Master your funny DNA story.

Jiska Hachmer
16 min readJan 10, 2020


Funny DNA story…You want to read this because it will bring you lots of cousins, those cousins are so cool, you want these. You will learn how to find them.

And, you perhaps love them already or am crushing on them, as cousins become friends and love (Good Mythical Morning, 2015).

For your kids this is very healthy, to marry a cousin. A cousin is good for survival changes of the kids(Lewis, 2014). Only the first and second relationships sometimes, not even always, give faults. I was a bit shocked, but it is proven to sometimes create faults, and that is why we are not allowed to marry or have sex with relatives that are your first or second. But third cousin and more is all fine, and better for the kids, I did not know that before.

So, you will find lots of people you already loved, now you will know them as your cousin, too. You can even do DNARomance dating (Sexton, and Bosire, 2014) to find more love and as your MBTI type (MBTI, N.D.)and DNA type to love. For me, those in my DNARomance list funnily look a lot like my ideal man, as if these are his cousins. Haha. They are I guess, they match the DNA. So, we all share some genes that make us fall in love with each other. It is the funniest dating, and with most surviving chances for your kids.

I actually the DNARomance list to restore my tree too. I understand the science and the matching, they match you with cousins. (But the ones sharing the same love genes, the genes that make you want them.)

I do not want to reveal my cousin's names, that I found on MyHeritage, those cousins did give me all the insight about my family, and I do not want to tell, because of a funny reason.

Not just cause so many know me and could go haunt them, but actually even more because my DNA cousins I found on MyHeritage they could be spammed or in shock, because of the many famous cousins that they and me have, because I am to them their cousin, and these are related to us, they anonymously tried DNA, and there I go share with the world their names…And if I just shared some name not famous, it did not matter, but I will share the long famous list, so, if they want to share that, they should themselves. So, no, but another hand if they were lonely this Christmas…

Then they should know, because they live actually a funny reality, of not being so alone, almost there every cousin is famous, and was with them on TV, youtube, radio, articles, the entire internet. ;) That is so cool if you think you are alone, and then all the fun around ya is ya families their fun.

I read about some of my cousins, and how some of their parents and other relatives died recently, or in the past years, and made them “alone”, they miss family, so I actually wish to tell em all, you have so many many many cousins that are soooo cool, you are and not alone, and with really cool people on earth, that are your family. They can go to a show and be with cousins, they can read a book, and read their cousins, they can watch a movie and see their cousins, and they can turn on the radio and hear all their cousins.

I understand the shock it can be

I had this experience myself, so, I understand how shocking it can be, but it is a bit different a story, as my story was about one of my best friends that died 21 years ago, tomorrow. She was shot to death, with another best friend, and their third friend along with them on my/our BF BD party, that day, was shot too but survived. My BF was 17, I was 16. We instantly were friends, and I had always wondered why? When I moved to my previous town, where I lived for 7 years, I learned at first she was my cousin, then I learned the entire town is our cousin. That was pretty cool and shocking somehow. But very cool is the feeling I kept. And again true we were best friends and cousins, cooler, the town before that, where lots of our family too. We both lived in that region as children. So, my dad had a job, as Frysian, in another town, then his birth town, and picked my birth town to work, as a military cop, on a mission, and looking back those were all family too. Lots of them are, I now know.

Funnier, the next town he could have chosen instead of my birth town has all these family related to these I now found in my DNA list related to all the famous.

So, three funny things,

  • a town full of my dad's family, his most nearby family, my best friend and I are/were cousins with.
  • And, where I grew up also lots at my schools and in town family of me and all these, too.
  • And, if my dad chose the other town as mission, also family, but a bit more famous.

Funniest, all related. And, related to the oldest and famous dutch. So, these famous in our families today are mostly not living much in Holland, and famous, but are grandchildren of our Dutch rules, centuries these were the rulers of Holland, so who you know as famous, most likely is a grandchild of our Dutch old history ruling all of us.

Which is cool for almost any Dutch too, we are famous! Well, our cousins are, and we have some cool genes.

So, I share my story, because it is to cool to skip. And please check ya DNA, honestly, you will find so many cool cousins.

My story is sooo cool, I expect everyone's story to be awesome.

When one is your cousin, many are…

And when one famous is your cousin, count on it, all the famous and kings and queens are your cousins. So, it is worth to try a lot of your DNA lists, on and to find the relationships, you have with them, and then see who they are related to. You will find a lot of

It is fun if they are in-law too, you now know what your family lived with. Like when Jesus is your cousin, or in law, you lived a certain culture, no matter if it is blood/ DNA or not, you have the story in your family.

So, with all the others too, your family then lived with them.

But for this story, I only will name the long list of famous I now found, related to me and all these.

Type em all in on and see how they all are cousins. And if you are famous, the other famous crushing on you most likely is your cousin. Yey! So sweet.

Most famous have a tree on

I saw people that are famous rarely miss a tree on Geni. And, these now missing a tree, I know they are most likely related too, cause so many are, the chances are high, and I think, we have to fix their trees to find the connections for them. So, they can understand themselves better, as they most likely have many people as their cousin, and will strengthen their ideas about their talents. They then can see all these other famous are their cousins. It is one big family at the Grammies and Emmies, and MTV awards show, and other awards shows, and the many parties famous have. So, if they now feel lonely, soon they can feel the vibe of home in their work.

Without the right connection, you miss the connection for Geni to show it.

So, we must keep looking for all the data, and add it to their trees, and our trees.

If you still can not find data, you then only have DNA testing left.

And you can try all your cousins you found on that DNA list and see to who they are related.

And you can upload your raw DNA to family tree DNA, to see more DNA cousins, you can try to find on

You can then, try many famous names on and the names of your DNA lists, so you see right away many names when these are related. As their trees are most likely huge. You will see the names in the trees and will recognize the entire DNA lists you have, and see how they all are related.

All my DNA family, on the DNA lists, seemed not mine.

I accidentally came onto this, as funny enough all the family seemed not mine, they had all English names, and from far away, and thought could not be my family. But they are. I am finding more and more the theories in the family and those are correct too. So, I am not switched with some other person or so, these are my family.

I have an old family and for some we miss data, thus I know kinda which grandparent is the related one, but then I miss exactly the one in between the end of some trees from other people and mine, just one in between. So, we seem not related yet on, but we are.

Even some story about Napoleon is there, some changed there BD to not have to change their names, as Napoleon started with his rule from a certain birthyear.

So, it is worth it to go far on this ancestry, and find all the names in each tree and all the connections between them, and restore the family trees with all these cousins' information online. Some have huge trees, that show lots of the DNA family. So, you can find all the answers, but it is a puzzle. And it costs time.

And, I am aware so many more are my family because they are related with blood to so many others I have not even checked yet, and once related to one, many are related to you, especially famous people, it runs in the big family we have. Just like the kings and queens, they stayed together.

Anyway I loved

Also, many people I already loved, I did not know they were my cousin, it is just so cool we are cousins too, never alone again, always related no matter what!

I did always realize these people with the same feel, jobs, interests, must be somehow my cousins, these people looked too much like the people at my grandparent's home. And we all do the same things.

The list of many cousins I found related to my DNA cousins

I will take Churchill Carter as my cousin. While there are a few more Carters below him my cousins, but then you would see their names, and maybe they do not want to be suddenly in the middle of attention. And all below goes into my tree.

And to make all the easier I will relate lots to famous Carters, those always have almost any famous as their cousin.

Another thing mostly true, all famous related to kings and queens.

And lots of the names in these related trees are the same family names I have in my DNA lists. Also, lots are in-law on my dad’s side, and blood on my mom’s side. To their mom's side, while this is their adopted dad’s last name.

And it is cute, my grandpa’s mother is their family, at least her, and then on both sides, this goes up, then 2 sisters share a parent, in York. So, it is those two sisters culture we share, they all passed on down to their kids.

There is apparently a King Carter, also related.

And always whatever happens to my Carter’s on my mom’s side, all happens with these Carter’s. Although it is their mom’s family.

So, I can take just his name to them all, and I do check constantly my nearest Carter, but always they have the same relationships, just a few more cousins away or more near, but about the same constantly and same related, thus not not related, it is related. And with a lot of famous.

I have more cousins related to all the same people. So, I take Kimbrough too. Also, for Kimbrough there a few more down my cousins. (Thus all of these their cousins too) See, on their same side, their mom’s side. But that happens with them all, that I have in my DNA list. All related to their same family. And all them related to so many famous, and kings and queens, and constantly thus me too. And all them that I found too, all related to each other. It is one big family. Also, Kimbrough to my nearest Carter DNA.

Then, my Kimbrough DNA cousin related to My my heritage DNA Carter, I take from both some family a bit above them.

So, from here I can just take these famous, so I do not have to constantly copy and paste each cousin, to the same relationship, but you can try them all, they are constantly related, with any from here.

And, I start with Holland.

Old Kings and rulers.

Our current king.

These are related to all royal, around the world


and more famous before year 0

Lots of families I found, related to us, and all these cousins, and also all each other's family. Even our king and Queen are cousins.

Also Obama, and many more.

103rd grandpa of him, thus something like this of my carters side and Kimbrough's and me…

My grandma was related to the old profile of Jesus on geni, it is how I am sure of his bd…

Jezus Christ, born 28 February 7 BC (-6) 3.34 am Bethlehem.

This profile is changed into -4 or so. And is not the same profile. Many people work on his profile, and theories changed. But, the old profile was a related Geni for my grandma, as in-law related. So, it did really lead to lots of family of ours.

So, to find a 103rd grandpa is something…

And geni changed some relatives, but still can find this..

And all blood until Princess of Persia, then one wife, and the rest blood again to Jesus, so, nearby as in-law tree….

And grandkids of the wife of one of Jesus grandpa’s. Thus the same raised.

Also, on my Dad’s side Von Hunolstein

And these got the now ruins in Germany, and got it from Blieskasteel, and Lodewijk, because females were not allowed to rule, and thus the boyfriend got the castle. And that became the von Hunolstein, now ruins.

Thus also in Germany very important.

Then famous singers, actors.

From here it is easy to show all are related

Some more

And again, all related

There are rows more singers related to us. And to each other.

All these are each other’s cousins too.

Famous painters/ artists

Famous writers

Highest IQ

and lots more

This app might show relatives.

So, go see all these are related. And all are my family too. Also, BSB cousins. And, I have also the names Mclean in my DNA lists and do have family from Latin America too. So, perhaps some trees still have to be fixed, to see also these last two connections, as family, of all.

Some more about before I had done DNA testing to find all these family members, and the DNA testing.

Years ago I started to search on It also cost me some years to write out all in my tree of what I already knew. My grandparents knew many family members by heart and had written it down.

I am actually not Jiska Hachmer, but Jiska Hörnich.

Also, my aunty knew my last name is actually Hörnich. You can see it on my But my grandma Luisje/ Louisa Hachmer, could not take that name, as the man she had children with was married to another woman. She did live with that man and woman. So, we all got her name, but I am a Hörnich. It is the only name, though to my farthest family, I do not mind to have this name, it reminds me of my far away DNA.

As funny as it sounds I am not so middle eastern, as the name makes it sound, but am English. I was pretty shocked to be English, as mostly my ethnicity.

Some time ago, I had written about the family names I had found, all before my DNA test, and knew I am actually Hörnich, and had made an estimate of my DNA, haha, take a test it is just not to read from the tree.

The names that are my family, I can not understand. I know people with the same lists, I am shocked to have the same entire same family. Mostly on their one side. So all my grandparents family and related, and on that one side related to those, and just their family. It is fun. And I know since, I found the family name they do not have, cause the dad was adopted. I know the dad was adopted by the family of the mom’s side, so their last name is now my cousin's names, DNA shows, and me thinking to find their dad, shows no on their mom's side, but hello the entire DNA list of mine?

Some ship was the explanation for the dutch related to English. The mayflowers, but they mention one name, the entire list is my fam. DNA is funny, please get into it.

So, I expected them to be family, I knew already DNA is mainly the reason why people become friends, and love each other. So, I guessed it, but this funny way I did not know.

Then the missing data, and finding all the cousins of my grandparents as their family, but to my grandparents, it is a quest.

It is good my DNA cousins in my DNA lists, those are my real cousins, are easily found in the Geni trees, so I know my grandparents are really indeed their cousins too.

Cause my cousins I found in that list I am now finding in my family trees on Geni, with the theories about our families, they are all right.
If this was not right, I would have thought MyHeritage made a fault, a weird one, me swapped or so.

So, complicated at first, the longer I work on it, the more sense it all makes. Funny I am really extremely English. 40% it actually can not be when you read the list of the names they find related. But I now know oke, I am English, I have lots of English family, and all related to kings and queens, as I knew that myself already, but also, the long list of famous.

I have found on gedmatch until 5th cousins are my English ethnicity, all before is more Spanish, southern, middle east, Asian DNA, even American, Oceanic, and the Antarctic. I am tribed a lot. From just almost all rare tribes, even Aborigines. And there I have in my chromosomes even on some 20% Subsaharan and so many unexpected things.

My DNA says I had 95% chance to be white, and blue-eyed with blond hair. I found it on Promothease. See my article on my skin etc, it is a funny story. I recommend all to find out, it is so funny. We are just so not what we expect sometimes.

I expected as a child to be both, blond blue-eyed, and black-skinned, I asked my mother at 3 where my color was, turned my mirror could not understand to be white looking. I was feeling it to be blue-eyed blond-haired, but on the inside, and I wanted my outside to be black. This I kept having until I became to look Turkish or so, in my teen years. Now I am red in winter, darker color in summer. So, whatever to feel on that, it changes my whole life. And my DNA and chromosomes explain it can be just anything, all year round. How can I have DNA that mostly makes blue blond, but all my chromosomes have all the possible DNA and with any color? But this is what I am. A with 20% on some chromosomes with Subsaharan, but then with fair skin, how odd. I find it funny to have Australian fair skin. How I get that? My grandfather had a ticket from New York to Australia, on one of the cook ships in 1700, so, you expect yes that is it, Australian, but he never got there, his wife died, around Europe they got on land in Rotterdam and staid there. So, some tribe got to Australia, and gave me this skin? I will not understand now, but I am this.


James, F. (16th of august, 2019) 16 Personalities as Hotel Guests Frank James Retrieved from

Good Mythical Morning (8th of June, 2015) We Take A Best Friend DNA Test Good Mythical Morning Retrieved from

Sexton, T., and Bosire, J. ( 2014) Our Mision. DNARomance Retrieved from

MBTI (N.D.) The 16 MBTI types. MBTI Retrieved from

Bryner, J. (7th of February, 2008) Kissing Cousins Have More Kids LiveScience Retrieved from

Cummins, E. (5th of March, 2018) Go ahead, marry your cousin — it’s not that bad for your future kids Popular Science Retrieved from

Lewis, T. (21st of May, 2014) Why Marrying Your Cousin May Pay Off LiveScience Retrieved from



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