I think I found the end: God is physics, the laws, and won from chemistry, his possibilities to be. All in life planned.

Jiska Hachmer
5 min readOct 29, 2019


Where did physics not win, ever? Is god chemistry, is god physics, a law? Ever, a possible change, also without a plan, really? Does anything change, ever, into something unexpected? Or is it, always, “just” changing times, like seasons, and we become what is expected, in an end, only it takes a long time and by physics rules?

First, eyes are made of water, every cell has water, like the mirror of the soul, the mirror of future and past, a reflection, but also, therefore, but also, therefore, reflecting, cause of wavefronts, caused by water in every cell in our body, thus eyes, thus chemistry, but perpendicular, thus physics, and with law: The law of refraction.

We see with wavefronts, thus we see with chemistry and physics. Because observing has a law, the eyes have, and our observations, and our mind, and all we think of. Like, discovering a new body shape, and a new way of thinking, but nothing new, there are so many elderly, already gone through the same experience before, still uniquely, but only your chemistry parts, as parts from their elements, all unique little parts of dust, stardust.

Are all senses having physics laws? Eyes have, water has, life has, the universe has, and even big bang has water elements, thus a reflecting. We look back in the universe to the Big Bang, we still see and hear the Big Bang, today. Some stars died, we still see their reflections. We looked at what we see now and noted we look back into the Big Bang, it is how we know what it was, we hear it, we see it. The constant sound in the universe, is the sound of the big bang, that once was. Then there is a plan, and chemistry just the attraction into the possibilities, but life one big becoming, within the “becoming”.

The possible ways in becoming, like a possible role, where we intwine in the growth of God, in a unique way, as our being, one with what is, and the plan of what we become, as the maximum, and plan, as it, as in this is it, nothing else. Like the cells in our body, all work independently together in one being, we are one being with the universe, not knowing what is there, or what is the maximum, or maybe when we are grown like a child wondering when he, she grows up and doesn't know what we are, until we are mature, and know.

Kircher Diagram of the names of God.

Now, in this time of the universe, is God a child? How do we know? A scientific law is the end of science studies, thus physics always has won, the moment there is physics, means there is a plan, math, and always counting rule, there are formulae. Thus it is the end, but is he grown?


There is in every sense physics, thus a limit, and a secret: a formula telling the map and plan of life, always. Rays reflecting in the waterfronts, thus chemistry, but perpendicular, thus physics, and a scientific law: The law of refraction. Water is then chemistry, an element, but the law determines all it can be. What the limits are is all we can explorer. Observing is what would be, and all next (existence) what will be.

The universe always changes, but are their changes to plan? Is it a logic only? Even a logic we might not know yet, and we now find unlogic, a discovery, like every child finds all life anew. Then, we can know what was before, all stuck in a way it’ ll be, as the growth of humans, and over time we’ll have a bigger human. Are there only limited differences, like when some creatures have more chromosomes means more variety in species.

Or is the universe, and thus our lives, and experiences, a very extreme slow-changing that we dont note it. I always believed that, because we all start as children, not knowing anything, and it takes so long, before we know, something. And it was why I was more understanding chemistry, the attraction, the “becoming”, and not yet physics, the forever law. Now, as if things can change, but chemistry seems “options”, and physics “the limits”.

Fun in science is, come with the thesis against. It is all a puzzle.

Why would we need such a long time with a planned plan, where even possibilities and changes are planned? So we can’t see, like a child, but why? Will we know when grown, like when mature, we know what “life” is. Is God a child growing, and will know in the future what we and he are, or knows already? Why would he? He could be a growing child, at least not death yet, cause dark matter still expands, creates and is “alive” , but he dies out. He was an electric white ball of energy, became dark matter, and dies. Then we are within life. Like our body has so many cells, all independently working on one big thing, they can not see.

All universes could be alike, and what bigger knows all?


Cooper, G. (2000) The Molecular Composition of Cells. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 2nd edition. Retrieved from

No Author (2016). Chemistry of Vision. Retrieved from

Scholarswing (2017) Class 12/ +2 Physics Wave Options. Retrieved from

No author/ No Data. Ray (optics). Wikipedia: Retrieved from

No author/ no data. The Law of Refraction. OpenStaxCollege. (License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ) Retrieved from



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