Short Story: The Truth About a long list of crimes done to us, by the dutch.
The long list of crimes done to us.
Not wanting to let us press charges.
That made them in an instant criminal, as cops. And all that worked there has to be punished. I believe in tougher punishments, as they denied all the justice, while that is their only job. And note. these were planned pressing charges. For a few months, I would come to do it, but it was a long list. The crimes were tough. So, I had to move immediately and asked victims' help, help. And they helped with how to do such a big amount of charges but felt it has to be done. They kept noting the local cops are not to be trusted anymore, I should move immediately again, to where we are finally kept save on our secret address. It’s all our situation needs, not these locals, not the previous locals and a secret address, and the good cops taking care of justice, where we are kept safe with our address and lives. Building up our new life, without interference.
What makes this extra criminal, is not only they knew and had told me to come. It is a logic in our situation. And not only some even dared to bag me not to press charges, which made them even more criminal, and easy to detect as such. Typical behavior that is.
We never wanted to live in Holland, never. We feel its a horrific bad place. So, we are kept here all the years with the criminals that live in this country. From bad school teachers to locals with crimes. We never want that.
And worse, I came from better, that place is not what it was anymore, we had checked where we wanted to live and all we do my entire life and my kid's life is moving forward, which is our right.
Their will to keep us is the most obsessive insane disorder. It is human trafficking on its own. And very stalking types, that abuse, and keep people, and thus have not their own lives? And don't know normal people that travel and live abroad? Are they dutch? We wonder. Dutch would always know many people that moved away.
People grow up and are themselves finding a personal preference and place to live in the world. Staying local means crime. Means you want something of the locals, and can not move to a place of your own, you need us? We don't need you. And see what it constantly is their earnings. So, it's their benefit only.
We need to wonder who does criminals are. Some of them part of international crime. And lots of them in all regions, from northeast NL to all regions. Doing crimes with their jobs.
We have duty to press charges, and its a logic, but if you know victims, you know only criminals behave this way. Normal people help to get the hard job done. These want to exploit everything too. And wants us to not do it, the criminal as they are, abusing their jobs. It's their duty to take them and to make this easier for us.
We just need it done and done.
We just only did the law, and those working did not. It says immediately they ain't allowed to be in those jobs.
2. Doing all they can to not let us be. Not let us proceed. Not let us get our rights.
We wanted the actual route of things, just the way gov told us we had to, and all the law says. These in the jobs do not do things the way it must, the refuse the normal routes, and that proves right away, their shady criminal behavior. Healthy people do everything precisely.
3. Fraud, deception, exploitation
So many frauds, deceptions, and exploitation.
4. Discrimination. Treating us differently. Apartheid. Against the real routes and real laws, while denying those.
No equal treatment in the school law, they skipped it, even what local attendance officer in Amsterdam had demanded, thus we did and is the law, all gov had said the same.
They did not want us to get our rights, jealous borderline alike. Criminal, manipulative, frauding, using the job wrong, to not give our rights, and interfere, torture, traffic my kids, extort, exposing our address to criminals, which was already decided by gov years ago those are criminals we were never allowed to be in contact with. And the new criminals they exposed all too. And wanted to decide with these criminals what should happen to us.
It said even more about who those are.
5. Interference
And wanting to put their delusion, their own belief, their will onto us and take our rights.
We have the right to choose all for ourselves, and I have the duty as well, just as them too, listen to my kids and their will. And need to help us achieve that. Their opinion is not allowed. Nor not helping, nor not wanting us to get these rights.
But we even should not have to know most of these people. They exploited everyone, and us too.
They even made up the weirdest request they used us for. And abused their jobs to get that insane idea done. So, all the laws to protect us against that they denied. They used their jobs to get their way, and not give our rights.
6. Children's rights violated, and them all. They use the kids, deny them everything, and use them as slaves.
Duty is to be very precise with the kid's laws and their will, and these just denied all and only put their will on them.
It is abuse, and we all always work against those people, and jail those for this behavior. But these criminals are so out of hand, they do this together, abusing each of them their jobs, to traffick people and exploit them with care fraud.
7. It s human trafficking.
8. The exploitation is extreme and after being exploited. They exploit exploited.
9. Defamation. Slander.
10. They don't want my studies, my work, my rights for me, and my family, they don't want our knowledge, they don't want us.
They want to abuse power and stand above us. They are dark triad and jealous and sadistic, and insane. there is no sanity in anything they do. It is only criminal. Abusive.
11. All planned. Why? We never knew them.
They say to do these things for 20 years. So, they know each other, and they do, they hop jobs and know each other years, working from another side of the total job, in the other jobs, as a criminal. And so extended their ways in all those jobs. In the end, they all know each other, and this crime scene and abuse all that come live here.
12. Child abuse, and child labor.
13. Helping criminals, and helping them earn. Using us.
14. Ignoring all existing files.
That proof me right. Some tried to make information vanish. And together they just ignore and exploit together.
15. Forgery.
16. For their own benefits.
17. The judge even frauds.
And does all along with them. A friend in their crimes and politics. They see the judges constantly and all together exploit daily many people.
18. We have been robbed, abused, and exploited, and in many ways in the previous region.
So, they help criminals get away with it, by exploiting victims of them in their own region. So, they are friends?
Not only in that home, not only in education with abusive teachers, also abused by a charlatan “doctor”.
We see the patterns that they all are family and know each other. Also, locally in this new region and with them. My family is from these regions too. All dutch have family everywhere. So, it's easy to have a family somewhere in the job. But they connect internationally with a crime, and are easy to use by those.
Healthy people understand how they create crime, and should not behave a certain way, to not attract certain criminals. These just abuse their jobs and all people and are constantly into crimes, together too.
19. They tried to use the past as if it wasn't solved.
The previous region had closed that and told us what to do and we had done that constantly. Those don't work anymore, but still, those files are duty. They work on us in a bad way. Playing with files, and ideas, and nothing is correct by law, and interfere with their nonsense, and just steal and seek money.
And even try to exploit anything, that is already years not on ya mind, or was never anything. Not something normal people would still be dealing with. Thus it shows how they never develop, continue, and lie to everyone, using situations in strange, illogical ways and just abuse. There is no sense in them. Only abuse, and many crimes.
Bad students, bad people, bad thinking, couldn't be friends, couldn't be normal, there is just nowhere normality within them and their groups.
They only damage people.
20. Exposing this address, showed right away all about who they are.
They no sane ideas about why and to just do so show all of their personnel.
21. Totally confused, and played confused, as if they should not do law, not do routes normally, should not have duties.
But also, confused, who does all this that chaotic and confused. Normal people not.
22. Even lawyers showed to be weak. Dutch gov too.
I don't think this is a logical safe way of solving. To just have opinions and telling what to do and then let all crimes happen. We had to feel the gov solves right there, so no criminal can work. Same minute. There is no right to expose us to this.
And these criminals have bad pasts, bad childhoods, and became criminals in this country. There is a dutch past that needs to be solved.
We could see how criminals had weakened them, and how the working place is full of criminals too. All normal jobs are full of criminals.
And then, all per person, per region, per job, per company, per group.