The Dutch Crisis: The dutch “bees and kings.”
The dutch crisis, the crime done by teachers, social workers, judges and local governments, where they all know they do this because of the fraud by the Dutch government.
Criminal exploitation and exploiting families and each other. Human trafficking. Totally narcissistically unethical, violating all human rights, ethic codes, profession codes, not even knowing any. Creating groups, not like the duty in human rights, ombudscycles, but their own crime rings, circles, groups, where all dutch know if you don’t listen you lose your child. But there is no one right to demand us families to listen.
The laws demand them in jail, and us free with our kids, and that must even be always protected. Thus any creator against these human rights and ethics, and profession codes must be jailed.
They think cause they skip all, they decide the laws, together, as a group.
But they skip me, and all studied, as they are not so studied, or from the lower majors, and without the supervision of Ph.D. feeling free as the king and bees. And all kids exploited and abused.
A huge hurricane, a huge flood, a huge crime that is what they do, daily. And with mean morbid feelings, with explosions, with insanity in many forms.
The judge even has own kids stolen
A judge can easily have their kids stolen by another judge at this point, and therefore be insane and judging even less fair, then they all already do at the moment. It is a mean group, against another.
They need help and are in a deep crisis. Where they are criminals around all children and each family, hungry wolves, wanting money, and use all children for it.
Extremists love the country at the moment and are in youth care in many ways from IS to any kind of extremism.
The duty is to let everyone be autonomous, authentic, unique, and that is the only wellbeing. There any interfering is unlawful made lawful by their signatures, thus extreme crimes. These extreme criminals love the weak system, and to take over all families.
All need at the same moment right now to protect
- human rights,
- ethics
- profession codes
- wellbeing
Dark Triad feels no honor, but we must be protected against them, always.
My kids are stolen too, and of 12–20% of parents, they start with fake documents, fake “plans” to help not ill, no one needs care, and they pretend the families don’t understand they need care. The number is so high, in science we name this an error. They are the only ones thinking we need them, but they get thousands per family to earn, it is exploitation and Human trafficking, within the country.
If I took kids in my home from others, and participated to steal other people's kids, and lied along, I had my kids here. But I am against such unethical behavior and I demand laws, and codes and ethics, and that is what triggered the locals.
My kids have higher education at younger age because of the highly intelligent, like some other kids, and the other region had explained to us what we had to do, and what is the law, which we followed, our locals just did not want to do the laws, and lied, frauded and took.
There are even people already reporting judges, but it is not enough, the president has its duty, and does not understand at all how such type of crime must be solved. And his people created such a crime. Thus they are criminals and must be jailed.
As kings and bees.
Not the real king, but these stinging egocentric, narcissistic lower people in those jobs with their frauds and trafficking are feeling that in their small jobs, they skip any law, especially international laws they must follow. It is a huge crisis.
We have to find all kids trafficked and have to catch even judges and all against the families.
All must be ticked of by their ego, by their doing crime, but not fixing it, also not getting criminals out of the jobs, and pretending we can not take teachers, judges, government people down, as that always can and has before. And by the typical discriminations, and violations they do, the political opinions they want to force, the type of crimes they do, in their country, and by the extremists in those jobs, and the use of families, while the law demands them to protect us, and the skipping of human rights, ethics, and profession codes and any normal ways. The deep lies.
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