In the Age of Information, Specializing in THE BRAIN BASIC: INPUT -PROCESSING- OUTPUT. — You are a process within a process. Molecules to cells. Cells to the body. You to the universe. A part of a process.

Jiska Hachmer
7 min readMar 31, 2020


The brain basic: Input — processing — output. : You will process input, and that will be your output.

YOU WILL PROCESS INPUT, AND THAT WILL BE YOUR OUTPUT. You are a process, within a process, just like elements become molecules, and molecules become cells, and cells are life, all independently living, and working together in bodies. So, elements to molecules. Molecules to cells. Cells to the body. Are you to the universe. A part of a process.


Input through senses, processed in the brain:

Working memory is the main entrance of input to the brain. The amount of “boxes” will process an amount of the sensations. The more “boxes” the more information you can collect and work with. From the working memory, the information goes to episodic memory, semantic memory, and procedural memory. Storing and using preferences, facts and procedures. Building up information, facts, and preferences, and learning to create and use processes.

From working memory to storing information

  • Episodal first. The door to processing. The door to learning. The will. The door to processing. The episodes. The things we prefer. That is going first to the episodic memory.
  • Semantic next.
  • Procedural in the back of the brain.

All parts have their own function and work together.

From stored information back to the working memory

Recalling information will create speech.

Speech, within the working memory

We build up speech simply by the information going in and out of the working memory.


Inverse problems


Within yourself guessing, its like a hallucination. Never knowing if something is real and because you live within yourself. And are a self. Outside is outside and coming through the senses, and is not directly understanding input, but through the senses, our own senses. All are biased.

States of mind

Awake stated alpha, beta, theta, delta and sleep, and dreams. And moods. Bias, and delusions. There are different states of mind.

You can understand fastly the mind, by understanding processing information and how processed information will be output. This is the process you live all day.

You are living a process of input that will be processed and will become an output. And all inside of your mind will be a part of that output. Deciding about the output, consciously and unconsciously. And you can be brainwashed, or functioning as a self. You can be very aware, or not aware much, and never will be God. There is an understanding of self, by understanding making information your own. There is an understanding of ID, identity, by understanding preferences, and personal bias, vs bias by the environment, the brainwash, and the standard process of nature.

  • You will be a natural person, biology with processes. Chemistry. And a part of physics. You have the gravity, are made from stardust and chemistry of the elements. Within a biological process in life on earth. Where you live standard development, cumulative development and towards a bigger complex, just like the entire universe is. And you as a part of that, as a biological process on earth, in life. Alive.
  • You will be free, used, or not used, having human rights denied, or given, are yourself with own preferences in any way, but brainwashed to pretend you do not have an episodal memory and are damaged or whole. A slave, or a semi-slave, or a self. Where we do live the duty, everyone is a self. With preferences, and even getting their will done. Interpretation duty, and duty to help to get the will done. The real self. To not create damage. And to create the self. You will have this development of self, in the same way as the natural person is, but with the preferences of yourself. Which has to be not a brainwash, not a bias of environment, but your real self. And will have some bias, as nature will not go away, you will have the biological natural living bias. A standard development, cumulative development and towards a bigger complex as a biological being, and as yourself. With your preferences in that process of development, and choosing from all input, all the best for you. All your will, and identity, your preferences.
  • You will have the inverse problem bias. Input will be a bit different in reality than we perceive it. And we compare humans with each other, instead of being a God's perspective. As God is one, and we are parts of the total, and living it as a part of this total story. Like a molecule and a cell. An atom and a process. You are not the total process of life, nor the universe, nor God, but a part of it. Within a painting a color. Within a story a person. And that perceives, blends, sees not clearly all in detail precisely in the total process per each part. That is too much information, and a God position of controlling each part, each molecule, each atom. We can not keep track of all atoms constantly, and all elements, and all possible processes. That a computer could if we could find all processes, all parts and would add them to a big enough computer, that is precise enough about each detail. You will have inverse problems with each sense. All senses will have a bias. Not seeing all and not precise, not hearing it all and precise, not tasting all and precise, we eat what we made now, and we do not eat all we could eat. Etc. And we could be wrong about what we taste and see and hear, and feel and touch.
  • Humans guess. You will be developing, guessing, wondering. Never sure if all out there is real, and because you use senses, and they are part of your body and the perceiving. They are not the control, the absolute truth, the mind guesses about what you sense. There is a sense and guessing, trying, experimenting, and wondering. And we build up knowledge and some more than others.
  • Born with a development. And within a development. All is not done. It is a guess and not complete. You go through a process. So, the answer is not done.


  1. The memory. And the senses. The body. The biology of humans.
  2. These biases and processes and not done process.

Together, will make you understand the human.

Adding the evolution, the sciences. So you can know a lot.

And understand more and more, by learning more and more.

And the scientific method, so, you can add research and really learn

1. Use your preferences and knowledge you already have.

2. Use the research. Address the mind, let the process in the mind change your mind. Your preferences can change, or stay, but you will understand and work with the research. Use it correctly. Placing the information. Placing yourself and finding your ways with this truth that is found. Thinking of this can change your thesis too.

3. Add your experiment. Create a hypothesis, and answer your questions with an experiment. Find more truth and add more truth. This will change everyone's mind. You show truth and proof. People can now change their ideas, opinions and understand what they sense, understand what they should think. And can now think more sophisticated, wiser with your proof.

4. And all people can add their new hypothesis as well. Together with changing our minds and finding the absolute truth.

Input processing output

  • brainwashes
  • science
  • damages to the brain

You see right away the difference. A self-studying person developing or brainwashed and a slave. Or brain-damaged, which can be from the brainwashes, and neglect of the real truth and self.

Understanding the world and the people

And finding what we can do with that. Maybe that's the hardest task, because it is unnatural, forced, labor, exploitation and human trafficking. We can not escape the duty to work. While we should. We are human and made as monkeys in a circus, and all try to rule the circus.


Understanding the place of humanity

Human Rights


Scientific Method


