Something is about to happen, the mystery revealed about your one and inner truth.
Who is your one? And, what is the talk between men and women? Also, who did you do?
All people will know you did wrong. Your one will know you did wrong. And your friends will see you did wrong. As well as you will know you did wrong. Conjointly your kids will not get the life that was meant. Hand in glove, maybe you did not get the life that was meant, because your parents did not do what was best. Agreeably, some of these people in the groups you live in, can say and do things that have kept you away from your truth. Especially when a lot of them went askew.
In life, there are users, abusers, and helping people, but to where? Where did all go to? Lots of people can try to change you, but, in the end, it is only about the real true talk, under the roof of your own heart.
“Do not forget who says wrong to you, has it wrong in their inside. “ -Jiska Hachmer
Fenced in your enveloped soul will bring you victory in a career. Victory in the talk with your real one love. Victory in the talk with your real self. Victory in your real family. Victory in consummation.
Going to your real self is going to your real one, and real family, and giving your children and cousins and family their real selves, as far as you can give.
All the important information is more important than with the wrong people. All need the truth. So, the need of the one in your life also is about having the truth to survive.
People can say why it matters, your one? Take just someone, but here in your childhood, you know who that is. Here, in your child’s childhood, you do all the wrong, with the wrong. You need to stay true, to what you acquaint here, so, life is one state from your beginning to your children’s life.
There is childhood, things that happened in your childhood, and things that should have happened in your life, things developing in your childhood, and despite if it is “true” with the true one, you will develop. And it just happens because you are there. You will be the sum of the environment. The sum of time you live in. The ensemble of how well people did. There are many ways to look at childhood. You better have that best life. Why are you alive? Why is there this beginning where you have a certain character, with someone? Build for a life. Which is also, build for your kid's life in the future. A plan between two, where the kids are planned too.
Here you can get the impression. Here we can help children establish and develop what they feel.
Know what your “teachers” caused as a crisis to you.
Whatever influenced you, traumatized you, and whatever influenced and traumatized your one, will be changing you or challenging you to change. It is the same when your kids go through impressions and other people around when they go through persuading. But all of this you feel inside, as an instinct.
You need your own voice to be you. Your one needs their own voice to be themselves. Your children need their own voice to be their own devotion. Everyone needs their own voice to be zeal. So, find yourself and learn what others said. And just be your own hum. Recognize them, get them outside of you, use only what fits you, and be you.
You need the truth as a long-lasting effect inside of you. You have such a job finding your one, you can not have such a strong voice of others inside unless you want and it fits you.
To get the strength to have a one
A high body of knowledge, to overcome obstacles with long-lasting results. New horizons in the right way, directed by self-study and self-development.
Because you will have wars
Wars with the biased using you. Even with wrong teachers, and wrong guru's. And authoritarianism, because the truth is within not in an authoritarian. The only allowed approach is authentic.
Return of the light.
There will be a second chance. People have taught all the misguiding and did all the wrong to you. And your guiding light, your one, your truth, will return. So, it feels like a returning of something valuable and a repeat of something. Something of you, something good, that you now can have, but should have always had.
There is also a war with inner demons, because they catechized you, and you need to un-brainwash. Get healing and change into your own will power to overcome all their thoughts.
Now all this will be very long-lasting
When your investments are different from the truth. The will power will give control of your life with resources, together in sync, but with what? You have a war in the relationship, and with each other’s one. Ruled by others, because they caused this.
Inner fears
If you have inner fears you will be drawn to other things than your inner truth. You still need to hear your inside voice, the instinct, God's path with you, the universe with you, your own world, to have the truth. Your preferences, your hobbies, your favorite things, your life, you being alive and with… your one, your idea of the one, without any other idea.
The other one
Your partner, your one, will have plans too on you. And this can be a double victory, helping your one home.
The changes people go through does not mean, go loose your inner world.
It is meant to be better at your inner world and getting your inner dreams in reality.
So, when you change, it is an addition to who you are, and how you were born, and what is meant for you. It is a development, not a leaving you.
A lifework, a life project.
You will know all about the world and the people in the world
In the end, you’ll together know them all, all against, all for, all right, all wrong. And what the influences did to you and your one. You ll know a lot about people and the world, and where people find it easier to be who they are, and what helps them, and where people are having it hard and are not helped.
In the end, you wished to have fought for your love, and your children, and your inner world, that you will know. And, you wished to have understood this was an evolution, not losing the one, and yourself, and thus your real future and base for your life and kids. And, you had wished to have tried again.
note. I do astrology and other things like psychology, all about influences, to know all environmental influences on people. Today for my article I used inspiration from Lada Duncheva’s reading about this eclipse. But all is meant from my own work, and own ideas on love. It just fits with the current eclipse, and her reading inspired to share my thoughts.
Hachmer, J. (6th of January, 2020) “Do not forget who says wrong to you, has it wrong in their inside. “ -Jiska Hachmer Twitter Retrieved from
Duncheva, L. (3rd of January, 2020) The Silver Lining & POSITIVE SIDE of the TOUGHEST ECLIPSE in 2020 & The Epochal SATURN PLUTO Cycle! Lada Duncheva Retrieved from
Peer, M. (27th of December, 2019) How to Stop Caring What People Think of You — Marisa Peer Retrieved from
Hachmer, J. (6th of January, 2020) A quick way with 3 steps to stop crime and DSM at work. Medium Retrieved from