanding of human development, than they would not have exploitation, nor misunderstanding in care, and would have all solutions in care, and more healthy people at work, and fewer exploiters. Exploitations are in the end very expensive for society. All need to be paid in the end. Also, the damage and the fake care locals want to pretend are needed. Which is mainly used to bully other locals. And with the government's money.

Jiska Hachmer
34 min readFeb 17, 2020

Living by the real rules

All sciences have rules and steps and we all have to do those precise. These groups searched for ways to go around it. If they were so precise they could be alone in their work.

Where these groups are not like APA, and doing all not the way we would in the groups of psychology. Where such a group, like APA, is simply meant to get more science research results and share science. To be active as a scientist, and to be precise.

These Dutch would fraud and then try to pretend they are like APA. Just to talk to the mouth, like Machiavellism does. But they are not, they are a group that pretends to do the DSM precisely, but making it more like a type of a sect or church.

Where all practices in the USA need a Ph.D. owning a practice.

All working in the practice, work for the one with the Ph.D., and it is more schooling alike. But precise, not in the dutch style of their many school frauds. Not to control some people, to get a narcissistic way, like our teachers or leaders. No, in the USA all study further and lots will have their own practice, as Ph.D. Where APA has a lot of Ph.D. psychologists. Others can join too, but it is mainly a Ph.D. group to share knowledge. The focus for all others is that all others need the research too and can become a Ph.D. too and get a sort of student help.

But Dutch never understand such a student world.

Dutch think of drunk students, and low GPA, low studies, they do not understand the bachelor system at all, nor the feeling doctorates have. Nor the feeling a good doctor has. They think of GP is only a doctor. (They forget that is not even a law, there is no laws that you must have a GP. It is there, but you can be without. Those GP and all using them fraud that too. As if we must be a slave of a GP. ) They do not understand the levels in education and what then happens to you when you study a higher level. They think of a master and a slave. Not in mastering your previous own work as a bachelor.

Studying has a different feel for them and is not really studying. Since childhood, they hardly had school but were forced and used in the school buildings. It is a slavery camp. And kids had to smile they loved it and were neglected. And these hollow low grades schools have very confused ill employees working there who had even worse education, using all these kids for their income, made them say in a brainwashed way, “this is good”. It is more a health belief and myth than truth. And more a repeating someone, than finding science, truth, and becoming a studied person.

  • Where the USA has many options for study and many studies, and many people, but all 90% of them highschool at the highest level, and with GPA 3+. So even the lowest IQ, and therefore all studies are done better. All fields have doctorates, dutch skip that.
  • Dutch give only elementary to most people, and then stop education, and leave all the next study at that same low level, and then they give a module of our fields and work with just that. Even some have titles but actually are studied on a low level.

It leads to low literate in crime and all abused people.

All put in a system that abuses and neglects them. And it is a place where they are taken without the parents from very young and very brainwashed that this would be the best way of development, all teaching, and studies about what is best done by low literate, that have fake titles. So they do not find out what is best. They keep themselves going in rounds in that low level of thinking. With the saddest part, all have even higher IQ than the USA. So, the USA proves all dutch can have that high level of high school, even a few more because they have even more people with a higher IQ than the USA. And thus also, the percentage after highschool graduating university should be higher than the USA, also because of that bit higher IQ, which should mean a bit more educated on that level as well. And there is money for education in Holland.

So not achieving that, creates dangerous things, besides depressed being deprived of a good life, where good studies are the foundation of a good life. And they are against ethics and human rights. It is a duty to be ethical and to do human rights.

But Dutch also create not at all things they could make. Nothing is made the way they would if all had the American system. Dutch can not think of all that has to be made. They never studied it. They did not get on that level. And not with enough people to share ideas and create better products.

The USA system is about development and very clearly about thesis, research thesis and hypothesis, and all the sciences. It is simple, but done best and creates a higher GPA average is done by all, so all live on that higher level.

Where people grow up in 3 stages.

  • Wondering, questioning and learning to process the input, with an opinion and your preferences. It is personal development. Then this is the first science step. So people learn about science and finding questions about what they sense, and experience in nature and as humans.
  • Then they research the topic. And learn to write a research thesis. And they further develop as children, learners, students their opinions and findings into a research thesis. And there they address their ideas to the real truth.
  • Then when they found many research thesis, all made by themselves, besides the entire study field they study, and thus studied all topics very well, they come up with an idea and create a hypothesis, and create a fitting experiment with that to find if what you now think is true. Then this result is shared, as that is a duty in science.

They get to the truth, and they work with that truth only. Then they do this from start. So, children already make experiments, where they also make the experiments that were done before by other people in the field. But they are themselves at work too. Finding answers to their thoughts, using academic skills and science steps.

The criminal's ideas: the “jeugdwet” (youth law)A way to get money for care through local government.

But for kids only, where all others(adults) have all the care through healthcare (but that became too expensive, so by letting locals pay, with simply money from government through local gov, they think to skip a lot of care and to force people into care (yes that is not a healthy thought, as its strange though when you find all too expensive to not give care to who need and ask, but to force it on whoever you like, it is still spending money of the gov as well, and leads to human trafficking).

We all pay for care for the family (normal healthcare), but kids get the local criminals deciding along in care.

It is not to help kids to better care, it is discriminative and exploited. And all cases are influenced, and its a way to go around doctors and real routes, and to interfere as a local. It is total exploitation by locals.

All have discrimination. And apartheid. Profiling and making people different than others, adding stigma, and simply is one big human trafficking. And against all, we studied for. They grouped up, few of our professions, to sound bigger thus better, but when something sounds like something does not mean it is that way.

Just a group that offers work. As if the Russians ask for hackers online, are we allowed to join? Or IS when it was trying to get people? Or churches asking for more souls.

It sounds good, but was it? No, we pay the same amount as families, and the gov still pays the same amount, but less to gov, thus less to kids. Only adults keep the same healthcare, kids get less, but that is how it sounds, the locals fraud and simply only exploit now. Kids that need care do not get it. And what locals want to abuse they force care on. And that got too expensive thus national gov needs to pay all locals even more. Thus it is fraud out of hand, where they even exploit and traffick kids, just to earn the most and to fraud all these kids need it. But it is apartheid and discrimination only, just to bully some locals with gov money and force and to earn lots on this bullying some locals. Gov pays for these crimes. They just raise the costs etc and gov pays them. So, in the end, this was the most expensive system ever made. As now Dutch have to pay forever all these abused families. And the neglected families, not getting the care they asked for, as they are denied. And the abused and in horrific ways abused by locals that forced fake care on them just to bully them. Carefraud as well. It is physically, mentally and emotionally the worst start of a child’s life. And exactly not what we studied on highest levels have studied for. We need to bring all kids home, and do all human rights and ethics and do care without discrimination and exploitation. And simply all home. And work with what we have studied so all are not ill and healthy and at home.

For UWV, and GGZ, which use the same style of exploitation, it is just another trafficker's way, and exploitation way.

They use the same idea, they go against our studies, and simply exploit people and use them for their own ideas.

To get some ideas about these criminals…

There are certain ideas, as psychology has ideas.

Which always remains free to the will of the people. As we all have human rights and free will.

One offering you money, to traffick people with a system, that people “acknowledged”, but to be more precise than some acknowledged the way churches and types of churches are acknowledged by followers, are of course not systems we can use to do free will, nor care.

And not comparable to for example credits systems. Where all are equal and all simply can get credited by many universities and system and many of them count as equal.

So in healthcare such credit system is comparable to all psychologists are accredited in the way the law says it has to, and then all are fine, as long as they do not violate the rights, ethics, our studies, which mainly means as long as you are ethical and understand the rules to experiment, and the rules to how to treat people, and their free will, and know your place, you are fine.

But these companies make it something different. They take a few accredited professionals, and these are shaped into a way against all our studies. Just using titles. And to change the studies, it is a fraud. To pay less to the care, and to pay to what they want in that care. To put on opinions, and to use a group of people, and to sound bigger. Just to sound as if you know are entitled to be someone. But you remain the same when you have simply an accredited study done. They do not treat us the same way. They pretend to all people GGZ and UWV are so much better than all the rest. We all have the same or better studies then them. And we do the laws, they refuse those. They make it their group a thing, like a type of church. Using our studies for that frauding way, and type of way.

These and “ the jeugdwet” do the same things, not at all providing free will, choices as human rights demand and all sciences demand, nor help them with the right care. And traffick these people, and exploit them. And to their own will as “professionals”. It is a using the people place. To earn on them.

Your small place because of having just theories, not having absolute truth to work with.

Where “patient central” is the logic only ruling rule, as patients:

  1. Need to feel themselves a patient, before they are one, and can not be influenced to find that, else its none.
  2. They need to have a belief in psychology and the part of it they want to use. Where you provide the help in that way they believe and the part that is believed as needed, by that patient, and then where you are agreeing on that part. As freely all files must be deleted, not only the dutch AVG, the privacy laws protection of all personal files. But also as our duty. We only do ethical work, where one understands what we can do. It is a health care, as any therapy, no fraud or forcing or influencing allowed. Just like any, something that is believed as a way to try for an illness. As with any doctor you have choices too. But doctors come from absolute truth, you 'll die if I do now not do surgery. Etc. Thus there is way more rules and way more forcing rules to save lives. Mental health is not “saving lives”. No, it is not absolute the cure. It is a theory. A belief this is helpful, where mainly all is miss diagnosed. Still very middle-aged churches with just believe.

Your duty is all laws, and this placing yourself and never use force, and always protect the people that believed in you, and not against themselves, as you would lie to earn money. But to protect them from you and the others, that could now use them, as they are stigmatized too, and got a certain religion, as a church, and to protect them against harm from the work, thus the unethical parts and the dangers of wrong diagnosis and wrong therapies. Etc.

Dutch, get studied as you missed so many studies.

Focused on the traffick, on the exploitation, on the force leads to damages. This leads to faults and abuse. And what do you say after again a missed diagnosis? Where I step in as soon as MD/psychologist. Where so many looking like a DSM is not at all a DSM, but a physical illness, you charlatan took my patients. I use DSM to check physical illnesses. And will always remain clear with testing. Where only brain scans are allowed to determine brain damages, as you pretend that is the case. I saw no proof from you. And you used people.

We have a duty to protect people from you.

Also in human rights, ethics and all the profession codes and laws. And with common sense. As these are vulnerable people, just believing in you, and are now used mostly, forced mostly.

And you need to be correct. All are used, and an example, even about needing to have a GP is lied about. And to use them as well too against you. So GP and those companies collecting personal private “doctor info, like the dutch GGD, UWV, and GGZ all are used while that is against the law. And the local gov uses all the information they can get, which are false truths too, and lots of bias, and just criminal ways.

Where there is no law in this country you need a GP nor to use GGD.

(We need hospitals and doctors there. And they use the idea of control. That is why they lie about even to have a GP, while the law says, no is needed at all.

Where now in our country lots of GP also tried to stay in between patient and care. And all that needs to go too.

People can think themselves, just need the check at the hospital, as in do I need to be anywhere inside your hospital? If yes, they go to that department.

GP, lots of them try to charlatan, with their charlatan ideas, as they already have people they force. Which is not allowed, but they do. They use the white suit to let people walk the way they want. It is a Milgram experiment way of getting people in the ways we want. No care is allowed to be forced and real threats they do not even see and ignore. )

But also GGZ is not what you should use, not at all, all psychologists are fine if you want one. And UWV is a gov company deciding on insurance, and should not be existing either, as people just need some proof from a doctor, and that should be in a gov system, uploaded, and then it should calculate the insurance, without any interference of another person that wants to lower this result, as that is fraud. So, dutch abuse files and info and fraud everywhere, and thus is the jeugdwet very logical for that frauding group.

And all against our doctor, health care codes, and other codes and laws. It is just a constant fraud in the life of the dutch. Where they only add up more fraud and lies to traffick more people. And the more users of this trafficking with even more companies, the more families become a victim.

Judges had to stop this, but are very low literate and abuse this, even more, they just earn on trafficking. And choose not to be correcting such a system, but to use it and add some more unethical decisions on files. While from the beginning all is private.

They skip human rights too. All the patients and people need to decide all for themselves, and these “earners “ want just some people to decide on for a job, they do not even know the real job, they use the title, pretend that is the way we should be, and then traffick. So, people start believing all this is the way it should be.

Studying the sciences is a very honest, truthful, ethical, correct way of thinking.

It is healthy and a development where children and all students also are self-directed. It is our Dutch highest level that studies that level, to become doctors, etc, but even that level is never done this well as in the USA.

The American goal is to find the truth. Absolute truth.

And they do that with studying, and understanding science and the science steps.

It is also processing input in the best ways and will create good output.

VS Dutch, their cousins, and are people that do not get the help they seek or need, they are used to believe certain things these traffickers say. Dutch are slaves.

Dutch only need these 3 steps to understand the thesis, research thesis and hypothesis and how to do that in a child's life and human life. Where IQ is pace, and kids can just take their time with all this, with unschooling, schooling, and homeschooling, where homeschooling gives the best results. And where no force leads to the best results.

So, they need to understand humans. All their study is this low, but they do understand it when we would explain this between their highest level and lowest, and would say these lower kids do not understand humans. They would find that logic, as they had less education. They do not place themselves as low, but they are, and their GPA makes it even more worrying. GPA 0.67. From elementary, until the end, where they have for a small group a year 12, but not done the same way as the USA too.

It is so simple. Just science, just math, just language art, just history (which is a social science). Just a thesis, research thesis and GPA 3+ and at a point hypothesis, and sharing all these results.

Where all years it is the same, and all until in the profession.

As vague as their own accreditation

  • Accreditations mean this group is accepted by this and that group and for…
  • And means is seen by this and that group and thus it's accepted to do this and that job, etc.
  • Lots of jobs are not so regulated. Some jobs are.
  • Where you end up with although this is meant so we can transfer credits, and can accept credits and understand the credits you have gotten in a study, you still need to study a lot more, and lots the same, as all universities will say, sorry we just have another book, your book misses just this chapter, you will have to do the course/ module again, so we can be sure you did not miss this part of our studies, the way we approve you.
  • But all degreed are equally hired. And we even there see, you can be hired, and we do not accept all degrees when we want a certain type of employee. And some strive for this, so all are accepted, some strive against, so none is accepted, but…

Everything is about studies and the field.

Can you understand the things we talk about and can you do the procedures needed, that come from those studies?

Not does the government find you ok. But are you ok? Within the field. Using all the information right?

Studies are a world thing. Studying together on viruses, like the Covid-19. Our studies create government guidelines.

So, you can not hide from the world. All studies have the same knowledge we share. And you can add to these studies. With your research.

Patients vs the vague accreditation

They have their own beliefs, choose their care and need their will to be done.

Human rights demand their will to be done, and they seek for the fitting person, as science proofed the fitting person is more important than their therapies.

Life is this vague, and personal. We prefer things, and we fit in certain ways.

So, for the patients, they hire care. They need to know very well what they hire. What you are and are capable of. What books you have read and how you fit their ideas, and will. As you will do a job for them. A thing they can not do, that is why you are hired. But they do know what they need you.

So, they need to check is this doctor, or therapist what I need. And what can he or she? And from what books? What university? What is that specialism? How well studied is the person, and that university he or she came from? And what did they study there? Something I need?

All the people are students, also your patient.

I would let them come check me, and check themselves. See what they need, and let them come with all sciences, articles, news, ideas from anywhere, books, online, etc to me. And see how we fit, and see where I fill the gap, and see what they want from me, and what I can do with that what they think.

Providing the teacher-student role. I should be studied at something more than them. So, I must have information for them, so they themselves can fix their problems. The way I got studied.

Someone taught me too.

In management, we do the same. We teach our employees.

In this job as a careworker, the goal is that the patient gets the help it needs. So, we together seek for the problem they think they have, and what they choose me for. And see if they have it, according to my books, or what else they might have, according to these books I have studied. And all shown the way I am studied and all explained, like a teacher, but then very personal all these books for their case. To see what that says to them.

Then all the choice for what they want with it. They can change the churches too. So, they can go around and see what all these people say. Which will be different especially in a low GPA, low studied country. But also the goal in studies is collecting all there is. We went around and went to see what our schools would offer. We choose the same way. Now the patient does the same but will use one of these graduated students. So, this patient will see what universities are there and their studied graduates. And what they could be doing if they had a high GPA from these studies.

And in any way, this is their right and the right way to do this. Even if we all would say the same because psychology is also a subject we could have studied the same way. We could still be another type of person, which the patient also needs to choose from. It is like choosing friends. Someone you trust with this issue.

And it is a bit more insecure then when we went around as just students, with no issue. We came to learn, we had not our illnesses upfront to see what the doc would say.

So now we, each individually need to be shown, as this is showing what we got a place because we work…

We show what we got, and our limits. And what the job is, and what to expect. And what the field is. And what our universities and information are. And as “follower”, a graduate student that loved that study, we now share our knowledge and in the ways allowed. It is all very restricted.

So we also show ethics, human rights, and all laws that restrict us.

This is professionalism vs their terrorism, human trafficking.

Where studies even have shown all the faults they made. No matter they stand together, they all are now at fault. So, if the group starts again human trafficking and all unethical experiments and abuse of power and use of people, and lying together, we have terrorism and human trafficking and no professionalism.

A professional stands alone, without being influenced, is transparent and honest, critical, and clear. And professional. You can track down all my sciences, and all subjects, and all I studied, and all I am. And the explanation of what I can do with that.

All alone, I will do the same, as when I am together. But again, I can stand alone. Where they lose themselves together. I would stop the trafficking, the faults, and prefer not to work there, as I noted already their many crimes and faults.

So, I could only work there together if it was a none influencing place, none interfering place and none forcing place. Like a library for doctors, where all doctors work independently, and you do get the cops on them if you hear the frauds, and crimes, if one would. But also work together as a hospital when all professions can be combined in surgery or so, or care plan of best doctors together talking about their studies, where they each found important things, that combined together is the best plan. But you remain responsible for your own work. In each collaboration.

You need to understand what doctors are, very alone in their work when they work together. Very independent. But also very precise. They would criticize you when you make a mistake, but would not pretend they know more if they do not.

Here we all need more studies about the lonely side of a professional. Where all do a test every time they have a patient. And all know the doctor already had A’s or high grades and thus is graduate and will only do the way procedures should go, but it remains a test the same time. It is a new patient. And like any testing place, which a library looks like, or a school, we do not interfere. The teacher will not give the answers anymore.

The graduates now tell you after graduation what is learned. All alone they can now do this thing too.

So, they do not collab to force people. They collab to share certain things, as a hospital is expensive. But it remains a library feel, and a collab of friends, same-minded, that can study together, and do not cheat. It is not a cheaters place, but a talking collab place, where all are very lonely, alone doing the work, they should. It is a highly talented class, a smart class, where cheating is not what it is about, all are graduates, and can do the same procedure if studied on the same. And yes one will be better than others, but all are good enough, good, in the way care demands them. It is lonely together. Alone together. All understand the job.

Where doctors, vs theories, are scientist near-absolute truth

And work on making you better with proven therapies and proven medicine, that has been through many trials.

And learn about trials, many products already are gone after a first trial. Many medicines do not make it through trials. Psychologist miss that way of doing trials first.

It is why so much is done wrong. Plus the lower literate the more criminal activity. That is related. So, the more precise and more scientific correct and true, the fewer crimes.

And the truer and needed you are, the more people will search for your medicine. People do not need force, patients will come when they know about you, and need you.

To stay on topic in psychology an example: IQ testing

It will not determine the level in school, but pace. But not in school buildings. Homeschool is best, in school-buildings will create worse outcomes than the true IQ.

Note. Low IQ can be a doctor, and all should get the highest education. Which also helps to drop the crime rate. And all should never be forced. Not only because of human rights also, because it is abusive, and leads to worse results.

But these forcers love to abuse tests and just demand them for their own gossip and ideas, just their dark triad curiosity.

A test is only for the personal self, and if they request it, and its for personal use. Never for a trafficker. That would only downgrade with such a result and has no right on that insight. No matter if that person controls you. It has not even the right to control anyone.

IQ is tested in a way that shows development differences. Abusers cause lower IQ and lower development than before. A child stops or gets less fast smart as before.

So, when under pressure it has no use to test IQ. The person needs to be home, and needs to have peace, and needs to need the results in such a peaceful environment just for himself, to know the learning pace, the amount of learning at once, per sensation. But the study level is determined by diploma, and as a teacher, I could give a test on the next level after that diploma and see if you already know all of the modules that will come next.

Your right for the study is determined by the diploma you have and that level. And a test the teacher could give before the start of a module, shows how much you have to learn, what is left to learn for this module. You see what you already know.

And an IQ test shows for you personally a learning pace, and amount of processing you can do per sensation. A slow pace is because of smaller amounts at once that will be processed. A high IQ for higher amounts that will be processed per sensation.

Where dyslexia shows slow thinking and processing and needs repeating, but can process big amounts, but with more repeating.

So, it says not that much for a trafficker your pace of learning. But care loves to think this is a thing to do. While schools do not use it, they check how much knowledge you already have, and what diploma you have, despite IQ. Low IQ can be a professor. They could work harder and thus reach the same goals.

Also, when not given the right amount of input fitting your original IQ, you grow less than you should.

Many babies have a high IQ, which is their real IQ, and society can hardly keep that high IQ up.

So, if a 1-year-old seems like a 5-year-old, that is 500 IQ. 5 times more than the norm. The norm is 100 IQ. And means at 1, you seemed like a 1-year-old. At 2 like a 2 year old etc. And at 16 like 16, and there it ends. The number for a 16-year-old just like a typical 16-year-old in mind is 100 IQ. IQ will grow not that rapidly anymore, after that. 3 IQ points per year it could grow with exercises.

IQ tests are to interpret by you and a personally chosen IQ tester, for your personal insight on your pace and will interpret the test with reality.

With baby IQ. Your pace as a baby and child. And your entire life what specialties there were.

And will start to count what did you do more than others every year.

If you spook at 1 like a 5-year-old, why not behave like a 10-year-old at 2. Twenty years old at 4. And 40 year old at 8. Etc. Or did you, but your body not.

Did people not know you were that smart originally etc. Or did not want to understand you. And what were the years you were trained with your IQ? What was trained?

So, also they count when were you 100IQ? When were you equal to all adults? Thus when were you 16 in mind?

At 1, 500 IQ, then at 7 100IQ as in doing the test of adults for 100 IQ is a difference.

What does this mean?

At 1 this person was a 5 year old, in all he/ she did. At 7 16 years old. Doing the test correctly for a 100IQ.

You can look that up. The person was 500 IQ at 1, but just above 200 at 7. Able to do university modules. And will most likely lose some more before it is 16 years old. But will be above 100IQ then.

And it is logical because society is not that smart as a 500 IQ, so it can not easily deliver that input. The child would have to be with someone with also 500IQ and would have to stay with that person to constantly get the 500 IQ input. As all others are lower IQ and teach the child and will bring input to the child, the child gets lower input than it needs, so it is neglect, but society can not be smarter easily, as they as adults can only grow 3 IQ points per year with training. Needing 84 more years to multiply 3 points, and constant training to gain points. And coming from 100 IQ, that would not be 500 in 100 years of their lives.

Now, this dropping IQ is dropping IQ, thus we do need to give all we can and as much as the child demands, and likes.

As learning goes with preferences. To gain any person input that happens with episodic memory.

Information from the senses will go to the working memory, then to the episodic memory, there it decides if this likes this input and it will “learn” this input, and will keep this in their memory.

Then the information goes to the semantic memory, the facts will be stored there, and to the procedural memory, the procedures will be kept there and will be learned over time and kept there.

Then when we recall the processed information that goes to the working memory.

There within the working memory is speech, and will develop by the input that will be processed in the brain, then recalling the input which takes the information back through the working memory as output, where during in and output speech develops.

So, speaking at 1 as a 5-year-old means the child had input through the working memory into the memory and recalled it and it was processed as a 5-year-old and can process as much as 5 years old, and can work with the information as a 5-year-old.

You will need the amount of input multiply 5 for the rest of their lives to keep the 500IQ. At 16 will be 80 years old in mind. All after will gain 3 points a year.

So, a smart baby will drop IQ easily because society can not keep that up. The baby will soon be in university. A lot of 6 years old do university modules online. You can try that for your child too. And simply do what the child likes, and as long as the child likes it, as learning is to develop the self. And a child has moments of learning and preferences and could change some interests.

You just give the child options and all you can find, and let the child choose from that. (Age limits do still count. The mind processes much, and collects the amount of information of an older person, but remains a child. )

And the child will be faster done with university. And at the normal age of university can do a few at the same time. And in their lifetime can do a few bachelor's degrees and masters, and Ph.D.’s. That is what IQ means.

It is important to get the correct input, and the amount that fits you, but there are preferences that are most important.

As these children are easy learners, you can give them faster higher levels. See again the schedule as an example of what that means. Faster in the next grades.

All children learn best at home, homeschooled, and with their own preferences and free will. And human rights protects that. We have the duty to understand the child and their will and give them their will and help them express their will. We do address the will with the most sophisticated ideas. Science research helps us.

Authoritative raising is about the most sophisticated ideas and that addresses our ideas. These children simply are faster at higher levels of research. And can address faster with higher-level education.

It is logical as their mind has more information, thus sooner finds out the next steps. The logic is faster in more mature ideas. (But not the physical sexual ideas, but the ideas that need more information. Thus if one needs to learn 1 +1, that is an easy logic if you have more things to think about and can count more things because you remember them, and constantly have more items in your mind per sensation that you count as 1 plus 1. Then the practice is done very fast. So, 10+10 is more logical, also 100+100, etc. But these are things other kids do per school year. Kindergarten is about counting till 5 and 10 and 20. And first grade till 100. Every next year you add some zeroes. A smarter child does that within one year, and a few years sooner.

And can think of other concepts already, not only adding up, but also multiply. As it will group things, it remembers so many things. So that is sooner a logic.

There is also a change in IQ during the day and during life. For example, a 13-year-old will suddenly score low. And many other years after many people have drops and gains in IQ. That could be because of life changes, and people get children, so in evolution, you have different needs at certain times. So, there are also moments to do testing. And a few times in your life will show differences.

You could get an insight into your entire life and your personal changes. And also IQ testing is not absolute, you could be ill, etc a day, or under pressure, etc, but also it is just a theory. And attempt to show how much processing you do more or less per sensation than others.

So, we interpret the test with your entire life. One test says nothing, also not testing 100 times one day, or within a month, or year. It says all about that time, not precisely about you in your life.

And dyslexia is a good example of a slow learner, slow thinker, that is smart.

Where they can seem like they have a low IQ, but that they do not, they simply learn slow, and think slow, but can process a high amount of sensations, thus can have a high IQ.

And they need some training to make the process of seeing, reading the letters and understanding what from real life “picture” we talk about becomes automatically.

And when the reading steps are not done right, all kids seem dyslexic.

is just natural, only in one part of the reading process they need more repeating and some help typical to the type of dyslexia could help.

And 1 out of 30 will have dyslexia.

Where in this good environment we will keep the 1 out of 30 with dyslexia but can do well in school.

In a bad environment, all kids look like dyslexia and will do worse in school.

All schools are worse environments, thus we do not help dyslexic well, also not normal kids, we need homeschooling.

Where dyslexic have smaller classes to get help, like a homeschooled. Engaged people, understanding the child, going into these details of dyslexia, and carrying for the child, giving it the attention it needs. And give all the way the child needs.

Now you understand IQ, understand what they do as bad care.

They abuse the IQ testing. They lose the logic of what this is for. They care fraud and do all kids with testing. And abuse the files. As if they are now their right to use. Because they have a test. And they test all that is not tested. But for what? There is no right nor logic to do this. We look at the child without testing and see what the child does more than others, a teacher simply must do the curriculum, and the child will do that faster. An IQ test means you did not understand the child. And I honestly can say, the job is not done well.

You could know the child is fast and how fast, that is IQ testing right there. An IQ test is for the person themselves to do as an insight.

The teacher/ parent simply tests the curriculum and notices the child is done fast. And understands all with A’s, and faster, and especially when you have attention for them, and can give the next book. When school is done, school is done, they go to the next school.

Homeschooled, the parents can try the next book too. That you simply keep doing. Any child can find some parts tougher or do not prefer some topics. Then you let them do practices and in many ways where you “catch” the child and in the way the child likes the practices and then will understand the tough part. You will see after the tough part the pace goes up again.

You can also use their preferences to get the harder parts done. Using their things they like as a topic to explain this tougher topic. That makes it more fun and the memory will let that input in.

The dyslexic is a same way for teachers/ parents, as long as you do the steps correct of reading, etc, the children will not look like dyslexia, only who has it. That will have extra practices and can be the same fun as the tough parts just explained. Doing the things the child likes and doing more fun practices. But it is about practicing. And to make the reading automatic, and to connect the picture in real life with the letters. Thus when you see an object the child needs to study the object. Then see the letters with the object and needs to train that a lot longer, until you can remove the letters. A none dyslexic will faster see that real-life picture in the mind when reading the letters, a dyslexic needs to train that a bit more.

Because smart can have dyslexia too, you can do a lot on higher level, and keep training the use of the letters per word/ object too. These are two things. You do both. And yes the smart child has more words with letters to practice because it thinks of more things.

So, I would take more time for that. Just continue learning the way their minds are, and keep connecting their preferences to learning.

And because homeschooling has better results, I would homeschool any child.

They even trafficked away kids for this.

Just to abuse all that “stands out” and to interfere with schooling, while this is all personal preferences. They lie kids need certain ways. While you can see too, it is one way. You interpret a child, and can easily give the right levels, without testing, and if you test that needs a purpose the person must approve, and it must be even their own purpose, their free will this is.

Especially, it is used to traffick people, while all people no matter the IQ need the best input, and can study any level.

Yes, low literacy leads to crime. And yes low IQ can be the low literacy, but if you become high literate as low IQ or slow thinker, the crime rate drops.

In the end, all is about higher education, not IQ. And all parents can do all this themselves. And that is wellbeing, being autonomous, authentic with your unique being. Their care fraud and exploitation is still abusive and will cause lower IQ, and least results.

We need the least restricted environments, and no interference, as human rights even demands all people.

The twist in the story is their own low literacy and which also comes from the lowest study majors, which is related to low IQ causes crime.

If they were homeschooled and higher literate, despite their lower IQ, they would not be criminals. They are vulnerable to the way a dyslexic is. They are also easier into crime because of the low literacy, when not getting the high literacy that easies as normal people. Despite their IQ. But it is a literacy level relation. Where that would be normal with low IQ, and all with a problem in becoming literate.

As criminal typical criminals also have issues in the mind, they think differently. For example, Dark Triad does not care much about learning and information, they refuse to read that precisely, their mind wants other things.

But for all, if we would get them literate the crime rate drops.

So, then homeschool gives the best results and will solve most of this.

Also, bandura kids will create copy-cat behavior. So, we can not expose them to these traffickers and frauds, using our kids. That can not. So, all together it also says they as a child had these problems, it is why they now use our children, because of their bad childhood. Thus, even more, they need to stop working in this criminal way and let parents be parents at home with their kids.

They need to find themselves, and better ideas to work for, and get more literate and find their own preferences and do other jobs. And especially not work together with other criminals, and people like themselves, but develop themselves and be able to work alone perfectly too.



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