If you got my kids from youth care you d know something is wrong with youth care. You d know this is not right, but it is human trafficking.
I would call the police and every national company and any authority to talk about this if I got the kids of a Ph.D. Level psychologist. I would be so busy catching all these criminals and would know all cases are frauded, just them all, because I have one from such level and such knowledge. I would see the gap of knowledge of them all with such parents.
I would know that parent is an authority, not those workers.
I would understand as well, I end up in jail for sure with them all, as I understand such a person is the authority, not even a judge. As the judge has frauded to get such a child, even more.
You need to get suspicious with any child, from anyone, as it must be totally perfectly correct. Like with adoptions, you know all must be correct and lots is done wrong, thus lots of changes, your adopted child will be illegally adopted. That you know.
Like you know from care to care, lots of pedophiles are there, lots of Dark Triad are there, lots of any type earning on crime are there, all with the same lies.
Especially when studied, you know.
Thus, when my kids were stolen, I knew another way around allot too.
I knew those steal, and yes those frauds a lot, and yes those are mentally not healthy and low IQ, and doing this for years, else you do not dare.
These are high criminals, thus do more crime. These are unstudied, they can not understand anything of what this level and these studies I do are, and can not discover I am good and these criminals are not, thus has also illness.
They can not interpret, as a psychologist, I know what tests to do to them all, because they took my kids. Plus, I know how huge the crime is, of all workers around.
I know, I know how ill and dumb, and criminal each is, and how criminal they work together.
Especially, because I have this job for years, to get DSM and crime out of those jobs, as it only went up in these crimes, and then they took my kids because this is my job.
With that, I know the level of their crime, ideas, and illnesses even more. I also, with that knew all these authorities in Holland lack, and are not ethical.
And, I know you as literate know that too.
Read more.
Hachmer, J. ( 27th of December, 2019) Answered: Your most burning questions about power and how to control the world. Medium Retrieved from https://medium.com/@jiskahachmer/answered-your-most-burning-questions-about-power-and-how-to-control-the-world-8c364e4a6fba?source=your_stories_page---------------------------