Social workers and the “wannabe syndrome” at the moment.

They tried to be us.

Jiska Hachmer
19 min readFeb 5, 2020

I noted many upset, changing jobs, becoming “powerful”, seeking help against a mental problem, which they live as real, and thus they force families to court and take their kids. They even fraud for it. And accuse all strange things which are legally never to be discussed in court. That is basically the core of every case.

We did not train them to be like that. We are not allowed to ever work like that. So, we seek to the foundation and try to find who has done this.

  • Terrorists sought for jobs, and they have influenced society.
  • Extremists the same
  • Pedophiles, and any type of crime, from drugs scenes to any type of crime tried the work field to laundry their things
  • Biased people, DSM, personal problems, work too, they made it strong a point they are equal, but people forgot the DSM is made to solve illness, and we should see a decrease of ill, and work is work, task-oriented problems we can not have. Try someone to the moon with a mental illness, that would not be hired, which is dangerous to all others in the team. We are not allowed to let people drive with no sight either etc. So, there are boundaries to any job. They meant participants the way they can.
  • Low literate, which is correlated to crime. It is not knowing what we do. Just some ideas, but these are made with nothing, so mean not the truth. They are like animals make sounds. If you develop an animal, they can say a word. All beasts have the maximum in the brain, maximum possibility in the development, and you can not make an animal a human. So, a low literate with problems will have problems to become a high literate. And a normal person, will become easier a high literate, but also can have “problems”, for example, the knowledge is kept away. But this low level of development is violating human rights. You have the right to develop. Development is not per se schooling, it can be unschooling, but it means a development: input will be processed and will become output, and that input has to be good input, so there will be a good development. But at work, we will have to be understanding and the ability to do the entire curriculum, thus before we work there is a “schooling”. There is a demand for the curriculum to work with.

People were used and the jobs were created into what it is today. And because you do not see our inventions, as from all our jobs, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, and management, etc, and the innovations only, and all together into a logic, so no one would be ill, and no one would need a force, would be the only logic to find in everyone's work. As our jobs evolved, and we need less of any force to get people better. We actually were better at well being in all jobs and could let people be more and more autonomous and more and more authentic, and their unique being could be living more wealthy and with making more of their own decisions. We simply had to display our work and all would find us.

If money was a problem we had to make cheaper services that no loose value, and if the crime was a problem, cops had to come to action and do more research thesis on why that had to be published so we all could work on their findings. And in the end, all professions would add their new innovations and theories and scientific laws to this, and a great new life would exist from that collaboration, of all people in the world.

As science is simply that all people count, all their work can easily be added and published and all people study all the work and will combine and merge all their studies with what they find, and will place that into the right positions.

So, at work things can only go forward, unless there is a crime taking over the work field. As crime is always the lowest level of thinking. And lower IQ has more troubles to save themselves from them, as they have fewer arguments from studies against that. Less logic against that and are more vulnerable.

Besides the groups above, that wanted the work field. We also had elderly abusing younger people, and abusing power and forcing the younger studied into a world that is no reality. But their dark triad wishes, as Dark Triad is more among them.

In the crime spectrum, this is logic, older than 45 we see psychopathy clearly, as a psychopath does not get less bad, only worse, so over time you will see their crimes grow. And boom (part 3 of baby-boom) would miss mirror neurons and are more narcissistic because of that, and they had lower literacy and that is linked to crimes, thus their worlds are more likely criminal. Also, the generations had already problems, which they take along at work. And they had less environment and raising when growing up.

So, there are many reasons why the lowest studied are more vulnerable and used in a forcing system. While all the others had studied something else, which solves all the problems they ever see with all the people, and we definitely never need force to get patients. Nor it is ethical, nor it is something to ever work with. Even if a group of judges thinks to be nice and to solve a gap and create new behavior for saying yes to that. It is still wrong, unethical, not allowed and power abuse. And skipping the laws existing that are against that decision. And shows another problem: courts and judges.

The people had some money crisis, and money problems, especially with all the problems they already had can lead to crimes, and usage of people, human trafficking and exploitation.

And, exactly what happened. But as a part of the wannabe syndrome. They wanted to be all these jobs, and force us all into more work and money for them.

All these types create problems at work.

We need good development in people not personal problems at work, which cause problems at work. And not the task-oriented problems at work that cause problems in the tasks at work.

Because these social workers have personal issues, low literacy and are not the real development of our jobs, they have task-oriented problems. And they are delusional at work. And end up in trying to force people to do things, which are unethical and not actually our job. It is being a bad friend, being a-social, and with problems that cause bad friendships. We can not agree, because the behavior is not that high literate, smart, correct, well done. But they want enforcements. It is a strange demand.

And because this part is my specialization:

  • personal problems at work
  • task-oriented problems at work

Coming from a wrong environment, and from not being sophisticated, and they create DSM, personal problems and crime, and even exploit what they have created, as a psychologist and all the other jobs I am related to I design better plans, better ways to treat people a lot better, and according to all laws, codes, rules, ethics, human rights, and most sophisticated sciences.

Especially because this is the core to problems getting worse and worse, see the low literacy creating biases, that create crime at work, and the extremism and terrorism. And see how low literacy also can not solve it, and rathers gets delusional and more biased, and more vulnerable to criminals that will use them, etc. We need to solve the low literacy and give everyone the power to change their lives.

So, I studied many studies of many years and used my IQ to learn as much as I can. To solve the core of all problems.

  • DSM at work, personal problems at work.
  • Crime at work

And these two influence all the people they work with. And you name these two the personal oriented problems at work and the task-oriented problems at work.

But in the total design for well being: being autonomous and authentic, with your unique being we solve the problems.

The same an MD/psychologist would do. Solving the real disease, not blaming the person of a DSM. But solve all that causes “DSM” alike behavior. Because behavior is a signal, the way babies cry when something is wrong, it is all they have, and all they can, and they do it for all types of problems, just at any time. Children do the same with being busy. That is no DSM, but a signal to problems. And problems can be simple things like not knowing what to do, being hungry, feeling all kinds of feelings, or really big problems, being very ill, having a virus with complications. An adult gets “behaviors”. But it does not mean they have DSM. For example, when having a heart disease you can be depressed, solving the heart disease the depression leaves us.

The deeper studies, with all these details, is what the real professions study. You can not sit on the side and pretend to be us. And then especially not try to interfere and decide things for others, if they must see us, you are not our assistance. Nor allowed to be one.

So, I studied this much to be accurate and have an ethical amount of studies before I speak. And kept developing myself, as the Dutch have a very bad school system, and are very bad at all the jobs, and because they are not studied well, have low GPA, and are not doing the academic skills well. So, every time I work I have to take the official style, not the dutch style and have to reflect on what would Dutch do, and what should I do, according to ethics, human rights, my profession codes, and the real professions and all the rules and laws existing. But all must do reflection all day, all the time in all their jobs, this is just my reflection, because where I came from.

Everyone has risks and situations influencing their jobs, wherever you are, you have the typical environment coming into your work, and you have to remain precisely your studies, job and according to the right routes and real studies, also you need to be on the level.

I note in advance, a side of these personal problems they have…

  • Dark triad(DT) Narcissism, Machiavellism, Psychopathy.
  • Crimespectrum: ADHD, ODD, DT.
  • Borderline

And the other types of DSM with some crimes that could do, more often than others.

I need to note. It is very common in the low majors to find DSM. They have lowest IQ, of all study majors, which is a And we found a lot of all of these types, for some reason, and the not well developed, and the troubled time's previous generations had and thus are not developed the same way, and have more DSM and more problems. Especially the two things together lead to situations. But also, the types of job have dark triad seeking such jobs with power. Some thought to use the lowest major, as that is easier done, to get power and to change it into a force, they thought that, but that is a criminal way of thinking. And,

Their IQ is the lowest thus they are not older than teens, and a lot of them think like a child.

I suggest when smarter than that to find more studies, to study on higher levels, so your mind gets what it needs. See the simplicity of the studies they do, you can easily do better, like the most in the world can. It is very useful to find the highest majors to study. Then, you address the lowest majors too and could find satisfaction again. But at least you will realize how small their world is. That is the case, because of their IQ.

1 group of social work

All lowest IQ work there, plus till max 103. So you have 3 groups.

8–10 years old in the mind, is the lowest group working in social work. And if lower than that can work, also lower IQ. So, see your colleagues, lots have simply this IQ and can not be around kids. Especially not around smarter kids and the most are smarter. Also, they need help, and they can not raise well. Minus exceptions, but those depend on higher studies. We do know psychologists with IQ 59 being professors. You could doubt if that person was frauded with the IQ testing, but it is known lower IQ, also some disabilities can develop and get degrees, and with help, but ending up as professor needs the real development in the curriculum and with the academic skills, and developing theses, etc. I do understand a low IQ that makes great work is fine, but you can understand will they independently treat everyone’s kids the best? It simply depends on the level of input that they got and if the input is about that. Social work is very low in sciences and done by low IQ. Good at chemistry? Good at physics? You need to that to understand the brain for example. They miss now the real scientific skills to be deciding such deep things they wish to decide. All parents will do better than them at that most of the time. Try to be a teacher and see even more what I mean about their incapability in learning. They are more criminals than learners, they are not so smart learners. So, a child that finds out how to play at school, but the one with the low IQ. Cause if you end at 16 with 50 IQ, you are at 8 4 years old in the mind. So, see your kids at the playground, they will be more likely looking older than their age, or at least not like 4 when 8.

Thus what do these do with our sciences, they just yell something, say something, and all our hard work is gone, as they can not understand it, nor understand the truth in it, nor use it well, and just say bla bla with it. Who believes that believes an ill. You will need me myself to understand what I have studied, never would I give my work to court with a child in the mind, as the social worker is that, and then let them get me the kids of other people, that is trafficking as if I groom the schools playground through my kids as toddlers if they would tell the director I need 10 more kids, and if they will lie this particular lie all the time, so they go with it. That is dark triad behavior, unethical. But what these do all the days to earn kids away and money for that. All working along are unethical. And the smart in social work has the duty to stop that. As social work is about all the things they do not learn but should have learned, deep psychology, child psychology, MD studies, laws, human rights, etc. They now simply traffick with lies.

2 10–16 years old in mind

Between the lowest IQ and average. They missed many years of knowledge. They are behind. And need our help.

3. The rare above 100. Thus from 16+ years old.

Not that high not with many 160+ IQ, as that would get them out of the lowest range with just a few highest IQ. What do you do there, all alone in between the least IQ? Not developing into who you are? You would need your own range of studies for that. Fitting your IQ.

“Everyone is our friend, but our studies set all straight.” -Jiska Hachmer

It comes down to, we do friend them all, we have services for all. Even when we choose to work on a group in the total, we, in the end, work for the service idea: “All will be fine, after the service. “ So, your work will set things straight in all your friendships, it is what you know and deliver, and they must process what you come with. So, actually you are always at work, aware of what you know, you will see everywhere the things going wrong.

So, all have the rights, the development in their own ways, the way they have the rights, and by adding the knowledge, they can be someone and can be their self with their knowledge, on the right level, according to all rights and laws, and codes and friendships will be deeper, talking from the things you have learned to the other people, and them to you, and together you can build bridges.

Studies are the bridge between cultures.

Friends definition: “People agreeing on something. “

Same ideas:

  • We all are teachers.
  • We all are writers.
  • We all are expressing.
  • We all are telling.
  • We all are speaking.
  • We all are… etc.

But how developed is your skill?

You remain expressing or become a speaker, or become an academically skilled, high-level research thesis writer? And will you teach your research? And is that cited work? Or your own experiment? Is that done right?

So, there is this world of studies you have done. The world of studies someone else has done. The bridge between the people: simply being studied. The higher the level the fewer crimes to expect, and the more honor codes the same, fewer crimes to expect.

When all are authoritative there is no DSM by raising, as well. And people are grown, developed, equal, and most sophisticated.

Do you see the development of professions? Or do you seek only power?

So, you are the friend of all, doing a part of the work for all, as a service. And you know what that will do to the total. And all according to your profession and highly developed, all after the research thesis. As you are a professional and we do only research thesis and higher. We work with knowledge. Why we do things. And going through schooling, academic skills, we learned what that means in each part of the studies, and in the development of ourselves, and with the training of finding the research, and creating theses, and research theses we developed into the profession. Into the actual thought process of the profession.

The professions they wish to be:

The first two are typical, as we merge into one profession, and psychology will be an MD study, in the future.

  • MD
  • Psychologists

And luckily we merge, as doctors and psychologists, we shift into new ideas. Where the doctor gets the help of psychologists to find physical illnesses and solves that illness so the DSM is gone. And we do not write the DSM down as a disease, but the actual disease found.

So, we could use other professions in a better way today. And we do. I also become an MD. It is a logical shift in psychology. We need to find the truth. We are scientists, also biologists. Adding MD studies to this creates a focus on solving physical illnesses.

But social workers, do not understand they do the part of social psychology, which is something we, psychologist, make thus need to train them for if they want to work with that.

They try to do some research alone. Managers in the management field do too, but the managers understand boundaries to both professions well, and are managers, and using science to find more out about people, to let them work better. Not to rule them, nor to name a DSM label.

Also, social psychology is like, an educational psychologist, and the educational psychologists have no issues with us another type of psychologist or with other professions.

The psychology social work uses, is like educational psychologists, a field in psychology.

Educational psychologists can come from education, but you will be a psychologist. Teachers are actually educational psychologists, with the subjects they teach.

So, social psychology is actually a psychologist, that will study social subjects but remains a psychologist.

These social workers only added to their job tasks we are only allowed to do, they have not studied these tasks, they think studying a task is enough. That low literate they are. As in reading the task, and how to do it. That is like hiring a person with no education and explaining the psychology tasks. Then I am studied on that, the other person not, but does the same task, as we both understand the tasks. Do you see the low literate site in this? A high literate knows, then we understand the tasks, but we first study, than when with the degree of the profession that fits the job, does the tasks as a job. These logic social workers miss. Bit of an identity crisis, who they are, and not understanding the educational psychology, and teaching jobs, and education. And not understanding management, and teaching and coaching working people. Not understanding laws, codes, and ethics, and thus not understanding the job of a lawyer. And not understanding the studies jobs in the justice studies, like human rights, have had, and what that is for, and what that does to your development to make you a professional.

They just work with someone that has mentioned law and go to court, and they do not even name the laws they think that are violated, they simply bla bla a talk and the judge agrees, without checking laws. The “evidence” false evidence, none checking the evidence. It is simply talking to a judge as if we are in a pub, and we now as criminals agree to work on someone and use our jobs. This is no fair trial, and an insult to all the hard-working people that have studied so much more before they are a lawyer, MD, psychologist, cop, manager, etc. Plus not equal treatment, but a way to be a criminal, lie, fraud and without the education level to get enforcement done. And shows the criminal route the court took. And shows psychologists the many problems. Also, all these other jobs they tried to be. Plus they hijack our jobs. And downgrade us, which a dark triad typically will do. And they downgrade us, take our real jobs, try to force us and the people into an idea that is not allowed.

So, it was also “surprisingly”, behind the backs, trying to stretch, and not knowing the reality. So, they are mentally ill with those decisions.

See where they come from, they are no MD, thus will not cure, they were volunteers in the past, today they are jobless. They should stop the work, and let lawyers do the laws, MD do the doctor things, and psychologists, the psychology things, and the managers, management of jobs, and the teachers, just teaching. And court is for other things than accusations. Can I just accuse someone? No, never. Think of it, I take some leg without the real MD work.
Society understands that, but social workers… not enough. Thus that must change. Myths have to go, science has to be all we do.

They also tried being:

  • Lawyers

And took simply some tasks of that.

The same way as the MD/ Psychology, but then also tasks from lawyers, without being one, sitting there alone with all these workers that constantly come to the “factory” court. Where all the cases are done, and the judge just trusts them beyond the real lawyers. Because they saw them all the time, they are “friends”. In psychology, we see right away the unethical side of this. And the many unethical sides this has. And their mental disorders.

It resulted in the skipping of ethics of each profession.

Leading people into unethical behavior, human trafficking, frauds and many crimes, and a delusion. Plus not the solution, while we by now solve almost anything.

For example, People waking up from coma’s, etc. It is not an unserious job to be an MD or psychologist, nor to be a lawyer. But we need just patients to come themselves to us, and perhaps some advertising, and we all are done. Who does not come to these professions, do not have to. That is the ethics code. And forcing has no use. It is like the political preference of euthanasia or not. It is a choice. If you want them to understand to come to such a profession you teach, share the free teaching and advertisements and ideas why, but it stays to that. We do not need forcing people lying we should take these people as patients. That is a fraud, human trafficking and not allowed by all the laws. If one law wants to change that, we must see that as bending human rights, which is illegal.


We even have to start the ombudscycles to solve this.

But is that a social worker’s job?

It is different when abortion is not allowed, and we have clinics still doing that. But is that a social worker's job?

No, but there they added another delusion:

  • cops

The work of a cop. They are not one. Not any of these. Officially no psychologists as well, nor the director of anything, simply the lowest major, we all have to teach them a lot.

And another one:

  • Management

They tried to add that as well. In the way, teachers have coaches when teaching in hard areas, or when a teacher needs help with their work.

And this should lead to better managing the self, as a teacher, so the teacher becomes a manager/teacher. Simply to only manage the teaching the kids. Nothing outside the job.

But then the social worker skips the help for themselves and want the ruling. They pass this vulnerable logic, and skip the logical side of managing a class, and else get help, and becomes a strange kind of teacher, skipping reflection and starts ruling the people as a dark triad. A management delusion, because managers are not that at all. Because of this style of teaching, we treat as a mentally ill, and when back to work if ever back to work, the teacher(patient) gets a coach to help to reflect on the work.

The way management rules schools. And teachers are told to manage their work, and with the help of such a coach. To not forget to reflect at the end of the day what went wrong and what could be better the next day.

They simply do not know any of our professions as their own. And when we add social psychology, we are aware it is just a part of the total psychologies.

Speaking of the core self and wellbeing but not understanding the depth of it: social work

So, social work needs help to find their identity, the boundaries, the mental help for themselves, and to find out who they are really to get other jobs. And to say no to these crimes.

Clearly they missed from all professions the depth, which is logical if you study their studies. Which I did to know for sure what they learn. I have even a social work diploma. To simply know their mental problems, and it was too simple, to no real job, that we need to study this and help them to be what they should be.




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