My mosaicism. I am a boy in a female body.
I am happy to study to be an MD and find this out. I found some Y DNA, and that means right away ya a boy. And it is about 4000 SNPs. I have a long list of Y DNA famous people that are my cousins. So, it only gives me some extra family to track down. All the rest I am a female looking, and I never knew this. I have kids too, so I am a xy dysgenesis with kids. Sorry for exes, you are a bit gay. I never knew that too.
I found out I was a Y in GEDmatch. Thus a boy.
But an X in MyHeritage, thus in promethease I searched for all the genes, and I now know exactly what type of female XY I am.
I expect more people like me, and perhaps it is more normal for us here, as we have more Danish genes, as we know 1 out of 15.000 women with those genes are mosaicism.
It is like a transgender with no operation. It is the way that is. Nothing shocking to me, as I am not a brainwashed to be a certain girl. We were raised equally. Being an XY in my birth region, all would have heard the story, but it is all fine, they don't take it extremely. It is oh, ok. They do hear well, and process it, and ask a friendly question, and are interested, but its not a thing. No discriminations, no anything criminal.
Being XY is lots worse where I live now, and because they are dumb and criminal, thus constantly discriminating anything, from a sect a mindset. Insanity in all their lives and jobs. All stopped their lives, never truly developed, and are simply criminals. Not one logic to stay here and none should. You have the rights to be you and to get all your human rights, without any of them, just because it is normal, and duty, and duty without interferences. The way we lived, normal, that is the duty. And remind you there where I lived, live way more people, than these few Dutch criminals, in their region, stuck because of each other, in crime.
When they have that, they understand me and just XY.
That normal, that is not how locals lived their lives, not where I live now, 1 out of 2 women under 20 is raped, and none helps them.
Those women work, etc., as social workers helping other kids mainly into a crime scene, to not have to look at them. I wish their life was so simple as an XY story I got. They love to exploit it, but it is to hide their insanities and all crimes done to them, and all crimes they now do to others. That is way more complex. Way worse. I am just me, I remain all I am, just know oh all we couldn't see means in my case I am a boy in a female body. Ok.
While from my region, where I was born, we would have not had that, it is nowhere in the world and means this is the pedophile region of the globe. The world rather checks all Dutch pedophiles they ever had if they were mainly from northeast NL.
They ruined my secret address, stole my kids, have to pay me thousands for the damage, plus the duty on not wanting to give us the gov duty when I asked that. So they must pay fines. They refused yet to answer so owe me thousands. They discriminate with groups and refuse to do the laws properly, that's when dutch gov have the law the local gov must pay fines.
These huge criminals wanted to see how far they can come. And see their hollowness… They just want to see how far they can come with crime in their jobs. Never doing the actual tasks, they only fraud and abuse the jobs, and use it, and to traffic and earn on human trafficking, discriminating, etc, to get their insanity done, their political preferences. Nothing went normal, thus they openly are criminals that must be caught. I find openly, and I find, harder punishment they must get than Dutch Gov ever knew, as they traffic kids, what ya do with terrorists? In their country caught by the USA, indeed not simply jail them endlessly.
In that way, they should be punished, as terroristic groups as they are. Extreme rights, and pedophiles groups, and all other extremists and terrorists, extreme crime out of hand. Do you let an IS judge live in Holland? Or cop, or social worker? etc. Indeed no, but it did happen. And people worked on that to get that out of the country. The same for all these other types must be deleted from our country.
No pedophile, nor extreme rights, nor any extremists there. We have those jobs as bookkeepers, just checking precisely, and jailing those who frauded, abused the routes, and did not do the real laws… but there it goes, we thus have to jail many judges, and workers, and gov in this country, as it's them… not any other, but their jobs used by criminals.
So, I know locals will be insane again reading this, as anything they abuse, can not normally process, but I do not care, cause I do not want to live here. And this is just XY female thing, just an MD thing, just a logic, just alive, just born with, and for me. I have it. It is nothing for them. They have their extremism etc to solve. And their mental problems, they have massive DSM and brainwashes and a total sect culture. They abuse just anyone with their local govs.
But for all other normal people who can take this normally and are not just related to me to traffick my kids, or to exploit me, which is the rest of the big world, please read it… it is interesting. You might be XY too.
I am mosaic and have the DHH gene on X and on some other chromosomes.
This means I am actually a boy, with a female body, thus despite my hospital visits for pubertas praecox since 3 years old, I never knew I am a boy.
And NR5A1 on chromosome 9 magnitude 0
That's a human male infertility.
I did not give this to my kids though. My daughter does have little Y. XXY, and no SRY. So, at first, I assumed we all have some Y. But then I read many Danish females have this. So, we should expect a lot more women with this.
And I don't have SRY.
You can see how insane the locals are, no bonding, no real friends, they only do what passes by, they keep them as prisoners, earn on them, and stop development.
Same as our bad schools, all fake bonds. My kids were famous with me around the world, kids won prices, etc, none cared. They were highly ego with their few performances locally we all had to give a big applause for. While this is their time. And I am from lots of studies, also teaching school, we were taught that all is about the kids.
I know boom part 3 misses mirror neurons, but we need to check X. Dutch X has bigger issues even, lots of criminals, and mainly. Bandura kids, exactly that. And in all their jobs criminals. A few years ago science proved 1 out of 2 were frauds.
Mainly Dark Triad, they have no empathy, only hunger crimes, and are into bad things, and raised badly. This all is not for them, but they abuse anything. They do not process normally. We all need peace and lives without them, just the telling around without them around taking all into strange ways. We need the normal way the world is. So, when normally we spread things, as anyone should just tell all they are, we should not be busy with how others take it. In science we spread all, all we find is a duty even. They think because they are badly studied and criminals, twisted all must be hushed. Which is opposite in a true world, with higher professions and sciences. But when they read it they can not process normally, because of their brainwashed lives, and criminal behavior, and DSM problems. It all goes the way their mind goes and their local crime groups go. Insane in any way.
- If they read this and act on it, it's stalking, or criminal acts, or any discriminative ideas. It's never normal bonding, cause they would have known from me. They need to take it like all people are on holiday, never theirs. A stranger, dot. To them. I could have lived anywhere. But for all far away, or catching up that don’t want to own me, and use me, or my kids, those can read it normally. As if I spoke to them. And will not use it, discriminate, or stalk. They logically stay updated and as I do to them. Or just normal like anyone reading.
- If these locals are not reading this or simply ignore it, they ignore it anyway, as those only hear themselves, and what people they can earn on. They do not have real bonds anyway, they are obsessed with locals and traffic them for money. It is supplies to them. They don't have varied groups of friends, from anywhere. They only have fake bonds locally to look like they have a job, they think the role is important. In real life, it is important if they have done DNA testing for themselves, and they develop for themselves, and they find people for themselves, from anywhere around the world. We would not even know them, as they would be really busy really developing, instead of this fakely, and just trafficking as criminals. They have no clue what I mean, that sad a people, busy with others, but not really having others.
- Or they lie and use it as if it can't be, as dumb as they are, no developed people, just using anyone. And ignoring my studies, and the same way to read it as when I am MD, finished with all, or today, where I studied already lots. They use anyone, and just feel happy when they exploited, ignored, tortured, rudely pretend only they schizophrenic trust speak. As they are sect alike, as they live with the pedophiles that raped 1 out of 2 women, and they only are busy with me, not the job I came for, to catch criminals. Which shows who they are, criminals, and the cause of all those pedophiles living here. Ashamed people. Anyone would hang themselves being like them, but they are so empty-hearted they only traffick. They don't feel.
They do not hear the XY female. What that means. As bad as they are for all people.
Same as all teachers nowadays I saw around my kids, and the foster parents and all locals working. Trafficking and fakely with the kids. So bad, we never saw such in Holland before.
Never ever, only these lately in social care, judges, cops, gov, schools, any other care, care frauds, creating a secondary world. Trafficking people and live only with abuse.
They can't just have normal bonds and live normally with people. So, I wish they knew what all the rest of the world lives when reading this, just normally. As the rest of the world, and most of the people around the world are normal.
They take is as normal. We are whatever we are, and we today can find oh lots of females have XY, fine. We can find them now, and everyone all personally, in their own GEDmatch, Promethease, etc.
A bit the way doctors changed over time and we now handle all things ourselves. Which is a Human Right. To have GP is not even a law, it is by law allowed to have none. I think that's best in Holland, they are so bad, so low educated, and mainly wrong diagnosing. I never had anything with them. Never. I would never work with them. They just like our teachers, child protection, and social care, care fraud, bad psychologists, etc (those rarely have good ones though, not locally here though)and local gov and family court judges rather leave the jobs and let all do the routes we need, and that is never them. They must learn to be ashamed of themselves and why I say it.
Go study real a-z and understand real routes, and real education levels and GPA, and USA curriculum, you 'll hate you forever. I would be ashamed ever in their jobs. Ever, cause I know what I studied and how much more that is worth. To know the real routes and just never block any from human rights, and just let all do truth and real lives.
Anyway that northeast NL is so criminal and dutch gov never fixed till the roots of it, thus are a cause of extremists, pedophile groups, etc, says a lot.
The worst part of it all is explaining to them what is so sadly wrong with them. It is sad.
Me just fine, its just XY, but I am a mosaic, and all falls into place, and that's just me. Should it be on my passport? I don't know. It is as normal as X. Female. I remain female, but I am actually a boy, with Y. And with on X HDD, and with the boy problem NR5A1 on chromosome 9 magnitude 0. Thus sperm issues?? I do like that I have classical shape uterus etc. And all doctors never knew I guess, it was not a big topic, because I was showing to be too feminine, with my hormones so young clearly female. They did wonder if I would ever get kids. It was unsure, but I never knew it was about my xy being. I knew only it was about they are unsure with all people and with kids like me with pubertas preacox. I seemed fine, I got kids. (These doctors were were good, but were no Dutch GP, they are specialists, endocrinologists, etc, with real knowledge we need. And I had the best hospital when I grew up, locally here in northeast NL is care fraud mainly and bad at any job. I would never go there, and the local's traffic all to earn together, while it is our right to go far away to the better, so they show they are criminals. I would never work here locally, never, can't be seen with any of them, nor anything they do. They must get the feeling of shame, and change. Their mindset is forced marriages, that is how all couples look too, nothing real, the few real, what is ya doing there? Among those fake friends, all in trafficking, extremism, crimes, pedophiles raping?? Cant be normal a mind, living there. Learn to speak up, and just leave, despite the locals try to keep ya here, as they force all to live here. None wants to be here. So, you have duty to leave and to catch criminals. All have the human right duties. Save your local kids away from these criminals, tell them to go to better places. And report all these criminals. Teach the cops to jail all of them, and including themselves, locally, letting all that happen.)