Ill or criminal psychologists “treating” kids, but not treating the real situation? Pretending to solve is a fraud and exploitation.

Jiska Hachmer
24 min readMar 6, 2019


We think we can help people. But all people are inside themselves guessing. There is actually never a real help, because of that. All science is questionable, because people live within themselves are not able to check reality.

People are kind. 85% has the motive kindness. They want to be good to others. Our Homo Sapiens features makes us speakers and speaking to more of same kind than other species and we express and with not only speech, also art. These features are the reasons why we survive already 350.000 years and as longest species ever.

We are kindly guessing someone is there. Kindly guessing all is true. We really believe it. But neurobiology has proven no Human can know for sure. We live with our senses and just must determine if all is there. Many faults are made every sensation and all senses are proven to have inverse problems. Our consciousness is within us, and doesnt know more then what we guess. We don’t know if we guess right. Human kindly try to understand life. In that life we still aren’t God, we have our perspective only, and always with faults.

Perhaps this ability to guess someone else is there starts in the whomb. We come from another Human. We perhaps know we live and others live, because we never knew anything else.

Psychopaths excists because some people weren’t given the real bonding. Hurt and lies creates losing sense of the bond. The bond must be real. People lose the bonding, because they were exposed to extreme conditions in early childhood and they will express extreme criminal behavior around 15, 18 and 45+ years old. Especially last, 45+ is where we know for sure it is psychopathy. ODD leaves people around this age, but when it is psychopathy people become worst at this age.

In 1860 average people would be 37. We perhaps didn’t ever before live with a real psychopaths yet. Crimes become worst and worst over time with ability to age.

When a world would have only young people, they wouldn’t be able to be anything really bad. Not exposing yet the harm caused. Not able to expose anything bigger than a child can.

The lies about youngsters is the sign to psychopathic within people older than the children. People not in a normal state, thinking perhaps schizofrenicly as well, that children are the problem. Children are never the problem. Crimes are done by older people. Demonizing is very ill. That started to excist from middle ages. Before middle ages people only believed in demons as good. Because their ancestors were never bad demons in their believe. They loved all ancestors in rituals. Churches came with the idea of bad demons. It is not Human to think people and demons/ ghosts will be bad.

Perhaps the young people loved much of their ancestors, because they still needed them. Children always romanticize life and their parents. They are depending still on them. They can not yet imagine bad things. My grandparents also explained this was the case. All families loved their parents, because they all were young and all were raising loved, and needed eachother to much. There wasn’t space to fight, you would be death, besides many people died anyways. Also young brothers and sisters. So people lived happily with what they got left. And were thrilled these days, their parents got very old. That was a true blessing to their opinion and to the opinion of all people they had ever known. Also there were just a few million in our country and in other countries. There weren’t many people. They easily loved all people around the family too. People were really good, entertaining and helping eachother with lots of love. Also their dating life knew many restrictions, they couldn’t afford mistakes. Man and woman had to wait a very long time before they could meet and get married. And when they could they got kids very soon. So families took care the children grew up well and that they couldn’t date untill it was the one they really loved. My grandparents were even inlove till the last days of their lives. Many elderly lived that kind of love. They die a lot of times right after eachother. A lot of times within a few weeks. The pain as the cause of their death when the other one is gone. We lived that a lot with lots of families. People loved deep, and true. They also gave their lives for eachother. And there was no claiming, abuse, or lies. They were kind, honest and knowing the other one really wanted to be in this relationship. Life only could be very tough, where all would have a death of a child, and the care of their parents when they were old. And all could grief together about losses, but they kept eachother healthy.

Since 1600 alcoholism was seen as something for lowest class, normal people wouldn’t do that. The experimental time changed lots for the worst for many. Not only using skinnerboxes for animals and children. Not only very unethical experiments on Gay and all kinds of fake illnesses. Also the drugs use and the alcoholism, creating the norm into a lower class. Changing the minds into unhealthy, ill minds.

Some bad people wish young people to work for them. Some want to exploit and abuse young adults. And some even put them in front as if they are the problem. Wanting someones child alone is a sign to many crimes. Criminals want even lots of kids alone. Kids are easy to abuse and change in the mind. Especially people made ill by the experiments and new norm, created more and more crimes on kids. And more and more lies to get the kids of others.

1% of all people are psychopaths. The rare number, shows us almost none are this dangerous. Especially around 15, 18 we can measure possible psychopathy, but mostly all don’t show untill 45+. I studied the crime spectrum of ADHD, ODD and psychopathy. ADHD is never the criminal, only distracted and used. The ODD can be against, but ODD excists because of autoritians. Psychopaths are the criminals.

That 1% can be even cured. 70% of them can be cured with real bonding. So don’t use fake bonds that they would find lies, and makes them more ill. In better times we have less psychopaths, in worst more. So some generations are worst than others. And they show from 45+ best on how bad it is with them. So our eyes must be on older people to solve crimes. Children we just must treat well. Like we should treat all people well. And most people will.

Again, 85% is this kind Human that will not be any issue. So 85% of the world will be good, and is good now.

Especially people seeking power and being a DT, Dark Triad are what we should be concerned about. Just the few using the few jobs for power seekers. That is where they are. All kind of powers.

We should guess about and question their willingness to solve things. Some people feel the motive to work hard. In some countries it is low number, like in the Netherlands it is just 11%. But Americans want to work hard around 30%. The dedication to work differs around the world. But working people leave behind damage when they don’t want to do their jobs well. So should anyone work that will cause damage?

People wanting power as a psychologist, especially certain ages, and after abuse and extreme conditions themselves, plus even pretending to solve while they won’t will do more harm than someone really trying hard honestly and being young and willing to work with best motives.

We all must do science and be scientifically correct. No matter the goals we have. It is something that we must no matter our will. No scientific law forgotten and working towards even more scientific laws that we will create.

Scientific laws are the end goal of all science. It is the main goal of all science. All theories made and all experiments done to test our hypothesis are done to find scientific laws. The real absolute truth we seek for. The things that always count for all.

Think of the children that are in schools for a moment. It is proven that homescholing is better. Also to be succesfull in life you need one friend, not more. Children need to be with different ages, especially their parents, because children are mostly the crime on other children. Especially older children. And children learn best from different ages that we find in the homes, not schools. Nature shows us anyway nature doesn’t need schoolbuildings for learning. Lots of science is done on the topic of learning, and many things we have done for education. There is a lot more than just these things I just sayed.

But the bottom we must know first before we make anything for education and schools with buildings. In science we first must know the nature of things.

We aren’t allowed to just add things to life. All is restricted and all is unethical when it is not done correctly.

So at the start we are at fault assuming Human should work, so kids should work, so laws should be made for work, and therefore schoolbuildings should be used to give education so the children can work too, soon.

It is not the logic sum to start life as if factories are nature for human kind. It is when the laws for scholing were made.

We must go way back to real nature of Human life. All homo types learn. Lot’s of animals learn. So we should even go back to how do other animals learn to find cores of learning and truth in what we should do. How do our sisters and brother mammals learn? What do reptiles learn? How does life learn? And what is still inside of us that is alike them?

We still have our monkey stomachs. That never evolved inside Humans. We still have reptile, mammal brains and around it we have like doplhins a type of decision making brain.

Humans are like all life from Luca. Luce is the first life in the water, where life started and carried first DNA ever, and we all are evolved from that DNA, which makes all life family. We are all made from stardust too. All elements come from the universe. We are from the universe. I love my big history studies on this topic.

So, what is the point to the universe, evolution, changes, and life? We need to know why we attract all these elements into molecules into life and use DNA to have a pattern and for what? We will change again into other species. So getting into the core of what humans are and should be, also brings us to why we learn and how we learn best.

There are already scientific laws determining many things, like the force of power. There is a power needed to move things. We need inside of us a power to move. We need a power to shape us. We need a power to create thoughts and behavior. We need to know what are the best powers that need to shape us to be best.

Power is needed to develop. In science from 1800's people found children kept in basements all days weren’t developing and could never recover again, and could not catch up. We need to deliver input on time we know from those studies.

But we can not just deliver any input, to just have a reaction. Not all powers are the right powers. We have done a lot of research on how bad a lot of influences are.

All people are product of their environment, but the environment must be best to be able to be best Human.

We really need to know what we are doing, before we do anything. We need to know what input is best. We can not just determine that the past will be fine enough. And just continue, because someones started something in the past. All science from the past has unethical parts. We have so much unethical things we learn about in schools. (no matter if that was taught online or in the buildings. ;) )We know a lot could never be done again. But we kept the buildings open. Just because they were built. We even replaced buildings, just because there was a building before. We never wondered if there should be a building at all!

Now we just copied. Not only the input that we wish to give children. Also the way we give it. And where we give it.

Today it is already proven what is wrong about a lot of input and about a lot of ways to bring input. We had to change the input for children. Lots of people just let children work, because we were used to that. Replacing it with scholing, doesn’t make it less slavery and not on the market. It still is and kids still aren’t payed and still are learning on the market.

They are even trapped on the market, like in the basements of 1800. If your miss or mister doesn’t understand what is really needed, you don’t get the input you must have. So it is like the basements, and we can never recover and never catch up again. There will even be growing pains whenever we learn something new again.

The way we should give children the input is also proven already, but the systems aren’t changed much yet. Parents are the best place where children should be. We shouldn’t take the bonds. Children need the bonding and they need to develop in their own pace. With the input not from just a market and not from rulers just wanting to give you some politics. We need real good input. It needs to be so inspiring we all want to learn that. The real truth it must be. And in the most truthful best way given.

Besides all of this there are so many Human Rights that aren’t allowed to be skipped. So all we do must be always done with all Human Rights given.

For example, we aren’t allowed to force children into hobby’s, friends, groups they don’t want, that is against the Human Rights Laws. We aren’t allowed to assume that kids just want. We must interpretate the truth. We aren’t allowed to force them into fixed minds, they are allowed to change their minds. They are allowed to have their own religion and own lifestyles. We aren’t allowed to skip their privacy.

The real will inside of the child must live. We must concider all children since birth as a person with rights. Nothing else they are, people with rights. Never no rights, always with rights.

All people wanting to work with children, are actually pretending they are allowed to. They aren’t. It is their market, but not allowed to use children.

Also we must concider how much a child can be really aware of the market all of us work on. We all can pretend easily that they should be in our buildings doing what we want, but it is actually exploiting and not true a child should be there. Exploiting is extremely illegal. Easily things turn out to be an exploitation.

Just imagine a man wanting a woman, and a woman wanting a man. What if one of the two don’t want, but they got married and even have kids. It is exploiting. It is rape too when the will isn’t there to have sex. Lot’s in older generations even married their rapists.

So the children we should treat even with more consciousness and leave more with their own believes then lots tried in the past. They have the right to their own consciousness and ideas about life.

Just because we think things work, doenst mean it’s truth. And doesn’t mean it is what works for others.

Neglecting truth, neglecting really interpreting children and really be able to determine own belief and consciousness is an abuse. It is typical less smart people couldn’t go this deep and lot’s make these mistakes. But it is also a law we first must take care of only our children, and our spouse. So lot’s of people should be safe following this law, where we work first for our families. Which doesn’t say live with the rapist or a lie.

Low literacy is linked with criminal behavior. We simply have to make people smart to not give them this criminal behavior. We need to really bond and interpretate well without forcing people into things. We need to let people be autonom and let them develop.

We need to take this further. All using children are ill or criminal, or both.

We need to dare to understand how ill or criminal psychologists, social workers and other “specialists”on the market are determining things about us and our children. They are always biassed, because of the market. They have this hobby, they have this passion and they have this feeling they need to earn now. Else they were something else they would do. They are doing this job, they feel this is what they should be doing. It is their minds and their wills on us on the market while we all are guessing about life. So we are allowed to be totally against it. No one is unequal, so the working are having a lot of troubles a lot of times thinking they are allowed to do this to you. It is like the married couple where one doesn’t want, it is exploiting easily.

It is even more ill to treat people for the money, and not treat the real situation.

I brought my kids to schools where they were abused. Not even this correct Human Rights talk on our own rights was the reason why they changed schools to be safe again. It was for the lowest easy abuse. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Plus the own rights to consciousness, belief and own ideas. But none gave any thought on that last. I even studied Human Rights, none cared. They want themselves to be named expert, while they exploit. But all for their money. This country became very poor. 10% in each class, and we could feel the Human Rights been taken away from us more and more. It became a huge scam to live here. We even never wanted to live here for many years. But the abuse was so huge we constantly struggled. And we were exploited in many places, even in our own previous home. And mainly a group of exploiters where all from the schools got involved in. This region is full with crimes and exploitations in many ways. Where the workers against that hardly understand what that is and hardly can solve. And a lot of it also, because they come from this region and were raised differently then where I came from. I lived in the same country as a child, but on the different side. I had a lots better childhood. And the time was better and our schools. The region turned out to be known for bad raising and bad schools and lots of domestic violence. They bigger region around it, has lots of frauds and exploitations too. They keep us here, while we don’t want to live here at all. It is depriving of the right to move whereever we want. But they also don’t solve all crimes those people committed and I told them about. They added crimes on top even.

Plus the science wasn’t taken seriously. In our laws science is a duty to fulfill in all jobs, and experts must be even hired on all topics helping all companies and all working. But none felt like this. The system made them earn, but not correctly. They seem not smart people. And that is true, they skip the easiest science, and the rules. It is the typical link low literacy and crime they live out, but on all of us. They are a chaos too. They can not work correctly in any way and lie all the time. You can imagine how much DT that creates, lots. So especially here science proofs it is real. And they don’t see it, because they skip it a lot. It is a cheapy group of people too. Keeping all poor too. They would be richer if they could do science and laws better. They rather show their big ego’s, which shows their huge DT illness.

They didn’t want to hear the deeper work, also not the easy work I told them.

They lived abuse constantly. It is obvious they have lots of problems and got ill from their environments. They dare to lie to all experts too. It is an extreme region. But the entire country got extreme too, so it fills them up even more with crimes. While a real expert easily could see the lies. They hardly understand any science and say the craziest things a beginner can even hear.

They got more harsh and more harsh and more abuse happend, also when I changed kids their schools. The more and more people we have now on our lists as exploiters and the more and more we have on our list not able to solve things correctly. It is getting more and more clear and more and more obvious. Lot’s will understand this too, not just us scientists.

Dutch laws says we are allowed to have homeschool. We even asked for that in the end. Kids are never allowed in an abusive environment. Even more fraud on the market got clear from that point, and we were exposed to even more crimes people do to force people into something they want. All against our wills and Human Rights. So I even had to contact constantly so many people about Human Rights, besides my own studies. They even forget what our real rules on our markets are, that is the expert. I am simply at least one expert they love to skip. But they abuse so many people, they openly skip real experts and only want to use the exploiters and frauds. Nothing is done correctly. And all against our professions codes. Also I am the highest expert a lot of times. And my kids study 3rd year bachelor degree, so we all 3 are lots of experts they hardly have. Next year my kids will start PhD studies.

But then I studied since some years ago, and because of the many ill teachers in the education field, the illness of teachers and “experts”. Also the abuse to children, and all types of psychology. I am not a small expert.

I already could manage people and teams and noted the many people working in this country with DSM. So they fraud is very clear, they don’t wish laws and real education. They don’t even know what that is. They don’t know what they fight. They are extremely obviously ill.

Many also working with their own DSM and their very low education in their low majors. Our country had a system without bachelor degrees. The old system never really got above associate degrees. Mostly all higher educated were not even an associate. Imagine doctors being actually unschooled. That is the case.

Lots of frauds came into our studies from the Netherlands when we had to have an equal bachelor system. And many of the frauds were addicts to drugs. Holland had a problem with drugs as a legal thing to do, it did make many ill. And drugs is a typical thing to use for lower educated. So it is also indeed related to low educated and their behavior which shows again the real level of workers in this country. It is ashamend to ask us to live here. It is for their money, like a drug addict. And obvious. Also we are told by many experts lots in this country are having compulsory disorder. Which normally isnt that common. There are many obsessed and having complex DSM. Studies say mostly generation X has that issue.

Alcoholism is another thing many boomers were confronting us with. 1 out of 5 boomers were addicts, and many alcoholics. Dutch had a lot of drugs users as a norm too. It was legal here. And elderly who used hard drugs could even get a daily shot for free in certain hospitals to control the problems after the legal drugs laws changed. The idea behind it is that those else would be trouble and they would die soon. So we let them live the drugs lie longer. Now it is not so legal anymore.

The most people in the Netherlands are old. And lots of them used many things, but also still have to work.

Their lifestyle affected generation X a lot. And from us, millenials, life is totally different in this country, not comparable. It is unfair what happend to both generations. It is also a unique thing, because both generations aren’t leading the world today. Millenials lead the world. So who wants to study them and these particular problems can study them here. But you will face the problems too they cause.

For this country a lot of issues aren’t really solved, because of the low levels people have in education. But buildings don’t solve that. The people are so unscientific they keep up a lie. And the unlogic.

We young parents, and also some good Boom and good X, we solve this issue with giving kids home education right after the bad and problematic schools day. It gives kids long days in schools. While homeschool can be done in 1–2 hours and will give better results. They are waisting hollow exhausting hours 24 hours a week in schools 40 weeks a year. Where people keep them in lower education levels than they should. It is ashamend. The real reason this country skips the new age and science is because elderly still have to work and with their lower education levels. We would take their income doing the real outcome of science. Other hand there are not many children born in the Netherlands each year, yes the conditions are bad. We all waited. None wants to be much with others in this country. People want to be alone a lot. And that is not respected as well. So many just work and have kids very late to keep their own lives up a bit. And the conditions in schools and around kids are so bad, it is not a great idea to have kids here. Many older than me even had bad experiences in schools before. So all together people wait with kids, and get not many, or not at all. 100.000 leave this country each year and its around what is born. The new people to this country only raise the population number. So it is also a changing country constantly, not a stable country.

The schools are run by very low educated, with many times to big ego’s, which is a DT trait. And which is because of the low education with the link to crime.

So with kids it is a lot of times as if we bring our healthy kids to prisons and mental health houses, but these are schools. Where the people working there are very ill and the patients. It was ashamened to find how no one yet solved this. It is because of the low education many have themselves in this country and how they are attracted easily into crimes.

The next thing is, the people exploiting these mistakes. One hand many using the system aren’t raised fine, and have a lot of issues in their education themselves. I feel the dutch psychologists are very far from for example. They don’t want it, they don’t understand what they don’t want, and they just don’t know it. They are easily against “new things”, while american psychology is the core of psychology. Dutch use the DSM book but dont understand it and dont control the realness of illness well. They fraud lots with it.

I think they love to skip it, because in real psychology, which isn’t made much by dutch, for example religion isn’t an illness, and drugs isn’t a good thing. Also about schools the books dont say it should be done in buildings. Not at all. All have the Human Rights law telling them too, parents decide education. But dutch only believe they are slaves of someone else. Always another should determine what they should do. They arent raised autonom at all. And some more of these basic things.

Dutch arent very scientific and dont get science in middle school. My children study american middle school online and I see there the much higher level of education compared to dutch schools. I also understand how it is proven science in 6th — 8th creates a healthy mind. That is true, it helps them think better. To be truthful, correct and to do science themselves. It makes them more grown and happier to. Science found out even that homescholing is best. That they feel too.

If all in this country can not afford the 100 per child per month for education doesnt mean we should keep buildings as if all kids should be there. Frauds arent allowed. Homescholing fits the way we let children get born in this world. With dimmed lights. So it is strange how the group around birth and young children did so much better in this country than the ones about education. I think about the young child and babies is a world made by doctors and the school age, by low educated.

So now we went through all above, and all about science, schools, and finding truth, let’s look again at the psychologists on the lower levels, keeping science away from us and keeping the treatment there in their personal vision full of lies and frauds. The dutch psychologists are not even all are biologist psychologist. A lot of them are “phylosophers” and thinkers, not scientific. More artisticly they do psychology, but they love to tell local government they are to listen to and they want money from the local governments. They pretend to know a lot.

All they say isnt much scientific correct, plus they have so many times themselves DSM and hide behind the usage of children with “illnesses” they never really are there, but they assume they are there. If they were there we could scientifically repeat the tests and find the same answers. Lots here get all different answers and ideas from to many less educated psychologists just lying for money.

It would already help to have a law in this country that they all must be PhD before they open a practice. But also one which says none is allowed to use us psychologists. The codes say it, but they need a law preventing all to use other professions. We learn we aren’t allowed to share information, but many break those rules. Also lots will make up an illness about just anyone for you if you ask. I was even asked by teachers to write down all kids in their class were ill. Their frauding ways go so far they even forgot to ask if that is my work. Lots of dutch hardly know how many types of psychologists there are there. They think all are DSM psychologists.

They break the psychology codes and let others determine illnesses while they use the “expertise” it is a lot of fake illnesses they create together with others, none psychologists. They let others decide what science would be, while also no science is done at all.

Lots also had their usage in the past of drugs and alcohol etc. Their field had use scams, with many psychologists, doctors using drugs and etc. and therefor did lots of frauds. It is scammy.

The working ill trying to treat the blanco child with no real disease, as if such new person can be full of diseases. But going through the real illnesses of their teachers, and the “social workers” and all wanting to earn on their backs, shows real illness. Also going through the dutch school system that is against Human Laws by determining all must be in buildings, which changed the idea of education and learning into slavery and not real good input to develop from. Shows skipping real science, and pretending a lot of illnesses on the kids. They are just easy to use for labling and earning like sheeps on the farm.

So is a psychologist letting this happen just ill? Just having own issues after a to harsh life in a country with to low education in general, and therefore to much crime and lots of strange laws which allowed drugs and alcohol?

Or are they criminal? Cause they exploit the outcome of the bad schoolsystem where kids will be ill in the end after the long road of slavery and all against codes and laws.

They just wait for the illness to show up and give their made up solution, not even science. They just are sellers on the market, a lot of times like human trafficers, keeping kids in new homes a lot of times to, to help other parents earn on the kids available. They use eachothers kids for lots of things.

And especially abuse the kids with the governments and the latest full of faults youthlaws. Where no real good science is used, but mainly social workers with lies and exploitions and pressure. Pretending to know psychology. Pretending to follow Human Rights, but skipping many Human Laws. And where the locals just determine what they find about kids and families and demand people to use their things they sell on the market. Choices gone and all lies to buy.

Really a horrific way of exploiting kids and all pseudoscience, nothing by codes and the real science. Also very concerning how bizar they speak to judges. They wildly dream without any real evidence on what would be best for the kids. No one feeling alarmed to stop the talking DSM. These frauds create even more illnesses in this population.

And all people working for this are so unethical they just let this happen. I know they are criminals, because ethics thought us this isn’t allowed. And all my codes in psychology say I am not allowed to participate in this. Also Human rights. And also the dutch laws. But who is willing to interpretate correctly?

And many more studies… See my linkedin for most of it.



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