Secrets To Children´s Rights Duties — The child must get their own will— Even In This Down Economy
The will is where lots go wrong. Putting the will on kids, while we have a duty to do the kids will.
All is only about the will of the kids.
And without judges, workers, interferences.
All is about interpreted kids
Duty to interpret correctly does not mean, our idea about children and then putting that on kids. No, its duty to precisely, hear the child. Without interference.
“The idea” is not allowed. The real is a duty.
It is not an attempt, it is not to monitor, it is not to work on, not to influence, not to do anything with. But exactly read the words they say, and exactly not in oh then we can steal the child, signals. Not signal and take. That's again an idea, that is our idea of when it should leave. That is with your ideas using kids, and deciding when they fit you, and your idea of leaving.
It has to be hearing the child, understanding the child, and listening to the child. And at a point the child wants something. That has to be achieved.
It is immature to have goals set, and wait for that to be achieved, and missed all the child said.
The child, we are not allowed to degrade, put our idea on, take rights from.
Dutch don't “feel” the kid's rights. They feel themselves, egocentric.
You need to hear your own will well, and be able to have empathy. So, when it's not your topic, you cant much relate. So, if your childhood was bad, you have not much to relate to. It is then your study to find out what is good.
Working without the idea of what kids really live. Assuming all will be bad, thus coming up with signals and your idea of when you can interfere. There is no interference right.
The feel you miss. The feel is, the kids want a certain life.
- naturally, the child needs things
- their will wants things
We don't let them go under cars, no. But are you saving them, because you were hit by the bus?
Yes, then you missed the real feel. No, how do you protect others? From what idea? Abused to listen to not go under the bus? You miss the feeling. Told? You miss the feeling. Explained, you get near the feeling.
Your will, made by?
- abuse
- hurt
- dangers
- judges deciding
- people, deciding
- people, taking away from you
- using other kids and now all have issues, schools, etc, unnatural teaching
- made by the chaos of others, noise, troubles from others, a shadow on your ideas and mind
You have that in your feelings, for the kids.
You need to develop the feel for kids and things in life. So, you need to live. Be safe and able to feel, think, sense, and understand.
You need to focus on you, work for you, get money for that, so you have money, and you and problems solved. Not degraded, nor put on you, nor taken from you. You are you. Well-being is authentic, autonomous being, with your unique being.
Eclectic, scientific, learning the sciences.
From thesis, research thesis, and hypothesis and sharing results into steps.
Where you first learn to wonder, and question all for you. For your body, mind, and soul. That's no ego but is development. Without your own development, you don't use your senses correctly, your sensing, your feelings.
A strong you, well developed you, that can be eclectic, choosing well that's you. A healthy you. From this well developed, healthy world you don't seek kids to earn on. You do not seek exploitation, using others, deciding for others, etc, nor interferences. You understand others, as you understand, you.
You have empathy. You have been there in that good development, and good health in you.
You know who arranged that and how. And how most natural. You know who understood you and understood children, without interference. Who let you be you, and how.
Your reasons for your job, the reasons why you 'll be jailed
It has no use, to start terrorism. The reason to become one ends up in jail. Why? You feel so right, to hurt all. And for many reasons.
You know no. But why?
- told
- shown to be jailed for
- hurts you too, crime scene ends dead
You had to know violates the law, but not cold as in violates the law, but why those laws are made, so none violates this idea put into the law.
So, you 'll need to know is the law ok?
Is it slavery? Is it dumb people needing a law? Power abuse?
The human rights were from a movement in people, so they all never end up as slaves and are people, always all equal people. So, not one is more than another. So, every human is heard and listened too and got their will. If everyone gets their will none violated. As you don't cross anyone if all get their will. Not, if one wants all, and the rest wants a piece, so give one all, or minus the pieces the rest wants. It is a bit that lasts, but there are scientific studies, showing the absolutes of what a human naturally “want”.
- body
- mind
- soul
It all has a standard development, and without brainwash, people do a certain way. Because of nature. They need food, an anorexic has damages and can't understand they have the right to food as well. They deny themselves.
It doesn't mean the amount one wants. That body wants an amount of food. There is that right.
Doesn’t mean then we skip for obese food. That body wants an amount more than anorexic and would die if you stop giving food. It needs the amount the body needs and needs to quit eating bits, to not die, and to lose bits of weight over time. Where the new norm is developed.
So, there is a need. The real scientific need. That has to be absolute to decide for all. And humans hardly know absolutes, science research leads to more research, where we find some absolutes, and over time more absolutes, thus over time, we can create laws for more absolutes. And it has to be done correctly else we damage, thus it has to be ethical too. Not just an absolute.
One can think we found an absolute, but the entire world needs to study to understand if we did so. It has to be true for all at all times. It is not temporary, it is math, a formula, a scientific law.
From this point of view, what would people need, the absolute amount of food they need. All of them, also variants of the norm, and how they want things can not be from taking from others, simply dividing into 7 billion people, nor just taking a piece, it needs absolutes in sciences, to become an absolute scientific law and become a human right, that is absolute.
And now we talked about the body, and bits about the will. Which can be influenced by diseases. But you have a religion, a belief, a path, and you must get the absolute. None is allowed to interfere or give you less, or “decide” on this, you must naturally get it.
In a normal family, you give the natural food they seek. And don’t give a candy diet. But you can not say, you can take religion from a child, vegetarian is scientifically not poison, but a good meal. And a right to decide your own food, and right to decide your own beliefs, etc. There is the nature of listening.
What if the children want poison?
How do you feel the bus is dangerous?
You “learn”, but learning must be done naturally, able to grasp the learning process, autonomous, and authentic. But has an absolute way of how people and things develop in life.
- standard development
- cumulative development
- to bigger complex
Raising children is easy, and they are an extension of your home.
So, with vegetarians, you can't deny that, because you eat meat at home. You are not allowed to torture, and the child would be tortured and has the own right to believe, etc. And its no poison, also not when you think so. You have this duty to be correct.
So, no judge decides this. No cop decides this. No gov decides this. No childcare or protection decides this.
Science decides this, but we have a duty to interpret how far science is on this topic. We have a duty and the right to get all information.
And the child has the right to decide themselves their religion with that.
- standard development
- cumulative development
- to bigger complex
There is this standard,
a low IQ and criminal not understand, their IQ and mind is not developing as fast as average people, and remains without the knowledge and decides without some knowledge.
They have the right to know all too. And then would decide with that.
Where we do save all people from people not able to protect other rights. So, criminal justice, to protect others from these never-changing “bad “behavior. It is a damage to others, and can not repair, nor change. The no change is why it is jailed, else it would repair. It is a time to not be with people fitting to it will not be saved, for others.
Jail is actually a place to fix the problem. There is a right for all to be. But a right to not join as well. So, you also have people in jails not changing, not willing to change. Or not understanding what to change into, or why that is needed.
Jails are not places we just put people, that would be criminal. Again absolutes are deciding, not one will.
Not a will of a judge, but the absolutes that person is taught to understand and work with.
So, comparing to one understanding the absolute we need food, and arranges our food.
The judge arranges the absolute of can the person change? And how? Can the justice be done, can the damage be repaired. So, you have two victims each case, the criminal a victim to their crime, and the victim of that crime done.
You need empathy and understanding of absolutes and how one changes and if that's absolutely the correct way. A judge is not allowed to be a crime against criminals. So, it is an empath that does not get into crimes when criminals come around but solve the crime within that person, and society. Correctly, ethical, scientific correct, and with those absolutes. Thus does not decide what it cant be sure of. It does not fraud with absolutes. It does not have the ego to pretend than the judge decides with their will. No, it has the boundaries, of the work. So, professionals know there are boundaries in all jobs, we only know what we know.
Some criminals are released as we have no cure. Some stay because we have no cure. It is about that danger for society and change. And the free will duty for all.
note. absolute in science is abuse causes more damage, crimes, and bad behavior. Thus the jails must be good places where one heals into being a good person, but authentic, autonomous good self, their own unique being.
If you are smart with this, one wants to be there, without doing wrong. And will stop doing crimes, because it sees the solution against crimes, and wants that solution, that is such good a feeling, and a good way to be good, that one does that already.
You need people understanding this to be judges only, and to be cops only, and to be workers only.
You need to be jobless, that good! And have that as pride. That your regions, countries, people are not criminals, because you understood this so well, and got all in being who they are, without interferences, and being the best of themselves.
So, good people are jobless.
The mind of smaller IQ has a smaller cumulative and later moment in life to get to a cumulative. Higher IQ have more cumulative, and faster and know more. So, we can create the world better by making it easier for smaller IQ to learn more cumulative. And raise education level, without interference, and putting things on them.
It is the same understanding as to the empath a judge should be, combined with the absolutes knowledge. You have to be the bigger person to make all studied, naturally. And still the same time aware of what you do. So, they can do that too for others and can keep doing this, themselves, for themselves.
So, knowledge of building.
To bigger complex
Happens when you get older and older, and learn more, and combine more ideas. And the brain continues development, it can over time understand more complex too. The world is more complex than a baby thinks and can see. We are aware human are simple beings compared to the complex universe, and overtime in evolution the human also gets more complex and understands more complex. Life got more complex.
So, to understand this more you need big history and complex sciences, and towards more complex. So, you can understand all better.
So, how does one understand this stoplight?
- Standard, there is a standard moment a child knows what will happen. A newborn cant sees the light, a baby walking notices, and will ask on their time what that is for. And will forget and ask again, etc. And will memorize, with their own pace what it is for.
- And there is cumulative. There are more things a child learns. Not only seeing the traffic light, but also all other things related to stopping for lights, and all that stops things, and all parts of that process of stopping for a light. A car can stop and after a red light, to green, it will ride again.
So, the child will see the process and ideas about this. Why one would stop. Not because others do so. Because of something. And that is not just asked, but a child develops ideas on this. And will add all sensed to this. There will be a logic created with all sensed. So, when all things stop and ride again. And the entire process of all those things a child knows work this way.
- Into bigger complex, so the mind develops and can remember and process more complex things, over time more and more, till 28 years old a basic, after that using that basic standard, and more processed cumulative ideas, and procedures, and creating more side roads, so more ways to Rome about all the person learned.
A good example is how do we teach criminals and low IQ sexual behaviors? To correct their mind.
Not just explaining. It is a lesson, it is explained, but you need to understand teaching on the highest levels to understand what we do there.
Again the same basic:
- standard development
- cumulative development
- to bigger complex
And with the knowledge of the brain. Input-processing will be output. The input will be inside the mind, and needs processing, and will process. And the input will become output, as we are alive beings and it works that way.
From religion to absolute laws
Because all starts with:
- senses.
- your own experiences through your own senses, and the sensations you experience and have from the environment processed into your own belief
- then research, comparing own senses, sensations, beliefs with research and addressing the mind, to more sophisticated ideas
- then own experiments, and sharing results.
All develop their thesis, research thesis, hypothesis, and are processing all input in the brain. From born depending, with opinions about what we sense, growing up to be independent, and opinions becoming researched work. With curriculum and finding absolutes, scientific laws.