IS THIS ALSO, A CURE FOR THE DARK TRIAD? AND LOW LITERATE? Because social work got out of hand, but from they were little themselves, the real work is setting straight what went wrong, for them. Would they only need art lessons, to have more empathy? And grow literacy…

Jiska Hachmer
7 min readMay 29, 2020

Their study ideas show what they feel and think inside.

They choose a certain thought, instead of other thoughts…

Schulz von Thun: They demand a business life, with work and institutions, and thus neglect, unethical behavior, separations of parents and children, an orphan life, missing the home life, and the sciences have proven homeschooling and intrinsic learning is having the best results. They assume the ways done to them are the best, without proper science, nor proper deep studies on what sociology should be. They lack nature in things, are just a copy. And come from a sect kind of idea a copy. They know nothing else, no other thought logic. And struggle with power and work, and do institutions, as if nothing else exists, nor was ever our nature. But institutions and work are not natural a human, it is man-made, but with slavery, and damages, as well. And the goal is in sociology, to find what is best. And in any way, we all must do human rights, at all times.

They express not so arty, too. They demand lots, our kids, and power control, and they abuse, as dark triads. They lack to demand the real human rights, it would demand themselves away from us parents, and create a better society, like a library with no employees, just us ourselves, autonomous doing the books, and never pay fees. Just better made for human, and then everything in society, so all is easy, and at its best, without interference, and just developing yourself, with all good.

They have a strange relationship with families and children, it is not so natural, they are not seeking the most natural environment for families and kids, while that is the only logic, as we are human, and thus biology. They even pretend, their fascism is best, while that is not even allowed. It is against human rights, and the crimes done to all families, are more logic from this basic mistake in thinking, than a normal thing to do.

It is a typical BPD. This means they need to get balance. They live in constant stress, and therefore think from stress, and drag all into their stresses, which are mainly very so schizophrenic ideas too. That stressed they are. Same as a depression out of hand.

They get parasital, clingy, codependent, and think that is normal, and we all lack their normal… We are strange they think, but they are strange, this is unhealthy!

They stay in “the institution sum”, also, they work with different motives, and they struggle with power, thinking in power terms, as that is done to them. Thinking, growing up is getting powerful. 85% of the population around the world, disagrees. We all live with kindness. Power is one of the rare other motives in the other 15%. 1% is a dark triad, abusing power.

The BPD we see through their actions, they shine through, and they show these signals in their behavior.

Amygdala sirene goes off…

Because their life was so unstable, they are who they are today, thinking we all have to be this way, too. They lived in struggles, and drag all into it. They lived with institutions as their sum of life, and thus neglect all we lived with, and believe in, they only see that. They lived with work as the one thing people do, we see other things to do.

We do all agree community is sharing together goals. Only what those goals should be we feel differently about. We do need, ourselves, our own ideas, and development and balance.

All jobs change over time, all we need from each other changes over time. Authoritatively raised can work alone and together. Sophisticated. These grown mature people, now taking care of the depending, can work out what people need from communities, at the moment.

Where they do not depend to much on it, as they are mature themselves. They do can collaborate. They use the sciences for the truth of what is needed.

One thinks society is a power struggle if one experienced that.

One thinks of society is work, if one experienced that. That society is a sum of institutions one only thinks that if one lived that. If you live free, without institutions, you think society is free. And create a free society. We need the science of what is best, not the myths, attempts to make something sound best, while it is not. And all are free, thus must shape their own lives.

These struggles, and institutions, and work ideas, are typical dark triad ideas.

We must do science, and get the truth.

We must let everyone have their own idea of society. And let everyone develop their own way. Human rights are a duty.

Science-based/ Evidence-based what communities are…

We will work on SEL, with them, as we start with SEL for all adults, then with kids, and then projects we want to do together, have the best results as well.

You can not skip SEL for adults, it must be done first.

SEL is…

Social-Emotional Learning.

  • Self-awareness
  • Emotion management
  • Empathy
  • Conflict resolution
  • Responsibility
  • Perseverance

You can grow your brain, to be better at this with:

  • Playing instruments
  • Exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Sleep
  • Sunlight

So, the Homo Sapiens is arty and thus empathic.

It has all the features to handle more of the same kind, and art, and speech. You recognize a Homo Sapiens on these features. A lot of animals use tools, and the difference between all species, also the Homo species, is art, speech, and handling more of the same kind. Art causes the growth of white matter and empathy. More white matter makes smarter.

We will work on SEL for social workers, facts studies, how they can see right from wrong, and find the truth. How science works, to get the truth, and when it is the absolute truth.

We have to do DBT for them, a massive DBT therapy.

And teach them to question, and let everyone answer their own questions, and let everyone, including themselves, find their own path in life.

How to be soft, and no frost. How not to self-sabotage, as creating such society, as has happened now is self-sabotage, they feel they are not worthy of a better environment, and also take it from us.

They are sad, depressed, while they might like special, good, and magical things, we could use to explain to them a better world. And let them move from their past into a better and real future. To them, it feels like magic when a normal, good world becomes true.

They need to let people go, learn to have a self, not be a lost soul, and how to say sorry after a to big damage, what is repairing? They had to stop themselves, but could not.

They know they are lost, secretly. We can show them how all people, actually want happiness, and our happiness to them, with potential, and manifestation, but in a more balanced way, the way people do this, normally.

Their underworld must leave. Their shadow is grief and they need a new start.




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