Protecting my kid's professions. Their bachelor study fields. Their rights, all that they were working on.
Duty of the kid's rights, is to protect this and to help them achieve this, any going of that track they were on, must be jailed, as the law says are punishable. Any. That they are this higher level, does not mean you are allowed to interfere. That only shows the insanity if the interferers, any psychologists know that. Jealous, hijacking, manipulative, harassing, stalking, frauding, lying, exploiting, human trafficking, denying rights, bullies, etc a long list of the worst crimes. And as an educational psychologist, among others, as I am an environmental psychologist consultant designing among others the education environment, they showed us to want to hijack school law. Social workers are not allowed in any other professions, have no ruling, and can not work as youth care, as crimes are only allowed to be done by criminal law, with cops, and as you see not much is punishable, thus no punishment is allowed to all the others. So, when you can't do anything in criminal law, cause no law is violated, you can not go to the other court and lie and fraud cause you know that judge is mentally ill thus will say yes, and give thus false papers. It only shows us how the crimes are done in the Netherlands, in typically some regions. As these forget many dutch are never raised like this, like me, me neither, and the duty is equality, and the others are right, of course, as criminals are always wrong.
Plus all is proven with that these diplomas stay worth when the kids are a little older, and therefore the route of hijacking is stopped, so these now try to steal as many kids as they can for money, but after that time, so when kids are adult, they still have EQF5 diplomas counting by law, that counted automatic already from the day they received them, so that is now a few years. So, they show they abuse all kids in the regions, just because of their age. Besides all the other proof, and already send in and just put aside, while that is a duty to follow, so shows us how criminal our workers in the Netherlands are, and especially how they just seek some criminal judges, from other courts, and trained their companies routes to steal kids, cause that way judges give in.
Making a law sound as not true is already punishable, this is the law, that is only allowed to happen.
Even if a human rights court would not, we have to jail them too. That would be an abuse of power and lies and frauds, as all can read, and we even must jail all getting us to those courts, as duty is no judges, no interference, right away duty to follow the level they were on, and they were proven on, you are not allowed to use any you want to pretend it is otherwise, they are the most punishable, and you are never allowed to interfere on what was achieved, and EQF 5 is the diploma that counts, only, all the rest are right away to be jailed, as they downgrade, lie, fraud, hijack, exploit, traffick, twist, deny the rights, etc.
Protecting the psychologists and managers of the future. So, I had to protect myself, as psychologists, my kids as psychologists and management students.
So, they attack these jobs, and I read that everywhere. All of us with jobs, which are mainly all above them, as social work is the lowest study major, they attack, they do not care who we are, what we say, any looking more than them, they attack, and that is anyone. And while they abuse, and abuse only, and hijack, traffic and exploit, only. We need to see what groups precisely attack. They also, are extremely schizophrenic, hollow, not honoring any of what you are, and have a duty to completely understand and precisely know your real level, not what they make of it, with locals. They fascistically, check all new people and pretend something on them. They project a totally different person on you. That alone is abusive and must be the reason to jail all the psychologists locally, they use. Cause they work on that, they looked totally schizophrenic and were just making up all the things they said, nothing near the real studies we do. It looked sad, to see them make up things. And in totally a downgrading manner, with frauds, constantly to go more down, and to make all files more the way they think they should sound, nothing really done well, as all must go up towards it really is, it must be interpreted correctly. Also, we used all things not allowed, not fitting, and not wanted by us. Forced, to earn money and only to fraud the files. And with useless information. While ethics demands only files for us. Privacy law the same. And only if we find them needed. So, fascists, these are in their jobs even. Huge criminals, abusing people, daily, and it seemed their only way to getting clients. They rejected us for the things we asked in the beginning, EMDR. Then suddenly took us, with not that, but pretended it to be that, so it had to stop when we wanted, and without the interference of court, we did not ask a court to do this at all, we had my colleagues for this. So, all shady and changing, and then the dark triad twist, as if they can now continue, and while seeing the twist going on, not committing the judge and the workers, while they see in psychology above them, those are the only ill. First, it was mentioned, thus the track stopped, and would only continue if the judge and workers left. As its proven none is allowed this way, and not effective, and in no use. Then they just started out of the blue again, and let it get worse, and hijacked with fraud the system. We even see younger, mainly women, from the past 20 years, that have been in schools with abuse and fraud, look hollow and now are interns, take this over, and we see the older women, that have caused this with some men. The frauds of the scene, and then always typically older boom women, and few men. The mean bitches, not allowed to work or to be with people, the actual core of the locals, into crimes and abusing the people, and using the jobs. So, always typical, I can make a formula on this, always some numbers always together in every situation. So, we see as real studied ones their lack. And then the brainwash they want on my kids… As if these locals were already not meant to be jailed, and beyond.
So are you all aware I have to protect my kids their professions as well, as they are EQF5 officially, by law, but the group that did not want this took it to an illegal judge, that is not allowed to do anything with this, but just abused her power? As they all did, and all just only happened cause we lived there, locally, as new people.
It is purely focused on their real levels. Discrimination in education.
We had all done by the official routes, and all must be done this way normally, and they refused. So, there was a route that was the duty, and these never understood who all are about that, and when, and only.
To punish any of these, was right away the case, from any school we ever contacted and did not want to take us, to any worker, all not allowed in this field, as they are social workers, and is nothing allowed in the school law, and the local attendance frauded, with them, so they were not independent too, just a gang, a rebellion group. She had the duty to close the school law case, as the kids have above EQF2. There is no freedom for others to do anything with us, and to go to court to create a new route, while the school law ended there. That is right away only human trafficking and exploitation, and creating a new world, outside the law, to control us. It keeps us from our real rights, and the real routes, and having an equal life. It even stops us in our lives, and exploits us, as modern human slaves. And says all about how many there are in this town, as no other town has any.
Any, who violated privacy law, included local attendance officer must be jailed right away and had to be jailed already in the past, right away. So, it says a lot about their cops and judges, and they must close the court locally, and in these regions, as these show to not control the criminals, and let them work there. (which even frauded, cause she was the one saying, all would be fine, get here, and you are the one now getting the school files, so set me on a track, and was indeed the only counting law, and I did all that to get the files, where it got worse, the last school had no files, only a fake last page, and never had done the duty to collect the files, and to never fraud, never lie, never use us, or any. And yes we had turned the school in for abuse, and fraud and etc. So, they were only taking out on us, and the dumb new locals, were caught in her crimes, she knowing these would go insane, and lots had the same family names as the Friesians, thus she knew. She abuses their cousins and kids, and all around them all day. So, the new locals could not have been dumber, as we Friesians had worked on those crimes daily, and duty is to help us. To understand this, and leave us alone, from a long time ago, as the school law is done, the kids have EQF 5. And is even said by local attendance officer Amsterdam, and by consultants from the national gov, for school law, and by all the gov, they have a way too many people working, not ruling, and telling the law, and thus it is a decision that does count, and should themselves jail all these hijackers, cause clearly they do not do the laws, just their insane mentality, as exploiters are never sane. So, we did the duty, the locals not.)
We wonder every person of this criminal network. Our right to know who these are, why after us and all these smarter kids, and why so dumb at work, so insane at work, and who these that let this happen are, and what the punishment will be for them.