Old sciences: The science of Tarot Reading.

Probability, chances in getting cards, philosophy, semiotics, and attraction to symbols, and psychology.

Jiska Hachmer
8 min readMay 12, 2020

Also, all other influences.

The weather even influences thoughts. When there is too much ozone one can get depressed, and when there is too much nitrogen people kill more often. So, how the environment influences the cards that fall, and the attraction we have, can be also determined by the environment, in the thoughts of the reader, but why only with DSM? It could be also when one is healthy and with more physical feelings. There is possibility to influence.

In that environment, what is God?

What are entities, spirits, the dead? And all we now do not see. We never knew DNA, we can find something alike. Within us all. Also, f=m*a. The creation of forces within and outside of the human. What accelerates the mass? We could find more meaning to all sciences and find out what then makes us withdrawn to things, or find certain things. “Who does it?” It is an interesting phenomenon about nature. And perhaps as biological, or logic, about instinct and intuition and finer thoughts in the pineal gland. And perhaps with even more logical explanations. All together into one science.

Old sciences.

In psychology having a religion, and being psychic or believe in mediums is not ill, or strange, but also not the DSM way to find DSM, per se. It is not an IQ test per se. But we all understand, one using other tools could get the right IQ, but it is not what an IQ tester will use, as that is not the test made for measuring IQ. It is a bit vaguer than is not the medicine for the disease. It could, but is not the regular, medicine if it was a medicine. So, it becomes a “belief”.

If one would find a psychic proven better, we would have used that. It is about who studied this scientifically and found the most scientifically proven ways. And then, yes it is about what do we find, think, and develop.

A standard way, and cumulative in studies to the next stage from wondering to tests ways, and research on this, which is made by what do people think of to test and find. Yes, true. Science is what people think of. And we do mean to find nature, the real formula to prove something.

And where is that idea? What happened from the first thought to the next and what is the result today, yes.

So, what is after all the research is done, their hypothesis?

What do we prove with the experiment we think of to create with this.

And all these studied intend to find the best inspiration to think of.

As all courses towards a degree will explain all found in certain topics, and you will think after that about all you have learned from them.

And all will go into a bigger complex of thinking, so people will develop more complex ideas, after their studies.

We can compare ancient sciences with sciences today.

It does have the factors, variables to compare this with other sciences. And with development and researching, and the scientific method. In this science,

  • We do have people wondering, and found standard development, cumulative development, and towards a bigger complex over time with themselves, and that.
  • We do have a thesis, a research thesis, and a hypothesis. But I think the two last we should a lot more and compare to how people did these steps in ancient times. To collect from the beginning to the end of the thought process the development of this idea. And what they have found.
  • We also, do have standard natural development, cumulative development, and towards bigger complex, within themselves, over time as a human, thus equal to now, and within the development of this idea. It is developed. And they did have responses from this use of this idea, and created this into this, because of that. It is only still research towards scientific law and thus an absolute, is it with formula? What is math? How much does it work? Precisely in a real formula. What could be the law? Why does it work precisely? Because of what other already existing laws? What do those laws do with the tarot, feng shui, magic, spells, etc? How does it move things, people, or is moved to answer people? How does the body, work, and receive messages? We can take that to further bigger complex, and development, to see the entire system of a message and from what and whom? So, we are not there yet but it does not mean we can not study that.

So, it is a science, and towards scientific law a bit away from that, missing the precise formulas, I think.

So, and how far away precisely? To what other science can we compare this? To social science, which is very far from scientific laws and uses gossip and myths a lot, and ends lots in pseudoscience and not the use of the research in psychology, just people using it to force others, without the science. While tarot readers mean to not lose a science, that is done but could add research to this. It is not pseudoscience, it is not so much a practice with science added to this, as researchers. Many do the practice and use it the way it feels right, like all religions. There is science in many religions, but also many people do not read that, and just want to be within the religion to experience themselves, using their senses and body, mind, and soul. They could add more research too. So, it is also a tool, where we could compare the tools in all sciences. How good can it be? And when? And for what?

Psychology is about the same.

And they did find some testing, although done wrong a lot, and with lots of miss diagnoses, and should be actually an MD/psychology, without the use of DSM the way as if it is an MRI. But does help, and is a way to find physical diseases too, where we can find illnesses in the body because the body will react with a feeling when it is sick, by searching for the moods, emotions, feelings, behaviors the person now has, and finding the physical illness fitting to that pattern. Also, by adding other tests, like brain scans. And trying to find all we can to sort out the differences between physical illness, and other influences, and causes, and the real damage or faults in the brains, that can create a certain way of thinking and behaving caused by that.

So, do we search for mental health with old sciences? Sometimes.

But we can also just try to feel and think with the input and try to find if we want to change our thoughts and feelings now, after a reading, or after changing the environment with other materials, etc. With mainly the goal to find the best life.

A bit like finding out your gender and sexual life, your senses, and preferences.

Your instinct and intuition, and through the changes of life and the changes of your body.

I think it is logical when one feels something to search for instruments or methods to find out what that is. The same way all senses work, and we do sexual feelings, we search a bit more, and things can be made for it. To just sense. It does change a person, some for the better, to come. And all have their own preferences with that. So, it is a sensation, a thought, a feeling, and with the senses, and people use instinct and intuition with that too. And tarot, and other old sciences, to find the best for you, that feels the best, so maybe a bit like finding the things that work for you.

Is it yet scientifically in a journal?

Where all can add all the possible research on this in? I do not know. It might even be there and is science, thus it should have it. You can think of this scientifically, as everything can be put into the science. You can research this phenomenon. Science is about the method, is that done. It would be cool to have lots of journals about old sciences, and what science of today it all turned out to be. And what the scientific laws could be for this. Honoring the past, experiencing today our senses, instinct, intuition, and nature. And collecting the life of Homo Sapiens, from the beginning to the end. How does it fit in big history?

Science of Tarot.


Old sciences are science. Tarot reading is a science, but did you do the research and find the research done? And have you placed that information correctly? Do you understand where it stands? And what do you use it for? As a religion, to sense, to experience, to feel the environment through the senses? And how much do you know of the formulas? What do you sense? Studying instinct, intuition, nature is very interesting, to find your own “gender” with this. Your own body, mind, soul, and how you perceive the environment. And what that could be that you perceive. It is not just your ideas, there is a science in it, but there is also your preference, or something like gender, the way your body, mind, and soul works. The way you are. The way human are, and you are. The way things function. You can study philosophy, psychology, probability, and other sciences to make these old sciences better studied, too. The science itself is pretty much developed, there is a bigger complex. There is a standard, and people developed the field from one situation to another, but it needs more development, just a bit more complex, with formulas. A lot of science fields have the same issue, or worse.


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