Make three statements, we both are feeling…?
2 min readApr 18, 2020
36 questions to ask to fall in love
Make three statements, we both are feeling…?
- We are not being the cheaters, cheating. We try to find our one. But the society abused, wanted to rape, and raped, and dared to make a fake world, while we millennials are understanding so much more. So they senile, dementia using their last strange act, but created a scene with it. And trafficked us, exploited us and kept trying to use more of us, they wanted our kids for their money too. And the dumb kids they had, using these dumb techniques, skipping real life, all the rest of us sees, as 85% is just wanting to be kind. Those dumb at work abusing all of us, the way we know for many years. I think we feel that. And had to find a way with our own kids to be. And the ones reading without kids, to be without kids. We all feel the same on when can we have kids. If we have a few already, or none. All is ruined by many ill people. And a while now. We feel the illness of authoritarianism. The abusers wanting attention and rule, from their sadness, their bad childhoods. Those few with bad things while growing up and then becoming criminals. Overshadowing our love and ways as humans. So, we feel the dangers, we feel the sadness those actually showcase with their crimes. We feel complex, but are ourselves not so complex. We sense the complex DSM of crime today. The criminals are ill.
2. A love for love. And praying we found the one. That we can trust our instinct, soul, mind, and body. And that all will be fine, just following our nature, in love.
3. A love for our future, a hope. That that will be fine. That we will have the best love and best lives in the future.