Psychologists need to address faults in society… Today: A judge is…

Jiska Hachmer
8 min readFeb 5, 2020


I am trying to write out all these parts that went wrong, in many articles. As they have to become a way to use to solve the problems.

And as a psychologist, I know the parts in behavior and thoughts that could be wrong with criminal workers. And society problems. But managers use a lot of psychology too, I am also a manager, and did lots of psychology research as well, finding how to get people to do things in a certain way. We both share ethics as well. And every job shares human rights. I studied human rights as well. As an environmental psychologist, which studies broadly to a lot of studies, we use all these sciences into one design.

So, we have the duty of the theses, research theses, hypotheses and sharing all results. We have a duty of ethics, human rights, profession codes, and we are a service to the people. Where people and or patients are the central point of attention. It is about people.

So, I will show examples of how to do this. The way I am taught to solve all these problems. And I will come from a few jobs, into one: Environmental psychology. So, all my work ends up in a design.

Because the lower majors miss a lot of information from higher majors, which are literally the next study level. There is a lot to explain, so they catch up.

Fights to be the beauty of the town

I am aware the low IQ finds that a hard idea, broad studies, and all on a high level. But in the USA and in the world it is very normal to have more bachelor's degrees, more masters, more Ph.D.’s. It is in the world a logical behavior. And the world has more people than my country, thus my country is constantly loose from reality. Creating even more problems with social workers as well. Which violates human rights, as all of them have the right to develop, and to have their ranking in the world. But they end up fighting like some mean woman in a contest, wanting to be the beauty of the town.

Social work is the issue

Because social workers are the issue at the moment. This is not strange as their job is a developing one, and they simply hit the unethical times, and we have been through that already. Which meant a lot of work was named unethical in the past already. Thus there is this “social” movement, they would think, but actually logic in sciences, in many sciences, that moves into a result. Where sciences created human rights. Not social workers. But they use human rights, as everyone must use them. They are like ethics, everyone must obey them. As mainly this knowledge misses at the moment in their work and minds, we can see there is a problem, and they need help.

Low majors are related to low IQ

Low majors are related to low IQ, thus there are certain aspects they better are aware of. Which I will explain in some articles. Which are simply the processes all majors, which is any above them, already has been through many years. Plus the lowest has to become the highest as well, which means the highest majors have to create the lowest. Not as in level differences, providing lower majors, but taking them over, and make them one. Thus translations of scientific laws they need. The deeper levels of understanding they need, to distract them from crime, and create a bigger mind against crime and unethical behavior. Which they missed, but we all have been doing that. We all move into the new ways of our professions, which meant higher majors in our fields. Neuroscience and biology are examples of that. Also the use of techniques. There is this logical development to being better at all sciences, and it is not logical to move into control and power-seeking behavior.

Low literate related to crime

But because of the low literacy of the low majors, that have low IQ, it is logical. Low literacy is correlated with crime. Thus it is even more important to change those fields into the highest majors, thus the highest majors must take them over. So, all will be without crime again.

Higher education and honor codes make the crime rate drop.

So we need to gain knowledge, sciences, constantly to improve the crime rate, and to improve behavior.

Criminals wanting a short cut, skipping laws, wanting judges to sign so they get the short cut

This means they get helped to be criminals, which means the judges helping them are criminals. Short cuts are not allowed.

We have the duty to teach all the professions involved what to do.

They are under our duty. We are the psychologists we explain to them the behavior problems and solutions.

Apa has many talks on that. We must train the police, the judges, the social workers. Thus we can not let these crimes happen. And especially not the circles of a crime they have made. And human trafficking, and note. through court.

So, we will address that.

  • Dark triad seeks these jobs. Thus we must address these jobs, and the dark triad, and the DSM at work, and the problems, that they have simply by being a lower major and all problems they have.

Do I love addressing? I find it hard for them they got into crimes, as we understand the crime scene, and how death is high on that scene. I understand all people need always access to their rights and need to get them all day, every day, all the time. I see how changing these fields gets us all in more ethical behaviors and a better world.

For us, it is important you are not bad input, and will not be changed into criminals by bad input. Nor someone damages you. That psychologists get attacked and robbed by these criminal scenes is worrying. Using their jobs even more worrying. Thus we have a big job on this.

And I start today with the explanation of:

A judge

A judge can study, what would be a person not learning ever again, and needing jail, or else the person damages. An administrative sum with a judging part about is this person damaging if not in jail? And can the person change? A judge has to be a psychologist to make such a decision, it is why they make so many wrong decisions. How does the judge understand the thoughts and behavior? We are not allowed to help them. So, it is also not a diagnose. But a “diagnose”. A judge would make with the psychologist/ judge study. Not the controlling DSM psychologist, abusing court to traffick people. But the fair decision. A boundary to the people that damage people, society. And not political preferences. But the real boundary of murder, stealing, damaging. A person loose that will do it again, is unethical to leave among the people in society. There is not much more to be studied. As the law demands no courts, actually. Human rights demand no courts. But when in the severest cases, when needed. Not a factory of constant judging. People judge themselves. But this study of when one needs punishment, or when the law is violated, and then all these logic things, or would the person do that again? So that is clear, what that, that is. The crime, or the violation of a law, code, rule. But those are checked to, for being needed, really. The way human rights have the sciences decided what the human is. It is a move towards a law. Never a short cut, by a criminal using a profession, so laws change every day, the way the criminal wants. And the schools have studied all parts towards that job, where the student discussed each part and researched each part and has many research thesis, and the books demanded by the study learned. So, is aware of the profession and can research all parts of it, and has done that. And understands that movement into the laws, and into the court, and when that is needed and can explain why. It is this personal development into that being a judge, being a decision-maker of other people’s behavior. Where our work is researched as well. So, a judge knows psychology and knows how we “judge”. But misses our psychology, to really judge as a psychologist, as we miss the judgment, as the administrative part we miss, to know all the laws by heart. We would not judge. So, all the psychologists demanding patients, are criminals.

Research the professions

A task for you, research the professions involved and write about them. Create a thesis, add research, and add good research. The truth and the priority in mind. Thus who solves what actually? What are these professions actually about? Why did they change? Should that have happened? What should have happened?

Make these findings into a research thesis, and share that.

Make a lot of these theses, so the world can read a lot about it. But also, so you develop in your mind with ideas about these professions.

And feel the importance of your job as a research thesis writer. Feel anyone can count when they look up research and share that.

Add another question: How important will your thesis be? Simply find the answers. And write that out in a thesis, research thesis and share that.

You can add a writer to your LinkedIn profile. And if you do all according to science, scientist. Just to make a point clear, that your work counts.

And remind you, you have a big job into this. Your research thesis will count on this earth. Your every thesis will be read by someone.


For today only the social worker's ethics. In other articles, I will add more ethics. Please use the ethics of your profession. And see theirs.

NASW Delegate Assembly (1996) Read the Code of Ethics Social worker Retrieved from



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