The chain reaction in child development. Cumulative development.

Cumulative development = Chain reaction.

Jiska Hachmer
10 min readJan 29, 2020

Chain reaction, without outside interference, a reaction, that leads to another reaction.

But like all chain reactions, we can interfere and stop a reaction. Terminate the reaction.

  • We create a basis for the reaction,
  • We create catalysts to keep the cycle strong,
  • We can terminate the cycle.

And the environment will interfere.

Children have not only a schooled life and have different worlds, but all people also have a sum of life. A sum of input will be processed and will become output.

Sum of life we have. So there are cumulative developments, since the start of the chain reaction. Which we can stop. And we need to let the best influence stay as the force that starts a chain reaction.

Keeping the good chain reactions is the ease of how you can let a child alone, without the interference of others. A child can do things alone.

The ruler of the chain reaction

If you build up strength against wrong input, that can give a wrong chain reaction, there is more force into the child, which helps decide the outcome.

This is why some are no addicts, others are. It does also depend on how strong the ruler is.

People in schools will get the political preference of the teacher unless parents ruled. So it depends on who turns on the chain reaction, besides schooling. But bad schooling damages too much, schooling in general damages too much. You need to know the total sum, and take all bad out, and create only the best environments for people.

The chain reaction of schooling

So, people got into the chain reaction of schooling, while we had to be in the chain reaction of nature. All false about schooling research, as we do not study nature. We study the chain reaction we now take as natural but is not the natural human.

Proven is also, that homeschooling is best. So, we should study all environments, take the best only and look at those chain reactions.

Predators taking over the chain reaction, in child development

And we always look at how to start a chain reaction, and what are the influences, and expect sudden influences, also predators, waiting for the moment you think the chain reaction will happen, and those are the (secret) influence that has been waiting, to interfere, and to turn on their chain reaction.

For example, Pedophiles which this continuous reaction in a child, to serve the predator.

And changes the chain reaction that was happening into something for him her.

Can not homeschool?

If we can not homeschool, we must look at what is next option for us, what will be the faults? And how to stop those chain reactions?

And what to add, to make it better?

And in all cases how to keep influences away.


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