Old sciences: The science of tarot reading. My total life in the cards.

My life in tarot cards, I think very accurate, so worth it to share. The start makes a lot clear, now. As this is true, my life was about staying good. I think everyone’ s life is, but it is in love, in work, in being yourself. Life brought many feelings that were true, and you could not find the truth in science at all times yet. You needed time to get the answers, sometimes. And then, feelings were true, looking back on things. From 0–50, for now. The next 50 years I can do when I am 100, or almost 100, 90 or so. Or, 87, almost 88. I am now 37, almost 38.

Jiska Hachmer
4 min readJun 12, 2020

I did do some readings, during my life, and these moments, described now, would be about these topics, so, I know what I then read, and is about the same the total says, now.

Not my actual reading, this is a google picture, with option allowed to share and no copyright.

The beginning of my life an integrity test.

3 years old, an independent mind, and originality are the basis of future success, but there is a need to be careful. And true love.

A not expected situation will cause you to choose the right choice, a dream will come true. Mystic and creative gifts, that will give fulfillment.

Finding the mistakes made by yourself, yourself will solve the damage done.

Almost 4 years old.

In the future, there will be a truce. Success will come from self-discipline, organization talent, use experiences, and integrity in business. More choices in earning money, and will come with heavy duties. Have to be high literate and not to be bought, or used.

Money for artistic outcomes. 10 years of work. Problems in business and lack of self-esteem, caused by who abused the friendship. Lack of the environment.

6 years of theatre, music, and art.

Morals, gov, and foreign countries. Energy will be gone, there will be positive energy, and do not let the body rule life, and not let insights get unclear. What was there from the start will be gone.

It ends as if it was just 7 years of luck. Powerful, and as discovering talents. We are not all the same, opinions will differ. There are two sides to this situation. Strive between material things and spiritual things. You need to study, to not have losses.

Around 20 years old. The next 7 years need studies.

Restless to start a new life, because you do not want to hurt anyone. It is hard to choose. There is a “divorce”. There is a horrific betrail. This causes a big spiritual change, and that feels like one year. Talent will be wasted, because of this situation.

The next months, feel like a week. Hospitals, meditation, isolation, also peace after a strive.

Artistic motives, a new life, a new start, start of a family, and new creative activities.

A year, with a national crisis. God will be doing justice. Something will change a life. You will have more space. Trust, attention to detail, being fair will bring changes. You will have confidence again.

Around 23 years old. Feeling sad, about foreign situations. Feels like being a widow. You are a good friend, a bad enemy.

Symbol of being an artist, and inventing. Being strong in opinions, able to express strongly, and being original will bring success. There is a plan to fame, with a companion.

There is a divorce, but good will come from this. This is the beginning of a new phase in life. And it will be about the next 20 years. All still just a start. For an independent, individual, especially talented person. When this is done the reward will come. The lesson is all is made by yourself.

Next 9 years, within these 20 years. There is a big sacrifice in the original marriage, since 3 years old. The marriage needs that to be successful.

Higher power gives inner peace. New power and opinions bring joy again.

False promises were made. There is a big sacrifice. The storm is over, there is not one thing wrong.

Next 2 years, within these 20 years. The change will come, the home will change suddenly. Only one talent is used.

What has been done in the past, now gives success. A friend, love, or wish comes back into life. Change this all into modern times.

A newfound talent can become a profession, the next 8 years within these 20 years. It will bring money in the future. You will need to work hard on this talent. There will be blessings. Changes need some time.

In the next months, something good comes from bad situations. Moving, traveling, if you have worked now against jealousy in a partner there are fewer issues, else there can be issues with a partner.

Sudden inspiration will bring a breakthrough. A bit restless in love. Know true love is no control but lets the other be him/herself. There will be a big earning. You need to be tactful.

The outcome is, of all these years, do not waste time in thoughts on risks in this new business. Do it now. If you continue you will have success. There will be a scandal or a disease. End of time, the start of a new time. So, there will be some new moments in this life. 3–4 new moments. You will have a “divorce”, you will go through a pandemic. National leaders will fall.



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