Millennials, we can help Xennials

Jiska Hachmer
5 min readFeb 4, 2020


Millenials Xennials we can help.

Millennials are the happiest, and so happy, we can poor our love out into their buckets, and fill their buckets. They can help us deal with the older generations. Some of them we do not know, nor see. And we are treated badly.

But the trick within a millennial is Happiness. We just are zest. Always happier. Just a bit above average happy. As a generation.

We have all we need. We were raised better, and have each other. The online world brought us all that too.

Not all of us are big enough

That we lived for many years. We were used a lot at work. But we kept our worlds. We know to relax and be ourselves, and thus develop better. And thus can be better. And understand the process of humans better. We have the remedy to so many illnesses inside of us, by knowing what input — processing — output means. We live that. We live the better input, and to process that and create output with that.

We live the innovation, that when you are disabled you can still work online, and everyone is online. So, we know the no isolation world, the always equal world, always together world, the- no- one- is- ever- alone -world. That is simply impossible.

So, online we are developing, and still not the biggest of the world, but the need is not to be the biggest, but to be a developed you, being good, being big is easier online to. Millions of people is a lot for a lot of people. Even thousands. Handle a thousand friends online, come see what it is. Do all want billions of people? Try it, only some want that. You could be such one, and you can, but many feel good with being developed and just online doing the best they can, and finding “some” friends, which are always many. And the good news is, all is good. I think it will just fit what you can do. You would be asleep all day doing a to big a job, getting to exhausted, so you will adjust to you, to where you function. Although all can get viral, and processing that can be big. You will overcome and will be good again.

Have you been online today?

You saw people…You heard people… You even heard more best friends and perhaps the one, to marry already. There is no hard world to friends and family and marriage. You are simply developing.

We live the happiness of good development

Thesis into research thesis and even into hypothesis and we can share it with everyone in any way. Artistic, or as news, as a writer, as a musician, as a scientist, as a YouTuber. We love the jobs. And it gives us millions of friends and views.

We create communities

We keep adding the best into the people. That is what the community is about. And they are all the way we are. And they are all our friends and family and we have fun with them. That is a Millenial. But Xennial too. We can enjoy the fun of being one group as well.

Online you can be you and keep all bad out

You can create and have power against them, that is bad. You have the power of creation, teaching, explaining, expressing, showing, telling, coaching, helping.

And all stay safe at home. And all can only be about the topic you agree on the other will help you with. All is clear online.

Xennials are secretly somewhat Millenials.

The more like us, the more elderly understand what we mean, and do. And these are bigger than us, as older than us, and in between the elderly and us. We could see till how far we are alike. And what happened to us and them, by the elderly. As there is a boom- echo, we feel less of than Xennials. But they all deserve the same world we have.

We can get into how to help the elderly, and fix the world. And into how to get to all Xennials and shape them a bit more into us. Being happier.

Simply more successful. Simply more with friends doing good things. Being more developed, with more friends.

Maybe the ones doing this already of Xennials were waiting on us. The bigger the group the more we can do.

If this works well, us staying safe, and them safer, and the entire group safe, and thus our kids safe, and together, Millenials, Xennials and our kids, we can let the elderly see the new world.

From inside out stopping their strives. All just being good.

We should continue together till the last older than us is online like us, showing their world, cause see the best of them online, real good doctors showing us all, teaching us all… All deserve such good feeling of success…And it makes a better world.


Hachmer, J. ( 4th of February 2020) History of sharing. Now the internet with one big group of leaders and friends. Medium Retrieved from

Nelson, B. (N.D. ) The Secret Behind Why Millennials Are the Happiest Generation Ever Readersdigest Retrieved from



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