SEL for social workers, judges, cops, gov, and teachers. And BPD as a core to understand the crimes they do, and how to solve it.

Jiska Hachmer
17 min readMay 24, 2020


It is really to help them, as BPD can be solved, and people overcome it. The friend they can be after DBT, CBT, Schema therapy, attachment-based therapies, medications, makes it even more important we work on this. The Dutch have all the typical environment problems to create BPD and the crime spectrums and have lots of crimes out of hand at work. Hear their inner voice and change the country.

Think of their Social Emotional Learning first, so crime solves. SEL, self-awareness, emotion management, empathy, conflict resolution, responsibility, perseverance to be good, instead of ever going into crimes, like exploitations, and human trafficking, and perseverance to get all care to zero, as no care would mean all solved. So, they need to work better, instead of care fraud.

They need to solve themselves first, and learn the truth, and what is really going on with themselves.

Sociology is driven to study work, institutions, and power struggles, while they are the study about being social, thus need to understand what is wrong with their current idea of society. They need to sense, the current study is off, and full of signs of Dark Triad, power struggles. And a lower IQ, as this is indeed a lower study major, but believing in a society of institutions is and slavery a mindset and not reality, and shows a childish, not fully grown idea of society, where one is used and a sum of caregivers, instead of being mature, autonomous and authentic, so they show not to find what society is really about and still depend on others, which is a sign of codependency. Also, a workaholic group, which shows bias, myths, and DSM, too with not the understanding of balance.

Sociology should be only and assumes to study humanity, sciences to prevent unbalance, and to find out the scientific laws on being social, and should address society in all their faults, thus should be teaching us all about a higher idea of society, without this work system, Dark Triads, and being a product of institutes, and need to work towards the natural raising, and natural being, where the phenomena being social is correctly studied, like nature, with control groups that are natural. And where one finds scientific laws, and absolutes, like the basic needs, but then on being social, as humans, so all have a natural and good life. Really fitting humanity, human life, and the environment.

I am an environmental psychologist consultant, designing environments.

Working on creating no DSM and no crime, by creating the right environments.

  • Big Humanity, which is a part of Big History, about threshold 5–8, and is the study on the scientific laws, to translate them to daily life, and to find all the scientific laws, to be absolutely correct about all we do with people.
  • And using and teaching sciences, ethics, Human Rights, Basic needs, empathy, and SEL. With projects SEL for social work, judges, cops, gov, and teachers. And projects to find your own science, and the war is over projects, dropping extremism, terrorism, and crime rates at work. Also, creating a new design for all the days of the year, with celebrations for every day, honoring ancestors, loved ones, and creating a better literacy, honor and good people feel, in life and the workplaces. Understanding what we are doing.
  • I also have the school for the ombudscycle, help professions solving the violations of human rights, and to continue working on this also after solving, and for every case, there ever was, and is today, and in the future.
  • With the OWO divisions. One World of Ombudscycle, divisions, to work on all articles of the Human Rights and Children’s Rights. Also, on the basic needs, and on all case studies, starting cycles, keeping cycles going, control the ombudscycles, and let everyone create clubs/ divisions, and help create the best environments to let the clubs/divisions work best, so everyone can work on the Human Rights.

I worked on DSM and crimes in the workplace for years, now. As it went out of hand, and since the beginning of that I noted it out of hand, teachers abusing children, mad with the government and wanting more money, all hunger crimes, frauds in gifted clubs, in schools, and all care fraud that became bigger and bigger around children and families, with dark triad luring for money and exploitations and ending up in even human trafficking, with laundry through judges, and gangs in social work, where local gov uses them and vice versa, all ganging up around parents and children, with extreme and many violations of the human rights, ethics, sciences, profession codes, and with no empathy. And mainly coming from X and boom generation(in our country), and social workers, and low literate, which is related to lower IQ, lower literacy and thus crimes, thus not so strange this has happened, but people had to be protecting all families from this chaos, and a crime scene that has developed. Also, we saw all other crime scenes attracted to these Dutch crime scenes at work.

I studied elementary teaching, changed to psychology, became an educational psychologist and some more professions, and kept studying, to end up being an environmental psychologist consultant, now studying to be an MD/psychologist. I studied management, leading teams, and people, and international leading, too, to lead this. I found the core all people must know before they work and live anywhere, human rights, ethics, sciences, and empathy. And know as a teacher, academic skills, and subjects we all need, to be working correctly. I know the core of the Dutch crimes is the low literacy and the mistakes in education they made many years, where low GPA, 0.67, actually means failed, but they work with this, where many do not have the same level highschool as the USA has.

And they are not so developed, but the world is. So, I create designs to change the workplaces into better places, from self-development, also, talent-, child- and human- development, and creating better businesses, and higher literacy, and all the projects I will do.

The sciences do have all the answers, but the people need to get access to them, and understand what they should, and find themselves, and develop themselves.

Finding the A-Z, to this, will help the people solve the problems.

I worked also, on their mental illness, crimes at work, and studied them, on their tasks faults and personal problems. Some types are attracted to some jobs, and some even to children, and not with the best reasons.

They were my only study since 2013 since all the crimes we had to face as a family. But Dutch had so many criminals in so many jobs, it has been a tough time, big study and a lot of work, to get to the core of it, and find the solutions. I specialized in a few things, SEL, Social- Emotional Learning, and especially for teachers, and working people, which has to be done first, before one works with others, also before one works with children. Also, leading, and Data Science.

I was lucky to have a plan, from another region, as the locals where I lived after and now, only exploited.

They never knew a normal life, and crime scenes moved to that region as it had more space, and criminals love space. Also, they are aware of how low literate the region is, thus easy to use. Some, seek a place in Holland to spread their international crimes, and create networks.

And I came from my birth region, which was better in all things, and we never had lived crimes like these in our schools, and the jobs around us. They felt, to surprise me as if I am naive, but they forgot we are taught to be against crime and to know all our rights and solutions to crimes and is why we never had crimes. We were taught, our entire lives against crimes, and how to recognize and stop it. It is why we had none. We lived way bigger cities, with more international, and national crimes, which is such big region, you never know criminals, yourself, thus when that happens, you need a good plan. We are not raised naively at all.

So, I recognized them as criminals, and knew better, and had a good plan made for me, because I have a disability insurance plan, form the gov. I can actually not work anymore, but with this plan, of studying more studies at once, and combining work, I can try. Everything is about self- development and understanding people, which those locals can not, they are criminal, exploiting, and find such plans strange, and could not even understand the laws and that plan, thus even tried to fraud there and delay my studies.

The locals were only exploited, abused, and the same happened to me, but I at least knew what was up, and luckily followed the rules for all these DSM types, how to handle them. I know how to handle one with DSM. They clearly did not even know that, they use DSM to fraud, and lie about people, and to exploit people, with fake diagnoses, they are so bad in DSM, they do not even recognize the real ones in the jobs around them. They forget they can earn so much more on that. So, much more would be cleared out and stable and more earning, with better workers and real solutions to problems they have.

But they use it to be criminal and to “rule” the scenes, with dark triads and frauds.

But it is tough, as those criminals and people with DSM are not easy, as this is the darker triads and harder DSM, and mixes of that, and in the places, we need the cleanest, around kids. Even pedophiles tried the region, and want to skip human rights and get into the normal jobs, and abuse kids and start political parties. Those would not survive in my old birth town, so it was shocking strange and very ill people, to see. So, I also, knew, all these Dutch without education on this level, have it even tougher. But if they all study these simple studies, and understand themselves, and develop themselves, and their careers, no criminal will be walking around anymore, and all DSM will be gone as well. All in more wealth too, and kids happiest, as they have lots of space too. Space to make children's lives happiest.

So, they need to learn what they have, and how it will be solved, as it can be solved pretty quickly. And learn how to create the best environments, so all live better, like me, the way I lived.

Crime rates drop with higher literacy, honor codes, and when good people are in the jobs as examples.

They need to recognize the crime spectrums, and the lack of SEL, lack of development, and the DSM. Mainly BPD is the core to recognize all.

In the crimes, and in the behavior, and in the lacks, they are typical. And coming from the typical background all X and Boom come from.

Also, where the lowest study majors logically come from, especially since Rutte dropped the idea of good schooling, and started to work on giving all lower education levels, and less homeschooling, and less other ways to learn and push all into exploitations, and human trafficking, which is also fascistic, and the first sign of fascism, and a political act, and crime, with the govs. Local, and national, crimes. Same, as the rest explained above, coming from the same diseases, and issues, and generations, and pasts. So, the same work on BPD and Dark Triad, and mixes with many DSM, and crimes.

The facade against foreigners, and certain groups in other countries, is the big sign when you understand their own acts, they are the same, same bad. So, strange is that twist, though, there is no logic in not choosing to be really good. As bad groups, criminals are bad anyway. To prove a point, by being themselves good, and precise in tasks, that would be more logical, to stop crimes, to create contrast, but these strive because of power, not because of logic. So, we see them as bad. None literate in what they have themselves, too.

It is huge chaos, and crime scenes, because of their faults, and lacks, and not knowing what really working and studying is, their level is to low and they lack the real motive to work and lack the right ideas on how to really solve. That on itself is a bit like BPD, and the unstable past one with BPD has.

They lack and “good selves”, and good management skills, they do have lots of power issues.

The real work is…

  • Management of care fraud.
  • The laundry with judges.
  • The crime at work out of hand, which also has extremism and terrorism trying to get into our jobs, trying to use anything to control our country.

The ombudscycle demands us to work on this and to never stop, even after solving these problems, in each case, they ever made.

One fast route to solve all is to understand BPD, to recognize the core of the issues, and see also the crime spectrums. And to understand this is the least we deal with, as they are huge criminals, and the biggest crime the Dutch ever saw, where they themselves as criminals, hardly understand what is really going on.

We also, must protect our kids to ever be exposed to them.

After seeing this about BPD, you will recognize what I mean.

And the core of this problem, and will know the Dutch have a huge issue, and one massive common issue, in certain groups in our population.

So, also an easy solution.

DBT, CBT, Schema therapy, attachment-based therapies, medications.

And I know, mainly this issue is among:

  • X and boom, with the problems of their generation. (Not all but many at work have it, with even hate to children, exploitation of children, families, and young people in general.)
  • Social work, sociology, elementary teaching, child psychology, in our country, with low IQ related to the lowest study major, they are. This is in our case also very low literate, because of the low level of studies, and a low GPA, the Dutch have. Low IQ needs to be high literate to not end up in crimes.
  • Low literacy, in general, as we have not that many high literates. Only our generation, Millenials, half more than half higher educated and not even all with the new bachelor degrees system, but most of them. All before us have lower diplomas and lower education. These tried to give our kids the bad world they used to live in, while we already had a better life than them. So, it is very unlogical and shows they are not capable and need higher literacy from A-Z and higher GPA, and to not be near our kids.

Work can have two problems only (DeRue, et al, N.D.):

  • personal problems
  • task problems

They have them both.

A change is a duty. So where is there motive to the real work?

You need to wonder how they have such bad knowledge in DSM and do not recognize colleagues, all social care fraud cases, crimes, and faults, as it is easy to spot.

All the balance of who can and can not have DSM, or who is and is not a criminal, is strange, but also, it is very strange how they ever shifted the balance to catch all money for the kids, and families, who barely are ill, and definitely mainly less ill then themselves, and these workers in their circles, instead of the catching of the sick, earn on that, and to change themselves and that circle, so we all live better lives.

So, we need teams of honest DSM diagnosers, stop and quit the big companies, and need teams of stopping the human trafficking and exploitations, and the stop of creating such jobs, and opportunities.

The friend they can be after DBT, CBT, Schema therapy, attachment-based therapies, medications.

Recognize the wife.

That work in those jobs, you do have some work to do at home.

Recognize the husband.

The culture shock, normal people live, because criminals are not our norm.

And especially when you move, or change the environment, they add on the stress. It takes a few months to adjust. We need to be aware of that, all young people and families, live that. Not the fake DSM diagnosis these criminals wanted to pretend all have, to earn that way, with care fraud.

The Dutch need to recognize how bad the care is overall, in our country, and full of bias, myths, lack of knowledge, and care fraud, just wanting patients, but not at all really good at this, and not needed to go there.

And how that creates DSM and crimes.

The Dutch need to learn to be happy when none goes to care, and when none needs it, because that would mean a good thing, all healed. We can not make up illness to earn, and use all people around us. It is a small country, and for criminals easy to use towns, all people in reach, to use, like supplies. Thus they need better ideas to earn, and differently.

Especially in the areas with fewer jobs, and people, and especially Fryslan, northeast NL, where they have hunger crimes.

  • But also, the bigger cities, when there are many people, thus also criminals.
  • Same, when all these move around through the country. All that move bring in new “ ideas”. But coming from worse regions brings bad ideas, and a lack of knowledge to the new region, sometimes. And can lower the boundaries to crime, and make regions worse.

Also, understand the core, of real DSM: Every DSM must always have that you, yourself, experience problems, and a lot of it, really, else it is no DSM. We do not decide for others. Most people are normal and have just a variation of the norm. We can not just put labels on others, with our own ideas. The toughest besides this idea is to recognize the criminals in care in Holland, as we now judge them. We do judge them.

Note mostly how these criminals, at work, in our country, lure people in, and are not clear and shortly treating, and with people coming themselves, after reading a simple explanation, where they chose to follow a therapy, for a short time. They are exploiting and even human trafficking, and in a very unprofessional and criminal way.

All must be upfront, clear, where you yourself “know what you have’

Where you know your own symptoms, and you know what goes wrong, you notice something, yourself if you have something, else it is not there. With that, the therapist has the tool, diagnosis, which must be done, always, and they have clear treatment, upfront, and you agree or disagree, and can go away, anytime. That is the way it must be, that is a profession code.

Dutch exploits and human traffic because none needs them, actually, not these kids, and families, and that much as they say, to earn on them. And most already know the care frauds, lots know about this, still do not work well enough on this.

Dutch even try to create big companies to exploit and traffic, and created circles of crimes to get victims into their care, and for extreme endless, or at least long, times. That is not at all professionally, nor correctly the science and DSM diagnoses and treatments, which have an end, and a very soon clear end.

Clear start, clear treatment, with a clear end, is the truth, but Dutch do not do that and are criminals.

With even brainwashes, and attempts to create victims, and lure into their crimes.

See, how it really has to be. And recognize all the Dutch do different, thus wrong.




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