Science of Earning money.

Jiska Hachmer
10 min readDec 5, 2019


Add value to your work, is the increase in your money. (Tracey, 2015) There is a skills gap because people have stopped learning and growing and becoming better in the fields.

I think we need to innovate to increase value, and thus money.

Homo Sapiens development and innovations.

Animals already had tools. All homo types too.

Homo Sapiens have something new: speech, art, and handle more of the same kind. Homo Sapiens can express and share while understanding more of the same kind, and survive with speech.

Innovation has to be an adaption to the changing environment. See Darwin’ s Theory, about Adaption. (SAXER, I. ROSENBERGER, A., N.D.)

The universe always changes. (Christian, and Baker, N.D.)

And we need to still fit these changes, if we don’t fit, we die.

Do we know all? What human can know? Do we have all humans can make? We can not ever know. (Purves, N.D.) We can grow and develop and learn academic skills. But we will always guess and measure only each other, we compare ourselves to each other, and to what humankind can know.

Developing and science steps

We develop in our lives from observing and learning to wonder and question to create a thesis, research thesis, hypothesis, experiments, share results.

And we grow from being from start depending, at the peak in life independent, then after the peak we will be depending again, at the same time.

You’ll learn to be you. And a human with homo Sapiens features. You’ll live your time, with the input you get and can process, what will be your sum of life and your understanding.

A fault in the sum of life is for everyone who does not live in the best country in the world, the teaching, which will not be the same as the best. But at a point, we need still need to create better to earn. We do need that best input. So, someone must find it and share it, also in the countries which are not the best.

Human depend on getting the best input.

Earning from the best. Earning from each other.

There is a Piramide in earning, I think.

There is earning from the best, at the top, and earning at the low, not best.

Innovation is the biggest top, I think and is only on top if all people need it, or most people need it. And, if all can pay. I do think, the need will get the money to the people, as far as they can. They will work to get that.

When you live not the best ways.

When you live not best, you earn from each other. You can blame the government to get more of the best and perhaps get more chances to create more innovations to earn from all. But, you can not just get out from this point, I think.

You need also, better people to show all, until from the point where the country is and the people, until to that point that everyone in your country becomes the same as the best.

Because every time you think, from this point in this lower country, all you will think is an invention already made in a better country. Exhausting yourself on the long path they have been through until the point they are now. So, from a point, you are equal to their past until today you will figure out. Until you passed them. If you are alike far in their past, you have a long way of creating the same path.

The country grows faster if the best country understands where this country is at and can compare the states of the country, and recognizes where you are in their past, and then work you towards there, and faster, I think.

If no one helps…

You need to find the total best, and then the entire road of knowledge and inventions, and be able to copy that, and then be the next innovation.

You can end up with:

Faults in that path, not understanding the path. Create the products and science you have to copy with mistakes. Perhaps needing more time to copy the path better. To understand better.

You can end up the same, if the science from this point where you are until the innovation is done right, you get the exact same track. Perhaps faster done, or slower done.

In the end, science knows one way, and we all learn that one way. The best is the best, and there is a moment you are there or not yet, or you pass it and are the new best.

7 billion people are learning to get to that top of earning.

To be the best, you must be the best and from that moment you are best, you need to be helpful. So, people understand what you have, and will understand the need, or will get your innovation to buy, or get your things to do. You need to explain your knowledge, your products, and need to get everyone using it.

Teaching, coaching, helping to learn helps just 25% and all schooling must be at home and self-study, to be successful. School buildings do not create as much success.

You earn perhaps more on the innovations in the homes, and all innovations have to fit the people who live best autonomous, authentic and when they know their unique self.

In that setting, for self-studies and in the homes, a teacher is still just 25% success, but within a better environment causing more success. It is better than in school buildings.

Sum of learning: Home, self-> best results

School buildings are minus in the sum, leaving children with worse results, thus not their real development, and with DSM, and crime.

The same age peers are where crime starts, so is also a minus.

The being without the parents is the minus as well. Being without all ages, and home life. Plus, being without own life, personal life, unique living, is being without well-being: autonomous, authentic and with the unique being.

While we need innovations to earn as well. We need the best ways to study.

And we can not earn unethically on exploitation. We need the best environment.

We can also earn on who took away all the best from the countries that are not the best.

We can earn fair with the ombudscycle. All comes down on do we know the science, the truth? Did we let people have well-being: their own autonomous live, authentic, with their own unique being. Did we stop bad environments, and did we create better environments?

The best place to learn is at home, and with and by yourself.

It is like all basic needs, just must have them. You must have a good home, and yourself, to do well-being.

I think, we also need other ways without money to eat. Like, tracks with fruit trees for free, saves all poor and in hunger. Besides that free study of the best, leads to a good society, and changes to survive and change to innovation.

All people are waiting till that one person is born that will be the biggest innovator without faults. Until someone understands how to help, how to be better, and get everyone more success. I think we need more ways to survive, than money, not all people are the best, not all people live in the country with the best. So, I think we need more ways to live. Also, times can change, if you then can survive without or with less money, the country has another chance to get to be the best again, with money.

Ways to earn more money, and be more successful.

Scarcity(don’t give to many options, and this one option will go away), positive reinforcement(show the example), confidence, copy the behavior of successful people, intuitive social skills, empathy, emotional intelligence, growth mindset, one goal at a time, mindfulness, inspiring leadership, commit your goals to someone, empowering music, work less hours, put plants in the office, don’t be a perfectionist. (Olya, 2018)

And change models.

I think, change models (change behavior) help to get success in business as well. Changing people’s behavior, while showing the examples, with empathy, and intuitive social skills, and know what they value, so you know what you change in them. Inspire them in this momentum and change. Motivate them. And understand we all grow, so have a growth mindset.

One goal at a time.

Be the first with SEL, and mindfulness, then let them be mindful as well. Your example helps them be SEL, and mindfull. Letting them be SEL, and mindfully helps them do all programs you offer better.

If they know who they are, they know who they commit too, and let them commit to someone. Create an environment with fewer hours of work, plants at work, and no need to be a perfectionist.

And don forget scarcity, just a few options, let it be rare.

The changes they need to make, you can teach them. You can help them make decisions. Power is in the knowledge, not in powerful jobs. If one is smarter than the powerful, the smartest one is powerful.


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