It's cool to be intersex.

Mosaicism. It's not uncommon, just not much heard of, yet, but 1 in 100 people is born not typically male/ female.

Jiska Hachmer
2 min readJul 2, 2020

Arent all men anyway, actually like intersex?

XY is not XX. It is not YY and XX. We saw YY and XX, but it is XX and XY. As female and male. So, we should have known, something is off.

We have a lot more types, actually. Also, XXY, XXX, XYY, XXXY. Etc. So much more is possible.

This I am, and I always knew this, especially since teens

I have Y DNA as a boy with a female body. And am a Y, a boy, in Gedmatch.


Visootsak, J., and Graham, J. (2014) Social Function in Multiple X and Y Chromosome Disorders: XXY, XYY, XXYY, XXXY. NCBI. Retrieved from

Wikipedia (N.D.) Intersex. Retrieved from

Wikipedia (N.D.) Klinefelter. Retrieved from

ISNA (2008) How common is intersex? ISNA. Retrieved from

Thomas, L. (2019) Average Labia and Clitoral Length. News-Medical. Retrieved from



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